《Class Incognito》The Spider's Nest (2)


Kaiser Ysvelt Daymore. A name that strikes fear to the whole student body. Firstly, his persuasion. Politics, debates, and even contract negotiations. He has it playing carefully and uncontestably at his fingertips. Next, his martial prowess, he's held the position of student council president for 4 years now, and not once did he lose to a fight, whether in words or by fists.

And lastly, and the most dangerous, is his ability. While most of House Daymore had light-based abilities, like Lady Emma said, Kaiser deviated from his family line, and instead gained his ability to mimic abilities. With that ability, he became the most versatile ability user, and as such, the most dangerous opponent.

Now that dangerous person, was using Theo's ability to root me in place. What did I get into this time?

He sat down, and moved the untouched chocolate drink Theo ordered, he was smiling, but underneath that smile was unmistakble vehemence and revulsion. The signs of an elitist. And a sign that I was in so much trouble.

"So... Marc Callahan Noan. Adopted son of the Noan Orphanage. Not only do you belong to a family of bleeding hearts, but you're also an adopted stain." He began, even his voice was laced with vicious venom. "How is your brother Elios? His name is Elios right?"

"Don't bring him into this." I snapped angrily and received a fist in reply. My glasses flew across the room and Theodore flinched.

"Tut tut... Where are your manners Callahan. You're talking with your senior." Kaiser pulled my head, his fingers digging at my scalp. "No need to be so dismissive."

"What do you want?" I asked, but Kaiser tightens his grip. This guys has ridiculous strength for a 16 year old.

"Hush... You don't get to ask questions Callahan. And you are only required to answer MY questions." Kaiser smiled wickedly, his eyes were morphing from blue to a dangerous red hue, but what was surprising was it was becoming more and more like my eye color.

"Do you know what a calla lily is Callahan?" He asked but then retracts. "No don't answer that, I hate hearing your voice. Anyways, calla lilies, beautiful flowers, but are scentless, has no purpose but to beautify a room; Decorations, nothing more... And you, are nothing more but a trinket. So I suggest, no wait... I order you to stay a decoration. Your little bout with McKenna, while I commend you to root out a pathetic existence in the aristocracy, you are still, and never will, be part of the aristocracy."

"That's not even my goal!" I reasoned but Kaiser was now choking the air out of me, he was pressing his forearm right at my throat. The psychokinesis was preventing me from resisting him.

"You're exhausting my patience Callahan, so let me remind you one last time... DON'T. STAND. OUT. Or else... your little brother will be the receiving end of the stick. And I'm sure you don't want him to see your angered state again?" Kaiser whispered venomously. Even though I can't see his facial expression, his tone alone told me he wasn't playing around. "Remember Callahan... I have eyes everywhere. So don't fight back."

"President Daymore... Your appointment is nearing." Someone behind us spoke, a girl, but I couldn't see who it was, Kaiser was blocking my view. Kaiser sighs and releases his grip, I was gasping and coughing for air by the time he was finished. My vision was spinning and disoriented.

"You got lucky Callahan, you should be thankful for Phoebe. Now then, if you'll excuse me, I have other plans. And Scifios, no need to look scared. That threat about closing down St. Binah? That was just a joke. Escort your decoration back to your room." Kaiser howled in a laugh I can never forget. He was dangerous. I could feel my limbs again, the grip was and I was shaking. There was no way someone's power was that domineering.


'Remember Callahan... I have eyes everywhere.'

His reminder was chilling to the bone, it was the first time I feel sheer terror from someone's power. Kaiser was no joke.

"M-Marc... I'm sorry for doing this, President Kaiser gave me no choice and-" Theo gave me my glasses back, but it the right side len was cracked.

"Enough... I don't blame you Theo... Can you help me up?" I requested his help, Theo was surprisingly taller than me, which hurt my pride as an older brother yet again. Why do I have short genes again?

"Should I send you to Doctor Belforma?" Theo asked and I shuddered. If Doc sees me all injured again his veins will pop.

"C-can you just set me down? Preferably in a mirror?" I asked politely. He did so and I look at my reflection, my lips was bleeding and I could taste my blood. My glasses needs to be fixed too.

I took the lens and applied telekinetic energy, weaving the broken pieces together. The only problem was my focus. Kaiser's voice was playing on repeat. And who the heck was Phoebe? So many things were racking my head, and not just because of Kaiser's beatings.

"Marc, are you sure you're fine? You look like you'll keel over." Theodore complained and I smiled at him.

"Don't worry about me lad. Just focus on your studies and keep out of trouble. And uh... Don't get too involved with me. I don't want anyone to be under Kaiser's radar as well." I reassured him but he shakes his head.

"I'm already under his radar. Da recommended me as Kaiser's protoge." He said and my blood felt cold. How could he do that?

"Y-your da did? Is that what you wanted?" I asked, my voice sounding desperate and hesitant.

"Well... I did told him vaguely that I wanted to be a better son, but I never expected him to connect me with Senior Daymore." He smiled weakly. "When he and I first met, I thought I was going to be all right. But then, news of McKenna being wiped the floor by you circulated among the student body, an adopted son from the B-Class. He showed me his true colors. He found out you and I were classmates, so... He threathened me to report to my da about having insecurities."

Wait... Theo's having insecurities?! Why? He's having a good life with his family.

"Back up for a minute pal... Why are you having insecurities? You're the son of the most powerful psionic healers." I asked. "You're basically a silver spoon."

"That's the point! I... I don't want to be a burden to da! But I can't... No matter how much I tried... I can't do it." He said, tears streaming down his face.

"Do what exactly? Theo... What are you hiding from them?" I asked but he wouldn't answer. I sighed and I don't know why, but I peered through his head, I need to know. Even though we were never raised together, Theo is my little brother.

Memory Walk. I only used it a couple of times, but Theo's mind is unstable. Making it dangerous to perform even telepathically. But even if it's dangerous, I have to try to understand him. His memories of his childhood were great, spending their time together in the everwinter landscape of Lysensa, enjoying laughter by the dinner table. Making friends in his kindergarten, even his acceptance letter. So what was making him so uneasy? All of it were instances of happiness.


'I have to do better...' Theo's voice said, and I followed it. 'I need to be able to use the healing psionic.'

Then I saw the memory. I saw his psyche, inside a dimly litted room, hunched over a stack of medical books, Theo was scribbling from his notebook about theories on psionic healing. Why was he doing that, he's practically a prodigy. Then I saw it... He can't use his psionic power to heal, when he touched the plant he was suppose to mend, it withered. Psionic Deterioration... The absolute opposite of healing.

'Why? I'm their first born? Why do I have this?!' Theo sobbed. 'Da... Ma... What should I do?'

I broke myself out of the link. I can now understand Theo's pain and constant nervousness. He was led to believe that he was the first born son. Randolph and Ashe... What were you thinking?!

"Theo? Care to help me to Doctor Belforma?" I requested him to take his mind off from my question.

"S-sure. Come on then..." He helped me up. When we got to the clinic and Doc saw me, his smile became sadistic and he grabbed me by the ear.

"I see you still haven't learn from yesterday kid... I've got a new stock of medical supplies, should we test it out?" He said while pulling my cheeks.

"O-ow!!! DOC!!!" I said in a pained but laughing tone.

"What happened to you this time Noan?" Doc asked as he applied ointment on my cheek.

"Kaiser Daymore happened." I said and Doc sighed.

"I knew it was only a matter of time. And what's Scifios doing here?"

Theodore flinched like a squirrel, which made me snicker a bit.

"He was just passing by when he saw me." I lied, I don't want anyone else knowing that Theo was forced to help Kaiser. I don't want his image in school be broken because of me.

"I see... Well, thanks for that kid. Leave this troublemaker to me. Don't worry, he'll still suffer History Class with you all later."

I shuddered, from what I hear from the other students, the history teacher, Professor Melissa Ainsworth, was foreboding and will drone the lesson when she's in the zone.

When Theodore left and we were left alone, I looked away from Doc as much as possible. But I could feel his murderous aura already. I could only sweat coldly and smile nervously.

"Injured on your second day huh? You must be asking for my newly concocted medicines." He pats my shoulder and I could feel his gaze piercing my skull.

"P-please be gentle." I whimpered and he began prodding me with needles and bandages.

2 minutes of harsh medication later, my body was light. Like I was ready to ascend to heaven. My whole body ached and relevied at the same time.

"Is it just me... Or does that kid look a lot like you. I mean, minus the golden hair and blue eyes of course." Doc pondered after writing up a tardy slip for me.

"I... Can't say. Not because I trust you doc but -" I stammered but Doc raised his hand.

"Details of your drama do not interest me. I was just wondering out loud." Doc said non-chalantly. "Anyways kid, President Daymore is putting you under his radar huh? That's not a good sign."

"Doc, you've been here long. Can you tell me more about him?" I asked but Doc could only smile in a condescending way.

"Me? Know him? Of course I know that impertinent scumbag. Heck, he's the reason I'm overworked for the past few years. Now he's putting you in my patient's list and you're just the fourth!" Doc rambled and complained but I stopped listening to him when I heard there were three more people under his list.

"Wait wait wait... fourth? Who're the other three?" I inquired in curiousity and Doc just gave me a ludicurous look.

"Small talk's over kid, head back to class. Unless you want a de-merit that is." He said and I sighed, why did he let me hear that there are others who are under Kaiser's list?

When I got back the classroom, History Class was about to begin. The teacher, Professor Ainsworth was looking through her files, her ghastly white hair and slanted eyes were enough to be signs that the class will be the most dreadful time of the day. Her pale pink dress and amethyst brooch made it hard for me to look at her since it reminds me of a lavender patch back at home. When I got seated, she then began her lesson.

And the topic was about the Noble Houses. The 7 Notable houses that I know of are; Mathis, Maxwell, Daymore, Kresnik, Narukami, Scifios, and Alencon. According to the lesson, most of the noble lines are responsible in keeping the balance of power in Deus Alma, but the current holder of the title of President belongs to the Cairus Family. I never heard of their dealings, nor their children, but what I know is their ability is heavily classified. Or so I believed, honestly I think I fell asleep during that class.

By the time we reached the classification of the class system of the world throughout the years, the bell rang, and all of us took a collective sigh of relief. Professor Ainsworth drooly assigned us a five page long essay about the aristocratic system of Deus Alma and it is to be submitted next week Tuesday. By the time she left, most of the class left as well, leaving only the seven of us for Thaumaturgy, back at the room. While I gathered my thoughts, I noticed something was missing from my bag... My journal, the one thing I treasured sice it was a gift from Mom and Keith about what I feel about.

Why was it missing? I know I packed it and never leave home without it.

I took everything off my bag and it really wasn't there. Where was my journal?!

"Looking for something?"

I spun around and Blake Mathis was giving me a sympathetic look, his teal eyes blazed with compassion.

"My journal... it's missing from my bag." I said in a panicky voice. Blake sighs and pats my shoulder.

"It's going to be rough from here on out Marc. I'm sorry to say this but, you should've heed my warning before." He said and walks away. "Your journal will be sent to your mailbox later this night. Kaiser... will make sure of that."

Kaiser again? Why? I didn't do anything worth noting today! Then it him me...

'Remember Callahan... I have eyes everywhere.'

I now understand what he meant. And understand my position in this jungle.

I am now a prey.

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