《Lilly's Adventures In the Old World》27. Expedition, Part 2, Air-Field


Scene 1. Love

The General invites the group to lunch, cautioning against continuing the discussion of topics from his morning meeting. The group breaks for lunch and they all head over to the base’s cafeteria building.

As the Lilly and Roc stand from the lunch table after finishing their lunch, Lois presents herself in front of them, “Roc!” “Let’s play some tennis!” Lois' eyes are gleaming as she eagerly exclaims, staring at Roc while wagging her red-flag fox tail.

Lilly looks askance at the wagging fox-lady and grumbles, “We didn’t bring clothes or rackets.”

Lois smiles and laughs, “Oh I have all of your old stuff.” “If not, there’s always ‘Army issue’...” “I already called Ernie and the corporal.” “Others might show up too.” “At least come over and say hello to everyone, Lilly.” “We all have missed you.” “You don’t have to play if you don’t want to.”

In the changing room at the gym, Lilly receives a racket and her old tennis clothes from Lois, no Army issue clothing is required. Lilly looks down at herself and at the tennis outfit from Lois, Did I leave these clothes in my Base apartment when I moved out? Why did Lois keep them?

Lilly is still looking worried, “I normally have to wrap myself up if I am going to jump around, so I don’t fly apart.”

Lois smiles, “I have wraps, here!”

Lilly takes a wrap. Lilly looks down at the thin fox-woman and shakes her head, “I’ll need more than that little thing to hold me together.” Lilly is feeling fat.

Lois looks up and slyly smiles, “Here Lilly, I have several, take them all!”

Lilly’s Army Base friends are already out on the tennis courts, playing, when Lilly and Lois walk out. Lilly suddenly feels at home and relaxed around her friends, I miss these people and this place! It really is ‘home’ to me here.

Lois darts over and quickly locks Roc’s fore-leg around hers, “Let’s play doubles!” “I’ll partner with Roc!” Lois is trying not to smile to broadly with all of her gleaming white teeth. Lois’ tail gives her feelings away.

Lilly stares at the two, a bit miffed at Lois’ aggressive moves on her husband, I’ll bet you will!

Lilly turns and smiles sweetly at Ernie who is staring at her, Ernie is still infatuated with me. Good!

“Come on Ernie, let’s give ‘um hell!

Ernie brightens and stands tall at Lilly’s sudden interest in him, “Yeah! Sure!” “We have all missed you Lilly!”

Lilly mulls the turnabout, You missed me? Have you now? Ernie is too young for me, but he is kind of cute. He is a bear, built like The Professor, and he smells good! No! No Lilly, you can’t handle what you already have! And you are leaving...

The tennis games proceed. Lilly and Ernie have teamed up, as they have many times before. They play good games against all comers. Roc and Lois seem to be have more issues, with the normally fast and graceful Lois stumbling into Roc’s chest numerous times. Lois usually ends up in a tight embrace, to steady herself against Roc. Each time Lois impacts Roc, Lois emits a short squeaky, “Yip!”

As the group breaks up to return to work, Lois, salivating, tightly embraces Roc, with her bright red tail briskly wagging,

“Ummmmmm,” “Thanks for the game, Roc!” “Sniff," "Sniff.”

Scene 2. Air-Field

The group reconvenes after the lunch break in front of The Base’s main office building. The General then directs everyone to take the shuttle-buses to The Air-Field. Lois sits next to Roc, nestling into body contact and periodically glancing up at him. Roc looks forward, trying to avoid Lois’ gaze.


As Lilly and Roc exit the bus, Lilly stops Roc and smiles, “Roc,” “Why don’t you walk the tour with Lois?” “She would like that, and she will show you what we all have been doing out here.” “I need to walk, and talk, with The General anyway.”

Lilly leads Roc by the fore-hoof to turn over to Lois. Lois surprised, just stares at Lilly and Roc as they walk up to her. Lilly smiles and chuckles at the confused Lois, “Lois, I need to talk to The General, so would you mind giving your 'personal tour' of the many air-craft types to my husband?” “Show him the new air-craft design that you are test-flying.”

Every visible rust colored fur part of Lois is now glowing a bright red, with her tail wagging furiously, “Over here Roc!” Lois bounces as she is pulling the reluctant Roc along,

“I’ll fly you!” “Oops!” “I’ll show you!”

Before Lois can bounce off with Roc, Lilly pulls Lois down out of the air and leans up to one of Lois’ large red ears, and whispers, “Be gentle Lois, or you will scare my shy Roc away.”

Lois stops bouncing and stares at Lilly, surprised at Lilly’s frank comment.

Lilly nods to Lois,

That’s right Lois, you have my approval to become Roc’s mistress/consort. And take care of him, while I am gone, maybe forever, if you want the responsibility.

Lilly turns and walks toward The General. The General is standing, pointing something out on an air-craft to his tour group.

Lilly walks up and stands next to The General. Lilly then looks up to see Lois dragging Roc to an air-craft sitting alone, away from the other air-craft, on the far side of the field.

Lilly reflects, I guess we’ll see how they do. Roc needs a female friend, besides me and the others. I hope I don’t lose him to Lois, but it would serve me right, the way I carry on. Roc is shy around new women, but Lois is nice, smart and athletic. She’s a forward, confident soul, and she is a lot neater than I am. I might just disappear someday. I don’t want Roc to be left alone, unable to move on, after I am gone.

The field has changed very much since Lilly last was there. Visible are rows of several different sized air craft, a dozen or so of each, all silvery and new. Some of the air craft are very large, maybe for passengers and cargo, and smaller ones that might be used for observation.

Lilly is amazed, “General, how did you get so many different kinds of air craft made so quickly?” “I haven’t been gone that long.”

The General smiles, “It is all the good work of The Chief and The Factory,” “Plus some of the ideas were lifted from air-craft and other vehicles that we captured from The Federation.”

As The General leads the tour, he points out features distinguishing the types and missions of the different aircraft. Lilly is amazed at how much has been added since her flight of The Union’s first air-craft. The engine size and likely the weight is much reduced on the new models.

Lilly notices a series of holes along the leading edge of the lift surface of one of the smaller air-craft. Lilly touches a hole, “General, what are these holes for?”

The General points to one of the holes, “These ‘holes’ are ‘gun ports’.” “Machine-guns are mounted inside the lift surfaces." "These air-craft are designed for shooting down to the ground or at enemy air-craft.”


Lilly’s ears go straight up, “Gun ports!” “On my nice, peaceful, air-craft!” “Baaaah!” "Waaaah!" “Noooo!”

The General grimaces, “We didn’t want to weaponize the air-craft but The Federation has already done so.” “We have to counter that threat.” “Look here, there is more than just the gun ports.” “These doors at the bottom, underneath this large air-craft.” “These doors open so items, such as incendiaries or explosive bombs, can be jettisoned on to the enemy forces below.” “And sometimes drop leaflets warning civilians of an impending attack, so that they can take shelter or evacuate.”

Lilly immediately recalls and envisions the dramatic scenes from Apollo’s movie frame: The sky filled with aircraft; flying in formation; dropping hideously destructive devices on the cities and people below; with towering fires; frightened people and animals running, screaming;

“Oh no!” Lilly moans,

“General!” “Is there any way possible for us to stop this war before it starts?”

Scene 3. Joy-Ride

Across the field, Lois and Roc are examining an air-craft that Lois has been taking up on test flights. Roc leans down into the cockpit and examines the instrument panel, “The General lets his essential aid-de-campe fly these dangerous things?”

Lois, chest out, smiles with pride, “The General knows that he can’t stop me, so he lets me fly all that I want!” “And I want to fly all of the time.” “He does make me complete my other assignments first, but that is fair.”

Lois grins menacingly down at Roc’s back, sniffing, Mmmmm, yummy! He’s perfect! What a build! He’s strong, handsome and a real gentleman. I bet I can 'buffalo' him! Let’s see...

Lois then jumps up on to the main horizontal airfoil, pulling up Roc, “Come on up Roc, and try out the pilot’s seat!”

Not waiting for a response, Lois grabs Roc by the fore-legs, “Here,” “I’ll even help you in!” She violently thrusts Roc down into the pilot’s seat. Lois quickly immobilizes Roc by snapping Roc in the seat belts then she cinches him firmly into the pilot’s seat by pulling on the belt strap ends.

The Lois has her paw against Roc’s muscular chest as she states, with a toothy grin into Roc’s face, “Gotcha!” With a lilting fox laugh, “HeHeHe!”

The surprised and trapped, Roc emits a short startled bleat, “Bah?” “Wait! What?”

The thin fox-woman then plops her butt down onto Rock’s lap, completely ignoring Roc’s snorting protests, “Relax Roc!” “And let me show you how this thing works!” Lois’ fluffy tail is wiggling behind her, up and into Roc’s nose.

Roc sneezes, “Ahh! Chooo!”

As Roc sneezes he bounces Lois up and down in his lap. She squeaks a, “Yip!” With each bounce.

Lois turns her head and thrusts her narrow nose deep into Roc’s thick white neck ruff that flows up and out the front of his shirt. Lois inhales deeply through her nose to fully enjoy Roc’s athletic aroma. Lois wiggles and presses herself down against Roc’s lap and howls, “Ahooooo!”

“My ‘seat’ sure has gotten ‘lumpy’!” Lois’ entire body shudders as she rocks in ecstasy with each ‘lap lump’ bump, howling and laughing “HeHeHe!” “Ahooooo!” “HeHeHe!”

As Lois wiggles and giggles, she thinks to herself, Roc, you can’t do this with Lilly, her butt is too big! How did Lilly even ‘fit’ in the air-craft she flew? I guess she was skinnier right after she came down from the observatory.

Lois collects Roc’s fore-legs with hers and presses them in a tight embrace against her thin chest, “Sorry Roc, I am so flat!” “And you like ‘um so big!” Roc squeak-bleats, “Bah!” “Lois!” “Stop it!” “I’m married!”

Lois yips, “Then you’re perfect!” “Yip!” “You’re exactly what I am looking for,” “Yip!” “I happen to be looking for a ‘husband’,” “Yip!” “Just not my husband!” “Yip!”

Lois continues to wiggle in ecstasy, her wagging tail whacking Roc’s face. Lois continues her squeaky sharp barks, “Yip!” “Yip!” And laughing “HeHeHe!” With each wiggle.“

Here Roc!” Lois takes hold of Roc’s right fore-hoof, “You have to hold me very tight now, so that I don’t fly out!”

A thoroughly terrified Roc squeals, “Baaaaahhhh!”

Lois jams Roc’s a right fore-hoof toe down between her thighs, down into her crotch. Lois bounces up and down on Roc’s lap, with a, “Yip!” “Yip!” “Hold me tighter!” “HeHeHe!”

Roc continues to squeak bleat, “Baah...” “I should have showered, I stink from the hot ride over.”

Lois continues to bark, “Don’t you dare shower!” “Yip!” “Unless it’s with me!” “Yip!” “I’ll be your ‘soap’!” “Yip!”

Lois then lifts her head from Roc’s ruff and stares directly into Roc’s face. Lois can no longer resist the handsome and aromatic Roc, she leans up and plants a long, passionate, wet kiss on Roc’s lips. She parts his lips with her strong tongue for a better taste. Lois, lips still locked, wiggles her body in Roc’s lap as she moans in a climatic celebration of her conquest, “Mmmmmmm!” “Yum!” “Yip!” “Yip!” “HeHeHe!”

Roc moans in pain, “Baaahhh…” Help!

Lois opens her eyes to see The General looking up at her as she is barking and wiggling away in the bleating Roc’s lap. Lois is shocked out of her orgasmic trance as crowd forms in front of the aircraft.

“Oh My!” “General!” “We were just examining…”

The General cuts off the startled Lois by turning to his tour group, speaking in his powerful voice, “As you can see, we have provided the air-craft cockpits with enough room to accommodate even a larger individual of most species,” “Or, in some cases, even two…" "Close friends...”

Lilly looks up and chuckles at the intimately entwined Lois and Roc. Lois and Roc manage guilty grins, with fore paw and hoof raised, wiggling their fore-toes down to the tour group.

Lilly smiles up and flutters her fore-toes back to them, I hope Lois doesn't traumatize my shy Roc. She may be too aggressive and violent for Roc to handle. I’ll talk to him tonight. Roc needs an affectionate female friend like Lois, to sop-up all of his ‘excess love’, after I have gone away.

The tour group filters back to the bus pick-up point. Roc and Lois walk up together. Lois is pulling her Army fatigues blouse down over her uniform skirt, to hide the fresh wet spots. Lois is still smiling, but is holding her lips tightly closed to suppress her little, periodic, climax yeps. Lois quickly skip-walks back to the bus, bushy tail waving like a red flag. Lilly chuckles at Lois’ obvious display of joy, I am happy to see that you enjoyed your ride, on my Roc! Now you’ll have to tend to 'feeding and watering' my Roc,

Only the first one is free of ‘obligations’.

Scene 4. Preparations

Eventually, the tour group is bused back to headquarters and reconvenes in The Generals office. The General now looks serious and paces. It takes the huge Minotaur two steps to cross the large room. The General looks up, scowling serious. He addresses the group,

“You have all been given packages of forms for you and your families to fill out and return to me.”

“Also there is a list of documents to bring in tomorrow: vehicle operator’s licenses; passports; all other government issued documents, including ones issued by foreign countries.”

“Included in the package is a form for your ‘Last Will and Testament’. If you already have a ‘Will’ please bring me a copy along with contact information for your executor and next-of-kin.”

“We will convene here again tomorrow morning at 9:00 am to begin our expedition logistics and our geographic transit planning.”

“Also tomorrow morning, tailors and cobbers will do measurements for shoes boots, clothes and helmets for you all.”

“Work clothing and boots will be provided by The Army.”

“Before we leave, bring in your own loose, conservative, casual civilian clothing, appropriate for a visit to a conservative, foreign, back-country ‘town’.” “I will personally be checking to see that all clothing is ‘appropriate’ for our ‘mission’.”

The General walks over to Lilly, who has her 'curves' exposed as usual. The General kneels down and whispers, “(This means you, Lilly. I don’t want to see any boob or butt hide exposed! And very little of anything else!)”

The General stands, still staring at Lilly.

Lilly looks down at her voluptuous body, depressed, Yes General, I get it. I admit that am your main ‘exhibitionist’ problem child. At least I now am drying up, so my boobs have gone down a little. But, thanks to those damned lions stuffing me, everything I own is tight. I will have to go clothes shopping with Liz tomorrow and buy some sacks to hide in. I’ll have Lois send my Base apartment clothes and I’ll pack up my ‘observatory’ clothes too, as I’ll need them if this trip is another ‘weight loss’ adventure.

The General resumes his ‘departure’ lecture,

“Be prepared to depart in two weeks, let me know if that is not enough time.” “Plan to be away for 90 days to 180 days or longer.” “The Army will cover all of your on-going expenses here at home, and, of course, all of your expenses on the expedition.” “You’ll receive your salary here, after we return.”

“Wear comfortable clothing for a week’s travel, and for cold weather.”

“Tomorrow you’ll meet the other expedition members that could not be here today,”

“The expedition's doctor will perform physical examinations on you all as well.”

“Please go home and get your affairs in order.”

Lilly’s ears go straight up, with a terrified thought of the 'doctor'.

Lilly screams,

“Foxworthy!” “Noooo!” “Baaaaaaahhh!”

End of chapter 27. Expedition, Part 2, Air-Field

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