《The Robomechanic Wanderer》Chapter 15 - Snuggly & Chirp-a-lot


The trio decided on a tier II structure. About a 45 minutes walk from Galley. Called the old farmhouse. Do they packed their last bottles of water and rations. Then set off when it was still morning.

"Ahhh finally I am able to explore the world again! I was getting sick of being stuck in the same excuse of a village for so long."

Sophie said while stretching herself with her rod hanging beside her jeans with a belt around it. She also wore a baggy shirt so that she is able to move more freely. It is still quite a while from the village.

"Hoho! The Ronald expedition team is read to take control of another fallen beauty. Go forth my friends and we shall make the name of Golden Chance. Famous throughout Lareyville!"

Ronald was in front of the group and was wearing a blouse, smart jeans and a hat on top. While also wearing a backpack on his bag with pretty much everything they still had left back at home.

The tribe were supposed to follow a old sand road. Because before the world changed this wasn't exactly the most developed region of Gavil. Lareyville city was kind of the only wealthy city in this region. Because of this it was mainly surrounded with villages rather then towns. However Lareyville city didn't exactly have the most clean sheet. So there were a lot of people who decided to start a farm outside the city. Because they simply were safer out there and enjoyed the calmness of the farmlands.

So the trio continued to walk along this lonely road which leads to the tier II structure. With this road likely just being as quiet as it was before the world changed.

Along the way they found some birds looking at them. However those weren't robot ones this time around. Sophie sighed in relief that there were still normal animals. The birds looked curious at Sophie while she was inspecting them throughly. While she doesn't even realise it just yet.


After walking for about 30 minutes along this path. They started to see something in the distance. As the group walked closer the building also became more visible. It was a classic farmhouse and barn surrounded with a fence.

"Hmm this gives me nostalgia to my grandparents old ranch." Ronald said when he saw a glimpse of the farmhouse.

"It does look to be abandoned though. No life to be seen. All lights are out and nothing moving over there. Also no sounds of tractors or anything. Just an emptiness really" Sophie said

"Yeah that is understandable. I mean if this truly is a so-called structure now swarmed with killer robots. Who in their right mind would want to stay there?" Ronald responded to Sophie

As they walked closer they got a notification on their devices.

You entered the tier II structure: Old farmhouse.

Bronze: Clear the group at the entrance

Silver: Clear the barn

Gold: Clear the farmhouses ground floor.

They looked at the entrance gate and it was indeed guarded by three robo-rats. Who were nibbling on some wheat plants. Collin checked and saw that their level were all 4.

The trio readied their weapons and the robo-bird and Robo-Rat went to the front.

The robo-rats noticed and stopped eating the wheat plants and wandered over to the group.

The three robo-rats all hit the tribe's robo-rat. With that he lost about 8 hp having only 4 left.

Collin sighed and went ahead to use the quick repair skill healing two extra hp. The robo-bird then spread their claws and grabbed the middle robo-rats tail and went airborne with the rat waddling underneath the bird.

The two robo-rats looked really concerned about their robo-friend but quickly got hit by the aoe attack of Sophie. Ronald threw one of his tossing knives at the waddling rat. The robo-bird however gave Ronald a glare and started chirping violently. Because someone else just dared to hit their prey!


Collin didn't even want to see this sight and decided to cuddle with his old pal who once more was in his party. The rat wagging it's tail somehow thanks to the attention he got from his old friend. Meanwhile Ronald and the bird were still exchanging chirps to each other. Yeah seriously Ronald was chirping at the bird. Because he seems to think that will improve their communication skills.

However the cuddling party was quickly disturbed when the two grounded rats were attacking Collin. Dealing about 6 damage. Meanwhile the airborne rat was still flailing in the sky. But the bird had enough and dropped the rat onto his comrades on the ground dealing about 6 damage to them and 10 to the airborne rat.


Congratulations your robo-bird thought themselves the skill sky-raid.

Collin did another quick repair onto his robo-rat healing him up with two more hp. The robo-rat was ready and really pissed and furiously charged at one of the two rats who dared to attack their owner and did a bite attack. However rather then a quick bite they refused to let go of the rat which made the rat lose more hp over time and to no one's suprise another system notification came up.

Robo-Rat thought themselves the bite on Attack?

After a while the robo-rat threw the allied rat off. After he lost about 5 hp.

Robo-Bird and Ronald were still having their strange conversation entirely forgetting that they were in a battle.

Sophie hit a gyro ball on the right rat dealing about 8 damage.

Then the rats started to bite onto their companion that just fell out of the sky by some reason. They then started standing on their back legs and catapulted their companion onto the bird that was still chirping with Ronald. The birds eyes widened on the impact and crashed onto the ground. While the bird was still alive the same couldn't be said about the poor soul that just got catapulted.

The trio just looked at the train wreck not even being surprised anymore after all the stuff they saw in just this fight.

The two rats looked at the pile of scraps that remained of their fallen companion and then they looked at each other and started to aggressively squeak at each other.

Ronald backstabbed the most damaged one finishing them off. While Sophie finished the other one off with another gyro ball.

Congratulations you achieved the bronze clear reward of the abandoned farmhouse!

Robo-Rat levelled up to level 6!

Collin saw three magic screws laying around and picked them up and put them in his components bag.

He then picked up his rat, who enjoyed it throughly and they walked towards the entrance. While the bird and Ronald still had their discussion.

Collin realised it might be a good idea to actually name his robots. So he opened up the minion menu and named his rat Snuggly and the bird Chirp-a-lot.

Suddenly snuggly started squeaking happily and chirp-a-lot stopped paying attention to Ronald and started happily circling around Collin.

Congratulations your bond with Snuggly and Chirp-a-lot have been improved.


Snuggly (Robo-Rat) - Level 6 - 18/18 HP

Chirp-a-lot (Robo-Bird) - Level 3 - 15/15 HP

Satisfied the group opened the front door of the barn and entered.

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