《Retsuken Word》Chapter 9 The Mega Flame


"Tom Summer versus 1/4 horde!" Said the commentator. The yellow light had covered the area where the zombies that I met.

Which meant that I could no longer analyze my new condition.

Around me were 5 zombies that were already too close. In their turn they advanced towards me, they still needed two steps to be on me. I took the yellow metal tube. When I decided to take the tube, I had my doubts that I would be able to take the tube before the nearest zombie could reach me, since going to the back of the vehicle the space between the roof and the rear drawer, was one, however At my new height, what it would have taken for a normal human to get there probably if it had been two turns. When I realized I already had the tube in my hand. With which my shift is over. the zombies advanced being one step away from me the majority, then on my turn.

I remembered that I had to destroy their heads, so that they did not revive as N2 or level 2 zombies, since those wretches were much faster and smarter, in addition to having claws in their hands. Since normal zombies die of loss of blood or extreme trauma as a living person. But to the N2 you must cut off their heads. So, in one movement the heads of all the zombie flew off. In that movement I hit all the zombies in the neck with the tube, however, with my reach and my strength I beheaded them all to my surprise. They bodies fell like puppets that have cut the strings. Which means that when I leveled up recently what I saw was a fast state so it could be that right now I was a superhuman.

"Tom Summer has won! Collect your award, you deserve it!" Said the commentator.

In front of me appeared a silver gift box, with a blue bow, and 5 red coins with Lara Connor's face. On touching the things, the Omnivaiz said:

"Do you want to keep everything in your inventory? YES or NO."

"Woow, I have a virtual inventory!" I thought, but looking everywhere I saw too many zombies around, not necessarily walking towards me, but the best thing would be to find a safer place chect that out.

As I increased my size, I realized that I was naked. Which means I was going to have trouble finding a vagina for my snake.

Looking again at the items I had won, I said:


The parking lot was 25 meters from the pools. Suddenly I felt a chill. My instincts detected a danger coming from that direction. Then my eyes sharpened, and I saw a humanoid figure approach the window.

He was a man who had a greenish hue, turning to white in the area of his abdomen, however the rest of him was green, in his hands, he had claws, and on his shoulders he had a huge crocodile head, according to my calculations he could have of 3 to 4 meters high. He looks around as if looking for something, when his eyes met mine, I knew I was in trouble.


That crocodile man was surely the Magic Razanandrongobe, my vision was so good, that I could see that his mouth was spreading a little blood, in addition to looking wet. The most possible was that his magic allowed him to transform and adopt that size which meant that he had a powerful muscular density.

"Bodup!" My heart sounded loud. For the threat that would be on me

I started thinking, my options, to get away from this wretch from Magic Razana.

The university was in a dead-end street, since as in 2018 they had built the Trinity Mall on the right side of the U and only merchandise for that place entered there.

My mind began to work at full speed so, I opened Google Map somehow and began to see my options to escape from this place.

We could say that the university or the U, which was after Seventh Street and opposite Stevenson Street. In front of the University, there was a parking lot.

Diagonal to the left is a huge Social Security Administration building, and just like the General Hospital, which he preferred to avoid, because they were surely full of zombies.

Just to the left of the U, were the Bedrooms and after this the American Theater, which would be the perfect place for a giant like me to live, because of how high the ceiling is. The bad thing that I would have to enter dragging myself on the ground.

"You want to download Google map local guide of San Francisco 'Yes or No!' Said the Omnivaiz. Without thinking much, I said:

"Yes! What the Hell" Most likely, my body could connect to the wireless signal from the University.

On the right side of the university was the San Francisco Institute of Public Works, which are in charge of ensuring that water, electricity, gas is being given to all the inhabitants of San Francisco.

Exactly in front of the University there is a parking lot for the University students and the servers of the two buildings.

I think the best option is to run to the Oakley Armory, which is between 5th and 4th streets on Market Street. In this Armory if I was not mistaken between conventional weapons you could get the sword of all types and origin. Among them, I think I have seen a similar one to the Dragon Slayer from the 1989 Berserker anime.

The truth is that I have never used a sword, but I would train with it, like Gut does in the anime. The reason I choose this weapon is if I choose a smaller one it will surely look like a knife, in my hands in the worst case. if I survived this situation.

"Bodup Bodup!" Sound my heart again. Razana directed her killing intent at me. He jumped out of the window.


I started running towards the main gate of the university that was completely deformed. It looked like a large vehicle had run over it.

"Zip zip zip ...!" Suddenly it sounded like a giant zipper had been unzipped from behind me.

"Shit! How the hell he gets behind me so fast!... Bodup Bodup!" I thought.

"That monster wants to rape me!... Bodup Bodup!" But then I remembered that this monster was naked.

I looked over my shoulder, I saw a huge crack open in front of the university, in midair.

A huge silver scaly hands, grabs each side of dimensional crack, then I could feel that something more dangerous than Razana was emerging. Logically I continued running with more strength, towards outside.

An ominous yellow light, descended from the sky, as if the will of the world, tried to send power without limits, to his chosen one, however in weight to sound Metalcore music to at full lungs capacity.

"Crack!" A huge horned white dragon with blue eyes had jumped out of the crack, in front of the University.

"Horned Blue Eyes Dragon versus Razana and Everyone else!" Said the Commentator.

"What the hell?!" I was surprised to hear the name I gave the Razana being used, so calmly by the Commentator.

At this moment I was already on the gate, however my body froze once more time.

The moment I stood on the gate; the zombies who heard this sound turned in my direction.

However, the moment they felt the dangerous vibes of the Dragon, the zombies both outside and inside the campus, turned around and began to move away as quickly as possible from here. They were probably not as dead as I thought, which means that they had a survival instinct like animals.

Since my body could not move, then it was the turn of the colossal monster, then Razana was grabbed and The blue eye dragon bit his head off, Razana was a San Popa or great ant, he was still an ant like the rest of us.

"Roar Roar!" Roared, the Dragon, as if what he just ate, he like it.

"All my plans for nothing!" I thought. Then I saw that the dragon threw the rest of Razana body, into his mouth and ate it with great pleasure.

He looks at me, inhaling loudly and pointing in my direction. He opened his mouth, and I saw his insides turn red like lava.

"1 dragon + 1 lava + 1 open mouth =?" I thought.

"Shit! It is the Mega Flame! It's the Final Attack of the Horned Blue Eyes White Dragon, run for your Lives" Said the Commentator.

"What the Hell! He wants me to meet Razana" I said. Surely this was what the voice of the university was referring to, luckily my turn came. But seeing everything the dragon did in a moment, I could bet that that bastard was at least 4 times faster than me, and the bastard was spitting fire at me with the intention of killing me because of the U.

I thought for a moment about jumping to the second floor of the parking lot. This floor had large windows, which would allow me to walk in on the side and maybe turn around on my own. But from there I couldn't even get on my knees. But I could imagine the flames melting the facade of the building, and then filling the entire building with fire. The fire wouldn't have killed me, the explosions of the vehicles or the iron of the grenades would have been what would have really roasted me. I would have died, like Hansel and Gretel's witch, in the Candy's house.

A chill came to me with this bad idea, so I ran to the left side.

"Tom Summer has managed to escape from the Minerva University Dungeon, he has left the battlefield!" Said the commentator.

With what the yellow Ominous light stayed in the university gate, however when I looked in front of me, I saw a high wall of 10 meters of vehicles, stacked at the exit of this street. the university was in a street without exit. The distance to the wall was five blocks and the worst thing is that the zombies were huddled against that wall, I calculate that in total there were at least 4 hordes of zombies.

Then I felt an extreme heat.

"Ping Ping!" a bell rang like those of a ring sounded.


In this street we have an unequal fight. The fighter, in a black boxer, and more than 2 meters tall, this blue guy, has escaped from college Minerva, despite all the predictions he is known as Tom Summer. And the other corner about 5 blocks away 100 zombies trying to get out of here.

And all of them must face the lite Flame of the Minerva University, the Mega Flame of the Horned Blue Eye dragon, with temperatures between 850 ° C (1562 ° F) and 1200 ° C (2192 ° F). Enough heat to melt all the rock around here.


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