《Dream Hunters》Chapter 7 – The Seeker Trials


Chapter 7 – The Seeker Trials

THE THREE HUMANS that Rango’s team caught were finally sent back to mainland Aria and were handed over to United Alliance. Rango, the superior of Daisuke, Riku, and Jack, led a team of Seekers that handed over those humans. And upon returning to Maria Island, Rango reported to Ananais at her office in the Council House.

“Lady Ananais,” Rango greeted. “Do you have a minute? I’d like to report about our last mission.”

“Rango! It’s good to see you. Let’s hear it then,” Ananais invited him to take a seat.

“During our interrogation of the humans on the ship, we managed to get some information about how they entered the island without being noticed. It seems that someone is letting them in from our side, basking them with that elf’s mana,” Rango informed.

Ananais looked down and sighed. “I guess my suspicion was right after all.”

“And on how the humans got the information about Daisuke, it didn’t come from the United Alliance. It's from that elf as well,” Rango added.

Ananais raised her head again. “Well, do we know whose mana it was? Did they give any name or description of the elf who helped them get in?”

“About that...” Rango was anxious. It’s like he does not want to say what the humans told them.


“‘King of Fruits’, is what they said.”

* * * * *

A few weeks later, Daisuke, Riku, and Jack concluded their last training. They spent most of their rest day training Daisuke, and Daisuke has improved quite a lot and even managed to come up with a new strategy for the combat trials. They were now just sitting down on the sands of the beach, resting and enjoying the view.

“This makes me think...why are you guys still not leaving the island?” Daisuke wondered. “I mean, shouldn’t you two already fulfill your Seeker duties?”

Jack responded first. “Well in my case, it’s only been a year since I cleared the trials. No need to hurry. Besides, my dad told me that I should continue my training before leaving.”

“Hmmm…waiting for the right moment…that makes sense,” Daisuke commented

“How about you Riku? It’s been two years, isn’t it?” Jack asked.

“Well, I was hoping that we could all leave together,” Riku answered.

“Wait, so you're telling me that, after passing the trials, we have the option to stay on the island?” Daisuke asked?

“You have four years to decide whether to leave or not. After that, it’s either you leave for a mission or your Seeker status will be revoked,” Riku answered.

“Did you know about that, Jack?” Daisuke turned to Jack.

Jack simply shook his head in disagreement.

“Well, time to go home guys. Big day for Daisuke tomorrow,” Riku got up and stretched. “Come on.”

As soon as Daisuke got home, he was greeted by Pinelia and Sequovas who were already done eating dinner. Daisuke greeted them as well and went straight to his room. He did not bother to review the written and practical trials. He was confident that he could clear the first two parts easily. Tiredness took over Daisuke that night, and as soon as he shut his eyes, he fell asleep.


The following morning, Daisuke was accompanied by Sequovas and Pinelia to the sacred grounds where the trials will take place.

“Good luck, Daisuke.” said Pinelia. “I know you can do it this time.”

“Daisuke, just do your best. Trust the training you have been doing with your friends. I’ll be there momentarily after the council’s meeting at the Council House.” Sequovas said smilingly.

“Thanks, guys. I’ll definitely clear all the trials this time,” Daisuke said confidently.

* * * * *

Two hundred and fifty candidates applied to take this year’s Seeker Trials. Daisuke looked around the venue and saw some familiar faces. Aside from him, there were only two other candidates that were not taking the trials for the first time: A red-haired male elf, and a female elf that looked like she hasn't slept for days.

“Huh. I guess Capsian and Kofeera are on their last attempt as well…” muttered Daisuke.

The candidates sat down as the organizers of the Seeker Trials arrived. This year’s Seeker Trials’ organizers were Durant, Sequovas, Ananais, and three other veteran Seekers, Musa, Raffla, and Hayato, the top three from previous Seeker Trials that were now respected Seekers.

Ananais stood in front of the podium for her opening speech. “We welcome everyone who is taking this year’s trials. Before we begin, we would just like to remind everyone of the importance of the trials in our lives.

“The outside world is an unforgiving one. Going outside means demise to anyone unprepared. To protect our citizens, we have to regulate those who want to enter our land. And of course, we also have to regulate those who want to leave.

“It may be a strict law, but safety will always come first. Of course, those who want to leave without clearing the trials may opt to be exiled.”

The candidate laughed at those latter remarks.

“Okay then. Without any further ado, let the trials begin!” Ananais ended her speech and gave the stage to Musa.

“I am Musa, and I will be giving you all your first trial: the written trial. You will answer a five-page questionnaire. The time limit is one hour. As you may all know, the written trial is composed of language, survival, common misconception, and general knowledge. You need to get an eighty-five percent mark to clear this trial. Good luck.”

The candidates were given the questionnaires. And as expected, Daisuke was able to answer most of the questions with ease. What he struggled at though was the general knowledge part.

For some reason, he noticed that the questions for the general knowledge were more difficult compared to last year. He went back to the other questions and just noticed that the questions for all sections were much more difficult.

He looked around and saw the other candidates near him struggling. Some even decided to concede. Something was wrong with the written trial, he thought.

After one hour, the answer sheet of the candidates automatically revealed their marks. Daisuke managed to get a ninety-three percent mark, turning his answer sheet blue that glowed dimly. All around him, the answer sheet glowed red, indicating that they failed.

Musa announced that from the previous count, only eighty-nine candidates were left.


Daisuke looked at Musa who was discreetly speaking with Sequovas. When Sequovas saw Daisuke looking at them, he just smiled. Musa stopped speaking with Sequovas and instead applauded the remaining candidates.

* * * * *

The second trial began shortly. Raffla was the organizer of the second part of the trials. After the candidates who failed already left the sacred ground, the remaining candidates gathered near the podium under Raffla’s command.

“Okay everyone, listen up,” Raffla took the attention of the candidates. “The second part of the Seeker Trials is the puzzle trial. Having theoretical knowledge is not enough. You should also know how to use that knowledge and apply them in real life.

“So, just like last year, the puzzle trial will require you to get to the Shrine of Maria from here. As the name suggests, there will be puzzles along the way. Your goal is to clear ten puzzles for you to obtain a spot for the last trial. The time limit is three hours. Best of luck everyone!”

There were many ways to reach the shrine. Daisuke did not bother to try any other routes and simply went to a more direct route. That’s when he realized that the route he took had the most difficult puzzles.

Most of the participants who continued were already on their third or fourth puzzle and he was being left behind.

The puzzle trial will challenge the candidates’ way of thinking by solving puzzles using foreign objects that the elves were not usually familiar with. That includes radio frequencies, light bulbs, electricity, steam engines, freezing technology, magnetism, and gunpowder, to name a few.

Despite the suspiciously difficult puzzles, Daisuke still managed to solve them. He was already familiar with most of the objects to use. It was only a matter of finding out what objects to use to solve the puzzles.

In one puzzle, he had to match radio frequencies to open the gates. Another puzzle required him to freeze water in different shapes. Then a dangerous puzzle required him to craft bombs. Like, seriously? Bombs?

He managed to catch up with the other participants and narrowly made it. He finished ninth place, with five minutes left, assuring him a spot on the combat trials. The tenth spot, however, was given to two participants who reached the shrine at the same time. Instead of having a tie-breaker, the organizers decided to simply let the two join the combat trial. Raffla suggested that if either one of them fails, then both of them should fail, which the two candidates didn't have a problem with.

* * * * *

The candidates were given a break until the start of the combat trial. The sacred ground was already converted into a sort of stadium during the puzzle trial. Audiences already filled the seats. Jack and Riku were sitting together at the opposite end of the organizers’ area. Below them were the remaining candidates.

Daisuke was sitting alone, watching the organizers talk at the opposite end. He felt that something was off. There were way too few candidates that were left and the trials became much more difficult as if the organizers do not want anyone to become a Seeker this year.

While deep in his thoughts, two elves approached him.

“Hey, short-ears!” said the red-haired male elf.

Daisuke sighed, not even hiding it. “What now, Capsian?”

“Nothing! Just greeting you like an old friend,” said Capsian with open arms.

Daisuke raised an eyebrow.

“What’s up, bark-skin?” Kofeera greeted.

“Could you please make up your mind on what insult you two will say? I’m already liking ‘short-ears’” said Daisuke sarcastically.

“Anyway, it looks like it’s only the three of us who are taking Seeker Trials for the third time,” said Capsian.

“Yeah. This is our last chance. It’s our first time getting to combat trials though” said Kofeera.

“Oh, is that right? Well, good luck to all of us then,” Daisuke platonically responded.

“So cold,” Capsian and Kofeera said.

Since there were eleven remaining candidates and the combat trial was usually a one-on-one battle, one match will have to be a three-way battle. Using a draw lot, it was Daisuke, Capsian, and Kofeera that would have to be in a three-way battle.

“Oh, look at that. What are the odds?” said Daisuke.

Capsian and Koffeera simply shrugged.

Hayato, the organizer for the combat trial, reiterated the rules. “Everyone, listen up. The purpose of this match is for you to show your skills in battle. Showcase your creativity and manage your mana properly. Winning does not necessarily mean that you will pass this trial. Now, be proud, for you are Yoran elves!!”

The remaining candidates screamed out their lungs to cheer as Hayato ended his speech. He also served as the matches’ referee.

The four matches before the three-way battle ended pretty quickly:

The first match was between a corn power-user and a watermelon power-user where the latter won. The second match was between a summoner of treant-like creatures and a banana power-user. The former overwhelmed his opponent and won. The third match was fought with brute force by a cactus power-user and a coconut power-user that ended with a tie as both of them got K.O’d at the same time. The fourth match was a clash between two magic users; one who has maple tree magic and another with cinnamon tree magic. The maple tree magic user ultimately won.

When the time finally came for the three-way battle, Daisuke, Capsian, and Kofeera, stood on the stage.

Daisuke's probably thinking that something’s not right, judging by his face. First, there was the impossibly difficult written trial. Then, the absurd puzzle trial. Now, he has to fight two people at the same time because the organizers agreed to have two tenth placers.

The three of them went to their respective corners. Daisuke tried to focus and recalled his training. He started to circulate his mana to prepare his body for using his power. As his senses intensified, he knew something was wrong. He observed Capsian and Kofeera, who were looking at each other as if agreeing on something. He then saw them look his way.

On Hayato’s mark, the three-way battle commenced

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