《The Robomechanic Wanderer》Chapter 13: Battle at the cigar store pt2


With Collin having only about 7 hp left and his steel boar being nothing but a pile of ash. It started to look grim for the trio. Collin decided to drink his health potion, restoring himself back to full health.

Robo bird did a flight attack at the second archer, finishing this imp off. Ronald went for two regular attacks thanks to his DEX.

Going for the middle imp, afterwards Sophie targeted the same imp with her gyro ball, which finished the middle melee imp off.

With this only two melee imps were left. Which made finishing them off easy.

The two imps wanted to target the robo-bird, Collin commanded the robo-bird to fly up high knowing their low hp. Which they did, giving up on the flying ball of steel, the imps targeted Sophie this time. But she managed to hold on with about 5 hp.

Collin commanded the robo-bird to come to him and used his quick-repair skill. Giving the bird some extra hp. Sophie remembered an attack she used in the tutorial level. So she raised her staff and planted it with her might in the ground. Hitting both imps and doing about 3 hp to each.

“Your kidding me.. with that move I can hit multiple enemies?” She said dumbstruck. Her smart device responded quickly.

“Yep you got a regular attack which serves as a AOE attack!”

Sophie looked confused at the device

“Flying steel helper, explain what is a so-called AOE attack?”

They responded

“An area of effect attack. This attack, effects an area rather then a target. When you raise your staff you can see a red circle, once you put the staff in the ground. All the targets within this circle will lose hp from your regular attack.”

“Ahh that’s very handy!” She said


Ronald tosses his knife to one of the two imps and he fell on the ground and exploded.

Ronald got a system notification.

Congratulations you thought yourself the knife toss attack. Beware that using this attack in exchange of high damage. Consumes the knife you threw. Ronald facepalmed feeling stupid. Because he doesn’t have a weapon anymore now.

The lone imp attacked Ronald as he is unarmed now. But nothing he couldn’t handle it was just one enemy after all. Next turn the robo-rat joined their party

robo-bird defeated the last imp.

Congratulations your party won a total of 150 EXP. Splitting it among the five of you. Everyone gains 30 exp.

Robo-Bird became level 3. While robo-rat became level 4. The troop gained a big chunk of their exp bar.


Your minion Steel Boar died so they got destroyed and have to be rebuilt if you wish to use them again. Note that the level will reset to level 1 and that any items that were equipped to them are also destroyed.

This notification pains Collin. Not only did they lose their tank but also the vitality leg that he had equipped. Now if he wish to rebuild the boar he once again needs to collect components and he sighed.

As they scavenge the house they did manage to find the pen at the desk hidden behind the cashier. Beside that they also managed to find a small locker box. Which contained to their surprise 60 RTP. They split it under each other and they gained 20 RTP each. Collin now had 120 RTP. Beside that there were five tossing knives which they handed to Ronald.

Humble beginning - Part 1:


Create a tribe with the following members:

Collin, Sophie and Ronald. (Succeeded)

Claim the house your residing in as the tribe hall of your new Tribe. (0/1) Craft a Tribehead desk. Gather 20 wood (0/20) Gather 30 paper (30/30) Gather a working pen (1/1) Claim the settlement of Galley (0/1)


They walked back to their base to store the resources they collected. They used one of the old baskets in this house for it. Once everything was stored they grabbed the axe to complete the last resources requirement.

Sophie and Ronald went along with Collin. Because they didn’t know how hard it would be to chop a tree within this new world. So they decided to rotate between themselves.

They went to a nearby oak tree and Collin started swinging with all his might.

+1 wood

He thought it was easier than expected. The system seems to have made it easier for regular folk to collect their resources. So he went ahead and got another swing in.

+1 wood

However now he suddenly felt really tired but not wanting to give in he went for another swing even though his arms felt numb.

+1 wood

Collin was tired and let himself lay down on the ground and he got a system notification.

You are exhausted because you reached your limit due to your ATK stat.

Ronald took over and managed to get 5 swings in before he got exhausted.

They now collected 8 wood and now it is Sophie’s turn. Who casually managed to collect 9 wood which gave them a total of 17 wood.

After Collin felt well again he chopped three more wood.

Humble beginning - Part 1:


Create a tribe with the following members:

Collin, Sophie and Ronald. (Succeeded)

Claim the house your residing in as the tribe hall of your new Tribe. (0/1) Craft a Tribehead desk. Gather 20 wood (20/20) Gather 30 paper (30/30) Gather a working pen (1/1) Claim the settlement of Galley (0/1)

Congratulations host, you now got enough resources to craft the ‘tribe head desk’. We will now be giving you the tribe headdesk recipe. With this item you can claim a base of operation for the golden chance.

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