《Dream Hunters》Chapter 20 – Daisuke vs. Siegfried
THE NEXT DAY, THE EMPEROR personally invited the quartet and the Traeux XII leaders to watch a much-awaited gladiator fight with him at the podium, the area where the most distinguished spectators were seated in the Colosseum Arena.
The arena was filled with the audience for that day could be the day Siegfried wins his one-hundredth match. Fans hoped that he will reach one hundred consecutive wins while most Colossans hoped that he will lose for their honor.
Emilia came to the emperor's podium and sat beside the emperor's seat. She was wearing a beautiful dress brimmed with precious stones topped with a cape of giant eagle feathers.
“Wow! You look like an empress, Emilia,” said Jack in awe.
“Emilia doesn’t really like to be treated like royalty. She’d rather choose to be a soldier than to run an empire,” said Faustus.
“Really? Why not?” asked Riku.
“I just don’t like living here in the Capital. I’d rather live far away in a rural village,” Emilia answered.
“The emperor sure is late,” Daisuke commented as he munched grapes.
The emperor then entered his podium. “Apologies for my tardiness. I had to talk to some senators on the way.”
Everyone stood up but the emperor asked them to remain seated.
As the emperor got settled, he officially ordered the matches to start.
* * * * *
Many battles occurred in the arena that day.
Challengers and gladiators alike showcased their abilities; there were weapon users, martial artists, magic users, and even power users. Everyone was determined to win the battles and earn rewards, be it money for the challengers or freedom for the gladiators.
Most people would agree that there were three main Abilities in the world of Laniagaea: Combat, Magic, and Power.
Daisuke learned from his book that the Supreme Council, an ancient organization, used to check on the development of magic, emergence of powers, and usage of weapons and martial arts and ensured that those abilities will not be used to start another large-scale war.
Combat was basically the use of the body and different movements to fight. It was said that this ability was shared by an Ishvara to the people to defend themselves and was based on the movements of different beasts. As time progresses, the use of weapons was included in Combat.
Many undercard matches featured both weapon users and unarmed martial artists, the most common way of fighting in the arena.
Meanwhile, Magic has two prominent schools: the Arcane that used spells and incantations with the arcane language, and Runic that used arcane graphemes or symbols, either by writing them down on any surface or embedding them on objects or weapons.
There were few magic-users that entered the arena, but most of them either used basic Arcane magic to shoot fireballs and create a protective barrier or used Runic magic-enhanced weapons.
And then there's Power, an ability that could be categorized in different ways, like how it was used, or how it was activated. But the Supreme Council mainly categorizes them based on how it was dispersed. That way, powers can be categorized as Genetic (lineage-exclusive), Bestowal (powers that can be bestowed to others), or Unique (powers that emerge due to mutation and mana differences).
Only a few power-users joined, mostly were outsiders, as Power was not that common in the Colosseum Empire. The most prominent power user in the empire was the House Leuwerus of Lagaian IV, and one member of that family was ordered to join the gladiator fight as the final challenge against ten gladiators who wished to be free.
Regardless of the Ability, the Colosseum Arena welcomed them all to entertain the people.
* * * * *
Soon, most of the undercard battles were over and the announcer started to reveal the next battle. “And now, for the main event! Your challengers! Atticus from Lagaian X and Argentia from Lagaian XI!”
The crowd cheered as there were two challengers, both were members of the empire's army itself, that will fight at the same time against the main gladiator.
“And for your champion gladiator! Still, the undefeated barbarian! Siegfried!!”
The crowd booed as Siegfried walked into the arena. He was wearing his Drasgardian armor and had already unsheathed his swords, gripping them reversely. He looked at the emperor who was now standing in anticipation.
“So that’s the barbarian everyone was talking about,” said Daisuke.
“Even with that masked helmet, I think he was still young. Maybe just a year older or two compared to us,” said Raijin.
When the three gladiators were at the center of the arena, trap doors opened around them where chained golden-striped black-furred tigers emerged. The tigers didn't eat for a day, making them act more aggressively.
“Let us not waste any time!” shouted the emperor, “Begin!”
Atticus was the first one to attack. With his spear, he released multiple stabs with great speed, but each one was blocked by Siegfried while stepping back.
Argentia charged Siegfried with lightning speed from Atticus’s side with her ax and tried to slash Siegfried's throat. Siegfried parried the attack and stepped even further back. Three tigers almost scratched his back.
“Are you just gonna defend and step back?” Atticus taunted.
“Let’s just feed him to the tigers!” said Argentia.
Argentia charged once again and slashed downwards, but Siegfried dodged sideways.
Siegfried then ran towards Atticus. He jumped and spun as he tried to slash him.
Atticus raised his shield and defended himself, but it left his legs defenseless. As Siegfried landed, he ducked and severed Atticus’s left leg.
Atticus howled in pain as he dropped to the ground.
Siegfried looked at Argentia then slowly approaches her. Argentia was suddenly struck with fear and made a mistake by stepping back too far. A tiger behind her managed to reach and bite her neck and instantly broke it. The tiger then took Argentia down the trap door where she was eaten.
With that, Siegfried quickly won another battle, but the audience booed deafeningly. Even though he won, the audience was not entertained.
Siegfried looked at the emperor. “As you promised! With one hundred wins, we claim our freedom!” He demanded.
The emperor raised his hands. The audience went silent. “Yes! Yes, I did! But you won only your ninety-ninth bout.”
Siegfried shouted. “I’ve fought two gladiators! I’ve defeated them both! They were my ninety-ninth and one-hundredth!”
“My promise was when you won one hundred battles, not defeat one hundred people!”
Siegfried got frustrated. He seriously wanted to behead the emperor.
Atticus was retrieved, the tigers were sent back below, and the trap doors were closed.
“One last battle and the freedom is yours,” said the emperor. “And if I recall correctly, weren't you interested in fighting a gladiator, Daisuke?”
“M-Me?” Daisuke was shocked when the emperor asked him.
Daisuke indeed mentioned during the feast at the temple of Aquillus that he would want to join the gladiator fights for the prize money. But after knowing how desperate Siegfried was to win his freedom and how much he has fought for it, Daisuke did not want to be the person that could potentially take it away from him.
“For your last battle, barbarian, I personally choose your opponent—the elf Daisuke!”
The crowd cheered. The news about the elves has already spread like a wildfire in just a matter of days and they were all eager to see another match.
“No...I-I will not fight him,” Daisuke declined.
Everyone at the podium was startled.
“You lowly elf!” a senator sprung up from his seat. “You dare defy the emperor?!”
“As the emperor of this empire, I demand you, elf, to go down there and fight the barbarian! Soldiers!!”
The soldiers just outside the podium poured in and pointed their spears at Daisuke.
“Brother! What’s the meaning of this?” asked Emilia.
The emperor smirked at Emilia. “‘Brother?’ I am your emperor, am I not? And as the emperor, I demand a fight between one of the elves who fought five hundred barbarians against a barbarian who defeated three cohorts!”
The pattern on Riku’s and Jack’s skin glowed, but the soldiers on the podium pointed their spears to them as well.
“Don’t try to do anything stupid, elves. We know that the elven skin glows when using their powers,” warned the emperor.
“My Lord, why are you doing this?” asked Faustus.
The emperor sat on his arena throne. “Why? For entertainment, of course. Now, Daisuke dear. According to the report I received, you are the one who defeated the most number of barbarians.”
Daisuke glared at the emperor. “So what?”
A soldier kicked him behind his knee. “Address the emperor with respect, elf!”
The emperor waved his hand. “Will you rather fight below, or should I ask my soldiers to kill your friends?”
The soldiers cuffed Riku and Jack which made the pattern on their skin stop glowing. “Those are magic-imbued cuffs, an ingenious product from the Drasgard Kingdom. With those, you won't be able to use your magic or power,” said one of the soldiers.
Jack tried to use his power, but couldn't. The cuffs were messing with his mana.
Daisuke stood up and jumped down from the podium. As he landed, he faced Siegfried.
The emperor was fascinated as he stood up to see Daisuke manage to land on the ground without any injuries from such height.
“Siegfried! Defeat the elf and you will not only receive freedom! I will give you anything you want! And Daisuke! Win this fight and you and your friends are free to go! You are allowed to use your elven power! Entertain us!!”
The crowds cheered loudly.
The ground at the center of the arena started to open. Slowly, a chained maiden wearing nothing but a dirty linen cloth was revealed.
"Princess!" Siegfried tried to run towards Brunnhilde, but flames erupted all around her, stopping Siegfried from closing in.
“Siegfried!!” Brunnhilde cried.
“Now! Begin!” the emperor shouted.
Siegfried looked back to Daisuke. And without any hesitation, he charged at him and went straight for his neck.
* * * * *
Daisuke ducked, then punched Siegfried’s abdomen, knocking him back.
“We do not have to do this! There could be another way!” Daisuke insisted.
“There’s no other way!” Siegfried shouted as he charged towards Daisuke again.
Daisuke used his power two Wooden Arms and used them to shield himself from Siegfried's assault.
Siegfried showcased his speed and strength; his speed enabled him to release numerous slashes in just a single second and each slash, though not enough to cut Daisuke's Wooden Arms, were strong enough to make Daisuke step back. But most dangerously, every slash has the intent of ending Daisuke's life.
Daisuke, on the other hand, doesn't want Siegfried to lose his freedom, but he also doesn't want to endanger his friends. And he definitely doesn't want to die yet. Unfortunately, he was thinking too much that Siegfried finally managed to cut him several times.
“Daisuke!!” Riku shouted as Daisuke's blood spatters.
Daisuke decided to go on the offensive, but as he tried to hit Siegfried's face with his Wooden Arm, Siegfried dodged and countered; Siegfried jumps over Daisuke and threw one of his swords downward, impaling Daisuke to the chest.
The audience roared as they witnessed Daisuke fall on his knees with a blade going through his chest.
Up in the podium, Riku, Jack, and Raijin couldn't do anything as they got pinned down when they tried to resist. Faustus, Emilia, Quintus, and Julius couldn't do anything either.
Daisuke's vision got blurry as he loses a lot of blood. His arms and legs got numb. His chest burns with the pain.
Siegfried rushed towards Daisuke, aiming for his neck. But before he could make contact, Daisuke's eyes glowed and he released a surge of mana, knocking Siegfried back.
“Daisuke!!” Jack shouted.
Hexagonal patterns suddenly appeared on Daisuke’s skin. Trees started to grow on his back, roots crawled, and ingrained from his legs. The sword impaled on his back was slowly removed by a branch and his wounds started to heal.
With blinding speed, Daisuke burst towards Siegfried and kicked him in the face. Siegfried’s helmet flew away, revealing his face for the first time to the audience.
Daisuke jumped and landed near him. He stepped on his breastplate where roots began to entangle Siegfried. Daisuke then raised Siegfried's sword, ready to stab him by the heart.
Just as when Daisuke was about to impale him, Riku shouted. “STOOOOOOP!!!”
Riku started to glow reddish-pink all over her skin pattern. Even the stone on her necklace glowed brightly. It didn't last for long, but when the light subsided, Riku collapsed and her skin was smoking.
The hexagonal patterns on Daisuke disappeared and the plants all over his body quickly withered and turned to dust. He looked at Siegfried, whom he was stepping on, confused. He realized he was holding his sword and immediately threw it away and stepped back away from Siegfried. “W-What happened?”
The audience roared. The emperor was on his feet as he watched the fight.
“Please…S...Stop...” Brunnhilde pleaded before fainting.
Daisuke looked at the emperor, who was pointing his thumbs down. The audience was doing the same.
However, Daisuke shook his head, defying the emperor.
* * * * *
Daisuke and Siegfried were both sent to the gladiators' cells.
The cell was engraved with runic symbols that prevented Daisuke from using his power.
Riku, Raijin, and Jack were sent to the Capital Prison. The emperor ordered Brunnhilde to be relocated to the Capital Prison as well to keep her away from Siegfried.
The Traeuxian leaders were sent back to Traeux XII accompanied by a century to keep an eye on them. They were ordered to stay at the village until further notice.
At the palace, the emperor was drinking wine with some senators.
“Damn it! That elf could have already killed that barbarian!” shouted the emperor as he threw his goblet filled with wine.
“As long as that barbarian breathes, he could spread the fact that he easily defeated hundreds of our army,” warned a senator.
“Our army's number is the only thing that intimidates the barbarians now. If the barbarians think that they can easily defeat our men, they will surely form an alliance within them and attack us all at once,” added another senator.
“We cannot let him leave this empire alive,” said another.
“Maybe we just have to resort to extreme measures again to eliminate the barbarian,” suggested a high-ranking officer.
“What else should we try?! Poisons and venoms didn't work! Neither starvation nor dehydration! We even tried to assassinate him, and blow his previous cell with a bomb! Who survives those?!”
“And how about the plan to kill Emilia? What is our next move?” asked another senator.
“As long as she is protected by Aquillus's Insignia, it would be difficult to kill her. Not even those Runic shackles could tamper on those insignia. If not for those elves, she would have been taken already by the barbarians I paid to attack Traeux XII!”
“With her still alive, she could potentially lead an uprising against you. All of our effort to support you and put you in power will be for naught,” a senator reminded him.
The emperor took an amphora and drank wine straight from it.
“Double the guards at the prison and at the gladiators' cells. None of them will ever leave my empire.”
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