《Lilly's Adventures In the Old World》25. Rounds
Scene 1. Morning
Lilly awakens back in the Beast-Town hotel, lying couched on her mat with her head down on her fore-legs. It is morning and Sally is once again lying on her back in bed, snoring, with her mouth wide open.
“At least Sally doesn’t keep me awake.” “I wonder how Apollo deals with it?”
“And how does Sally tolerate Apollo 's smell?”
“I do smell breakfast,”
“I guess I'll do my morning constitutional and meet everyone down in the kitchen.”
Sally awakens and sits up at Lilly’s thoughts and her morning activities. Sally’s covers fall as she sits up, revealing her full fluffy torso,
“Give me a moment Lilly, I’ll go down with you.” “I’m still mad at Apollo.”
Lilly looks up at Sally and smiles, “Why?” “Are you afraid Apollo will throw you back into the commune?” “At least you probably won’t be sold for steaks, like I will.”
Sally continues to dress, choosing the tight clothes she knows Apollo favors.
Lilly stares at Sally as she dresses, “Are you sure you are still mad at Apollo?”
“That tight outfit isn’t very practical for our veterinary rounds at the farms today.” “I recommend taking along a change of clothes, in case those tight wraps pop when you bend over,” “Bah ha ha!” “I know about that!”
The two walk down the stairs, to the kitchen. Lilly finds her favorite handsome young Minotaur helper for her morning milking.
Her helper is cheerful, “Good morning Lilly.” “You look beautiful this morning.”
Lilly cuddles up to the helper, “I look like a goat!” “But you may continue to complement me anyway.”
Sally kindly relays the message from Lilly to Lilly's helper. Sally continues to smile at the handsome young helper as he works, hoisting up her large bosom,
“Maabyyee youu’ll heelp mee tooohh, soome daay.”
Scene 2. Eddie
The morning entertainment and breakfast service begins, trays are prepared for Lilly and Sally, but Apollo and Ticktock are nowhere to be seen.
Eddy enters the kitchen and prepares a breakfast plate, smiling cheerfully, “May I join you all?”.
The two nod, Sally waves to a kitchen helper, he brings a large chair to the table for Eddie.
Lilly shakes her head “No!” at Sally, to no avail.
Sally loudly bleats, glaring, with a frown, “Have yoouu seeen Apoolloo this moorning, Eddieeh?”
Eddie shakes his head, “Not yet,” “I think he is still with my wife, Marion,”
Eddie answers with shocking frankness, “I think Apollo was with Marion all night last night.”
Lilly and Sally stare at Eddie, speechless.
Eddie picks up on their wide eyed stares, “Apollo is treating Marion,” “To help her conceive.” “We want foals, but we haven’t had any luck so far with the natural method and we are running out of time.”
Lilly is envisioning last night’s encounter, “And he has to feel up Marion’s butt to do this?”
Sally starts to speak and Lilly stomps on Sally’s hoof and the startled Sally loudly screams, “BAAAAAAAhhh!”
But Ticktock has silently walked up behind the seated group and answers Lilly’s unspoken question to Eddie, “Apollo was examining Marion’s mark from her originating laboratory.” “Apollo was also checking Marion’s rear muscles for the strength necessary to deliver a large horse-folk foal, as Apollo is considering using a surrogate.” “Apollo gave Marion injections all through the night to help stimulate ‘estrus’ and straighten her rear muscles.”
Eddie looks down as if ashamed, “We have an ‘arranged’ marriage.” “I know that I could never get a famous and beautiful movie star, like Marion, to marry me on my own,” “Me, a simple livery stable operator and ranch hand.” “The researchers at the lab put our union together.” "They liked her beauty and my strength." “Their machines matched us up as a suitable pairing.” “Arrangements like ours are common for the beast-folk, especially for species that have difficulty producing offspring. Many of the beast-folk species have yet to establish stable populations and many rare variety populations within certain species are becoming more difficult to preserve.” “Multiple mate marriages are common for these reasons.” “The researchers will arrange couples on request.” “Artificial implantation of externally fertilized embryos are also performed by the researchers, Marion and I may have to resort to that if nothing else works.” “Everyone is given regular physicals by the researchers, for their general health, so a regular check for reproduction progress is included.” “Some beast-folk are taken to the labs for closer observation during their pregnancy.”
Eddie continues, “To encourage reproduction, cross species relations of any kind are strictly outlawed in Beast-Town, except to entertain the tourists.” “Those in town that want to try cross-species relationships, or are in it for the tourist money, register as an entertainers.” “Established relationships and marriages are still forbidden, even for the entertainers.”
“Although I am registered as an entertainer, that ‘fooling around’ is not for me,” “Not when I have Marion,” “I just play the guitar for the tourists.”
Lilly has a thought when Eddie mentions his guitar, “Sally,” “Ask Eddie where he got his guitar.”
Sally asks Eddie about his guitar for Lilly.
Eddie answers with a broad smile, clearly happy to tell his story, “While I was in one of the labs on a research trip, (I guess because I am considered a ‘rare palomino’ variety), one of the researchers was playing his guitar, at lunch one day.” “I loved the sound it made and I asked him if he would teach me how to play.” “He made a fret, to fit my hoof, and he taught me how to play.” “He offered his guitar to me, if I would allow him to come to Beast-Town to watch me play it.” “That researcher was our first human tourist and he became a good friend to Beast-Town.” “From him, the townsfolk discovered the money they could make on tourists and the council decided to allow human and beast-folk tourists from the 'outside' on tours into Beast-Town.”
“The researcher offered to teach me how to read music, but I don’t need to,” “I just listen to Marion sing, pick out the chords and start to play.”
Eddie turns when he hears an announcement from the large dining room calling his name, “Oh," "I’m on next!” “Excuse me!”
“Let’s talk again.”
Scene 3. Veterinarian
Sally is frowning thinking, “Only on stage?” On stage!” “And Eddie doesn’t do this, even on stage!” “Damn!”
But Lilly is smiling and hopeful, “Don’t worry Sally," "They can’t be watching everyone everywhere!”
Sally is still sad, “But we are only seeing regular animals today.”
The devilish Lilly continues, “There will be ranch-hands around.” “I’ll bet some will be willing to 'stray' and try something new.” “Don’t worry,” “I’ll check them out first and lure in a ‘milker’,” “And set you right up!” “You’re cute Sally!” “You’ll get Apollo back!” “Apollo isn’t going to leave you.” "Let's brew ourselves a little 'jealousy' just to make sure."
Sally is still shaking her head at Lilly, “No!” “No!”
Lilly scowls, “Don’t be a chicken, Sally,” “I can’t ‘do it’ in this world, except with Al.”
“So why don’t you go out and have some fun with these cute 'monsters'?”
Apollo appears at the door and motions to the group, “Come on kids, let’s go out do our jobs for the farms!”
Apollo’s team loads into Eddie's cart again and they proceed to bounce out to the country farms. There are a lot of farms, with a lot of animals to health check. Most of the medical care is for simple scrapes and bruises. Apollo shows the team how to dress superficial wounds, pad and protect bruises. After Apollo’s teaching, the team holds seminars to instruct the farm workers on how to change the bandages, check on healing progress, and check for diseases. A few injuries require the animals to be shipped back to the lab for more advanced treatment: deep stab wounds; broken bones; organic diseases.
Scene 4. Wylie
During a rest break at one large farm, Lilly approaches Sally and motions her forward with her head, “Follow me.”
Sally follows Lilly into a large barn. Lilly grins at Sally, “This farm-hand is one of my favorites.” “I think that he is quite the handsome looker.” “He is gentle and a total sweetheart.” “And he is packing a very impressive ‘dancing pole’.” “He milks me with his large soft lips, and that excites both of us.” “I’d jump him in a heartbeat, if he was back in my world.”
“And I’ll bet he loves you soft, fluffy, sheep-girls,” “Especially with that rack of yours, Sally!” “Most everyone likes sheep-girls, except me.” “Just kidding, I like you Sally.”
Inside one of the dairy’s milking stalls, stands a very tall and muscular, horse-man, carefully placing lids on several milk buckets, presumably milk from Lilly. He is broad shouldered, charcoal black, with a long jet black mane and tail. He has long black fluffy feathers on his fore and rear ankles.
Sally eyes go wide at horse-man’s commanding presence. Sally presses her hooves to her mouth and squeaks, “Bekkeakhh!”
Lilly turns and faces Sally, looking like a set director, “Okay Sally!” “You have his attention!” “Now show him your boobs!”
Sally stands still and stares at the large black horse-man, Sally cries, “Bhaaaahh!”
The ranch-hand horse-man stands full up, looks up and around. He is a little surprised to hear a sheep in his barn. He spots Sally and smiles gently, revealing his large blue eyes and large white teeth. He is staring at Sally’s large chest.
Lilly growls at Sally, “He’s a certified and approved 'boob man' Sally!” “Make your move now or you will lose your only chance!”
The shy Sally is making a great effort to relax and smile back at the handsome ranch-hand.
Sally squeak-bleats, “Helloooo Thereeeehh.” “Beeek!” “Iii’m Saaalyyyhh.” “Beeek!”
The ranch-hand speaks slowly, with a very disarming and seductive smile, and he winks, “Hello there, beautiful Sally.” “I’m Wylie.” Wylie is still staring a Sally’s chest.
Lilly backs out of the barn, “He’s all yours Sally!” “Don’t blow it!”
Sally is frozen on the spot, Now what do I do? Oh yeah, Lilly said for me to open my shirt.
Sally reaches up and unbuttons her, too-tight, shirt top. Sally’s large breasts pour out and down onto her chest.
Wylie's eyes widen, with ears straight up, at Sally’s sudden display. Wylie slowly walks up to Sally and gently assists with her unbuttoning, “May I assist you? “With a milking, perhaps?”
Sally thinks about the question, What would that dominant Lilly say, “Nooo,” “But maaaybeee I caaan ‘aaassist’ youuu,” “Wylieee!” Sally, slowly and seductively, bleats.
While Sally’s blouse is being unbuttoned by Wylie, she reaches down and touches Wylie’s pants buttons, ending the conversation. After a quick strip show, they stand, facing each other, naked and coyly blushing. Sally examines the handsome Wylie. Sally’s eyes go wide, Wow! Lilly’s right! What a ‘dancing pole’ he has!
Sally has had enough teasing. Sally grabs Wylie and presses his body to her large soft chest, in a strong tight embrace. Sally moves her head in to his, face to face, and kisses Wylie on his large soft lips, firmly, passionately and longingly.
Just then Apollo walks into the barn. Apollo stops in surprise and stares at the kissing couple, “Oh my!” “Am I interrupting something?”
The two, still holding each other, break their kiss and turn their heads toward Apollo.
Apollo turns around and quickly walks towards the barn door, “Carry on you-all.” “I’ll guard the door for you.”
Lilly peeks in the barn to check on progress, “At-a-girl, Sally!” “Now nail that sucker!”
The two new lovers turn their heads back and bashfully regard at each other again. Wylie murmurs a short soft whinnie, feeling Sally’s fleece against his body, “You're very soft,” “Salleeeehhh.”
Sally softly bleats, “Yoou’re soo waarm,” “Wylieeehh” And something hard of yours is poking me, down below.
Sally and Wylie proceed to enthusiastically consummate their sudden, intimate, friendship.
Afterwards, they embrace and separate, both needing to get back to their work day. Sally looks down at her body to see that her fleece is soaked and matted with Wylie’s ‘essence’.
Wylie points to the back of the barn as he pulls on his ranch clothes, “There’s showers back there, in the back of the barn.” “I’d help you with that, but I can hear my folks calling for me.” Wylie waves and smiles to Sally as he walks out of the barn, “Very glad to meet you!” “Sally!” “Come back and visit me anytime!”
Sally is thinking, Wow, what a guy! It is a good thing that this barn has a shower, Wylie was loaded! It is not going to be as much fun getting Wylie’s stuff off of me as was getting it on me. How am I going to dry off? Well, it is not like everyone in my group doesn’t know what happened. Good thing I kicked my clothes over to the wall or they would would all be soaked too!
As Sally is dressing, she hears a very loud horse’s whinnie from outside the barn.
Sally answers her new lover’s call with a loud joyous bleat,
Scene 5. Forbidden
On the drive back, Lilly looks over at Sally. Sally clothes are mostly unbuttoned with Sally’s fleece exposed, to blow dry in the cart breeze. Sally has her head back, smiling, eyes closed, petting her exposed tummy with a hoof in satisfaction, while relishing the breeze.
Lilly observes the happy, relaxed Sally and stomps her hoof on the cart floor, “Whack!” “Sally!” “You stop your ‘climaxing’ right now and tell me!” “How did it go?” “Did you like him?” “Did he like you?” “Did you make another date?” “You don’t even have to worry about getting ‘knocked up’!”
Sally is still smiling with her eyes closed, she bleats a response to Lilly’s questions, “Yes!” “Yeess!” “Yeeesss!” “Baaaahh!” “I waaant tooo gooo Baaack!” “Baaaahh!” “Wyylieeehh!”
Apollo has a frown as looks around at the contented, smiling, bleating, Sally.
Lilly glares at Apollo, “That’s right Apollo!” “Sally is your companion,” “But you’ll lose her if you don’t respect her feelings!” Lilly continues projecting her thoughts, “Yeah, like:” “I’m a doctor, Marion,” “And I need to give you a thorough ‘butt examination’ that will take all night!”
“Yeah!” “Right!” “All night, Apollo?” “Or just an excuse to massage Marion’s nice ‘horseflesh’ all night?”
As Lilly snarls and glares at Apollo, she bark-bleats, “Baaaahh!”
Sally and Ticktock stare at Lilly, but they say nothing to Apollo, “Apollo gets the message, Lilly.”
It is night when the group exits the cart back at the hotel, too late for the shows. Sally is last, still massaging her belly, slowly exiting the cart, disappointed that the day is over.
Sally stops and looks at Lilly, “I asked Apollo when he planned to visit Wylie’s farm again.” “Apollo said that we wouldn’t be visiting that farm again.” “Ever.”
Lilly frowns, “No more visits?” “Wylie is my favorite ‘milker’!” “I’ll talk to Apollo.”
Sally stares at Lilly, “You?” “Talk to Apollo?" "How?” “Apollo can’t hear you, Lilly.”
Lilly grins and wiggles a fore-hoof toe, “With a hoof through his thick forehead skull!” “I have found this to be a very effective means of communication with stubborn folks!” “The ‘hoof’ of reason, I say!”
Sally looks down and quietly thinks about her situation, “Lilly,” “I will be sleeping in Apollo’s room tonight.”
Lilly frowns again, “You forgave that cad already!” “Oh great!” “Now I get to sleep with Ticktock!”
Ticktock turns to Lilly, “Would you like me to read you a bedtime story, Lilly?”
Lilly stares at Ticktock for a moment, “You know what, Ticktock?” “I would like that.” “Thank you.” “Order me some warm milk.” “And maybe some cookies too…”
“See what you’re missing, Sally?”
End of chapter 25.
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