《RockStar》Long Night
It’s dark when she opens her eyes. She also feels very warm, as if she’s lying underneath something. Slowly, she tries to sit up, but a pain like nothing she’s ever felt before races along the front of her body, forcing her to lie back down. In place of sitting up she allows her eyes to scan the room she’s in. This definitely isn’t home. Not with all the color in it. Or the new and fresh bedding. Every inch of the room is bare except for the basics. No decorations. Definitely not her room.
“Where am I?”
“You’re not dead. So definitely not heaven or hell,which ever you were expecting.”
She startles, eyes widening. Sitting at her feet, appearing both sick and tired is a blue-eyed blond male. There’s a look of agitation on his face. This isn’t someone she’s seen before. Except she knows her brother may have friends, friends who either don’t know she exists, or know and will take her right back to him.
“I know you can talk. But since you’re being quiet… the next time you decide you want to die, maybe don’t do it by getting hit by a moving vehicle. Maybe, and this is a suggestion, throw yourself off a bridge or building. Hell, you can even drown yourself if-”
“Who let Alex out of their sight. Jesus fucking christ. Get out Alex. You’re being a piece of shit.”
Alex scoffs, cast his baby blue eyes on her again and then she gets up and leaves. He slips right past her new intruder without so much as a glance at him. Much like the first one the second also has blue eyes. These ones darker than the previous person’s. Panic rises higher in her chest. Just what had she gotten herself into?
“Sorry about him. I’d say he’s usually friendly, but that would be lying. It’s good to see you’re awake at least. How do you feel?”
Confusion etches onto her face. Enough to say that she’s not aware of what happened to her. At least not entirely. To him she looks terrified. More than Alex ever has, anyway. Behind him the others are trying to get in. The look on her face progresses. Most likely because the others have pushed him further into the room. Bryant has always wondered what someone with eyes as wide as dinner plates looked like. Deeming it an over the top exaggeration. Now, he completely understands. The look on her petite face is eerily similar to what he imagined it to be. She’s also backed herself against the headboard. Why? He can’t say, but he knows she’s not going to talk when she feels threatened.
“Do you remember anything?”
“Great, not only did I nearly kill her, I gave her amnesia.”
“We sort of hit you with our van a couple ours ago.”
Not a word. Just the petrified fear carved on delicate features. Sure they’d been the ones to hit her, but this kind of reaction speaks volumes one of the other members doesn’t pick up on as Bryant has to trip said red-head before he can go any further.
“The fuck, Bry.”
Maybe if he spent a little more time understanding social cues he’d understand now is not the time to do whatever he wants. Then again, it’s not like he follows general rules anyway.
“I didn’t do anything. Lets give our guest some space. I’m sure she’s had a long night, as have we.”
Eijinn rubs his sore nose as he shoots a glare at Bryant. Grateful, that the appendage isn’t broken. He doesn’t see why he should be stopped from interrogating her. After all she did run out in front of their van. Not only nearly killing herself, but possibly traumatizing them all. He’ll just come back later, when no one is around to injure him with their feet or the floor. So, at Bryants urging, he and the rest exit the room. The door closing quietly behind them.
“No one goes in there. Not for awhile. We don’t know her and she doesn’t know us. I’m sure no one wants to end up in a body bag before dawn.”
“You’re the only violent one among us.”
Aaron’s palm connects with the back of Eijinn’s head. Being a smart ass isn’t going to help them any. At the very least he’s happy that a joke wasn’t made. Nothing is more painful than listening to their high school dropout friend make awful jokes. They definitely don’t need that right now.
“Aaron’s right. Stay out of there. She’s terrified of us. There’s no telling how she’ll react if one of us goes near her.”
All eyes turn towards the quietest member of their group. He rarely talks and the fact that he’s spoken more than just one sentence astonishes them.
“Jason, shut up. You talk too much.”
“For the record, Jason is right. She looked freaked out at the sight of us. She may look innocent, but we don’t know what she’s capable of. Give her space and when she’s properly recovered we can send her on her way. Anything else?”
Now they all look at Mitchell as if he’s grown seven extra heads in the past five seconds. He merely sighs and walks off to go do something that won’t get him looked at as though he’s suddenly become hydra. Read. Eijinn, on the other hand turns back to the spare room. Not surprised to find that the only obstacle in his way is the drummer. He knows for certain that Aaron’s position on the drums is for everyone else's safety: more specifically Alex. That doesn’t mean he won’t turn that angry aggression on someone other than Alex. One just has to be willing to piss him off.
“Don’t even try it. Walk your ass in the opposite direction or there really will be a body to carry out of here. Ans it sure as hell won’t be mine.”
Eijinn shrugs and as he’s been told, walks off. Normally he’s all for invading people’s privacy. At least when he’s in a good mood. Today is just not one of those days. Not to mention it means pissing off Aaron. No, today is one of those ‘let’s go lay out in the living room’ kind of days. That’s exactly what he intends to do. After he kicks Alex out of it to keep the blond from picking a fight with the aforementioned drummer.
She stares at the closed door, eyes never wavering, panic still in her chest. There isn’t just one or two of them. No, she’s seen six of them. Six different guys who can easily overpower her. Her mind tells her she can’t stay here, that she needs to get out and as far away as possible. That’s what she starts doing. With as much strength as she can muster, she climbs from the bed, forces her way to the window, and stars undoing the lock. Slender fingers fumble several times and by the time she’s gotten them undone the door swings ope, revealing one of the men from earlier.
Mitchell looks at her properly for the first time since he’s run her down. Dark brown hair wild around her face, making her eyes brighter and skin paler. Her clothes are practically tatters and she’s filthy from head to toe. There are no shoes on her feet, making him wonder if she actually intended to run into the street. If maybe she’s running from somewhere, someone, or something. It would explain her trying to climb out of the window and her sheer terror.
“I was going to ask if you were hungry or wanted something to drink. But if you want to leave you don’t need to leave through the window. We just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
She’s still tense. Appearing ready to jump from the window at a moments notice. He’s a little hurt that she feels the need to leave in such a manner, but figures there’s a good cause for her to feel that way.
“H-how long have I been here? Wh-who are you people? Why are you trying to take care of me?”
“You’ve been out for a couple of hours, actually. It’s almost 4am. I’m Mitchell. The others are Bryant, Alex, Eijinn, Aaron, and Jason. I sort of hit you with our van. It only seems right to make sure you’re okay.”
She still hasn’t relaxed. Watching him with cautious eyes as brown as her hair. One hand still on the window. Making him wonder just what kind of life she has that would put her on edge. Even give her the idea that she needs to desperately escape. When she doesn’t say anything he simply nods his head and exits the room. One thing is certain: something is terrifying her and she doesn’t trust people.
“Before I forget, would you like something a little more comfortable to wear? Or at the very least something lean?”
The petite girl nods slowly. Her eyes seem to bore into him. Assessing every move he makes. Satisfied that he can do at least this much he heads off to go look for clothes for her.
“She okay?”
“I don’t know…”
“That’s not really an answer.”
“Shut up Alex. Will she eat anything?”
“I don’t think she will. She’s definitely terrified. Was going to climb out the window. Still might.”
Aaron nods and Alex tilts his head. Bryant, Jason, and half-asleep Eijinn mumble an inquisitive ‘huh’ as if something sounds off about what’s been said.
Slowly, she eases from the window, spotting the bathroom. It doesn’t take much effort for her to go and have a look. She finds her reflection in the mirror. Unable to recall what she’s supposed to look like. Sort of. Her eyes she recognizes, but everything else seems so foreign to her. None of it feels like it really belongs to her. Does anything belong to you anymore. Aren’t you someone’s toy? Imagine what will happen when he finds out you’re with other men. Maybe you deserve it. Dark thoughts are interrupted by someone knocking on the bedroom door. Anxiety is high. Along with the terror that fuels her.
“I know it’s not much, but I made you a sandwich. If you’re hungry.”
It’s just as he thought. He can see it in the way she keeps her distance and how every muscle in her body coils tight. He’s made people feel that way before. It’s hard to miss. Not to mention her l appearance. Someone put her in such a position to be terrified of people. Even the way her eyes watch him tells him everything. She won’t even move from the doorway of the bathroom.
“I’m Aaron. Can I ask your name?”
She sounds almost unsure of herself. Or as though giving her name is a dangerous thing to do. The more he watches her, the more he notices. Like the bruises forming under the holes of her clothes where skin is visible. How some of her skin is covered in scratches or dried blood. It almost feels like she got into a fight, but he knows better. Fighting wouldn’t make her act like this. She’s in flight mode. What she’s afraid of he’s not entirely sure, but he knows it’s a person. Only people can create the kind of fear she’s radiating in others.
“I’ll let you be. If you need anything just holler.”
Not a word leaves her lips. He doesn’t expect her to say anything. Where she’s concerned it’s expected. After setting the plate where she can reach it, he cautiously steps out of the room. Gently closing the door.
“We might as well go to bed. She’s not going to say much. Not to us anyway. Mitch said he’ll take her clothes, but other than that it’s best to just leave her alone.”
He ignores the protests of both Eijinn and Alex. Everyone has their own idea of what to do with their guest. In Eijinn’s case it’s demanding to interrogate her. As for Alex, well, he wants her gone. While understandable, he kind of wishes Alex would think of others. Thankfully, they head up to their rooms it’s been a long night and by the looks of it, it’s only getting longer.
“She still here?”
“For now. Though I can’t really say I blame her. Just be cautious.”
“Did she say something?”
“She doesn’t have to. If you pay close enough attention to the way a person moves. Tells you a lot. Good night Mitchell.”
Aaron’s gone before he can say a word. Sighing Mitchell goes to the spare bedroom. Knocking gently on the door before entering. The petite girl jumps to her feet and darts to stand against the opposite wall. He holds up the clothes.
“Sorry if they’re a bit big. Don’t really have anything smaller.”
She waits. Watching him set the garments on the bed. Even waits for him to leave the room before relaxing. Once her heart settles in her chest she quietly picks up the clothing material. Bare feet padding into the bathroom. She catches her reflection in the mirror again. This time noticing the emptiness in her own eyes. The very same emptiness that has become her mind. In this very moment she enters a world that no longer allows her control or peace as she so desires. All around her are the faces of people she passes by on a daily basis. People she fears because of the threat of her own flesh and blood poses. Her vision blurs and two more prominent faces take shape. That of her older brother and his wicked girlfriend.
Lines like a blurry haze fill a room with no walls.they’re like open wounds with no eyes. Screaming only excites them and makes them stronger. No amount of burning fire or rage can make these foul creatures turn back to where they come from. The heart that beats inside her chest, now hollow and drained of whatever could be her life force. It’s both her end and beginning.
She’s screaming when he gets into the room. Her voice echoes in the room, bouncing off the walls and coursing through his veins. He’s thankful that she didn’t lock the door when she went in. The condition she’s in frightens him more than anything. Nails digging into her own flesh, head tossed back, bruises covering her exposed skin, lacerations set in bright reds and pinks. Tears on a dirt stained face and eyes bloodshot to the point of looking painful. Panic settles in and he’s not sure what to do. He’s only ever had to look after himself and the others. None of the guys ever acted this way. His hesitation keeps him in the doorway, until someone shoves him aside and swears.
“God fucking dammit, Jason! At least help me get her in the fucking tub!”
Jason blinks and then moves to quickly assist Aaron in putting the girl in the tub. He doesn’t expect to be kicked, which is exactly what happens when he goes to lift one of her legs. He swears as he crumples to the floor in agony.
“Will someone come fucking help me!? Before she deafens the whole fucking house!”
“What the actual hell is going on?”
Bryant, you blue-eyed bimbo, just fucking help me!”
A scoff later Bryant is helping lift and toss the tiny female in the tub. By now everyone is in the bathroom; all eyes on her. Jason moves so that he’s not within arms or legs reach of her. Eijinn and Alex stand in the doorway. Eijinn looking drunk and tired. Alex looking both tired and disgusted. Bryant sits on the closed toilet while Aaron tries to run hot water. Meanwhile, Mitchell just stares shocked from the center of the room.
“Does she know how disgusting she looks?”
“What? It’s true. She’s gross to look at.”
“I did not get kicked in the nuts for you to joke about this shit, okay! She’s obviously not in any good shape!”
“Well maybe she should do something about that, because it’s really hurting my eyes.”
“Then get the fuck out! You’re in my mother fucking way!”
Mitchell immediately starts ushering people out of the room as Aaron works to pry the already torn material of her clothes from her paled skin.
“I’m going to look for a first aid kit. If I don’t find one I’ll head out and get some first aid supplies.”
Aaron barely nods his head as he tosses the ragged material aside. Locking the door, Mitchell hurries out of the room and out into the kitchen to look for a first aid kit. Even checks the other bathrooms upstairs for anything that will help take care of her wounds. Nothing turns up for him, not even a small package of band-aids. He frowns, not really wanting to leave the house, but knowing he has to.
Jason, Bryant, and Alex are all in the living room. Both Jason and Bryant are giving Alex dirty looks for his earlier comments. Jason’s lower region pain ignored for the time being. Alex being who he is, pays no attention to them. Writing them off as being immature. Bryant, however, isn’t having it. He’s been here long enough to know that Alex needs to understand when to keep his mouth shut.
“ I swear Grace; you get stupider every time something bad happens in the house. Do you realize that more than half the problems here are because you open your stupid pathetic little mouth and say unnecessary shit? That girl doesn’t even live here and all you can do is insult her for something she can’t control. You’re fucked up in the head.”
“I’m pretty sure she can control her screaming. It’s damn near six in the morning and the whole neighborhood can hear her. I’m not going to jail for a stupid bitch like her.”
“For fucks sake she doesn’t even know you. And from the look of it she’s having a melt down. Those aren’t usually things you can control. They just happen.”
“I’m not buying that for a second. Oh, and the next time you call me by my last name you stuck up piece of ass, you better be ready for me to knock all of your ugly teeth down your throat.”
Bryant’s swift and so the smaller petite male doesn’t see the fist that comes flying at him until it’s already hit him in the eye. Jason is still in too much pain to care what happens to Alex at this point. Not that Alex doesn’t have it coming in the first place. The blue-eyed blond pisses almost everyone off at one point. Aaron being his usual victim. And everyone knows the kind of temper Aaron has. Knowing to keep their distance and not make him angry. Yet with Alex, it’s as if he’s walking on the thin line between safety and having his spine torn out through his ass. There are no regards for who he pisses who he pisses off or when. For this reason alone, when they added Aaron as a member of their still untamed band he was placed on drums. This is just how they survive in the house. Obviously, if you’re Alex it doesn’t seem to matter. He has to piss off everyone before he’s satisfied with himself. Alex startles, hand coming up to his face to cover the throbbing area. Glaring hard at Bryant with his uncovered eye.
“The fuck was that for?!”
“For being an inconsiderate piece of shit who has no fucking compassion. All you do is threaten people and talk shit on them. One of these days your mouth is going to do more than piss Aaron off. And either you be ready for the beating you’re going to get or learn to shut the hell up and keep your negativity to yourself.”
Green eyes stare at the tiny female trembling in the tub. She flinches every time he reaches to help her or get her to clean herself up. He’s silently praying that Mitchell hurries back with the bandages for her. Once more he tries to assist her by pulling back her hair. A slight flinch, but other wise she lets him continue. Brown eyes darting across his ink adorned arm. His ears catch the way her breathing settles then picks up. There’s a fear of something more and he can tell. Not only that, he’s aware of the way his presence can affect those around him. This girl is no exception, despite the fact that he can tell she’s trying to do what she can. Another minute passes and instead of trying to assist her, he begins to lightly drum against the edge of the tub. A habit developed for stress, especially if he wants to keep calm. Lost in the gentle sound, he doesn’t notice her rest her head against the side of the tub closest to him. Or Mitchel coming it with a first aid kit. Doesn’t catch sight of her eyes following the intricate detailing of his tattoos, slim fingers occasionally pushing the arm to turn. Can’t even hear Mitchell talking to him. Not until the male snaps his fingers in his face.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little distracted.”
“I’ll leave you to bandage her up then. I have to take a look at Alex because it looks like there was a fight.”
“Sounds more like someone beat his ass to me.”
“Don’t encourage that. I’ll be in the living room if you need me.”
“Yeah, okay.”
Mitchell leaves and Aaron turns his attention to Marie. She cautiously looks up at him and something in him tears at the thought of someone hurting her. He frowns before silently reaching for the soap and handing it to her. He moves to the closet, looking for a towel that she can use when she gets out. Keeping his back to her as she bathes, making sure she knows that he means her no harm in any fashion. She finishes in a timely manner and he hands her the towel. The second she’s dry and clothed he begins to take care of her injuries.
“There, that should take care of you for the evening. Get some sleep. Or at least try to. If you need anything at all I’m on the second floor. Last room on the left. Just knock before you enter. I’d hate for you to see something that you don’t need to.”
He leaves and she’s left with the silence of the bathroom and her angry thoughts. Nothing prevents her from enjoying life more than the demons in her head. Slowly and with shaky hands she adjusts the clean clothes, doing her best to avoid looking at the old ones in the trash, then steps back into the bedroom; where it appears someone has locked the door to keep anyone from getting in. It also appears they thoroughly did a check fro something. Wavering eyes scan everything before she climbs into the bed and lies down. A weak attempt at trying to sleep. The only thought running through her head: the demons get you when you’re sleeping.
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Blind Judgment
First a soldier, then a blind man. Could he ever be anything else? Suffering from a massive change of perspective, Cain finds himself in a new world as earth is destroyed by unknown forces. With change comes pain and opportunity. Can power be gained, when he has no eyes to see? Writing chapters as I go, so tentative release schedule of two chapters a week.
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Tartarus Online
“The new is built upon the old. This is true across all realities, and even the gods themselves cannot escape this fact. Welcome to Tartarus Online, a VRMMOG (Vi-Mog) that offers far more than your usual roleplaying game fare. It is a whole new reality, with a completely level playing field. Gone are the choices of Classes and Archetypes, starting kits and pay-for features. In the bowels of Tartarus, only your effort matters. Once more I welcome you to Tartarus Online. We are going to have a Hells’ of a time.” These were the words that really caught Riley Culman’s attention while watching the promotional video the two guys in nicely tailored suits had brought to him. The two men had come with an invitation, and an offer; which sounded more like a deal with a devil, but was seriously on the up-and-up. Not that these guys from Astarte Entertainment had any reason to lie or be evasive on the subject, given just how massive a corporation Astarte is. Beta Test Tartarus Online. Explore a brand new world. Sleep away his chair-bound life while testing the latest in long term virtual reality immersion technology. And maybe, just maybe regain the mobility robbed from him by an accident as a child. It really sounded all too good to be true to Riley, thus the feeling of making a deal with a devil. But it was what he wanted, more than anything. Welcome to Tartarus Online indeed. Even if the Hells’ are only a step away. [I will also be hosting this story on Scribble Hub, thank you.]
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This is avatar the last airbender fanfiction. I do not own any character except my original characters. The story starts about 6-years before the iceberg breaking. The main character is an earth bender how will not use lava or metal bending at all. No other elements will be learned by him. I am using Grammarly with this work. I am at least planning to write the book earth fully. It will take time. Rest you can find by reading. Even harsh comments are welcome. It is nothing new to me. I hope you will find at least something interesting here. As you can see, I can not draw. If someone is willing to draw, then I am more than happy to receive it.
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Escalodia - The Dark Age
A world called Escalodia, a place where all nations, namely Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and Giants live side by side and make peace. But, everything changed and war broke out everywhere, resulting in unrest and political instability across the state. And there is almost no way to restore the peace. Then came the prophecy that said that everything would return to normal and there would be someone who could bear the burden but if he took the wrong step then the future of the world would be no more. Will he be able to restore that peace or will the future of the world be destroyed by him as well? Could he be as predicted before ? This story already post on Storial (Indonesian Version) and Wattpad too.
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SWITCH / / yeonbin♡
❝he's me and i'm him❞ ㅡ ♥️yeonbin↬ ¦ Soobin and Yeonjun switched bodies accidentally ¦☕ : lowercase intended.☕ : status is completed.☕ : under editing. 𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚍 : 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟿
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