《The World isn't as Ugly nor Beautiful as You Think》Please Give Women Some Respects
Kartika is shocked seeing Alfi like that, so is Herman.
'Alfi! Please! Do something!' Kartika yelled him in panic.
Alfi still remains silent. No matter how hard Kartika yells at him, he doesn't move for an inch. Actually, deep down in his heart, he wants to protect them both and fight Anggun, but his body refuses to do so.
Megumi looks shocked seeing Alfi on such a blue face.
'Alfi! Don't tell me....' When Megumi is going to continue her talk, suddenly Kartika gets hit by Anggun's Hantaman Vital (Vital Hits).
Those diamond shards directly hit Kartika's vital points like heads, knees, arms, epigastrium, tummy, and heart that Cakra vanished back to her pendant since it's a really strong blow that Kartika can't use her Iru nor even stand up.
'Kartika!' Alfi exclaimed in panic.
'Hantaman Vital (Vital Hits)!' Anggun exclaimed taking the chance to attack Alfi.
Megumi sees 8 diamond shards flying fast to Alfi's direction. Megumi then pulls Alfi's jacket and yells at him trying to resuscitate him. 'Alfi! Just forget it! Fight it! Alfi!!! Wake up!!!'
'Your Highness!' Herman exclaimed running towards Alfi trying to take the blow for himself.
Herman gets hit by those shards resulting him passed out with bad injuries.
Alfi looks frightened, he is sweating out and left in despair.
Anggun then laughs at the paranoid Alfi.
'How pathetic! Should I kill them both? You? Or all of you?' Anggun insulted him
'Shut the hell up, you bitched slut!' Alfi enraged running towards her with his Iru arm ready to beat her up.
His Iru arm is getting bigger than before. Anggun just remains silent with a smirk on her beautiful face.
When Alfi is about to punch her, suddenly his Iru vanishes. Alfi is shocked.
Anggun is smirking at him and grabs his wrist strongly.
Alfi looks frightened. Anggun's grip is getting stronger since she turns her arm into a diamond. Alfi can hear his wrist bone gets cracked that makes him scream in pain.
Kartika is still able to open her eyes, but she can't take to see it.
"Alfi...Why? What's wrong with you?" Kartika wondered sadly.
'Your Highness!' Herman exclaimed resisting the pain that comes from his arms and knees.
'Stop...' Megumi said standing sluggish on Alfi's bracelet. 'Please stop it!' Megumi exclaimed dripping some tears.
'Oh, is this pipsqueak your girlfriend?' Anggun tempted him.
Alfi can't say anything as Anggun doesn't let him go.
'Can't talk, I wonder? Very well.' Kata Anggun said calmly strengthening her grip.
Alf's scream is getting louder
'You know, I am always upset when foreigners think that Garut is the city of Dodol (a kind of traditional sweet) that inhibited by Dodol (moron. Yes, it can be used to insult as well).' Anggun said telling a story. 'This is the city of the diamond! A very beautiful city! This place is proof of itself!' She added pointing at Babancong.
'You must know what it is, right?' Anggun asked.
'I guess.' Alfi answered stammered.
'Balancing, Garut's most prestigious Landmark. Do you know how people used it in the past?' Anggun asked.
Alfi slowly shakes his head resisting the pain that comes from his wrist.
'Moron!' Anggun insulted him strengthening her grip.
Alfi's scream is getting louder more. (No, no, no, it won't be BDSM as you think, or probably I am the one who thinks so? Well, go on!)
'Please stop!!!' Kartika yelled starting to cry.
They both turn their head to Kartika.
'Enough...Please..... Stop it!' She added crying.
Anggun laughs at her and says, 'This is what I like! Cry, fear, emotional sufferance. How beautiful!'
'You bitched slut!' Alfi enraged.
'Shut up!'Anggun yelled at him strengthening her grip more.
Alfi's scream is getting louder more (hey, I didn't do COPAS or anything). He feels his wrist is about to explode, not to mention the wrist bones is cracking already
'Don't!' Megumi and Kartika exclaimed.
Megumi and Kartika can't take seeing Alfi get tortured like that anymore.
'This place used to be a speech stage for public figures! Even Soekarno (The first president of Indonesia) did state that Garut was a city of the diamond! That's why I will turn this city into a diamond so people will acknowledge the beauty of this town!' Anggun explained arrogantly.
Alfi laughs at her.
'What's so funny?' Anggun asked irritated.
'So, it's true eh? You're a total dodol, aren't you? If you want to make your so-called-beloved town famous, do something good for it so society will acknowledge it a good city. Just stop doing dodol stuff already!' Alfi explained firmly resisting the pain that comes from his wrist.
'Don't be so cocky!' Anggun enraged turning a whole of her arm into diamond and throwing Alfi to the sky.
'Alfi!' Kartika and Megumi exclaimed shocked.
'Shower Intan (Diamond Shower)!' Anggun exclaimed shooting diamond shards to Alfi consecutively resulting Alfi scream in pain loudly.
In Alfi's mind, he reminds a bad memory.
The kids around his age ignored him, but a girl came towards him and smiled at him warmly. She wore a cute blue dress and she had a cute bob hairstyle. She gave him a hand and played with him in the sunflower garden. They played and laughed happily that made him forget all of the sadness which always kept him company.
They ran across the garden. In the long run, she turns into a very beautiful woman and she runs fast and stops at the end of the garden. She doesn't do anything but smiles at him.
Alfi tried to reach her, but no matter how hard he ran, he couldn't reach her. Frankly, she was just standing there.
The look of her which looked cute and shining with her cute smile on her face suddenly turns into something dark which ruins her beautiful face. The smile is vanished replaced by an empty stare that is full of despair. She looks depressed, but she can't drop a single tear.
'Why?' Alfi asked starting to cry. 'Why did you leave me?!' Alfi yelled at her crying and keep running trying to reach her.
She is still standing there. She didn't say anything.
'Why don't you say something?' Alfi asked crying. 'Answer me!' Alfi exclaimed still crying.
Alfi gets tripped and fell since he can't keep running anymore.
She slowly walks towards him
'Why?' Alfi asked looking at her with tears. 'Why do you leave me?!' Alfi exclaimed crying.
'You..' She said. 'You are a very nice guy, but too bad, you are so naive. You are willing to die for those who don't care about you. I don't want to see you like that anymore, I just can't take it! So, I've had enough with you....' She added sadly.
Alfi is shocked hearing what just she said.
She drips her tears and says, 'Farewell.... A guy whom I love so much. Please don't hate me; I do really love you so much.'
Alfi is shocked very much after hearing that. Alfi is about to say something, but suddenly she kicks Alfi's head that he is thrown into the sky.
What Alfi has in his mind is just a word: "Why?"
Alfi is passed out and Anggun is ready to finish him.
There's a massive diamond which size is as big as a mountain floating right on Alfi ready to flatten him anytime.
'Don't... Please don't!' Kartika asked crying.
Anggun just smirks and exclaims, 'Die! Teknik Jitu: Tambang Intan! (Ultimate Technique: Diamond Mine)' Dropping the diamond.
'Megumi! Weapon number 2!' Alfi Commanded Megumi.
'What?!' Sobbing Megumi replied.
'Hurry! Weapon number 2! Put it on my left hand!' Alfi exclaimed agitatedly.
Megumi pun touches the number 2 halation on Alfi's bracelet and puts it on his left hand, but the diamond has already flattened him perfectly.
'No!' Kartika screamed in despair.
'Your Highness!' Herman exclaimed forcing himself to stand up.
Anggun notices Herman standing so sluggish like that.
'Oh, so you can stand up, eh? I am impressed; do you want to die like that moron as well?' Anggun insulted him.
'Take this! Badai Kuku (Nail Storm)!' Herman enraged swinging his both arm while shooting his nails from every direction nonstop.
Anggun just shows off her diamond ring which is put on her index finger to him. The diamond on her ring gets bigger like a shield that protects her from Herman's blow.
'What an idiot! Your nail isn't strong enough to scratch my ring! Nothing can destroy a diamond! Remember that!' Anggun exclaimed.
Anggun uses her Iru to grow spikes on her shield.
'Let's see, can you stand up after take this?' Anggun challenged him arrogantly. 'Tembakan Kristal! (Crystal Shot)' Anggun exclaimed shooting those spikes to him.
'Badai Kuku! (Nail Storm)' Herman exclaimed swinging his both arm while shooting his nails from every direction nonstop.
But, his nails even can't slow those spikes. Then, those spikes stab Herman's body causing him to be passed out for the second time with more serious injuries.
'I am sorry... Your Highness.' Herman said dying closed his eyes.
Anggun laughs at Herman collapsing before her. She is targeting Kartika now.
'One to go. It looks like you're the weakest, I wonder?' Anggun insulted Kartika walking to her.
Kartika is still unable to neither move nor use her Iru to summon Cakra. She looks at that giant diamond which has flattened Alfi. She sees something wrong on it.
'Wait, why is it getting shrink?' Kartika asked in amazement.
'What do you mean?' Anggun asked turning her head to that diamond.
And that's true! The diamond is slowly getting shrunk.
'No way!' Anggun exclaimed in amazement.
'Is Alfi using his body to absorb it?!' Kartika added in amazement.
The diamond is shrinking, because it is absorbed by his body which is covered with a white cloth that looks like a curtain. Alfi then puts it off and stands up.
'What's wrong?' Alfi asked smiling at them. 'The battle has just begun!' He added.
Alfi throws that white curtain to the sky. The curtain flies fast towards Kartika.
'What the?' Kartika said, and then the curtain directly covers her whole body quickly and gets away from her.
It flies toward dying Herman and covers his whole body.
Kartika can stand up.
'I can stand up?' Kartika said in amazement.
Kartika then summons Cakra.
'I can use my Iru as well!' Kartika said in surprise.
'Thank goodness you're OK, Your Highness.' Herman exclaimed gratefully standing up.
The curtain flies back to Alfi's hand. Alfi puts it on his right shoulder like a robe.
'Thank goodness you both are OK.' Alfi said smiling at them. 'Destroy her ring! It's her Jowa!' Alfi explained. 'Herman, believe in your wild imagination. Believe in your tattoo. You can be this strong because of the pride of your tattoo, right?' Alfi added.
'How do you know that my tattoo is my Jowa?' Herman asked in surprise.
'It's simple, before shooting, you always stroke your tattoo, right? You do it because of your pride in the tattoo. That's what I am sure that your tattoo is your Jowa.' Alfi explained. 'Herman, use your imagination to destroy those diamonds. Imagine that your nails are as hard as a diamond, as fast as light and they have a nuclear explosive effect!' Alfi explained.
'Roger!' Herman replied.
'Oh, just call me Alfi, we are friends right?' Alfi said patting Herman's shoulder.
Herman smiles and says, 'Of course, Alfi.'
"Amazing! So he was analyzing our opponent, not only that but also all of us! He is really awesome!" Kartika thought admiring Alfi.
'So, I was wrong.' Cakra said.
'What's wrong Cakra?' Kartika asked.
'I misjudged you, Alfi. Now I am sure, you are the one who deserves to lead us to save the world!' Cakra explained. 'Your Highness! I am ready to assist you on this mission!' Cakra exclaimed bow at Alfi.
Alfi smiles and says, 'Yup, I do need your help too, Cakra.'
Cakra then smiles at Alfi.
Kartika pun feels glad seeing Alfi and Cakra get along like that.
'You bastard!' Anggun enraged. 'I'll crush you until pieces! Hujan Intan (Diamond Rain)!'' Anggun exclaimed dropping small diamond shards from the sky.
'Herman! Shoot those shards! Just slow it, don't destroy it!' Alfi commanded him. 'Kartika! Let's finish her together! Cakra! Make sure that Kartika and I don't get hit by those shards. Let's go, Megumi!' Alfi added running towards Anggun followed by Kartika.
'Roger!' They four replied.
Herman starts shooting those shards until they are scattered everywhere. Alfi and Kartika running towards Anggun fast followed by Cakra who keeps punching those falling shards till destroyed and scattered everywhere
'Alfi, where is everyone?' Kartika asked noticing no one around.
'Don't worry, I've evacuated them somewhere with this curtain.' Alfi added.
'Where did you evacuate them?' Cakra asked keeping punching those falling shards.
'Well... I dunno. At least they are safe, right?' Alfi answered awkwardly.
Cakra then laughs and says, 'That's right! At least they are safe, right?'
"This is the first time I see Cakra laughing. He's been serious back there. Thanks a lot, Alfi...' Kartika said in her mind happy.
Anggun is at their sight now and the rain has stopped already, Alfi throws his robe (OK, it's a curtain) to the sky. It is getting wider and covers all of the scattered diamond shards.
And when the curtain flies back to Alfi, All of those diamond shards have turned into delicious seblak basah (wet salty and spicy food, Google it).
Alfi then bows at Anggun like a waiter of a gourmet restaurant.
'Have your meal, my lady.' He said.
Everything remains silent.
"What the hell?" Herman wondered.
Kartika is getting irritated and yelling at him. 'Alfi! What the hell did you think?!'
'Bon Appetite!!' Anggun exclaimed jumping and eat those seblaks like a hungry beast.
'WHAT?!!!!!' Kartika, Cakra, Herman, and Megumi exclaimed in surprise.
'Good grief, you told me her favorite food.' Alfi said walking towards Kartika. 'I knew that we would fight a woman so, I've set a plan to defeat her without kicking her butt.' Alfi added.
'How?' Kartika asked.
'No matter how hard a woman tries to look elegant, she will show her real self when she sees what she likes, especially her favorite food. When a woman eats something, she will be able to eat them as much as possible! Approximately 3X more than a man can do. Weird eh? How can a woman be slim which such habit?' Alfi explained.
'Well, I can't complain.' Kartika said irritated.
Cakra and Herman are trying not to laugh at her.
'Shut the hell up!' Kartika exclaimed irritated.
'Oh, I am full.' Anggun said stroking her expanded stomach, it looks like his weight has been increased by 5X more.
'What the hell?!' Kartika, Herman, Cakra, and Megumi exclaimed.
'Told ya?' Alfi said. 'Megumi, let's go.' Alfi added.
'Yes, dear!' Megumi replied.
'Wait!' Kartika said. 'Don't you want to hurt a woman?' Kartika asked.
'Who says I am going to hurt a woman anyway?' Tanya Alfi.
Alfi throws his curtain to the sky and it covers a whole of Anggun's body which is not good scenery anymore. When it flies back to Alfi, Anggun has turned into a disgusting-fatty-bald-old man.
'I.... I get it.' Kartika said in amazement.
'Yup! Now, I can beat her up in peace!' Alfi said. 'Let's go, Megumi!' He added.
Alfi kissed his bracelet and his silver Iru comes from his bracelet and shines his curtain. Alfi jumps to the sky and grabbing his curtain which is on his shoulder.
'Teknik Jitu: Pemotong Angin! (Ultimate Technique: Wind Cutter)' exclaimed Alfi gliding downwards vertically towards Anggun by spinning his body vertically. When he's about to reach Anggun, he uses his curtain to split her body into 2.
'Women are elegant beings, but your heart isn't a woman's heart!' Alfi said firmly.
Anggun is split into 2 and her body is destroyed like a broken diamond.
'Driver is pointing our next destination! Let's go Alfi!' Kartika said.
'Ok.' Alfi replied. 'Herman, please join with us!' Alfi said inviting him.
'Why? I am still weak... I don't think I can assist you.' Herman said in blue.
Alfi then pats Herman's both Shoulders and says, 'It doesn't matter whether you're strong or weak. I am not so strong either, but my friends make me stronger. And you're one of them! It's because you are my friend as well!'
Herman then smiles, he grabs his hat which fell from the last battle and puts it on.
'I am in!' Herman said.
Alfi and the others smile at him. Pinto then comes and emits his Iru to transport them to his top
'Amazing!' Herman exclaimed admiring it.
'It's Pinto.' Alfi said.
'Yo! Nice to meet you!' Pinto greeted him warmly.
'Wow! It speaks!' Herman exclaimed admiring it.
'Of course!' Pinto said giggling.
'Name's Herman, nice to meet you!' Herman introduced himself.
'Nice to meet you too.' Pinto replied.
Pinto then flies through the sky fast to the next destination.
'Hey, Alfi.' Kartika greeted him and smiled at him.
'Yes?' Alfi replied enjoying the scenery.
'Why don't you want to hurt a woman?' Kartika asked wondering.
'Well, it's because they are really fragile that they need pure love. That's why I don't want to hurt them.' Alfi explained calmly. 'Once, I fell for a real girl, we were close back there, but she left me for some reason. Let's just say that I'm afraid of them because I don't want to hurt them, but somehow they like hurting me.' He added.
Kartika is touched by his speech. She's about to hold his hand, but suddenly the idiot Alfi says, 'Therefore, I always watch blue film and hentai (animated porn) to calm myself and imagine as if I do such to them! And they will say "Alfi! Please give me some Mercy!" "Alfi! Forgive me!" and such!'
Kartika is getting irritated that she smacks Alfi really hard.
Alfi then runs and exclaims, 'Please forgive me Kartika! Wait, such power is just enough to defeat Anggun! Why didn't you use it back there?'
'Shut the hell up! It's for beating up a perv like you!' Kartika exclaimed chasing Alfi.
This couple does have a good time playing tag on Pinto's top. Herman, Cakra, and Megumi are having a good time watching them.
'Should we stop them?' Herman asked.
'Nah, Kartika won't kill him anyway.' Cakra said calmly.
'I will kill you!' Kartika exclaimed.
'Save me!!!' Alfi exclaimed in fear.
'Perhaps.' Cakra said awkwardly.
Megumi then laughs and says, 'But, I think they are matched, don't you think?'
Cakra nods.
'I guess.' Herman said awkwardly.
The three laugh at them.
'SAVE ME!!!" Alfi exclaimed in terror.
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