《The World isn't as Ugly nor Beautiful as You Think》Dimmed Sun (Not Dimsum)
The blazing sun burns them up.
The heat as if it burns them both that their sweat gets warmed.
Especially Alfi whose sweat soaks his face wet.
'Isn't today hot?' Wira asked.
'Nah.' Alfi replied.
'Do you know what to bring when you go to the beach?' Wira asked.
'Pants and bikini?' Alfi replied.
'Is your head full of such thing only?' Wira asked pissed
'I guess.' Alfi replied.
'So you are good at pissing anyone off eh?' Wira said splashing the liquid to Alfi.
It enters Alfi's head and Alfi falls on his knees and screams in pain.
'What I just splashed isn't ordinary water.' Wira said. 'Do you know sunblock? A kind of oil which protects you from the heat of the sun.' Wira explained.
Alfi still screams in pain.
'Weird eh? A bit of liquid could make you suffer like this. It is a special sunblock which absorbs the heat of the sun and if you touch it, it can scorch anything in your body.' Wira explained grabbing Alfi's head strongly.
Wira puts a bit of his sunblock to Alfi's head
'Now my sunblock is in your head and it scorches your head. You won't be able to imagine anything, right?' Wira asked.
Alfi screams louder.
'Alfi!' Kartika exclaimed running to save Alfi.
'Kartika, don't!' Koji exclaimed.
"I always give Alfi so much trouble. I just can't give him another trouble anymore!" Kartika said in her mind.
Suddenly, a sunblock barrier appears before Kartika's very eyes.
'Don't you dare!' Wira said smirking.
'Kartika, don't! I do understand your feeling, but we can't do anything!' Cakra exclaimed holding her up.
'But... Alfi!' Kartika sobbed.
'If a bit of my sunblock can put you in such condition, then what will happen if I add some?' Wira asked.
'Don't!' Kartika shouted hysterically.
'This is your punishment for killing my best friend! Goodbye!' Wira enraged putting his palm on Alfi's head.
'Teknik Jitu: Garis Matahari! (Ultimate Technique: Line of Sun)' Wira exclaimed bursting out a lot of his sunblock from his palm to Alfi's head that it bursts Alfi's whole body.
Alfi's head is real scorched. Alfi can't move his body for an inch anymore.
'Al... Fi..? Alfi!!!' Kartika shouted shocked.
'2 to go.' Wira said glancing at Kartika.
Kartika looks terrified seeing Wira getting closer.
"Hey!" Alfi yelled at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Why the hell did you let me die?" Alfi asked pissed.
"Because it's fun," I replied.
"You dumb author! What kind of story in which the protagonist dies in the middle of the story?!" Alfi asked.
"We can just end it here. Your friend dead and Kartika raped by Wira. What do you think?" I offered him joking around.
"Cut the crap already!" Alfi exclaimed pulling my jacket collar.
"It's a joke, I'm just joking hahaha," I replied soothing him.
Alfi lets me go.
"You said "Wira raped Kartika", right? Aren't you aware that the story can be rated R?" Alfi asked.
"It's R already because you are a perv, you moron. Please refrain yourself so that the book can be read by all ages. You must know that Indonesia has so many absurd policies, especially about this one." I explained.
"It's none of my business! You are the author, moron!" Alfi exclaimed.
"Oh yeah, you got a point there," I replied.
I get my glass beside me and have a drink. I see the ceiling while flooring the treadle. Yes, my working desk is an old traditional sewing machine.
"That's right, I write as I want without thinking the consequences ahead. I don't care if the story won't get published in my world. I can just publish it on the Internet like this. I don't write for money, but I do it because I love it." I explained.
Alfi remains silent.
I get my pen, ready to continue writing.
"Don't worry, I'll resurrect you," I said.
"I know that you are a weirdo. You are the weirdest author I've ever seen, probably the weirdest ever that you're writing this dialogue, remember we are on the climax already." Alfi said.
"I just wanna try something unthinkable. Moreover, a filler is a must, isn't it? But, guess I've made it too much." I said giggling.
"Desope, I am sure that you will be a great author," Alfi said cheering me up.
I smile and say. "Thanks, Alfi, now, go back to the book. I'll resurrect you."
"Right," Alfi replied.
"Good grief I don't have an editor. If I did, I would be dead for sure." I said giggling.
"What a moron. Well, I am going, good luck!' Alfi said jumping back to my book.
"Great author, eh? I doubt about it, but we won't know it if we just hold still, right? Let's get back to work, Mitsuha.' I said.
Mitsuha smiles at me. I am as far as to get back to write the story.
Wira is right in front of Kartika. He is ready to release his ultimate technique to her. She looks so paranoid that she can't move her body for an inch.
'Go visit him in hell!' Wira exclaimed.
Kartika just can't do anything. She just closes her eyes.
Suddenly Alfi punches Wira so hard that Wira hurled and hits sand so hard.
'I told you not to hurt my friends, asshole!' Alfi enraged pissed.
Wira gets up immediately.
'You! How come....?!' Wira becomes shocked
'What? Did you think you managed to kill me? Take a look at the guy you just came to.' Alfi said.
Wira moves his head to it slowly.
The burned Alfi lying there gets shrink slowly and turns into a yellow clothesline clip.
'No way!' Wira exclaimed shocked.
Wira just realized that just 3 clothesline clips are flying around Alfi's head.
'Weapon number 4: Jepitron. 4 clothesline clips which contain infinity Iru.' Alfi explained
'Which means...' Wira said shocked
'Exactly! I can move my soul to one of them to keep the enemy busy by using another as my substitution!' Alfi added.
'You son of a bitch!' Wira enraged.
'What does he mean?' Cakra asked.
'It means he can make a clone by using the clothesline clip. For instance, he turned that yellow one into his clone, while the real body was hiding in one of the clips he didn't use.' Kartika explained.
'If you think your semen can kill me, you are very wrong!' Alfi exclaimed. (What? You want me to change it? Is "jizz" or "cum" more polite than that one?)
Wira bursts his sunblock to Alfi. The red clip as far as to shoot red ray to it, resulting in the sunblock vanished.
'It's vain! Do you think your semen is good enough to kill me? That's true that nothing beats water, but Iru can vanish it!' Alfi exclaimed.
'It's sunblock, you moron!' Wira enraged.
'What's so different anyway?' Alfi asked running towards Wira.
Alfi jabs Wira continuously with his Iru arm followed by his 4 clips shooting Iru to Wira nonstop. Wira tries to turn himself into sunblock lump, but it doesn't work. Alfi still manages to attack Wira.
'Don't you get it? Iru can vanish water and this arm is made of pure Iru!' Alfi exclaimed giving Wira an uppercut that Wira hurled far enough.
Tanco comes out from Wira's underwear.
'Wira, He's really strong! Just use that technique already!' Tanco exclaimed.
Wira gets up and says. 'I know that. I don't wanna get beaten up by the likes of him anyway.'
Megumi comes out from Alfi's bracelet.
'Honey, do you know what to do now?' Megumi asked.
Alfi nods
'Hey, Tanco!' Alfi called him.
'What?' Tanco replied.
'Don't you feel disgusted living there?' Alfi asked.
'What do you mean?' Tanco asked cynically.
'I mean, there are so many kinds of accessories which can be chosen as Jowa, why did this guy choose a pair of underwear?' Alfi explained.
'You wonder? These underwear are part of my life. Taye is the one who gave them to me and that's why this underwear is so precious for me!' Wira explained showing off his underwear by posing which is disgusting to be seen by normal men.
"There are so many kinds of moron live in this world." Kartika thought.
'Then, how does it feel? Living there I mean?' Alfi asked in wonder.
'Well... Kinda stink and bushy.' Tanco answered.
'Oh, then...' As Alfi wants to finish what he is saying, Kartika and Megumi smack his cheeks so hard.
'Cut the crap already! Kill him immediately, moron!' They both yelled at him pissed.
'Yes, mam.' Alfi said in pain.
'Looks like you don't take it serious eh?' Wira asked.
Wira's body is heating up and melts like ice cream which is left scorched by the sun.
'It's ok if you ignore me because you all are going to die!' Wira enraged.
Wira's body gets red and steamy like hot iron.
'Alfi.' Kartika said approaching him.
Alfi stretches his arm holding Kartika who wants to help him.
'Leave him to me, Kartika.' Alfi said firmly.
'But...' Kartika said worrying him.
'I know that you are worrying me right now, but I don't wanna see my friends hurt anymore.' Alfi said.
Kartika remains silent.
'I would rather die than seeing my friend hurt!' Alfi exclaimed.
'The question is...' Alfi said moving his head to Kartika and smiles at her. 'Can I really die while I have friends to protect?' He added.
'Teknik Pertahanan: Surya! (Defensive Technique: Sol)' Wira's whole body becomes a real steamy red body.
Alfi draws the T41 gun and shoots Bullet no. 3: Tai/Shit to Wira. As the black ball hits Wira, it turns into ashes in flash.
'As I thought.' Alfi said putting T41 gun back to his bracelet.
'It's vain! I've cloaked myself in my sunblock and absorbed the heat of the sun into my body which means, I can scorch you with a mere single touch!' Wira exclaimed.
'Really? I don't care whether you absorbed the heat of the sun or heat of the lust. What I see is you soak in your semen.' Alfi responded.
'I'll definitely scorch you immediately especially the shitty mouth of yours!' Wira threatens Alfi.
'Kartika! Stay back! Let me handle him!' Alfi commanded her.
'Alfi, be careful, ok?' Kartika said running back to take care of Herman and the others.
The steamy Wira is staring Alfi deeply. He looks pissed off.
'This is for Taye! Teknik Jitu: Garis UV! (Ultimate Technique: UV line)' Wira exclaimed shooting a red laser from his palm to Alfi.
The laser runs at high speed that it hits Alfi in no time. Alfi's body burns that his burnt bones can be seen in a jiffy.
Good grief, it's just his clone. Alfi managed to make Wira fall for the same trick. The clone turns into the yellow one.
Alfi is as far as to draw his magic curtain and throw it to the sky. It flies around Wira and flies through the rubbish around him. Later, it flies back to Alfi's bracelet and all of the rubbish has been turned into giant stones. Alfi then takes a chance to hide behind one of them.
Wira looks pissed off.
'Ingenious.' Wira said in an underestimating tone.
Alfi just remains silent there waiting for the right time to charge.
'But, do you think I don't dare to burn my own territory? What you just changed is the rubbish around here and I have to thank you for making it easy to clean.' Wira added.
'Good grief I've turned all of Jepitron into my clones. And now, I still have 3 clones hiding around here.' Alfi said thinking.
'I can hear you moron!' Wira said starting to shoot his UV Line to each stone around him one by one.
'Hey, Desope! I was thinking, you dumbass! Why the hell you put "Alfi said thinking"?!' Alfi yelled at me pissed.
"My bad, my bad, I was got carried away that I sleep-writing. What to do then?" I said confused.
'There is a cheap product named type X! Now erase it and put the proper sentence already!' Alfi yelled at me pissed.
"No way. I have no money, for now, you know that I'm jobless and I'm waiting for publisher's confirmation about whether this novel will be published or not. Now you talk about the eraser, I can't afford it; in fact, I haven't eaten anything for almost 3 weeks. So, stay calm and fight, ok?" I answered.
'Cut the crap already!' Alfi shouted pissed.
Wira is standing right on the stone where Alfi is hiding. Alfi sees upwards in terror.
'Oh, My Desope! (What? I'm their god, aren't I?)' Alfi said in a panic.
'Explaining strategy in such a way, and now you are yelling as fuck. Can you be more stupid?!' Wira exclaimed shooting his UV Line to Alfi.
Good grief, it's just another clone. The clone turns into the green one.
'2 clones left.' Alfi said panting.
'I can hear you!' Wira exclaimed looking for Alfi.
'Hey, Desope!' Alfi shouted pissed.
"Oh, my bad. Man, I'm hungry." I replied.
Wira is right in front of Alfi.
'Holy....' Alfi said down.
'Garis UV! (UV Line)' Wira shot that red laser to Alfi.
And one more time, that one is just a clone. It turns into the blue one.
"I still have 1 clone left. Dang, I'm cornered." Alfi thought panting.
"I didn't mess up, did I?" I asked.
"Yup, don't let it happen again, Ok?" Alfi nagged me.
"Why? I think our readers love it." I replied.
"Have you lost your mind?! I could've died before!" Alfi exclaimed pissed.
"Ain't it good for a novel that has so many complicated conflicts?" I asked.
"I do agree with you, but it just doesn't make sense at all!" Alfi yelled at me pissed.
"Hahaha, don't worry, I won't let you die though I do want it. Now, just focus on defeating Wira, see ya!" I said politely back to write in the real world. Oh boy, Mitsuha will yell at me for sure.
"Thanks to that moron, now I just have 1 clone left. Making a single clone costs a lot of Iru, not to mention once it's defeated and it will turn back to clip, it needs around a minute to recover and ready to use again. I just can't use my phone to recharge my Iru. (Got the twist?) What do I do?" Alfi thought cornered.
Alfi checks the situation immediately from the stone. He sees Wira burning the stones around him one by one.
'Fine! I'll let you hide while waiting for me finish burning all of these stones!' Wira exclaimed keeps shooting that red laser to every stone he sees into ashes.
'Shit!' Alfi exclaimed seeing Wira ready to burn the stone where Alfi is hiding.
Alfi as far as to run to the nearest stone and he manages to evade Wira's laser. But, it ends up with Wira keeps shooting him like crazy to Alfi. Then, what does Alfi do? He is running, of course.
Alfi keeps running in terror knowing that he's being chased by Wira and his deathly laser.
'How much Iru does he have anyway? Does he want to do dirty stuff on me so bad that his Iru becomes infinity?' Alfi exclaimed panic.
'Shut the fuck up! What's the matter if I do, anyway?!' Wira replied keeps shooting.
'No!!!!' Alfi shouted in terror.
Alfi as far as draws T41 gun from his bracelet. He aims at Wira and exclaims. 'Peluru 2: Kabut Busuk! (Bullet Number 2: Stink Wave.)' The brown smoke spreads around Kuta Beach.
Wira can't see anything as it's very thick and he feels like suffocated by its bad fragrance.
Then, suddenly he's being attacked by 2 Alfis who punch him continuously with his Iru fist. Alfi keeps punch Wira alternatively with no mercy.
As Alfi is about to make a distance, Wira grabs both of their wrists.
'Do you think you can defeat me with such a stupid tactic? Well, playtime is over!' Wira said transferring the heat to both of them.
'Aaaa!!!!' Alfi and his clone screamed in pain.
'Don't worry; I just heat you up a bit. What's so fun to scorch you right away, anyway?' Wira asked.
Alfi and his clone are still screaming in pain. Now, their faces are turning red because if the heat. I repeat it's because if the heat, not blushing.
'Evil, isn't it?' Wira asked. 'You're the one!' Wira exclaimed. 'You killed Taye! He is the only friend I have! I used to be ignored by everyone because of my too great sex appeal. There were lots of suicidal, violence in the family, killing, and divorce cases that happened because all women used to play with me. I'm innocent! What's my fault?! I was just playing with them!' He added.
'The likes of you have such sex appeal? You joking, right? Don't tell me you have AIDS or such.' Alfi said.
'Shut the hell up!' Wira exclaimed.
His body is getting smoky as he increases the heat to make Alfi and his clone keep busy screaming in pain.
Their scream is getting louder and louder.
Suddenly, the clone turns into the red clip as it can't hold the heat anymore.
'You traitor!' Alfi exclaimed pissed and in pain.
'One day, I was swimming to the high seas to save someone drowning there. But, suddenly a big wave appeared from nowhere and everyone was busy running to save themselves. But, suddenly I felt my body was being moved by a big and delicious red meat. When I opened my eyes, I saw an old man with a mustache in Madura suit before me. Then, I realized that my pants were carried by the wave, and he, with a bright smile gave me this underwear. He was so priceless to me that I joined Waku-waku so that I could return the favor. We also did promise to make some satay which would be burnt by my sunblock and I would name it "Sate Surya"(Sol Satay). But, I couldn't save him and we will never be able to realize the promise anymore! It's all because of you! You killed him!' Wira exclaimed sobbing.
"I do have to kill this guy." Alfi thought getting bored listening to the story.
'And that's why! I am about to kill you now! Goodbye!' Wira exclaimed.
"I just can't die yet!" Alfi said in his mind cornered.
As Wira is about to scorch Alfi, a big gust of wind appears shoving Wira to the coast. Alfi falls on his knees and he can't stand up because of the heat in his body.
Alfi sees someone in his age walks towards him. The guy has black hair which covers his right eyes which has a compass needle pattern around it. He wears a purple kimono and purple cotton trousers. He has dragon tattoo twinning his both arms, the head lies on his right backhand and another on the left one. He also has a sword on his left waist. His face? Girls do love him. That's it, I hate describing this guy.
He approaches Alfi. He puts a fist onto his mouth and blowing some air into it. He puts his fist down and the air follows the fist's movement that it turns into a white sword which looks very strong and sharp as if he just drew his sword from his mouth.
He then uses it to slash Alfi. He gazes at him coldly as if he doesn't care what he just did, but nothing seems to happen. Alfi isn't cut, he feels refreshed instead.
'What have you done to me?' Alfi asked in wonder.
He just stands there gazing him coldly.
'Honey, let's kill him right away!' Megumi said coming out from his bracelet.
Alfi sees him deeply. He replies it by gazing at Alfi coldly. Also then runs to Wira.
Alfi kisses his bracelet. The four clips fly to Wira at high speed and shoot Iru to him continuously. As Alfi is getting closers to him, they turn into Alfi's clones. Now there are 5 Alfis who are ready to beat Wira up. The five are ready with their Iru arm which each fist has been modified into spear edge by his silver Iru.
'Teknik Jitu: 5 Jalur! (Ultimate Technique: 5 Lines)' Alfi exclaimed punching Wira with his clones at the same time.
Wira is managed to be defeated by Alfi.
'Say my hello to Taye, I'm sorry for killing your precious best friend. Now, pay him a visit.' Alfi said.
Alfi runs to Kartika and the others.
They all seem fine.
'Is everyone ok?' Alfi asked worrying.
'Yes, they are. Someone just helped me before.' Kartika answered.
'Yeah, he looks like a Samurai.' Koji added.
'His hair is black and he wears purple karate suit.' Katon added.
'Do you mean me?' A voice heard behind Alfi.
Alfi moves his body and firmly says. 'Yes, who are you?'
The guy just gives them a cold gaze.
- In Serial33 Chapters
The Last Watcher
The Abyss Watchers. Once fully dedicated to hunting the Abyss, now cursed to fight their own members forever. One day though, while they are attacked by a mysterious warrior, a single Abyss Watcher is suddenly pulled through a tear in reality, transported to a new world. A world with a strange thing called a leveling system. Current update schedule: Tuesday 10:00 PM NZT Idea I had of an Abyss Watcher from Dark Souls 3 being transported into a LitRPG world. You don't have to know any of the lore from Dark Souls to understand this, however if you want to know more about the lore just google it or something, I can't stop you But it's not like it will be very useful in this story as I plan to not be focused on Dark Souls Lore. As a side note for those reading this while it is ongoing, I will occasionally go back to previous chapters and sometimes add certain elements to the skills and leveling. Not to worry though as I will tell you as to what I have edited in the authors notes, so be sure to pay attention to those when they appear as they may contain information required for continued understanding. Also, if you decide to drop this book then please leave a comment on the chapter you stopped on and tell me what made you stop.
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⥏ Scream - Billy Loomis X Reader X Stu Macher ⥑ (Y/n) is a hardworking 17 year old girl. She manages to stay at the top of her class and works the night-shift at the video store down the road from her home to help take care of herself and sister. Her teachers adore her determination and high grades, as well as her overall wholesome view on life. Classmates admire her ability to light up a room and make any conversation just a little bit better. However, nobody seems to notice how she doesn't have any close friends- nor realize that very few really know anything about her. Well, nobody, expect for two problematic boys who really enjoy people watching. ⚌⚍⚎⚏⚌⚍⚎⚏⚏⚎⚍⚌⚏⚎⚍⚌Highest Rankings:#1 in Scream#2 in horror#15 in Wattys#2 in Slashers#1 in BillyLoomis#1 in StuMacherThis book will have a polyamorous relationship! Not two dudes fighting over a snacc- if that's what you wanted I'm sorry! I'm here for that good poly shit.Also, as a slasher fic, it's probably going to have blood and gore, mentions of murder- you know, all that jazz.***Ghostface art on cover is by wrennnch on tumblr!!! Please check them out, they are so talented!***
8 186