《Kain, The Apocalypse Overlord》Chapter 21 | Wall
The forest continued without end in sight, but the fire seemed to have been blocked by an invisible wall as the flames raged constantly against it and did not manage to advance.
Beth: What the hell…
Miranda: …wow.
Kain: “Well… this helps clearing up some things.”
Wiping the sweat of his forehead with his hand, he reached into the plastic bag to retrieve a plastic bottle and drank water from it. It felt warm and the bottle was scorching hot, but it was better than dehydrating to death.
Beth: Hey. Can we get som--Ah!
Feeling refreshed and excited about this finding, he threw the bottle behind him without looking, after closing the cap. Stepping forward, he waited a little for the fire to calm down before continuing and touching the invisible wall. He wasn’t the only as Miranda and Beth did the same.
Beth: What is this?
Miranda: Strange. It doesn’t feel like anything solid. "I am not one to believe in this sort of things, but everything that I have seen till now with this... I would have to be completely stupid to not trust what is laying right in front of my own eyes."
Kain spared a quick glance to the mature woman before returning his gaze upfront. He was having the same reaction as her.
Kain: “Could this wall possibly be made of wind? Was it a pokémon? Even then…”
Sparing a quick glance to his doggo beside him, that was licking its business, he even then couldn’t wrap his head around it. How could a pokémon do this? Was there such a strong pokémon? He couldn’t recall one that strong from his childhood.
Kain: We are wasting time here. We should get going. Or do you want to stay here and roast.
Closing his eyes for a moment, to clear his mind and put that matter to the side, he turned around and began to walk away while speaking towards the two women, who were distracted by feeling the wall.
Beth: Of course not. Let’s go.
Miranda: “Weird. I thought this was what he was looking for, but he doesn’t seem that happy.”
Beth: Mom, are you okay?
Miranda: I am fine sweetie.
Kissing her precious daughter in the forehead, the two of them soon followed the young man, once again venturing into the burning forest.
After venturing into the burning forest and scorching ground once more, they were presented with a tough situation. Laying in front of them was a line without end of the forest burning fiercely, the flickering flames raging like serpentines towards the sky followed by black smoke that clouded the whole sky in black. In front of them stood a creature they had never seen before, it looked to be injured from the number of burns and bruises covering its body. It had a resemblance to a praying mantis, although a far bigger and ferocious-looking one.
It was a bipedal insectoid creature. Its body looked to be primarily green with a thin cream-colored section between its head, thorax, and abdomen. Its pair of narrow, triangular eyes were gazing fiercely at Kain and Escan, from its reptilian head with three blunt horns that extended from its forehead. A glint could be seen from its large white scythes under the sunlight, that corresponded to its upper limbs. A single pair of cream-colored wings extend from its back, which looked to give it the ability to fly. Its thighs have large, upward-pointing spikes. And, finally, its feet are tall and almost extend to its thighs, rounded, and conical; with each foot ending on three small, white claws on its front side.
Kain: Isn’t that something.
Although the abnormal praying mantis before him looked injured, Kain felt threatened by its sheer size and scythes at the end of its arms. With that in mind, he immediately summoned Nev out of its poke ball to his side.
Beth: What is the hell is that?
Kain wasn’t the only one feeling surprised by the sheer size of the creature, as both of the women felt the same. In fact, they had a better view of it since they were standing right behind Kain, they were able to use his figure to roughly compare with that of the creature. The difference in height wasn’t big between them, which showed how big this praying mantis was.
Miranda: “This could do. Let’s see how he handles this creature.”
Narrowing her gaze, the mature woman tapped on her daughter’ shoulder, before slowly backing away while signaling Beth to do the same.
Kain: “No matter how injured it might look, a wounded dog can still bite ferociously.” Escan. Ember.
At the same time, he gave orders to his pokémon, he reached into his jeans’ right pocket and retrieved a knife while Escan opened its mouth spewing flames at the opposite creature.
Kain: “In this terrain I doubt I can use Nev, we--- huh?”
With his vision slightly obscured by the Ember of Escan, he wasn’t able to see clearly, but he was able to notice the big praying mantis disappearing all of sudden. He couldn’t’ even start to feel astonished by the speed displayed by the creature, when he felt something causing him to jump back.
Kain: Hurrg… fuck..
Beth: Kain!
Miranda: “This doesn’t look good.”
Sliding to a stop, the young man looked down at his forearm before clutching it with his other hand, even then blood slipped between his fingers while pain assaulted his whole body from the rash and sudden movements, he just done, together with the wound he had obtained. Where he previously stood was the insectoid creature as blood flowed down the blade of its right scythe to the tip before dripping to the ground.
His pokémon angrily reacted to seeing their trainer getting hurt, with Nev squeaking before jumping at the praying mantis, and Escan growling at the same creature before attempting to take a bite out of it.
The praying mantis swiftly dodged the attacks of the two pokémon by jumping up and using its wings to gain distance away from them, back to its original place when it appeared before them.
Kain: “Asshole… I am going to fuck you up.”
Gritting his teeth to bear through the pain on his arm, he unwrapped the shirt around his head, that was serving as a mask, and cut it a little at the waist before wrapping it around on his forearm before doing the same with the rest of the shirt on his head to serve as a mask. Even then the wound on his arm was so big that the piece of cloth he used, had already turned red from the blood.
Looking up in anger, he found his pokémon fiercely fighting the big praying mantis. Although they were two and the praying mantis was injured, it was visible that they didn’t have the advantage. The other creature was far agile in comparison to the two, not to mention they were fighting without his instructions.
Kain: “You can forget about getting out of here alive.” Escan! Fall back then Ember! Nev! Hyper Attack!
As he ordered his pokémon, he started to walk rapidly towards them. Escan and Nev, on the other hand, reacted somewhat slow to his words but followed them nonetheless.
The praying mantis didn’t stay idle and waited for them to attack as well. Backing away to dodge the jaws of Nev, it swung one of its scythes at the purple rodent, but it couldn’t follow through with its attack before having to retreat once more at the threat of the approaching flames from Escan.
Kain: Escan! Don’t stop! Nev! Attack its back with Quick Attack!
More flames rushed at the swift praying mantis from the growlithe, while the purple rat started running through the hot and scorching ground.
This time around the big praying mantis didn’t have time to counterattack either the attacking dog, the running rat, or the approaching human, as it was too busy dodging and escaping the numerous Embers.
The big praying mantis was dodging the incoming Embers when it felt something tackling it from its back, causing it to lose its balance and slow down its dodge on the rapidly approaching flames. It couldn’t even begin to screech in rage and pain, when a cluster of dust appeared on its vision. It didn’t end there, as a shadow moved like a snake towards its body.
Screeching loudly, the big praying mantis retreated away with the help of its pair of wings.
Kain: Escan. Build up your next attack. Nev. Quick Attack with Hyper Fang.
Standing beside his pokémon, Kain gave them new orders while the knife he previously held was nowhere in sight, instead there were burn marks and remnants of ashes on the palm of his left hand.
Kain: “He is one strong and determined bastard. Too bad that I don’t have a poke ball with me.”
Seeing the big praying mantis getting attacked by Nev, the young man shook his head at the regret he was feeling momentarily at not being able to catch such a good pokémon.
Kain: Fire.
Seeing the blinded praying mantis struggling to keep standing, he decided to end its misery with Escan opening its mouth letting out a big Ember, which engulfed the big praying mantis in a bundle of fire, burning it to its death.
Beth: …
Miranda: …
Meanwhile, the two women were shocked by the fight that occurred just now in front of them, as a black portal appeared out of nowhere next to the burnt corpse of the insectoid pokémon.
Kain: “Strange. I thought it would appear back in camp or where this pokémon spawned. Could it be that its different with the one of the school?”
Beth: Mom?
The young woman was still in shock when she saw her mother move forward towards Kain.
Miranda: Let me see it.
Kain: Huh?
He was so immersed in his fight against the big praying mantis that he had completely forgotten about the women, looking over to the mature woman he saw her with her arms extended.
Kain: What do you want?
Miranda: … it looks bad. Why were you so reckless? There were other ways you could have done it.
Ignoring his indifferent and cold gaze, she reached to his left hand and looked over it. The burns and ashes on the palm of his hand to the blood dripping from the improvised ‘gauze’, complemented with the scars throughout his body, and the battle he had just undergone, would scare anyone, for example, Beth, but not Miranda.
Kain: It had to be done. It’s better this way. We should get going.
Pulling back his arm from her grasp, he recalled his pokémon back to their respective poke balls before walking towards the black portal.
Miranda: … “He just might be able to kill that cunt.”
Looking at his back, the mature woman felt that his words previously were more believable this time around. The fight she just witnessed was able to clear some doubts she was having and help her resolve her mind on what to do. It was an unique power in her view.
Kain: You should hurry up. This is the way out of this hell.
The pair of mother and daughter quickly rushed to the black portal at his words. They desperately wanted to get out of there. Like he said, it was a literally hell and they were desperately wanted to get out to drink to sooth their dry and hurt throats before taking a long bath.
Beth: Mom!
Beth was about to take off and run away from there, after feeling that they had gotten out of the dungeon, when a hand grasped her wrist and pulled her back. She still hadn’t recovered completely from being poisoned together with being slightly weakened after spending too much time with the ambient temperature high. She was about to fight back against Kain, until she saw that it was her own mother and not the young man holding her back.
Beth: What are you doing!? Now is the time to get away from him!
A slap sounded throughout the area they were in, creating even an echo in the temple right beside them. Looking at the two of them, Kain had his eyes bulged in shock at finding that Miranda had just slapped her own daughter. He was feeling to tired to stop them, but he also knew that they weren’t in any good condition to run away or run fast, for that matter, otherwise he would haven’t called back all of his pokémon.
Miranda: Now you better open your ears and listen closely to me young lady.
Beth: …
The shock Beth had just received still hadn’t settle when her mother started speaking.
Miranda: There is nothing in the world that I love more than you. But you have to realize that things are changing.
Beth: …. niff… w-what are you talking about?
Crying her eyes out, Beth could barely utter the words.
Miranda: We are currently standing before a gold mine, and you want to leave?
Kain: “You little minx.”
Seeing what she was doing, Kain smiled at her. It seems that he was correct in his evaluation of her, she was opportunistic and smart. Although she looked to be too much open about it, he felt it was also her own way of telling him her intentions.
Miranda: Didn’t you see that praying mantis? Don’t you understand sweetie. Correct me if I am wrong Kain, but isn’t there a way to catch those creatures?
Kain: If you want to talk about those matters then take my hand again. “I made sure Nev was keeping an eye out when we were coming into the forest, but I don’t want to talk about this out in the open. The problem is that we have close to no water… Escan and Nev are hurt…”
Touching the golden question mark with his hurt hand, he extended his other hand towards the women while ignoring the popping up panel.
Miranda: … what is that?
Kain: What are you talking about?
Looking behind him to see what they were talking about he found nothing, returning his gaze towards them he still found them with that silly expression on their faces.
Miranda: That question mark… how is it possible… there wasn’t anything like that before… could it be…
The words of Miranda shocked Kain more than he possibly had been after coming to this world. They could see it? How were they able to see it now?
Kain: You better take my hand right now.
Narrowing his eyes and exuding a dangerous aura, he grabbed onto his poke balls. He was ready to kill the two women right here, right now, if come pushes the shove.
A chill ran down the backs of the two women as they unconsciously took a step back. Just as Beth was ready to run away, she felt a hand pressuring her shoulder and pushing her forward.
Kain: Good.
Touching them with his backhand, the three of them were teleported inside the dungeon, again.
Miranda: Can you begin to explain?
A little more used to the sickening feeling of entering the dungeon, they managed to not throw up but the splitting headache they had from going through that hell, in the last dungeon, worsened up considerably.
Kain: “This isn’t possible… why are they able to see it now… are they able to see this dungeon only or others? Are they only ones or are the rest able to see them now as well?”
Struggling to calm down his mind, he started by summoning Escan to keep an eye out. He knew that if the existence of the dungeons was revealed it would cause massive wave throughout the whole world. The emergence of trainers like him would soon become a commodity for the powerful and rich. Sure, he had the advantage, but he would quickly lose it in no time. He reckoned that it wouldn't take more than a day for someone to surpass the current him.
Kain: “I need to confirm things up first.” Tell me exactly what you saw.
Miranda: … it was a golden question mark that looked like it was alive, pulsating even.
Beth: …
Seeing the angry and murderous gaze he had on his blue eyes, she felt that what she had just seen was something more important than she gave it credit. Connecting the dots, she was able to determine that it was some sort of index or key to the dungeons.
Meanwhile, Beth had laid on the ground looking up at the beautiful and clear sky with the bright sun hung up high. She had recognized the surroundings upon entering the dungeon, as such she was depressed about it. She still hadn’t realized why her mother did what she did.
Kain: “At least I can confirm that she is able to see it… now I need to confirm if others are able to see it. That is the more important thing to do after clearing the dungeon.” What else did you see?
Miranda: Huh? What else?
Looking over at her daughter for clarification, she soon shook her head at the depressed look that was washed over Beth’ face.
Miranda: There was nothing else.
Kain: “So the panel only appears to the person touching the question mark.” fffff… let’s see… what you just saw is the portal, gate or key, whatever you would like to call it, to enter the dungeon. From my experience till now you have to touch it and will it to enter the dungeon.
Miranda: “Like I thought. That is why he was so angry and ready to kill us. He still doesn’t trust us, but I am going to change that about him.” You heard what I said to my daughter. What do you think?
Smiling in her mind, she took out the t-shirt around her head, flipped her hair and started breathing the fresh and refreshing air with her head slightly inclined to the side and batting her eyelids seductively.
Kain: You really think that is going to work on me? You could even be Aphrodite herself. If I don’t like you.
At the same time, he spoke, he started approaching the mature woman giving her bad vibes.
Kain: I kill you.
Putting his hand on her throat, he looked directly in her eyes. It didn´t end just there, Escan also closed the distance and was growling at her, ready to attack the black woman.
Miranda: … i-I un-nders-stand
She could barely utter her words without stuttering. It wasn't due to him chocking her, which he wasn’t, but rather to the fear she was feeling because of his eyes and Escan.
Kain: Good. Even if you wanted to get one of them, you would have to do things that I am sure you wouldn’t be comfortable with.
Miranda: W-what a-re you talking about?
Kain: Do you think that you can simply go and capture one of those creatures?
Miranda: No… I was expecting---
Kain: What? My help? Why the hell would I do such a thing? I see no benefit to it when I can just catch them for me, not to mention that I don’t—
Miranda: --trust me. Yes. You said it multiple times already.
Miranda interrupted him timely since she already knew what he was going to say.
Kain: It’s still the truth. Not to mention the amount of work it will be required.
Miranda: You know if you simply let down those thick walls of yours, we could have a better relationship than this.
Kain: I like the way I am. If you were looking at it from my point of view, you were the one always trying to escape and use me.
Miranda: … I can’t kill her. Anything else I will do it.
Thinking for a long time, Miranda sighed and simply agreed with whatever he wanted expect her bottom line, Beth. She knew that she had to jump on the boat while she could, otherwise she could already see her situation in the future.
Kain: I am getting tired of those words of yours. Hey you.
Talking to Miranda, he approached the fallen Beth and started to kick her lightly on the shoulder.
Beth: What are you doing!?!
Kain: Go take a walk.
Beth: Are you fucking kidding me!?! Go fuck yourself! I didn’t want to be here as well, but---
Kain: Escan.
The rambling of Beth ended shortly at the sight of the growling growlithe, causing her to step back in fear, all the way to the forest nearby
Miranda: Hey Kain.
Kain: You quiet. Escan. Protect her.
Kain: With that out of the way. Get naked.
Seeing the young black woman out of sight, he turned towards her mother and spoke.
Miranda: Huh? I thought you didn’t want me for my charm.
Kain: Don't kid yourself? I am a young man like any other. Do you think I am some monk to remain undisturbed after being around you and your daughter while you were walking around almost naked? I am not a man made of steel.
Miranda: So what? You will help me in exchange of my body?
Kain: Essentially.
Miranda: … you do know that I have a husband.
Kain: Don’t care.
Miranda: … ok.
Watching her slowly remove her clothes excited the hell out of Kain, it as he previously noticed although Miranda didn’t have a bombshell body like Maria and Bliss, she was still very thick and curvy. He started to feel uncomfortable on his pants, when he laid his eyes on her with only a white panty and nothing else.
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