《Class Incognito》The Rejected Ones (2)


I had a weird dream. Which is to say, not a lot but...

I mean I would know if it was a dream or not, but I think I saw myself, sitting down in front of a table, wearing a blue uniform with a yellow tie. And I was... smiling. I was smiling widely, with five others.

I couldn't make out their words, but when I look at them, I seem to know who they are. Their faces are a bit of a blur, but it was unmistakable that I enjoy their company.

4 of them wore light brown uniforms, and only two of us were wearing blue uniforms. But... who were they?

'It seems we've finally able to talk.' The me from the dream said and we made eye contact. His crimson eyes were now vivid as bright rubies concealed by black framed spectacles, his black hair bushy but short, and the light on his face was brighter than I ever known.

'I'm dead aren't I? This is just a figment of my afterlife.' I asked.

'Nice conclusion, yet sorry to disappoint you, you're not dead yet mini-me.' He said.

'Wait... this is one of those shadow things huh? The ones that plague me everyday?!'

'Nope. I'm you mini me.'

'Who? If I'm you, then what's my... I mean our name?' I demanded.

'I don't want to spoil you on too much mini me, just call me... Big me.'

Okay, this guy is definitely not me. And seriously... mini me?!

'What are you here for, big me?'

'No time to explain mini me, but I assure you, it'll get better. And uh, try to focus on me. Time to wake up. Uncle's waiting for you.' He waved his hand, and a clear cerulean energy, blue and bright as the clear sky, begins to envelop me and I woke up so suddenly I almost gave the person near me a heart attack.

"Crikey lad, you almost made the old thing suffer a sudden attack." Doc said.

"Doc? W-where am I and... what happened?"

"For starters, you ran away from the academy, which in itself was a grave misconduct. The principal didn't overlooked it and... expelled you indefinitely." Doc scratched the back of his head.

So in the end... I really was a disappointment to my parents.


No Parents, no academy, no friends, and now... No home.

"So that's that huh? I really am a failure." I said.

"Does it help?"


"Belittling yourself? Does it give closure? Does it give you strength?"

"I don't understand..."

"If you don't understand it, why keep repeating it?" Doc asked.

'He doesn't know what you're going through... Only I understand how you feel.'

The shadowy figure of me was tightening its embrace. Preventing me from responding.

'You are a failure. Everyone will leave you alone.' It said. 'He'll do the same to you!'

That's right... Why is he trying so hard? I just don't understand.

"I see you're still having reservations on trusting me. That's a given... Randolph was never one to sugarcoat words." Doc said. "But I just have one question for you... Why did you request a leave of absence that day? Was it something you wanted to do?"

Why did I request a leave... Then I remembered why:

"I missed them. I wanted to see them, tell them that I was doing my best and show off my powers. In short... I just wanted to live with them again."

"But what you didn't know... Was the wager that was pressed down upon you the moment they gave you away to the Academy."

There it was again, a wager. To be truthful, it made me curious but then again... Why was I curious?

"It's okay." Doc said.

"What's okay?"

"You may mask your feelings outside, but you cannot hide the curiosity screaming inside your mind."

'Don't! You're gonna get hurt again! Are you seriously trying to hope once more?!'

"Lad... Whatever you choose. I'll respect and let you decide. Now... What do you want to do?"

What I want? Yeah... What should I want...

"I want to know... What is the wager. And how do you know of it. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I've forgotten everything that once made me who I am. I want to know why they didn't want me and what made me... What I am now!" I yelled my heart out, despite the protest of my doubts. I could feel it's grip slightly loosening, but it was still there.

'Now you've done it. See, he's disappointed in you.' it said and I recoiled and looked away. To my surprise, he pulled me in a tight embrace.


"What are you doing Doc? Answer my question!" I demanded.

"I'm sorry... Really, I am... You're the youngest one to be thrown in the conditions of the wager."

He held me tighter, and I could feel something streaming down my shoulder, is he... crying? After a few minutes, he composed himself and looks at me at the eye. His dull red eyes were like old kindled rutiles

"First off, I want to clarify to you about our family. The Scifios line is one of the most ancient and prominent families of Deus Alma. Their names hold a strong foothold in society, because of their ability to manipulate things with their minds." Doc explained

I spoke not a word, this was rather fascinating, it even made the constant shadow listen to the story.

"There are three things that distinguish the scions of Scifios, first, their appearance, they should have Golden Hair and Blue Eyes. Second, the month of their birth. Lastly, the color of their aura. Which should produce a clear and strong navy blue aura."

"But not everyone makes the cut.. right?" I asked.

"Exactly, incest is completely out of the question. So we had to turn to families with the same powers to Psionics. Unfortunately, I was born with black hair and red eyes. Ring a bell?"

Gold hair, Blue eyes, and navy blue aura. I didn't met the criteria. Doc too... That means...

"Okay... I get some of it, but what is this... wager?"

"Right, now the wager, is a contract for those who have the non-Scifios gene prevalent to be tested if they have what it takes to be truly part of the family."

I clenched my fists but I wanted to hear more.

"Then how is it played out?"

"Academics, Ability control, and... the color of your aura. Your birtday is also taken in for consideration but... Anyways, after seeing your kid brother, what happened?"

"I was inferior to Theodore in anyway. It was... pitiful." I said sadly. "Seeing their faces, the faces that they never once did for me. It made me jealous, I wanted to show them what I achieved... Only for it to be trampled and compared. In a sense, I failed the wager."

"What's the color of your aura?"

Instead of saying anything, I just showed him. But even I was surprised by what I displayed. What was once clearly teal, it was now blue, no... to be exact, it was the same as Big me's. Bluer, Brighter. Like the sky.

"Sky Blue... Randolph you idiot."

"What does sky blue mean?"

"It's nothing... It's just, your power will exceed that of your brother's."

What? Power to exceed Theodore? No, I don't want that... I hardly even know him.

"Do you want that? To train so you can outperform your younger brother?" Doc asked.

"No! That's... that's wrong." I suddenly said. "Theodore is still my brother but... I don't want to take something away from him. He doesn't deserve to experience this hardship."

'Hypocrite... It's your only chance to be loved by your parents.'

I pushed down my thoughts. I don't want that. Theodore... Even though we never were close, he's still my younger brother.

"I see. Then... If you wish to return to the Scifios line, would you do it?"

My heart tugged, it beated so fast it hurts. BUt not because I wanted to believe in that possibilty, but because I was afraid of it. The cold glare of Randolph, the indifference in Ashe's eyes.

"No. I... I want to start fresh. If that's possible. Some place where they'll accept me while discovering what I truly want to do."

I sounded so selfish. But with what Big-Me said, maybe... I should be a bit selfish.

"You're not being selfish. There is nothing wrong with the innocent longing and requests of a scorned child. I have a request... if you want to hear and accept it that is."

Doc has been... Helpful to me, even though I kept pushing him away. And this was a first, even Principal Lewis wasn't this kind and frank. Should I... really trust him for a bit?

"W-what is it?" I asked quietly.

"Do you... wish to live with me, as my son in our Orphanage?"

That was sudden, so the only word that escaped my mouth was:


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