《Kain, The Apocalypse Overlord》Chapter 19 | Plan
Seeing the look on her face, Kain could guess what she was thinking about and it wasn’t anything that he liked to see.
Miranda: Of course not. I was just curious about how to break the news to her.
Looking up at and seeing his narrowed eyes and menacing gaze, the gorgeous mature woman felt a chill run down her back. Just as he guessed what she was thinking, she was also able to understand his process of thoughts. In other words, if she slipped right at this crucial moment, she was certain that he would kill Beth or her, or, even, the both of them.
Kain: Is that so… well Beth, it’s pretty simple. Your mother and I made a deal that I would help you while in return she would serve me. Was that so hard?
Miranda: …
Beth: m—mo-m is that true?
Miranda: Yes.
Although she wanted to refute him, she saw that it wasn’t the wisest choice. Meanwhile, Beth felt as if she was hit by a lightning bolt, she didn’t know what was going on anymore. She already realized that the two of them had fallen under the grasp of this demonic young man, and that this accord between her mother and Kain didn’t mean anything considering their situation. The thing was… what it implied. It was the same as a boss ordering a worker to do something, in comparison to a worker ordering another worker. The two were similar and different at the same time.
Kain: With that clear. You. Finish what you were doing earlier.
Miranda: … I understand.
Wiping his sweat from his forehead, he started to rotate his arms around while ordering his new subordinate, Miranda. It was clear to even a blind man the reluctance of the mature woman, but she couldn’t say no to him.
Kain: As for you. You would do well in not moving too much for now. Although the poison seemed to have been cured, it doesn’t mean your condition is good. The pain and damage from the pain should be lingering.
Beth said nothing in response to him, as she simply tried to get up and help her mother, only to fall on her butt the next moment. Her legs didn’t seem to answer her while her whole body ached in pain.
Shaking his head from side to side, he ignored the women and instructed his pokémon to keep a watch on them and their surroundings. Having nothing left to do, he started to exercise by doing push-ups, sit-ups, jumping squats, (…).
[20 Minutes Later]
Miranda: ff… hfff… huff... Kain… can we please get something to eat?
The two women were covered in sweat, dust, and dirt, their breathing was erratic and heavy. Initially it was only Miranda that was working in building the wall, around the open space, but Beth resolved to help her mother, despite the protests of the last one.
They were exhausted from all the work and, above all else, hungry, and thirsty. Considering what they had went through during the day, coupled with the fact of them working under sunlight, it was pushing their physical and mental limits. Miranda was beginning to feel a headache and an agonizing pain in her stomach area, while Beth felt nauseous and her head hot.
This was without considering the psychological and mental confrontations and exhaustion against Kain. They never thought of wishing so much a bed to sleep right now. Such a basic desire that wouldn’t be of anyone in modern society, but it was what the pair of women wanted right now the most. Well… that and wishing that everything that happened since they woke up this morning to be a dream, or, in the case of it being true, getting away from Kain.
The young man in question was finishing another set of push-ups. Stopping momentarily with his whole body trembling and in pain, he gazed to the side before returning to his exercise.
Kain: No.
He struggled to utter the words through the hardship and pain.
Beth: … come on! We already did what you want from us! And we are starving!
Kain: ffffffff….
Breathing out, he got on his knees before sitting on the ground and looked at the two of them. The scene he gazed upon was alluring even though they were both dirty and messy, as that, for some reason, added some certain sexiness to the scene. The sweat making their skin glowing under the sunlight, the clothes stuck on them, for the same reason, which amplified their big assets, their hair was tied into a bun after it bothered them the heat on their necks and how messy it was.
Kain: Good job. Now bring this away from here.
Taking a quick glance around, to see their work, he saw that they had completed the wall and even increased it’s height, although it was unnecessary for what he had in mind, but he wasn’t going to complain. Stretching his arm, he patted on the metallic bottle Miranda had brought.
Miranda: … I am not going to even question why at this moment, but can we eat something after it?
Beth: Or at least a cup of water.
Kain: Sure.
Miranda: Sweetie, help me.
Beth: Where are we supposed to put it?
Kain: Somewhere far away. Around 20 to 30 meters should be enough.
The two women picked up the metallic bottle and carried it away, they weren’t alone in going into the forest as Escan was accompanying them.
Beth: h…ff… mom.
Miranda: … hfff… yes sweetie.
Beth: W..what do you think… he is planning… on doing… with this?
The two were struggling to carry the heavy metallic object. Not only were they tired, hungry and thirsty, the rough and uneven terrain didn’t help them.
Miranda: …I… have… no idea sweetie. But… I don’t think… it is anything good.
Beth: I think… its enough… don’t you?
Miranda: Yes.
Putting down the heavy object, they wondered what use he had on bringing it with them and having them carried it to such a place. After all, what they were carrying was nothing more, nothing else, than a gas bottle. It wasn’t one of the industrial big ones, but rather one used in domestic households, at the same time, it was one already used.
The two women weren’t braindead. Although it was debatable whenever they were dumb or not, especially Beth, they were able to guess what his plan was. The thing was that they didn’t want to believe it as it was too dangerous and stupid plan to follow through.
Kain: Good job.
Beth: Ah! What are you doing here?
Suddenly hearing his familiar voice, caught them off guard, with Beth almost jumping in surprise. Looking behind they found him looking at them with that demonic rodent on his shoulder, he was more precisely looking at their butts. It was subtle and he did it rarely, but he wasn’t a monk, nor a eunuch nor homosexual to not appreciate a nice work of art.
Miranda: You are not planning on doing what I am thinking, are you?
Kain: I don’t know.
Beth: You are mad. If this goes wrong, then—
Kain: You are more than welcome to stay here, in the blast zone, or you can come with me.
Interrupting the beautiful young woman, he beckoned the two of them over with his indicator finger.
Beth suddenly felt a hand over her hair a soft and warm feeling on her left cheek, it was no other than Miranda hugging her head with her right arm and kissing her daughter on the forehead.
Miranda: Let’s go sweetie.
Beth: … ok.
Miranda: Aren’t you coming?
The two women soon passed by the young man and the rodent, as he continued staying in his place, without moving.
Kain: You go ahead. Nev.
The pair of mother and daughter couldn’t react to the purple rat jumping towards them in the next moment, they subconsciously backed away from it but it was futile as Nev climbed through their clothes rapidly and settled on Miranda’ left shoulder.
Kain: Escan. Come here boy.
Getting away from the metallic gas bottle as possible, while still being able to see it. He stared at it in the distance while ruffling his doggo’ fur.
Kain: I want you to fire an ember at it. Then I want you to run with me. Ok?
Kain: Good boy.
Seemingly understanding each other, he prepared himself to run as fast as possible while keeping an eye on the situation. It was something essential for him to do, as even with that Escan would be able to catch and pass by him. That was the difference between their physical abilities, more precisely their speed.
Small flames could be seen forming and flickering in the corners of the growlithe’ mouth, it was building up the Ember inside it’s mouth before releasing it in full force.
Kain: Let’s go!
Seeing the flame hurled towards the gas bottle, the human and dog started to run away in the opposite direction, as the sound of an explosion sounded behind them.
Kain: Go.
Ordering his pokémon to continue, he spared a glance back and saw the forest burning brightly and furiously.
Kain: Done. Now let’s see the limits of this dungeon.
Reaching the open space, he carefully went over the wall while Escan simply jumped up high to trespass it. Looking up ahead he saw the pair of mother and daughter gazing back at him.
Kain: “Now we just have to wait.”
[15 Minutes Later]
Kain, Beth and Miranda were standing around in a circle as they tried to endure the scorching heat, it was related to the change of their surroundings. Looking around they could see the fire burning fiercely, consuming anything in it’s path. What was stopping the flickering and raging flames from burning or injuring them was the wall around the open space, although there were some sparks from the burning trees that spiked past the wall, it didn’t reach them as the wall was built with some space away from them. The smoke and burning air of the fire was disturbing them, as they tied their t-shirts and shirts to their heads to serve as masks, which in result exposed the beautiful and curvy bodies of Betha and Miranda, and the scarred and scary one of Kain.
Beth was sleeping soundly with her head resting on her mother’ thigh, after the day that she had who could blame her. Miranda, on the other hand, was gazing with her eyes narrowed and focused at the young man opposite to her, that had a rodent on his lap.
Miranda: What is your plan?
Kain: Can’t you see.
Smiling a little he pointed to the burning surroundings, while caressing Nev’ head that had nested itself on his lap. As for Escan, he was sleeping soundly right beside it’s trainer.
Miranda: You know what I mean.
Kain: …
Miranda: Beth told me everything. Although she didn’t realize who he is, I know who she was talking about.
Even then the young man didn’t give her a response as he simply enjoyed caressing his pokémon.
Miranda: It isn’t just anyone that has a woman like that carrying a weapon around. You are in serious trouble if he is coming after you.
Kain: Are you worried for my sake?
This time it was Miranda’ turn of not answering him.
Kain: Isn’t that something. I thought you hated me.
Miranda: Stop kidding around. I know him and—
Kain: No. You don’t.
Looking up at her, they locked gazes as he interrupted her in a serious tone.
Kain: You know shit about what I have been through or what is even going on. Just like your slut of a daughter.
Miranda: … watch your mouth. That is my daughter you are talking about.
Although her voice didn’t raise, but the tone and her expression were sufficient in telling her state.
Kain: You just have to ask your daughter about the whole version.
Miranda: … what are you talking about?
Kain: If you heard the rumors of what the cunt, my supposed father, did to me, then you must also have heard about what happened in the school. Right?
Clarity was apparent on Miranda’ eyes as she looked down at her daughter connecting all of the dots. She finally understood his behavior towards her daughter in comparison to hers, he didn’t threaten or attempted to kill her as much as he did Beth.
Kain: I don’t even expect you to understand, but what you should get in your head is that there is no way out unless I die. “Status”
No longer paying attention to the gorgeous mature woman, he called out his stats, to see the progress he had done, Miranda was still staring at him. What he said was the truth and she knew of it. She was aware of the rumor of her daughter’s boyfriend and her friends ganging up and beating up Kain. Considering that the rumor of his father was real, then she assumed that the one about Tom was the same.
Name: Kain Eldrich
Job: Student
Level: 15
Strength – 4
Vitality – 5
Endurance – 5
Dexterity – 4
Intelligence – 25
Wisdom – 37
Kain: “I should also check the ones of Nev and Escan.”
Rattata - Male
Level 17
Energy – 110/110
Moves - Quick Attack, Hyper Fang
Growlithe - Male
Level 16
Energy – 110/110
Moves - Ember
Kain: "Their energy still hasn't gone up... could it have some sort of requirement? Or is it at a certain level?"
There was a reason why Kain didn’t train Escan to acquire Quick Attack and such like Nev, he wanted for the two of them to have different roles. On one hand he had a glass canon (Nev), on the other he wanted a master of fire and heat.
Kain: “How did their level go up so much? The pokémon they faced in this dungeon doesn’t explain these levels. Could it be? ….” mmmm....
He could barely hold his laugh in when he thought about the only explanation to the levels of his pokémon. It didn’t have anything to do with the pokémon of the dungeon they were in. No. It had to do with the fact of them killing humans. He was almost certain that was the case, but, at the same time, it brought a mad and terrible thought to his mind, since the amount of exp was pretty big.
It was something that would terrify anyone that knew this new ‘Kain’. Should he go on a killing spree to harvest exp?
Fortunately, this thought was short live when he counterbalanced the consequences and benefits of such actions.
Kain: “It’s going to take a while for all of it to burn. I should also check the remaining profiles I obtained from the classroom.”
Sparing a quick glance to their surroundings, he knew that it was going to take some time for it to stop.
1.73m / 78kg
Rachel is someone new to the city. She arrived to Milory two years ago with her mother, because of work. She is someone known to be reserved which only worsened when witnessing the abuse Kain suffered, especially since he was the only one nice to her. She currently only has one friend, which is Tyna. Her lack of confidence affects all of her life, including her grades and behaviour. She hates her mother for ignoring her situation, which increased when they came to the island Mitera.
Likes you.
Kain: “Interesting. She could be of some use.”
Just as he was going to see the other profiles he had obtained in the classroom, he was a little taken back in not finding them. He was certain that there at least four or five of them. Why was there only one(Rachel)?
While he was wondering he soon understood the reason behind it, although he wasn’t certain about it. There had been a somewhat shocking event that occurred recently that could cause such changes – The Alley Event.
There wasn’t anything else that he had done that could possibly cause such occurrence.
At least so he thought.
Little did he know that the major factor on why the profiles disappeared was due to what happened in the bathroom, where the entire school came to know of the death of a colleague of theirs. Not to mention that it wasn’t just any colleague, it was Daisy. The known most popular girl in the school. At the same time, the disappearance of Beth was placed on Kain without any hesitation or doubt.
Scratching a little his eyes, due to the irritation from the burning air, he slowly placed Nev down and tapped it with it’s poke ball. He was doing it with his little partner since he knew that it was going to get worse from here on out, the temperature would continue to increase, the smoke would start to overflow them together with the burning air. He didn’t do the same with Escan since he believe that it’s resistance towards fire would help in this case and that he needed it’s presence to keep the two women in check. Meanwhile, Miranda had her eyes bulge in surprise and curiosity towards the marvel of an object it was the poke ball.
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