《Lilly's Adventures In the Old World》3. Return


Scene 1. Awake

Lilly awakes with a start. She opens her eyes and raises her head. It is early morning and it is still dark in the room. She arises slightly from her couched position. The Fendor doll is nowhere to be seen. She carefully extends her legs and slowly lifts herself from the bed. Wow, I’m back to my old self. What a relief. She looks around and sees Roc still in the same position in the bed as when she ‘left”. She gets up and pulls on a robe and slippers. I need to find all of my school stuff and get going again. The school will eventually loose patience with me, stopping and starting again and again. She walks into the bathroom and regards the bathroom fixtures, reflecting on the bathroom in her dream. What a nightmare! I really wonder if any of it could be true or if it was all just the illusions of dream-magic?

Roc meets Lilly in the kitchen. They are alone as the kids are staying at Rod’s for the next couple of days. Roc looks at Lilly with a questioning gaze, “How are you feeling today?” “You look pretty good to me.” Lilly looks away, like she is guilty of something, How can I tell him about my dream. He’ll have the ‘Psych-Squad’ on me for sure.

Roc begins the confrontation, “You got up last night," "apparently you were sleepwalking.” “I had to help you use the bathroom."And find the kitchen, refrigerator and food and with eating.” “You were like a child and did not speak.” "You were very spooky, like it was not you at all."

Lilly’s eyes are wide, like saucers, immediately recognizing what had happened, Oh no! We exchanged places, across worlds! "Thank you for helping ‘me’.” “You know that you should never try to awaken a sleepwalker…” “What did 'I' do while 'sleepwalking' around?”

Scene 2. Last Night

Roc begins to recount the details of the events from the last night. “Well, you woke me up. You were lying in bed, crying.” “You were gasping and bleating." The doll was across the bed but you looked terrified of it.” “I could tell that you were still in another world by your glassy stare.” “I took the doll and put it out of your sight." I could see that you were struggling to stand. I helped you stand up but you kept staring down as if you had never stood up before.” “You were very unsteady, like you were learning how to walk for the first time.” “I helped you walk to the bathroom.” “You looked around in there as if you didn't know what to do.” “You did not know how to use the facilities and stared at the middle of the floor, looking for something.” “I thought you might crap in the middle of the floor if I did not help you with everything.” “I cleaned you, and everything else. Then I brought you back to the bed but you kept looking at the bedroom door,” “I thought you might be hungry so I helped you to the kitchen.” “Once again, you looked confused, so I helped you there too” “You were looking at the refrigerator, so I started with that.” “I took out a piece of pizza, but you shook your head.” “I have never known you to refuse pizza, so I am convinced that, although she looked like you, she was really someone else ,ha ha." Lilly is very nervous about this discovery, ha ha indeed! “I prepared a tray of vegetables, which you ate by sticking your whole head down into the tray and chomping.” “Then I guided you back to bed," "you seemed to walk better after some practice.” “You slept like a log the rest of the night, but I don’t remember you snoring so loud before.”


Lilly just stares at Roc, unable to comment on what had to have been an ‘exchange’ with the animal ‘Lilly’ of Apollo's dream world. Lilly looks down at the floor, thinking, Apollo seemed to know had happened to me. He must have initiated this ‘exchange’, somehow. The weird feelings that I have had lately, even my seizure at the carnival, must have been from his ‘probing’. He was searching for a target and found me. But why me? And why the exchange? This all must have a purpose, but what is it? Apollo must need me for something, but what?

Lilly is anxious to change the subject, “I am returning to school," She announces, not bothering to seek permission or approval, “I’ll see if I can arrange a schedule for afternoon classes and drop the kids off at Rods.” “I’ll pay his girls.” “They are so much better than me at 'day-care' anyway.” Roc just stares at Lilly, who is not looking his way. I don't know what is up with her. There is something, maybe a lot, she is not telling me. She'll tell me if she wants me to know... someday... I think...

Lilly then reflects back on this reality, I won’t make a full confession, but I do need his help, “Please help me if I ‘sleepwalk’ again.” Lilly looks up at Roc and smiles, still looking guilty as hell. Roc knows she is not telling him everything, but he looks down and smiles, reassuringly, “I will.”

Scene 3. College Again

She then is off searching the house for her schoolwork. She also pulls out a few small pieces from her long ignored metal sculptures. She picks up an electrical switch and looks at it, Now how did they make a light switch that is ‘motion controlled’? The room lights had to be electric too.

She pulls the college class catalog from her pile of school papers. I need to take some science classes. I'll start with a physics class. I have always been interested in electrical stuff anyway.

Lilly walks to the campus and once again makes the rounds to be re-admitted. And again, waits by the art class door. And, once again, meets up with Liz and invites herself to a game of tennis and lunch. They have spent some time together lately, as Liz is fascinated by Lilly’s kids, taking them shopping for clothes and toys. Liz is jealous of Lilly and does not think that Lilly fully appreciates her situation with Roc and the kids.

Lilly does not mention her dream to Liz either. Lilly’s memories of the dream fade over the next several days since. Lilly as not had any other dreams either, which is a relief.

Scene 4. Physics Student

Lilly enters the large lecture hall that is used for lower division science classes. It seats about two hundred in stepped gallery seats. The room acoustics are terrible. The room loudly rings with the voices and commotions of the other students. Her first collage physics lecture begins with the professor walking in and stepping up onto the raised stage at the back of the hall and drawing diagrams on the sketch board.

He was large, older, spectacled-bear-man, with dark rings around his eyes. He wears glasses to exaggerate the effect. Lilly sought him out for his reputation. Originally he was a war veteran and then became an engineer in technical industry. He is now an active researcher in physics and astronomy. He has many friends and contacts throughout industry and academia. He has research and development projects in many of their laboratories. Perfect! He can help me interpret what I see in my dreams and tell me if the dreams represent what could be real devices and actual phenomena. I hope...


She could not hear his lecture over the roar of the students. Most seemed uninterested in the class and more interested in visiting and flirting with each other. I guess I am going to have to take charge here.

The noisy lecture hall was not Lilly’s only problem with the physics class. There was also the material. Once she starts to do the homework problems she realizes how far behind she is. This is an emergency! I am going to have to ask my parents for more money, for tutors in math and science. She hated to contact her parents, although they were always supportive, especially for school. It is the only way I have any chance with this! She is determined.

For now she ignores the lecture problems and concentrates on catching up on the basics. The tutors were not very far ahead of her in the classes, but they were still very valuable. With their help, she quickly catches up. It also helps that she is intrinsically intelligent, although in the past she was a bored, under-achiever student.

Scene 5. Laboratory Assistant

Lilly continues to attend the physics lectures. One day stares down at the noisy lecture hall students and considers, I can use this to get his attention. I loath attention but I need his help. And the best way to get it is to help him first. Tomorrow is the day.

Back at home Roc notices his wife softly humming as she is polishing all of her large hoof-toenails crimson red. War paint? He sees she is straining to reach her back hooves, “Let me help you with that.” She smiles and passes him the nail polish brush and presents a back hoof to him. He completes the war paint and watches her as she dresses in her athletic clothes, this time adding her signature choker, “Please promise me that you wont kill anyone today.”

Lilly smiles, “Okay, I promise.” “No promises for tomorrow though!” He watches as she admires herself in the hall mirror, happily wiggling her tail. This extra body-weight does make me look a lot meaner.

And so the physics lecture begins, as usual, with so much noise that the lecture is inaudible. This time Lilly takes the regular office desk, up near the front stage, used to hold the front door to the lecture hall for fresh air. She takes out her notebook and pen and sets them down on the desk and surveys the class. There are about fifty students of various types milling and visiting in the gallery. She slowly mounts the desk and stands up on it and shouts, loud enough to be heard over the din, "Okay you slugs! SHUT THE FXXXX UP!" "NOW!” She then crouches down on all fours, glaring at the class gallery from the top of the desk. Her bright red nails are crimped to the edge of the desk for all to see, “If any of you want to take issue with me, step right up!” “It has been a sXXXXty day and I could use the workout!”

The students immediately fall into silence and look up, not at her, but at her shadow. High up on the wall behind her, projected by the light from the lower doorways, is the silhouette of a large, hunkering dragon, with flaming violet eyes.

There are no takers for her ‘workout’.

Lilly slowly arises and flashes a smile, sweetly, at the professor, who also is watching her in stunned silence. After a pause, he turns and resumes his lecture, this time clearly audible to all.

She waits to leave the room last. She slowly saunters toward the door as the professor is collecting his notes. He turns to her, “Would you mind coming with me to my office?” Lilly smiles, I thought you would never ask! "YES!" Lilly's tail oscillates briskly with glee.

The professor sits down, exhausted from the lecture and the extra excitement. He motions Lilly to sit in a folding chair next to his desk. It squeaks loudly as she sits, her large rump hangs over the sides of the small chair. She looks down and frowns. I hope this chair doesn't collapse and dump me on the floor! The professor pays no attention, “You are doing very well in my class. I would like you to consider helping me in my lab, if you are interested and available.” Lilly smiles and holds herself down on the chair as to not go rocketing through the roof. Smiling and trying to not look too obvious, “I have some home commitments that I will have to work around, but yes, I would like to help you, and learn more.” She knows that she will also be expected to act as Sargent-at-arms for his class from now on without being specifically requested. She is very proud of herself, This was way too easy!

The Professor is still staring at her. I think he likes me! You like 'em fat?

Scene 6. Return Ready

Roc, supportive as ever, helps her with a day-care schedule at Rod's for the kids and keeps them from bothering her at home when she is studying. He also has adopted the household chores of cooking and laundry on the weekends when he is not a training camp. She is still receiving the increased stipend from her parents. Although she is not using tutoring services anymore, household expenses have increased, with more services contracted out, mostly to Rod's family, in her absence and Roc gone during the week.

The days continue without dreams of any kind. Lilly has hired Rod’s daughters for care of the twins and cooking. Rod’s son Timmy, now twelve, has been very helpful in assisting with home cleaning and repairs. He is fascinated by Lilly’s sculptures, especially their animation by solenoids and electric motors. She starts working on her ‘art’ again, incorporating what she has learned in physics class for new features and animations. She teaches Timmy how to solder, weld, and work sheet-metal.

When night comes for this busy family, all are exhausted and head straight for bed. Roc is back from training for the weekend. Camp is not close by, but Roc returns regularly, by train.

Lilly is hesitant, looking down at the bed. I feel weird, like last time. Something is coming on. She looks at Roc, who changing into his bedclothes, “Remember Roc,” “be nice to me if I sleepwalk again.” Roc stops and stares at Lilly, “I am always nice to you, Lilly.” True. What would I do without you?

She looks around the room and sees her beloved doll on the top of the dresser. Hmmm, I had better leave it up there. My other self seems to fear my Fendor doll for some reason. She shudders, the 'other Lilly' is smart too. Am I missing an important clue from the other world? She then climbs into bed, scooting up to Roc, touching back-to-back again. I wish I could take you with me.

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