《Lilly's Adventures In the Old World》11. Reunited


Scene 1. Base

Lilly is still in Foxworthy’s outer office when she receives the clothes sent by Roc from home. She dresses with the help of a young and attractive female warrant officer assigned to assist The General. Lilly is still shaken by the ordeal and knows that she has to be careful if she doesn't want her brain extracted and put into a jar. Egad, there is such evil! In both worlds!

The warrant officer escorts Lilly out of the office building out to the street where an Army staff car and driver are waiting with the motor running. She is helped into the back seat and the warrant officer takes the front passenger seat. The opposite passenger door opens and The General gets in. Lilly smiles a grimace smile, Well, at least I am not alone anymore.

The car drives out of town, towards The Factory and then out beyond, into the open country and finally to the Army base.

She is thinking, I have been to this base before, for Army Day with dad, when I was a kid. I still remember all of the green buildings. I sampled a ration biscuit that day. I thought the Professor’s rations at the observatory tasted familiar.

The Base is a large complex of buildings, with rows of barracks buildings, apartments and family housing. Beyond there are other buildings that appear to be manufacturing facilities much like The Factory buildings of The Chief, except there are no windows on the first floors. They pull in to a large office building’s parking lot. The building features a large sign: ‘Headquarters’, in case anyone was wondering.

The General exits at the headquarters. The warrant officer turns to Lilly, “I will take you to your quarters where you can clean up and rest from your ordeal.” “Tomorrow we are having a dinner in the commissary, in you honor. We took the liberty of calling your friends to join us.” Lilly thinks about it and reflects on how long it has been since she has seen Roc and the kids, “Yes”" I would love to see everyone again." "It has been a while and I would like to see for myself that they all are okay.” And for them to see that I have lived through it (so far). “I have a college advisor I know as The Professor, I would like him to come too.”

The officer is quiet for a bit, “I’m not sure about The Professor.” “I heard that he was not well, returning from a foreign expedition.” “I’ll check.”

“How about The Chief and Ellie?”

“They have returned from The Southland and they will be here.” “They really want to see you.” I’ll bet! To see if I spilled the beans!

The warrant officer shows Lilly to a suite in one of the base hotel buildings. It is a small singles ‘efficiency’ apartment. It has military decor and It is small, with a small refrigerator a small cupboard and a single bed. Now how am going to play in that tiny single bed? I am not that 'tiny'!

Bags are set in the middle of the floor, containing her clothes, astronomy notes, photographs and her college text books from the observatory. Notably missing are her ‘advanced technology’ notes, drawings and hardware. She is exhausted from her ordeal over the last days and the frightening threat of having her brain removed by Foxworthy. She collapses, face down on the single bed and immediately falls to sleep.

She awakens the next morning, still dressed in her clothes from the day before, to a loud knock on her door. She looks outside, it is Roc and her twins. She jumps to the door and throws it open, suddenly in tears, “Waaaaaaaaaaaa!” She surrounds Roc and her daughters, and embraces them tightly. She finally releases them when her daughter protests, “Mommy! You're squashing me!”


Roc leans back and stares at Lilly with a sly smile, “You are who again?” They walk over to pick-nick benches set out on the large grass area in front of the apartments. Lilly’s barracks apartment is too small for her ‘herd’. The kids run and play on the grass.

Lilly wipes tears, “It has been awful, being apart from you all for so long.” “Not seeing anyone at the observatory,” “Except the ghosts.”

“I understand that The Professor was bringing you provisions once a week.”

“He was my lifeline.” “He even brought me pizza once in a while.” “As you know, I was doing astronomy research for him and transcribing his papers.” “He would come to collect the transcriptions and the drawings.” “Have you heard from him? “The staff here tells me that he is sick.”

“No, but your other friends will be here though, Liz and Tex, Rod and his family, they are very anxious to see you.” “I think Shadow and Rod’s kitchen crew will be here too.” “Rod is catering the event.”


“I have missed everyone so much." "I can’t wait to see everyone again.” “I have missed working at Rod’s restaurant very much (and the attention from those flirtatious lawyers!) .”

“Have we all gotten together since the combined ‘awards ceremony, wedding, christening’ party?” “I think this is the first time since we got married!”

Lilly brightens at thought of seeing everyone again, I am very worried about The Professor.

Scene 2. Party Preparations

The commissary starts preparations in the afternoon. Rod’s daughters and Timmy are decorating the room with ‘Welcome Home Lilly’ banners. Lilly looks at the banners and reflects, I am not going home just yet.

There is a small commotion on the small stage on the side of the commissary eating area. A small group of solders are setting up chairs and getting out musical instruments. The solders begin playing a mix of new and older music, adding to the festive mood.

Lilly walks back into the Kitchen area and sees a familiar sight, Rod and his kitchen crew hard at work. The all see Lilly and cheer and Lilly waves to them. Rod still has many of Porky’s old gang working for him, all seem to have gone straight, thankful for the chance and Rod trusts them all.

Lilly sees a large black Sudan pull in front of the commissary. Two trench-coat figures emerge from the back seats, one is a tall thin wolf, the other is a short thin weasel. Lilly jumps straight up, high into the air and screams, “Shadow!” “Martin!” “Yeeeessss!" "You are here!” She runs to up them, hugging the tall Shadow then quickly collecting Martin and lifting him into the air, stripping off his coat and then wrapping him around her neck. “Ms Lilly! What are you doing?”

“I am enjoying the feel and the smell of my favorite, furry, ‘plushy’, that I have missed so much!” “I am still thinking about making you into a ‘stole’!” “Except you would lose that wonderful smell.”

Lilly then releases Martin and sets him down to the floor and kneels, facing him. Lilly, now looks serious, “I know it was you.” “Somehow, you had your network track me,” “and they knew where the Psych-Squad had taken me,” “and you told The General where I was.” “No one has told me this directly,” “I just remember you saying that you will always know where I am.” “I can still hear you say to me, in your manner of speech, ‘a good hit-man never loses track of his target!’” “Once again, Martin, you have saved my life.” “I have the world’s best 'guardian weasel' for my own.”


Martin reaches out to touch a tear on Lilly’s cheek, “There ain’t nothin’ I won't do for you, Ms. Lilly.” She pulls Martin into her chest and embraces him tightly,

“You’re so adorable!” “I have to go back to the party now." "Don’t you leave without telling me goodbye.”

Scene 3. Welcome Back

The party is a progressive affair. Rod brings out snack sides and sodas for the 'early birds'. Many people drift in to the commissary that Lilly does not know, she assumes they are associated with The General or The Chief in some way. She has not seen The General or The Chief yet and figures that they will have their own reception when they arrive. She shrugs. Whatever.

The crowd then turns together to pay attention to the two striking, tall, black figures that have just appeared at the door. Lilly jumps into the air again and shouts, “Liz!” “Tex!” and Lilly runs over to them and hugs them both. Liz cannot resist, “Lilly! You have lost so much weight!” “Are you okay?” Lilly smiles, “Not much to eat at the observatory.” “No pizza” “Plus they starved me here for the last few days too.” “’It’s a conspiracy’, I say!”

Lilly tilts back and shouts, “Bring me food!” “Bring me food NOW!”

Liz and Tex escort Lilly up to the front serving table and right on cue Rod appears with a large flat square cardboard box. The band plays a march as Rod strides over to the serving table. Rod places the box down on the table in front of Lilly. Rod, slowly and dramatically opens the hinged box. It is a large veggie pizza, with extra cheese. Rod cuts the pizza and places a large slice on a plate and passes the plate to Lilly, “I’ll just take the box and eat it, box and all!”. Lilly smiles broadly and bows, “If you are trying to make me happy, you all know the secret!”

The the crowd hears trumpets from the band. Lilly looks toward the door, I guess this is when the real guests of honor arrive.

At the door is The General and his warrant officer. The crowd waves and cheers. Behind them is The Chief and Ellie, the crowd cheers. The four stand to the sides waiting for the arrival of someone else. It is an attendant pushing a wheelchair. Seated in the wheelchair is The Professor. The General salutes and The Chief bows, as The Professor is wheeled past them.

Lilly just stands in the crowd, staring at The Professor. She is motionless, in shock, at the sight.

Lilly is in for another shock. In the light of the commissary double-doorway entrance stand two tall white-goat figures, gleaming, like statues. These are Lilly’s parents, back from ‘wherever’. Lilly starts walking toward them then breaks into a run, she runs up and stops in front of them still standing motionless in the doorway. Lilly is caught without words as she reaches out with some hesitation, remembering her fore-hoof passing through the ghost, “I don’t believe that you both are really here.”

“Of course we are here,” “We came when we heard that our daughter is at the center of an ‘international incident’.”

“Me?” “‘International incident’?” “Are you staying in town?” “Will you be here for long this time?” “I get asked a lot about you all, but I really don’t know what you do.” “Let’s talk this time.” “But for now, please excuse me!” “I absolutely must circulate and greet everyone gathered here, all of my friends and family, as I haven't seen any of them for a while either.” “It’s a long story, but I’ll tell it if you would like.” “I’ll send Roc over.” “You haven’t seen him since our wedding,” “and you can see how your grandchildren have grown.”

Lilly finds Roc and directs him to show ‘the kids’ to her folks. Then she heads toward The Professor. The Chief and Ellie are still with him, talking to the attendant that has been operating his wheelchair. “Chief!” “Ellie!” “You’re are back!” “I so want to hear about what went down at The Factory and how you slipped out.”

The Chief looks at, the much thinner, Lilly, with surprise and concern, “Lilly! What happened to you?” “Are you okay?” “The General wants me to check-in with The Base’s medics, but I feel fine.” “I have just been on a forced diet.” “It was effective huh!” She kicks up her left hind leg to reveal her thinner thigh, “Maybe I can market it!”

Lilly turns to The Professor and kneels down on her knees, respectfully, before the chair, “My Professor, what happened to you?” The Professors eyes turn to regard Lilly, otherwise he does not move, or speak.

Lilly looks up to Ellie, “What is wrong with him?”

“He was arrested by the local police on a college expedition abroad, and then turned over to the Psych-Squad.” “He was like this when The General’s men finally found him, in the same facility in which you were being held.” Lilly eyes reveal her horror, Foxworthy! Lilly quickly looks around at the crowd, Is Foxworthy here, somewhere?

“We are hoping that The Professor will respond to therapy and can be rehabilitated at this base’s long-term care facility,” “we have arranged for his care here at the base, so that you can visit him frequently.” “His reaction to seeing you now was the most reaction that we have seen from him.” “He really likes you so we hope that you will visit him as often as you can.”

Lilly rises, tears in her eyes, “I will…” “I hate to leave you, there is so much to talk about, but I must greet all of the rest of my friends.”

“Go now,” “We understand, and we will meet again.”

Lilly walks over to greet her old friends, Tex and Liz, sitting at a table, off by themselves. Lilly sits down at the table with them, “I am so glad to see you both!” “Did my stalkers harass you both very much?” Tex laughs, “They only wanted Roc.” “They just looked at me and shook their heads.” “Nobody wants a ‘black goat’!” They even threw Roc back, he was back with the team the next day.” They all laugh, and Lilly smiles, I needed cheering up, I must be smiling for all of these people that came to see me. Lilly reaches out, “Come on over and say hi to my folks.” “I need them to know that I still have friends”

Lilly notices a large crowd around Roc and her parents. Rod, Trish, Timmy and Rod’s three girls are playing with the kids. The crowd around that crowd mostly consists of Rod’s kitchen staff, Porky’s old gang. They love the kids too. Lilly pauses to observe the scene, I drew crowds too, as a kid, there is something attractive about translucent-white kids, bouncing around, I guess. They look like my folks. All these white goats, Roc, the kids, my folks, me. White goats are not rare here!

Lilly looks around at the decorations and at the attendees, the mood is very festive, some taking food and drinks from the main table. Lilly now notices in the front of the stage is a jig holding a large black disk. Lilly’s eyes follow the cord to a box on the side of the stage. The box is connected by cords to a large cone. The cone’s open bottom is facing into the room. Rod is ascending the steps to the stage and stands in front of the disk. The musician-solders start to play a traditional song from The Southlands and Rod’s booming voice reverberates into the large room from the cone.

Lilly jumps in the air with glee, They finished my 'telephone amplifier' system!

Lilly searches the room for The General, everyone is acting like this incident is concluded. Lilly takes a deep breath, I don’t believe that anything with so much drama can end this easily!

Scene 4. Dance

The army band breaks into a fast, modern dance, number. The crowd stands back from the center of the room as two tall black figures move quickly into a very dynamic dance performance. It is Tex, dancing with his sister, Liz. The two quickly draw the attention of the room with an impressive fast dance and gymnastics. The strong tall Tex swings his tall thin sister high over his head and the two twirl around the room. It seemed to be a practiced routine. Lilly watches, Liz said that they had tried some professional dance contests, but usually had to pull out when Tex went off to play ball. I never watched them perform, I had no idea they were so good! The two athletes complete their dance routine and bow to the crowd. The crowd cheers.

Liz immediately runs to Lilly, and Tex finds Roc. Liz and Tex then drag Lilly and Roc to the middle of the floor and push them together. The band then starts playing a slow dance piece. Lilly looks up to Roc, “Do you think this was planned?” Roc smiles and embraces Lilly. They dance the slow dance, continuing to hold each other close. Lilly deeply inhales Roc’s smell and starts to weep, “Why are you so damned perfect?”

The rest of the crowd joins in, with the slow dance number, for the older generation. Lilly sees that her parents are smiling, dancing together. Ellie and The Chief are also on the floor. The twins are twirling with each other in a corner. Even Rod and Trish have joined the dance. The huge Rod is walking the dance floor slowly with small Trish on his great shoulders. Lilly, seeing Rod and Trish together, immediately grabs the small Martin and throws him up on her head. The large bovines, Rod and Lilly, then dance together, while the small carnivores, Trish and Martin, are holding each other too. It is quite the sight, someone in the crowd shouts, "Watch out for all those horns!"

The band then starts playing a musical show tune. Rod’s ex-gang kitchen staff appears on the floor and performs a rather involved musical dance routine together. Apparently, a couple of the gang members were unsuccessful actors, they taught the rest of the gang stage performance. They all practiced together when there was nothing else to do at the hide-out.

The crowd cheers and cheers. Lilly looks at the happy crowd and tears up again, Was all of this, for me?

Finally, Rod walks up the stage to the 'new technology' microphone and waves. The band finishes the last dance number. Rod speaks in his naturally musical voice, “I guess the staff want s to close the kitchen so I have to say good night to all of you.” “Be sure to come by my restaurant,” “I will prepare 'the special'!”

The band then starts playing the ‘Good Night’ theme and everyone exits the commissary. Lilly finds her parents, “Where are you staying?” “I will call you tomorrow.”

Lilly’s mother smiles, “We’re staying at our apartments, of course,” “you have been tending to them haven’t you?” Lilly frowns, “The team got Roc a house, for the kids and I.” “I had to get a service for the apartments, with everything that was going on…” “I hope that it is okay…”

Lilly’s father motions for a waiting car and turns to Lilly, “We have something to show you that we collected on our ‘dig’.” “I think you will find it interesting.”

Lilly watches as her parents leave in the car, Now what did they ‘collect’ that I would find interesting?

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