《BadLifeguard》Bash 3.05: I am happy.
I’ve lost my powers. Even the weird one.
I didn’t notice at first, I guess having all my past injuries removed counteracted the feeling of having a body that can survive a drop from hundreds of feet in the air, but here I am, struggling to do a few hundred squats.
I don’t know why, but I was hesitant to open the door, by this point I was stalling. This whole place was unnerving, off putting, too clean. It screwed with me at the time.
But eventually I noticed noises, and so I started to stretch, to prepare myself for what monsters I’d find outside. That’s when I noticed it was gone, there was too much strain on my joints. I tried to turn the lights off with SP2, nothing. I gritted my teeth.
I might be happy, if it weren’t for the fact that something was walking around out there.
It was at 9 in the morning that I put on some of the clothes in that room. None of it was the sort of stuff I’d normally wear, far too expensive from its quality, though I didn’t recognise the brand.
Just a blue T-shirt and jeans.
It wasn’t just my need to get out of here that pushed me out of the door, I was getting hungry. If this is an illusion, it mimics the weird noise my stomach makes when it’s empty to a T.
The door led to a hallway that probably had a greater volume than my room in the real world.
There was an eccentric vase with a vibrant pink flower, I thought about searching the drawer it was sitting on, but then I heard someone walking around downstairs.
It was certainly familiar.
I twitched a little at the heavy footedness of the individual. My forehead creased. I don’t know why, I guess it made me a little disturbed that whatever this was had made a copy of her.
I tiptoed down the stairs slowly. I wasn’t trying to hide, but the same thing that made me wrinkle up made me weary of even seeing how she was remade.
I descended down a curved staircase, it led to a foyer, which in the morning sun alongside the family photos and other keepsakes, was warm and homely.
For the past few months, the heating in my mum’s has been off, this is a feeling I haven’t gotten in a long, long time.
I followed the clatter of cutlery and the sound of cooking on a pan.
I held onto the door frame with one hand, the other tensed.
There she was, my mother. I started to pick at the paint of the door frame.
“Are you gonna stand there till the eggs burn or what?” Her voice caught me off guard.
It was still her voice, but it was in some American accent. My expression intensified.
She had her back to me, she was a little smaller, or maybe I was a little taller, apart from that, she was exactly the same. Her dressing gown fell over her stout body, and she danced funnily to a song that was being played on the radio.
“Yeah…” My voice was a little deeper.
“ ‘Yeah’ meanin' you’ll let them burn? Because you’re not 10, you can dish out your own breakfast.” I laughed, and moved slowly to the cooker only after she had moved to the dish washer, maintaining a distance.
This is an attack, I reminded myself.
“You’re up early.” As it slipped out from my own lips, I wondered if I was talking in an accent as well.
“What?” She was confused. “Today’s my day off, if anything I’m up late. That reminds me, you were up late last night, I thought you said you weren’t on the night patrols anymore.”
“Uh,” I thought of an excuse, “They couldn’t get anyone else, they needed me.” I took two of the five eggs sitting out, and a slice of bacon from another pan.
Even the breakfast here reeks of americana.
She finally faced me; I kept my gaze down at the food. not wanting to look her in the eye.
“Sammuel Burrows, you can’t carry the world on your back forever. You're no Atlas.” She walked over to the pan, as I sat down at the table, she noticed, “You are acting weird! That’s the first time I’ve seen you eat bacon in years! You getting rid of that six-pack after all this time?”
I murmured out a response, still trying to look at her face. “No, I’m just… trying it.”
I was nearly there.
“Don’t tell me that girl you brought over said she likes guys with love handles. Or is it that you’ll never have muscles as big as mine? UWAAGH!”
This was definitely my mum; it was the exact flex she'd pull in real life.
I looked at her and smiled. She had a healthy colour to her, she was glowing.
I forked a slice of bacon and a full egg and forced it down.
“Are you alright?” as soon as she asked, my eyes went wide.
This wasn’t normal.
“Honey, I’m sure you’ll be alright, maybe bulk up a bit, you’ll catch up with me.” She was joking now, but she’d asked the question with sincerity.
I laughed, “Yeah, I…”
I fell, my voice, struggled to get out. Not really choking up, more so not knowing how to reply.
She put her hand on me, held me, “Listen Sammy, I know you feel like you need to be there for everyone, to support them, but you can’t be there for everyone, and you can’t be there for anyone if you don’t look after yourself. Remember what Mr Grey said when you started under him, if things every get too hectic, don’t be afraid to take a breather. Well, he said drop out of the program, but I know you. Once you’ve got your heart set on something, you don’t give it up. That’s the sort of man I raised.”
She smiled wide and I replied, “Thanks Ma.”
She brushed my hair, then went back to the pan.
As I finished up my meal, I heard a piano. I mistook it for the radio at first, then my mum commented, “Ugh, there he goes. Can you shut him up?”
“What are you talking about?” The question must have seemed stupid to her, “You know, once he’s in the mood for that carry on, he won’t stop unless you play with him for a while. At least it won’t sound half as bad, eh?”
She winked and I turned my gaze back to the foyer, towards the room opposite the kitchen.
I picked myself up, and even more cautious than before, I approached the song.
At least I knew who my mother was, I hadn’t the foggiest clue who this could be.
As I was crossing over, I took another glance at a family picture.
A photo of a family. I was far too old in it.
I walked in stiff as a board, his back was to me. I bit the knuckle of my thumb. I would have started weeping if I didn’t.
He just kept playing, I’d assume he heard me come into the room, if he weren’t enthralled.
Could he even do this in the real world? No one’s ever told me if he could.
“Bach has been on my mind since last night. I’m thinking about some of his greatest hits! This isn’t a necessarily complicated one, it’s pretty short and simple.”
I slid a few inches closer.
“‘The Well-tempered Clavier: first Prelude.’ at least I think it is. Yeah, it’s something like this.” He continued to play, the closer I got, the shakier I got.
After a few minutes he’d gotten the hang of it, “Pull up a stool.”
I couldn’t even manage a ‘what?’ at this point, making a weird sound instead.
He smiled, his teeth far less white, but it certainly had a charm. “Come on it’s been a while, but the memory is in your bones, it's in your soul, just follow my lead, son.”
I took some time then it came to me, this talent that I have never even pursued, it came to me like I’ve been practicing it for years. My reaction was beyond confusion, it was amazement. I smiled with a fallen jaw, I looked back and forth between my dad and the keys.
The window to our left was wide open, and wind blew through the gap, it wasn’t draughty, it was warm and pleasant, and it carried strange smells on its current. It was a scent I must have forgotten, it filled me with nostalgia.
But this is an attack. This is an attack.
I was twenty minutes into playing the piano with my dad when I got up, excusing myself. “I have to get ready to go out, Mum said you should stop playing too.”
I was about to escape the room, when he asked, “You going to be back for the party, aye?”
I looked back, “Yyyeah.”
He laughed, “I know that tone.” He said, “You get like that when you’re trying to remember something you’ve forgotten. I can’t believe you’re ‘al ma was right. You have been working hard, and working harder recently if you’re doin’ the night and morning shift.”
If there is something I do when I’m trying to bluff; it would definitely ruin my needed poker face. “I wouldn’t say that, I’m just going for a run. I’ll be back soon; I promise not to miss it.”
He laughed bubbles, “That would be a riot, wouldn’ it?” I smiled, and wondered if he was actually anything like this.
I don’t think so.
I found a pair of shoes much like the ones I wear as Shamrock, slipped ‘em on and went for the door.
“You not taking that bag of yours?” My mum spied in from the kitchen, and I, wanting to find a way out of here quickly, I asked her where this bag was. She was confused, pointing to a backpack lying by the foot of the stairs.
It had some weight to it, which is a sensation I haven’t felt for a long time. Instead of opening it, I threw it on my back and walked out slowly. “I’ll be back soon!”
I don’t know who I was trying to reassure with that line.
I thought the world outside of that house might be some insane dream dimension, buildings floating in the sky, monsters, staircases that led to nowhere, that sort of thing. But it wasn’t. Every earlier glimpse of the outside was just that, a single pleasant fragment of a greater emanation.
It was the same time of the year back home, but in this place, it felt like we were well into summer, compared to Ireland that is. It might have been sweltering, if not for the great gusts of wind that tempered the street, they complemented each other perfectly.
I started running through it. The streets were busy, more so than Tralee, but you could tell it was a residential area, the roads weren’t chalk full of cars. I still had ample room to run about, scanning around, I was certain I’d never seen architecture like this, the buildings were brick red, and disregarding their repetitive design, you could tell that they were built well and strong, the sheer size was dwarfing.
It was exhilarating. Not just this place, but the feeling of running again. My legs were far from tired, but they felt far more strain than my real body, I was panting despite my physique.
I stopped myself around a maple tree, its branches, and the branches of other maple trees further down the road were still red, again, this was contrary to the date being spring.
I stood there, and let the sun stream down through the leaves on me, I told myself it was to test whether or not the temperature would still be perfect if I sheltered myself from the wind or the sun, but in reality, my ape brain just wanted to admire the natural beauty of this place.
I was beginning to miss my powers just a little bit, I would have liked to have seen this city from the air.
I suddenly heard the sound of a plane cutting through the sky, people on the street stopped to look, some of the older ones with places to be kept walking. I walked out from under the tree to see what they were all starring at a plane for? It sounded as if it was low to the ground, still a while off though.
The rumbling of the air became louder, the wind ripping under a greater force, then I saw them.
It was a human being, a woman to be more precise. There was no plane, no chopper.
Just a human being booming through the sky, smashing the air with enough force to rustle the leaves on the pavement below. She wore a blue and white jumpsuit, it was slimmed down to reduce drag, her fists pushed forward like an arrowhead.
And I watched from the ground wide eyed, until she pierced through a cloud.
I looked up for what felt like forever, maybe it was an eternity that went by. My eyes darted to different angles of that infinite void.
The sky seemed golden, and I at once forgot what all of this truly was, it had become my personal paradise.
I bated my wet eyes after hearing the sound of the phone I found- my phone ringing. It was through a popular social that I don’t have in real life. I recognised the caller from name and face.
“Clover?” I shouted into the phone.
She replied, “Heya Sam, just wondering when you want to meet up. You even out of the house? Yesterday was pretty hectic, with that fight against Fun-pool, I wouldn’t blame you for being late to the meetup at mission control.”
I glowed as bright as the sky, despite her also having the same American accent as my mum, it definitely felt like Saoirse, or I guess as Sam knew her in here, Clover. “Yeah, let’s meet up now! Where are you? Actually, uh, can you come to me? I went for a run and got lost.”
Her laugh was spot on. “That is SO like you, older but no wiser, huh? I’ll read your tracker and be down in a few, minutes. We still on for tonight?” I didn’t know what she was talking about, but I reassured her that everything was fine.
“Alright, See you soon babe.”
My face froze, my legs stopped pacing.
What the fuck did she just say?
Did she just- no way, maybe ‘babe’ means something else here… No, no, no that wasn’t real, was it? Yeah, none of this is real, it’s an attack, remember?
Yep, yep this isn’t real, it’s some sort of psycho prison, a warped reality brought about by my subconscious.
Goosebumps ran over my body. My skin went red and hot.
Wait a mother fucking second, no.
There is no way in hell that something like that, that deep down I…
I smashed both fists into my eyes, and started to ground them in. Nope. Fuck that, she’s my friend, she’s my friend, that bastards fucking with me!
This is because of him interfering with my mind, yeah, yeah.
I started to walk around the small circle of dirt that held the great tree. Reaffirming to myself the same scattered thoughts over and over again. That this is some twisted dream.
I lost track of time but she finally showed.
She looked at me with a cheeky grin, and I backed up a step. She was dressed for the warm weather. She was wearing a crop top I’d seen her in before, and keeping with the Americanization, she wore a green varsity jacket engraved with a J.
Down below, she had a, uhm, well she was wearing really short… shorts.
No, this body was fucking with me, the guy in black was fucking with me, this is too-
She started to walk over to me half circling, laughing when she got close enough, “Haha, you got lost here? Come on. You’re a meat head, but I’d thought you’d be able to recognise a street you’d walked down every day for the past 2 years.” She widened her lips, and before she could get any closer, I moved.
“Uhh I think we should get going. Come on, we’ve got stuff to do.” I pointed down the street, and she made a guess, half her smile falling away, “Really? You know, for a guy who doesn’t have any special skills, you sure are obsessed with work, huh?”
She teased, “It really seems like you’re compensating Sam.”
She put her hands in her pockets, and started to walk off down the street. “Your Granma making the cake, or is it store bought?”
I cringed at the idea of my granny trying to bake a cake. “Store bought, at least I hope so.”
Clover laughed wildly, “Huh? You getting sick of the ‘best bakery in Goldeye City?”
I laughed at the irony of this version of my granny cooking something other than champ, and actually being good at it.
“You’re so weird.” She said, reminding me of when the real Clover said that to me.
I thought I knew the answer, but I still asked, “How so?”
She began, “You really are an idiot if you can’t realise that much. You’re not the only guy without… special skills you know. Axel’s not using his spare time to go for 100km runs, I don’t have any offensive abilities, but you don’t see me doing 10,000 push ups a day. I don’t know what you have to prove. You’ve got nothing. But time and time again you put yourself on the line, even when everyone tells you not to. There are people far better suited for this but you're so determined to keep going at this. You never faulter. How do you do it Sam?”
I spaced out a little, “I thought you said I was weird, not a badass.” She got angry, “What part of that seems bad ass to you?? Like, there’s no way you don’t feel inferior in comparison to, I don’t know, Sham-” She closed her mouth and eyed the crowds around us.
“Point is, I don’t see how you can keep up with this, I don’t try to keep up with the high tiers, I’ve got no shot, but you can? That’s just freaky.”
I laughed, she sulked, and I gave her an answer. “I’m just trying to do my best. If I do any less, than I’m not doing this right.”
I smiled, finally understanding what this version of me’s ‘job’ was.
She didn’t seem satisfied with my answer. “If you didn’t have beef grating abs, we’d never be together, I hope you know that.” I would have laughed, if I wasn’t now wondering if that was true.
A ringing came from both my bag, and Clover’s pocket.
“Shit.” She muttered, “Guess you got your wish. We’ve got work.” She looked at me sadly, then smiled, turning to go down a conveniently dark alleyway. I looked after her, then once I say her stripping down, I again pounded my fists into my eyes.
“What are you doing??” she asked calmly, standing barefoot, and bare-everything-else I’m assuming.
“Come the fuck on, it’s probably Fun-pool. We’ll be done in 20.” I walked into the alley. Slamming my bag on the surprisingly dry ground.
One thing that I can’t believe is that this hovel doesn’t smell of piss, it’s just some black bin bags and scrap metal, completely unrealistic.
After about 5 seconds she was fully suited, when I finally did look in her direction, I was astonished by how fast she was. I was fumbling the zipper of the pack.
“You really should consider getting one of these compact suits, it’s way easier than carrying all your stuff in that old bag.”
She was wearing, a head set with a rabbit ear motif, a domino mask hid a little bit of her face, but I think you could still recognise her without it, especially if she walked in front of the crowd who’d just seen a teenage girl walk into a back alley.
Her outfit was mostly dark green and black, with the only other colour standing out in the shadow of the two buildings being her brown boots, which continued the rabbit theme.
I thought about it for a second, and I guessed that she must be pulling off of the idea of a rabbit’s foot bringing luck.
“I like my suit," I answered, "It’s got sentimental value.”
I finally got past the zipper, peering in on an unfamiliar costume. I lifted up a sleeve, feeling the high-quality material, and I mean higher quality than anything I’ve ever seen let alone felt.
It was a lighter green than my Shamrock costume, with yellow complementing it. There was all kinds of equipment in there, heavy duty steel soled shoes, some sort of ball bearing attached to a long carbon fibre cable. I thought it strange that I had no medical equipment what-so-ever, what was I supposed to do if a civilian got injured?
I put it on as best I could, slinging the long cable over my shoulder in a loop. I too had a domino mask, leaving my hair out in the open, and my facial expression fully readable. I grinned at her, a little giddy playing dress up, and she laughed at me.
“What’s with that look?? You look like Hand-Made just teleported in.” She looked behind her, just to make sure.
I finally asked, “Where are we going?” To which she responded, “I don’t know.”
We stood there awkwardly for a while, until a mechanical whir built up over head.
“Our rides here,” She finally pointed out.
Two drones squeezed into the alley, I recognised their designs, they were most likely made by Axel.
Well, they weren’t made. This isn’t real. It’s a trap, an attack. Right?
They lifted us up with two arms, automatically buckling us in, and flying us off to our target. This gave me the chance to see the city. It stretched on forever. I don’t have much of a reference for real cities, but this place had sky scrapers for miles on end, and we were heading deeper in, just off the outskirts of what I assume is the city centre, it resembled a mountain more than anything man made.
We finally landed alongside another drone, carrying another costumed individual that I didn’t recognise at first.
A tall brown-haired woman who wore some kind of armour and circlet. It was Nordic in style, she seemed like a melee fighter from the focus on keeping her mobility and range of movement open, her joints were exposed. What made zero sense was the fact that she was wearing a short skirt. I again blamed Lechoslaw for implanting me with weird stuff like this.
We landed in a large open space, sort of like times square from New York, but without the staircase. It was a little over half the size of a football field, to our backs was a main road that had been blocked off, it was about a third of the width of the area we’d been dropped in, the rest of the area was filled with relatively short towers, onlookers scrambled to get out of our way.
“I hate this whore.” Clover said, before greeting the warrior, “HIII! OMG, I had no idea you were back in town! Did Hand-Made not think you were doing a good enough job on your own?”
The armoured woman turned to face her, and I at once recognised her cold glare.
‘FEOLI?’ I nearly blurted out. For some reason her skin wasn’t blue, her hair wasn’t dirty, and I think she was wearing makeup?
“Don’t waste my time. Fun-pool made some new friends.” She charged off into the centre of the shopping district, not telling us what that meant.
“Tch…” Clover clearly didn’t like her attitude, that’s how I’d imagine them being in real life if they ever met. Except, Clover’d probably try to kill Feoli for being an enemy on her territory. And vice versa.
“Green, you get him from the right, I’ll go from the left, shout if you run into any trouble.” She seemed more coordinated than usual. “Ok.”
I still had no clue who this Fun-Pool guy was, but there were people here, so I couldn’t waste any more time. I looped to the right, zoning in on a large man with tons and tons of spikes fighting a guy dressed in blue and red. Neither of them looked like a ‘Fun-pool’ though. I heard Clover shouting, “Green! 2 O’clock! On high!” I looked in that direction, and nearly started to laugh.
It was Pugal. Even though he was 10 stories high; I could still recognise him.
He wasn’t even a little different, well, he was wearing yellow instead of pink, but that’s it. I thought back on my fight with him in the real world, surely this couldn’t be much different. Piece of cake, I thought.
Then he started dumping gym balls off the side of the building, each as big as my torso.
I suddenly realised that I couldn’t fight him. One of those would literally crush me flat. So I ran to the side and diverted civilians that were in the trajectory of the ten or so balls that were now bouncing around the plaza.
I was doing a good job, occasionally checking in with the others, they were preoccupied fighting the spikey guy. I thought about ways that we could take out Pugal, the first that came to mind was just getting one of those drones to lift me up to him, but I had no clue how to phone in.
Eventually I noticed two girls that had fallen down, trying to be a hero, I ran over to help them up, and make sure they weren’t trampled.
But I noticed the crowd wasn’t stampeding, that made me notice the minimal property damage as well.
That’s right, I have to remember.
I have to remember that none of this is-
One of the balls was bouncing in at us fast from across the street, I didn’t have time to move them out of the way, and so I did what I would have done as Shamrock in that situation.
I went to catch it.
Every single muscle in my body screamed out as the metal ball slammed into my chest. My legs were on the verge of buckling, my torso nearly caved in, and my arms were nearly torn trying to stop its momentum.
I gritted my teeth, and grinned, I grinned wider than I’ve ever done before. This was it. This was the point of everything. The fight against the odds, being an inch away from death, saving people, really saving people! This is what I’ve always wanted! Around a minute after it had flung into me, I finally slumped forward, setting it down. I turned to the girls, who were still lying on the ground behind me.
“Don’t worry ladies, I’ve got everything under control!” I directed my grin towards them, and their fears faded, they got up, thanked me and ran off.
It was a fufiling sight, the two of them acting like sane people, orderly escaping from the fight.
But I wasn’t satisfied. I ran over to the group fighting, and shouted to Feoli, “Hey! Think you can give me a boost?” She looked at me confused, until I pointed to Fun-pool.
She took a break from the brawl to throw me like a hammer toss, but before she did, I shouted to Clover, “Wish me luck!”
She must have, because I made it to the top just fine, kicking the villain upon my arrival.
I was still unsatisfied, I had to do more, give me more!
I’m on the verge of ecstasy!
Then I looked up.
The fantasy was shattered. I remembered.
I remembered what it really feels like to fight against horror, against a real danger.
The Gator was looming over me.
That’s right. I’m not a hero. I’m not a superhero.
They aren’t real. There is no hero.
No one is coming to save me.
That is the reality.
But I’m not in reality right now, right now I’m in some fictious world, whether it’s an illusion, or a mindscape, or whatever.
So, he did come.
The hero. He rocketed in from nowhere and punched into its faux head, the titanic machine went flying. With a grinding roar.
The thing was gone as soon as it appeared, and the sky was golden again.
He looked at me, the strange tassel on his head, bellowed in the wind, his cape following as he stood against the glowing background. His skin was pale, offsetting the green of his costume. The only thing I didn’t recognise was the symbol on his chest, it was some sort of Celtic knot.
I’ll have to look that up when I get out of here.
He starred at me, I waited for him to smile, to grin.
But he never did.
Not even as he flew away.
So… perhaps he wasn’t my hero after all.
A few minutes passed, and I had managed to tie Pugal up with the wire. I also took the time to catch myself on, to compile what I’ve learnt.
Not a lot.
There’s no obvious way out of here, it seems similar to the real world, but there are things that don’t make much sense, the behaviour of the people on the streets below, the fact that I just happened to climb to a good spot to observe Shamrock smash my greatest enemy, and of course, the fact that alley didn’t smell like shit.
I reread my notes from the night before, focusing on what Lechoslaw said about us ‘being here for a little while or a very long time.’
I wondered if that meant I’d be stuck her for days. I even considered that this might be a, ‘die in the dream, die in real life’ scenario.
Or maybe it was the opposite.
I leaned over the edge. I was probably high enough to do the-
Before I could finish my thought, three individuals appeared on the roof, there presence made clear by a crackling from one in particular.
I turned around to face them, a floating man, a shapely woman, and a hunched figure in all black.
The first, the floating man, was the source of the crackling. Some sort of golden thunder came from his eyes as he floated a few feet above his allies, centring himself in the middle behind them. It was hard to look at him directly, so I hardly saw his costume. I think it was white, yellow, with a hint of red?
The woman was walking towards me. She wore a silver catsuit, with padding for defence. There was a sort of blue glow to her, and her hair was same colour. It was shaved around one side, and the top of her scalp had been grown out to compensate for its loss. Her eyes were covered by a bulky mechanical visor, it circled around half her head. It too was beaming with blue between the crevices of steel.
I tried to get a better look at the third, but the woman spoke to me, “Good job taking Fun-pool out Green, did you see which way He went?”
I guessed who they were talking about. “No. He disappeared as soon as he sent the Gator back into orbit.”
I half noticed the dark figure turn his gaze to me, though it was hard to tell, his eyes were covered, the only skin he showed was his lower jaw, which was stubbled from the little I saw.
“Damn.” The woman turned with her hands on her hips, “Right, here’s the plan boys, me and Grey will go done there for the cameras, while Golden eyes goes after the vigilante.”
He smiled, winked, and blasted off into the horizon, I nearly lost my footing from the air pressure. The silver woman caught me by the shoulder.
“Come on kid. No point taking any detours down.”
Instantaneously we were on the ground, standing in front of the flashing lights of cameras and the foam of microphones. It wasn’t the same sensation of Lech’s ability, you couldn’t feel that, this silver lady’s power still allowed for you to feel the change in wind, temperature, and noise. In other words, more disorientating.
After the crowd quieted some, the black figure began to speak in a grave voice.
“South gold plaza was attacked by a combined force of villains, Fun-pool, the organiser of this attack has been apprehended after being at large for weeks. Him, and another co-conspirator calling himself ‘Crockosmile’ have been taken to separate high security facilities by Hand-Made to ensure they never attempt to commit another act of chaos in their lives.”
I looked for the silver woman, but couldn’t find her. I guess that means she’s this Hand-Made person I keep hearing about.
“This act of justice was not carried out by the main force of Unity, but rather the young Units beside me today, Hand-Made’s sidekicks, Rabbit’s foot and Sea-Stalker. Along with my own side kick, Green.”
The shock was clear on my face when I turned to him, He stopped to inspect me, his mouth open, as if he was going to whisper something.
“-And Blue-man, who’s recently begun working under Fabergé. These young heroes have apprehended two villains on their own. They would have apprehended the third, the Gator, if a... wanted, dangerous vigilante hadn’t taken justice into his own hands. Any new information concerning ‘Shamrock’ will be rewarded upon confirmation of its validity. For the time being, stay safe, look out for your neighbour, and remember,”
He seemed to look at me through the ink black fabric of his cowl.
“-There’s only one earth.”
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8 204 - In Serial16 Chapters
Known Danger System 42
The world has changed. Who will survive? Jax had hardly a care in the world, life was good. Then the System hit and it hit hard and now it seems like there is only one way to survive. Kill or be killed. That is what life is like when everyone around you views you as a source of potential experience. - This will be a work in progress, it is also my first try. I hope to create something which everyone can enjoy. I have a lot of ideas and appreciate reviews and insights. If you have advice then please share. If you see mistakes then please inform me and I will correct them. I have gained inspiration from a great deal that I have read on RR and elsewhere. Thank you.
8 242 - In Serial63 Chapters
Omega A Legacy Reborn
Follow the adventures of Richard and his friends as they enter the popular online virtual game of Omega as they battle against other players to become the best team in the world. As an addition to that, they must discover the history of the Legendary Pieces, legendary artifacts with unique powers. Some sentient, most of them even corrupted by previous owners. Throughout this journey to become the best team in the world, they will have to fight Black Hat and some Grey Hat Hackers, other owners, and even other entities that will try and destroy the game they love or even worse...The World. So, Hop in and watch as History unfolds in this Online adventure. Are You all Ready? Because Here...We...Go! Entering Omega NOW!!
8 211 - In Serial7 Chapters
Loving an asshole
Whelp never thought I would do this shit!any who want to know about my story read it!!!!!(*≧▽≦) (≧∇≦)/
8 138 - In Serial45 Chapters
All it took to meet one of the world's craziest, most dangerous serial killers was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This was all it took to send Alice into the world of a criminal. *FINISHED*
8 410