《The World isn't as Ugly nor Beautiful as You Think》The Swordsmen of the Stars
Meanwhile, Kartika, Herman, Koji, Katon, Iqbal, and Reza are fighting the big hordes of the sages' disciples. It"s getting late and they are getting exhausted, yet they keep fighting them. Currently, they have defeated more than 200 disciples, and their number is getting lowered. Kartika and Cakra keep punching them with no mercy, Herman shoots them like crazy, Koji burns them by emitting fire from his glasses, Katon hits them with his iron staff blindly, Indra kicks them quickly, Reza and Taringa chop them by scratching them like a beast, and Iqbal. He immobilizes them with his bad breath (His power is bad breath, remember? He is just able to immobilize them. If his enemy commits suicide as they can"t take his breath anymore, it"s a different story then.) The sages are watching the fray from the veranda seriously.
"Not bad for them to survive at this point." Made said.
"But, it"s just not enough. They have to be stronger and stronger." Wayan said.
"I agree. Their mission is to protect the world, and it"s just not enough to defeat Waku-waku." Nyoman added.
"We have so many disciples. No matter how many wounded, we can still heal them, and they haven"t come yet." Potong Ketut.
"Them?! Don"t tell me!" Made said.
"Oh, I guess you do know who I am talking about," Ketut said.
"It"s just a warming up. The real thing is about to begin." Wayan added.
"What a pity 3 of them can"t join the fray, but I think it"s fine," Nyoman added.
"HALT!!!" A man in front of them shouted.
The other disciples are leaving the garden quickly, and they see 7 men standing before them.
"12 Swordsman of the Stars. They are the best disciples we have ever had. They are not able to summon their Ribos yet, but they can"t be underestimated." Ketut said.
"The game is just begun," Wayan said.
"But, why are there just 7 men? Where are the other 2?" Made asked. "Larz, he is always late, but I don"t know why-"
"Are you talking to me?" A man in a white fur coat suddenly appears lying on the floor beside Wayan.
"Harz? What are you doing here?? Why are you not joining them?!" Wayan scolded him.
"Sleepy, and it"s not fair if they have to fight 8 or even 9 of us, right?" Harz said.
"Do you know where Larz is?" Nyoman asked.
"Don"t know, don"t care. Good night." Harz said starting to sleep.
"For crying out loud, but he"s got a point there. It"s gonna be a fair play." Wayan said upset
The 4 sages are watching the fray.
"We are the Swordsman of the Stars! I"m Barz, the ox." A man who wears a Viking helmet which horns look like sharp blades said.
"Carz, the tiger." A man in tiger motive kimono said.
"Darz, the rabbit." A long-haired woman in a white coat and white high heels said.
"Garz, the horse." A gigantic man in a grey T-shirt and 4 swords akimbo said.
"Irz, the monkey." A man in a shabby T-shirt and ripped jeans said.
"Jarz, the rooster.��� A man who wears goggles and red fur pullover said.
"Karz, the dog." A bob-style haired woman in a white tank top and hot pants said.
"So, it"s just the beginning, eh?" Koji said panting.
"I guess," Herman replied.
"7 on 7. Interesting." Katon said.
"Then, let"s get started!" Carz dashing to Katon in sudden ready to scratch him.
Katon manages to block it with his iron staff. "Interesting." Katon said with his cheek being scratched. Everyone is scattering to fight each other.
"How about a deathmatch?" Carz asked.
"Fine by me!" Katon said shoving Carz.
They both are attacking and defending. Katon tries to hit Carz, but his movement is too fast that Katon is having trouble hitting her, but he can dodge Carz"s assault too.
"You are not bad," Carz said.
"You either," Katon said.
"But." Carz leaps backward and dashes fast. "I'll kill you right now!" Carz shouted expanding his claw which looks like 10 sharp blades and stabbed Katon in a jiffy. Katon becomes silent and he drops his iron staff which has turned into his pen.
Katon looks pale as Carz"s claws are stabbing Katon"s body deep enough. Carz smiles and says. "That was fun but too bad you have to die so soon. What a pity!"
Carz is about to pull his claws, yet he can"t pull them out. He is trying his best, but it doesn't work. Suddenly, Katon turns black.
"What"s wrong?" Katon smiled. "FYI. It"s not only my pen, but I can also turn my body into iron." He added walks backward to break Carz"s claws.
"Ahhh!" Carz"s screamed in pain.
Katon raises his arm and turns his palm into a giant hammer.
"You said that you wanted a deathmatch, right? I'll make sure to kill you in a single blow." Katon said hitting Carz with his hammer hand and resulting Carz disappeared.
"Ah, what a bore." Katon sighed.
"Don"t ever underestimate your opponent, Katon." Dron said coming out from Katon"s pen.
"I know, I know. I just want to fight with a strong opponent." Katon said.
"For crying out loud! You could have died, you know?" Dron sighed.
"I am strong, and it was just a fluke, so it"s not counted," Katon said. "I am here to fight. I do want to be a strong Doki-Doki user." He added.
"Good grief you are not a Waku-waku member," Dron said.
"Destroying the world? If the world were destroyed, then I would be dead, right? I guess protecting it is better than destroying it. If someone wants chaos, I just have to show him the real chaos, right?" Katon said.
"For crying out loud," Dron said smiling at Katon. "I am sure that you can be the strongest in the world." He added.
"Thanks, Dron," Katon said smiling.
Reza takes his chance to attack Garz who seems his guard down. Reza dashes towards him and Taringa manage to give Garz a scratch barrage.
"Yes," Reza said.
"What?" Garz asked turning around.
Reza turns around and says, "What an impressive defense. Anyone can be chopped by that blow."
"Oh? Are you impressed?" Garz asked.
"You can say that, but I'll make sure to chop you right away!" Reza said putting a stance with Taringa.
"Ok," Garz said unsheathing both of his swords and crossing it before him.
They both are attacking at the same time and resulting bounced. Garz is as far as to get up, unsheathe 2 more swords, and put them on his toes. In such a state, Garz runs towards Reza. Reza just dodges it.
"Hey, hey, hey, are you okay with your toes holding 2 swords?" Reza asked.
"Reza, I've got a plan," Taringa said whispering something to Reza.
Reza smiles and says, "Hey, what"s wrong? Aren"t you going to attack me?"
"I'll make sure you'll regret provoking me!" Garz exclaimed running towards Reza.
Reza just dodges him. Garz keeps running and Reza keeps dodging him. Then, Garz stops running.
"Waaaa! My legs are cramped!!!" Garz screamed in pain.
"What"s wrong? Aren"t you going to make me regret provoking you? Or perhaps you want me to make you "regret" for doing that to me?" Reza asked in a mischievous tone
"No! Please, I surrender." Garz plead.
"I win," Reza said smiling.
Iqbal is hiding behind the bushes. He sees Irz having a banana there.
"Is he gonna fight us?" Iqbal thought.
Irz looks finishing with his banana. He then takes another one from a bunch of bananas on his waist. Iqbal then comes out from the bushes and blows his bad breath, but Irz leaps far enough to avoid it. When Iqbal lands, he starts running, but he steps on the banana peel Irz threw away before and ended up being slipped. Before Iqbal falls, Irz dashes and he is about to slash Iqbal, but Iqbal turns around to land quickly, and he uses his sword grip which is behind his head to block Irz surprise attack.
"Nice move," Irz said.
"You too," Iqbal said.
They both then leap behind to make distance and put a stance.
"Watch your step!" Irz said throwing away a banana peel.
"Hey, littering is no good," Iqbal said.
"Oh," Irz said taking another banana to eat it and throw the peel.
Iqbal then unsheathes his sword and dashes to Irz. Realizing the scattered banana peels ahead, He is dashing while avoiding them swiftly.
"Oh, so you can avoid them, eh?" Irz complimented Iqbal unsheathing his sword. "But, won"t be fun knowing I've set the trap but you are not slipped?" He added.
Irz makes the scattered banana peels float in the midair and spin. They are launched to the ground ahead Iqbal expecting him to be slipped.
"Oh, so you expect me to be slipped again, eh?" Iqbal said blowing his breath to those peels.
Being exposed by the breath, the peels turn into banana Molen (One of Indonesian snack. A fried banana with solid savory skin made of flour.)
"What kind of power is that?!" Irz asked upset.
"What? My breath only immobilizes living creatures, but if it exposes a thing, my breath turns it into its processed food." Iqbal explained.
"But, why banana Molen?!" Irz exclaimed upset.
"Banana Molen is a processed banana which is covered by something delicious. I am sure that the skin is its peel. Believe me! Everything was created for some reason. Banana peel is a food peel, which means it"s edible." Iqbal explained.
"What are you doing?" Raingania asked in Iqbal"s consciousness.
"Shush, I"m trying to defeat him. With this power, I am just able to immobilize him, not kill him." Iqbal replied.
"Cut the crap! Why do I have to fight against you anyway?!!!" Irz shouted upset.
In a blink of an eye, Iqbal is in front of Irz already. He shoves Irza to the ground and uses his right hand to pin Irz.
"Playtime is over!" Iqbal exclaims blowing his bad breath right in front of Irz face resulting Irz fainted.
Iqbal then gets up and check his surrounding.
"So, that was what you mean by "defeating" him eh? I can"t believe you can make a fuss as His Highness Alfi does," Raingania said coming out from his jeans pocket.
"I also can"t believe that I did that. He does look weak, but he is smart enough to defeat his opponent by confusing them with all of the fuss he makes. It is effective, but it"s too risky. Alfi, you can"t just fight like that." Iqbal said anxiously holding something in his jeans pocket.
Karz is running in panic. She looks like in terror as she is being chased by Indra who puts his sleazy look.
"Stop right there as I am gonna defeat you right away! Now, which one do you like more? Literally killed or killed inside?!" Indra shouted whose voice heard like a sick pervert.
"No! I am still a virgin!" Karz screamed in terror.
"Isn't it good?!" Indra shouted.
When Indra has been corrupted by his beast's passion to chase the poor Karz, suddenly something dashes fast approaching Indra's hand. Realizing it, Indra then kicks it swiftly that it"s thrown away from him and fallen to the ground hard.
"A diversion eh?" Indra asked.
It gets up and it"s Karz.
"You know, deceiving is bad for a chick like you," Indra said.
"But, deceiving a sick perv like you are considered a good deed, right?" Karz asked showing her teeth which look like a set of sharp blades.
"So, you are a bitch, eh?" Indra said putting a stance by lowering his body and bending his right leg with his blue glowing boots.
"I am a dog, and I am going to shred you with my teeth!" Karz exclaimed crawling there like a rampaging dog.
"What a masochist, eh? I"m sorry, I"d rather be blown than bitten." Indra said jumping high enough to kick Karz from the midair.
Karz then runs to avoid Indra"s kick. Indra then dashes towards Karz and unsheathes his sword. Indra swings it to her, but she can dodge it, yet when she is about to bite him, He kicks her head, slash her face to blind her, and kicks her to the sky. Indra then jumps to the sky and points his right leg to defeat Karz. Karz then bites his foot.
"What an idiot!�� Karz exclaimed.
"Are you sure?" Indra asked turning into Cupidilon.
"I"m sorry dear, but my friend is right behind you," Cupidilon said casually.
Karz then turns her head and she vaguely sees Indra who looks terrifying (in a different point of view) with a glowing blue fist ready to attack her.
"Teknik Jitu: Hantaman Bulan! (Ultimate Technique: Moon Fisting.)" Indra exclaimed punch Karz"s abdomen and putting force into it resulting in her crashing the ground.
Indra then gets up and sees the fainted Karz.
"Actually, I don"t want to hurt a woman, but I can"t let myself defeated by a woman." Indra sighed.
"Aw, come on, Indra. We already get one here." Cupidilon said.
"Well, we just can"t let her lie down here, right?" Indra said putting his sleazy look.
"Agree!" Cupidilon exclaimed giving him a thumb up and putting his sleazy look.
They both then approach that fainted Karz, and I leave what will happen next to your imagination.
Koji is hiding behind a tree to check his surrounding.
"It"s just a mere garden, yet it"s as vast as a forest. I guess the sages have used their Iru to manipulate the garden"s breadth into forest"s. It seems they want us to be separate so we can fight one by one. I am sure everyone is fighting with their every opponent by now." Koji thought holding his sword.
Suddenly someone is over him already. Koji turns his head upwards and the person looks falling fast as if the person wants to stomp Koji with both of the heels which actually a pair of sharp blades. Koji then shoots flame upwards, but that person manages to avoid it and land before Koji.
"Darz, the rabbit, eh?" Koji asked.
"Ah, I am glad you know me, but I"d rather befriend with your dead body," Darz said putting her terrifying face.
"Necrophilia, eh?" Koji said.
"You can say that I will be your friend once you become a corpse, as I hate being stabbed in the back!" Darz exclaimed jumping towards Koji fast.
"Dang it!" Koji exclaimed unsheathing his sword to block her feet which the blades almost stab his eye and lips.
"It"s not over yet," Darz said rolling backward and jumping again.
Koji shoots fire barrage from his glasses to make a distance from her. Darz keeps jumping avoiding the fire. Koji starts to get exhausted and stops shooting. Darz then uses this chance to approach him and she has pointed her right leg to pierce Koji"s body. When Darz almost pierces Koji"s body, a great flame appears from the ground protecting Koji and making Darz stay away from him. Koji looks holding his sword blade and moves his hand from the bottom to the point making the sword covered by flame.
"You know, I've never had a lump of rabbit meat," Koji said.
Darz looks shaking.
"And I guess, I'll give it a try right now!" Koji exclaimed running towards Darz.
"Jurus Jitu: Memanggang Daging Panggang! (Ultimate Technique: Roasting a roast.)" Koji exclaimed slashing her with no mercy till her body turns into burning ashes.
Koji then swings his sword to put out the flame and sheathes it.
"What a troublesome opponent. I"m sure Alfi is fighting by now. Do your best, Alfi." Koji said exhausted.
Jarz approaches Herman and flaps his red fur around his pullover which looks like chicken wings. The flutter launches a lot of red swords towards Herman. Herman then shoots his nails without stopping to break all of the swords.
"Unlimited Blade Works, eh?" Herman asked in wonder.
"Yup, that"s my favorite character"s technique. I'll make sure you die by it!" Jarz exclaimed.
"What do you see in a hoar archer who uses dual blades to fight anyway?" Herman asked.
"Shut the hell up!" Jarz exclaimed jumping to the midair and flap his wings again.
Herman then embeds his nail to the ground and the nail bursts many nails to destroy those flying swords.
"Shit, a mine, eh?" Jarz said upset.
"I"m sorry, I won"t hold back. Once you underestimate your opponent, death will be right in front of your eyes." Herman said.
"Well said," Jarz said.
Herman shoots his nails and Jarz launches the red swords. Knowing it won"t work, Herman decides to approach Jarz.
"Don"t you think I can"t do close combat style!" Jarz exclaimed pulling a red sword from his red fur and swings it to Herman who almost reaches Jarz.
Herman then expands his nails and crosses them to block the sword, but the sword can break his nails and launches them embedding the ground and trees. Herman manages to avoid the blow and stands up.
"Victory is mine!" Herman exclaimed pointing his index fingers to Jarz.
"What are you talking about?"Jarz asked upset.
Herman shoots his nails without stopping. Jarz breaks them by hitting them with his swords.
"Teknik Jitu: Formasi kandang Ayam! (Ultimate Technique: Chicken Cage Formation.)" Herman exclaimed.
Herman's nails which were embedded on the ground and trees are glowing green and then they are as far as to burst many nails to Jarz. Jarz has nothing to escape and he disappears.
"Good job private! I am so proud of you!" Kolonel exclaimed coming out from his tattoo.
"I am glad the strategy worked well. I will assist Alfi. I am not his burden!" Herman said smiling.
Kartika is confronting Barz. Barz then runs towards her and pointing his helmet like a bull ramming the toreador. Kartika then jumps to avoid him. Barz then slides to brake.
"Aren"t you an ox?" Kartika asked upset.
"Ox has bigger horns than the bull". My fighting style isn't defined by my title, idiot!" Barz said ramming Kartika fast. (In Indo, it"s buffalo. Ox is a male cow and I"m not sure if the ox is also male buffalo. As I know, a cow is lactating and buffalo is breastfeeding, or maybe vice versa. f**k it! Go on!)
"Uwaaaaaa!!!!!" Kartika screamed bounced.
Kartika then gets up and summons Cakra.
"Kartika, the horns are the big deal. If you were not to bounce yourself, your body would have been pierced by his horns." Cakra said.
"I know," Kartika said.
Cakra then summons his gun and shoots Barz. Barz keeps running while avoiding the blue beams which run towards him. When Barz is about to ram her, Kartika exclaims, "I will not lose!"
Suddenly, Barz then gets burnt by a blue beam that struck him in a jiffy. Kartika looks shocked, especially Cakra who realized that he has a bazooka armed on his right shoulder.
"You did it, Kartika," Cakra said in amazement.
Kartika remains silent as she is still shocked.
The garden has been recovered. Kartika finds herself with the other in front of the sages. The 4 sages are standing with the 7 Swordsman of the Stars.
"Good work, guys. You all are passed!" Made congratulated them.
Kartika and the other can"t say a thing as they are exhausted.
Suddenly a white light appears before them.
"So, they did it too, eh?" Wayan said.
"Not bad for beginners," Nyoman added.
"I am so glad that they did it," Ketut added.
"Alfi..." Kartika said full of hope.
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