《Retsuken Word》The word change chapter 4 JulietX and ERomeo


15 minutes had passed of the countdown.

In order not to tire you, some boys made incredible transformations, but the transformations that were bloodcurdling, was the woman transformation, they turn into magical girls, anime girls, robotic girls, etc. Seeing the first transformation of the girls, I decided to start recording on my Ra Proxy X, as reference material for the future. The best part of this matter is what the boys and I, have been through. With my eyes wide open, the girls in front of us, before transforming, they remain as God sent them to the world, before completing the transformation, so I have enough material to give my self a Legendary masturbation. So, I'm just waiting to get home, so I can shake off my life.

From what I can tell you, that I am enjoying the fan service that the girls have given us, without realizing it, but not everything smells like roses. There were some gargoyles that made my eyes cry tears of blood, when I saw them. They horrible naked bodies, which became beautiful bodies with the power of that device. However, I put them on my list of cursed items that I should not touch in this life or the next. Which will give me nightmares forever.

Yue Èmó gave me a pinch, she smiled at me, like she was jealous, so I put all my attention on to her, and her beautiful body, her curves accentuated her Sex-appeal, her hair turned leafy red, and reached her hips, a sexy yellow nightgown covered her body, however it was technically transparent ... Man what hips she had! She was transforming with her device.

A yellow light covered her body, turning into a yellow lattes uniform, her nightgown it seems that it had shattered with the light that illuminated her, this lattes clothes started from the top, which covered her huge tits, which I swear it was a common size before. From there the clothes went down to the ankles. It would have been better without them, since everything was repainted, the tip of the nipples, the pussy, the buttocks, my penis was about to throw the semen through my eyes.

But I think she saw my gestures. She blushed and she was wrapped in armor, that only covered her private parts, at her waist was a scabbard with a ninja sword.

Her pupils disappeared from her eyes, turning white for a moment then her Id turned yellow for a moment. When I saw this I swallowed and apologized, she smiled at me and her pupils turned black again. Her smile was so sweet that it melted my heart. I couldn't believe that all that violence I saw in her blank eyes could exist in that woman.


Suddenly In my peripheral vision I saw a cartoon in the shape of a rabbit, that was heading towards us, at full speed.

When I look at is Id, it said:

"Roger Rabbit." He freshly jumped on Yue, and said:

"Jessica Rabbit my love finally found you!" He started kissing her like crazy and turning into an octopus, he started to touch, in areas that he shouldn't have.

"I've seen that name before!" I said, then I opened a browser in my Ra Proxy, and go to the Timynet. So, I found the name of this rabbit cartoon, Roger Rabbit was a character from a movie called: “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” from 1988, where Jessica was supposed to be his wife, in the movie, and the irony is that she looked like Roger Rabbet's wife.

Yue got angry, her eyes turned white, his hair turned into a knight's helmet, his ID turned to Yellow, a mark gas covered her face, and a red 60-second counter appeared in the air floating.

"Fight" appeared in the air floating written in blood. A red life bar appeared on Yue's head and another on Roger.

"Aaaaaaaaah!" Roger yelled. Yue had caught fire burning Roger for a few seconds, so he became a rabbit again, from there, she threw him to the ground.

In Yue's hands a chain appeared attached to a kunai that looked very sharp.

Roger's life fell to 70% ...

Apparently, the person who created Roger, he do it very quickly, to sexually harass Yue, and not to carry out battles in the world of Retsuken, therefore he was not a monster for battle.

Roger had received third degree burns, he still groaned with pain on the floor, ... I think when he saw Yue, he lost his mind, and did not see the danger signs, because if you think about it yellow is a sign of danger, and caution at the traffic lights.

She came up and stomped on him. Roger had only a third left of his life and he looked like a roasted rabbit. She took him by the neck, while he groaned in pain and she looked at him with hatred and said:

"If you get close to me, I killed you!" then she kicks him off the scene. Roger's life fell to 10%, the counter was canceled, and the combat ended.

I think she looks like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat 11; I think it wouldn't be anything strange, that she had some Roger Rabbit and Scorpio powers. Whoever would have thought that she was a beast, wherever you look at it she always used American girl as a shield.


The girls around Sixpuss became Asian girls, very beautiful. But Sixpuss only had eyes for Yue and he saw her with lust after the transformation. Ignoring the fight, he just saw hurriedly approached Yue. Probably because he felt much stronger than that little rabbit since his current figure was 2 or 3 times bigger than Yue, he surely felt that he could contain it with the extra arms he had. But when she saw him, she hid behind the American Girl who currently had a new ID that was:

“American Beauty” She got angry and looking at him said:

"Leave my friend alone!" She transformed into the mutant as Colossus of the X-Men of 1975, with which her body was filled with muscles and several layers of metal that covered her, from her back a ghoul tail, lava red color, came out, which separated In 9 more tails, which ended in sharp points like swords, simultaneously his hair changed its color to tousled white, while his body grew to the height of Sixpuss and one of his eyes became ruby red.

"Grrrr!" groaned Sixpuss, turned and walked towards the Asian girls. He put his hands on them, touching them with his extra hands on the buttocks and led them to the stairs to get off the roof, but when he saw that he didn't fit, he told the girls that he would see them on the first floor. He headed for the gap in the fence. I think his intention was to jump from there to the first floor.


"You are my sunshine" Yue said kissing American Girl. She kiss her on the mouth.

"I want one!" I said. Yue approached me, took me by the waist, I push my lip like a horn.

“My fist kiss” I thought, will closed my eyes, but to my surprise, the kiss was on my cheek. 😢.

American Beauty lost her transformation, a few seconds after Sixpuss reached the fence.

Sixpuss upon seeing American Beauty, lost are transformation, his Id changed to yellow, which Yue noticed, she kissed American Beauty again and said:

"I'll protect you!"

In front of us some portals opened on the ground where we started to see smoke flow out and suddenly we saw lava pillars rise up with that if it were an inverted cascade where instead of flowing water it was flames that in the worst case possibly came from hell.

Seeing what happened Sixpuss, he turned around and his ID returned to Green. I imagine that I thought it was too much of a problem to fight Yue, at that time, so he preferred to continue planning, how he was going to go down from here, … I think that if we were in the second floor, he would have thrown himself down.

"Help helps!" A woman screams, it was JulietX. ERomeo was convulsing on the ground, tumbling like crazy.

"Splash" a stream of blood fell to all, who were nearby, with what ERomeo became pale and stopped moving.

"Richard, Richard!" JulietX yelled.

All of us who were there were shocked to see the scene.

"What happened to him!" many said.

Richard sat up suddenly and JulietX hugged him in relief. His's eyes widened and a bright blue light like two flashlights began to come out of them, and without warning he bit JulietaX's neck.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" JulietX yelled, making the ERomeo ID turn red, and ripped off a piece of JulietX.

Some boys tried to stop ERomeo but were also bitten. Those who were bitten fell to the ground, like flies, and began to convulse. He climbed on JulietX, she still tries to resist

"Help helps!" She screamed. Seeing this, Sixpuss ran without thinking twice, when he got to ERomeo and kicked him, bursting his ribs in the process that sent him flying off the roof.

Sixpuss looked with his emerald eyes at JulietX; ERomeo, ripped one of her breasts, she presented several bites on her cheek, with what we could see her dental box, it was too late, he should have thought, ERomeo had already taken out her guts, you could see a the stopped heart, between the ribs of JulietX.

Suddenly Sixpuss lost his transformation, I think he used too much force. Around him the people who started to rise, with those strange blue lights in there eyes, when he saw this, he tried to flee, but without wanting, he stepped on the corpse of JulietX, her eyes turn blue with that light, she grabbed onto one of Sixpuss's legs, making him fall.

"Release me bitch, release me" Sixpuss shouted, as he tried to escape, kicking JulietaX's face.

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