《Player of Trials》The Letter and Arena


"12th Day of Taurus Moon 1105"

"Now, from the Lazeroth Cathedral, I am writing this letter to you. I hope you are doing well, mother, father. I know, I haven't been writing properly to you since the beginning of the war against empire and I am sorry for making you worry about me. Since I'm not fighting on the first lines, there is no need to worry. Actually, the king tasked me with guarding the cathedral. And I'm not alone here. There are other knights that are tasked with the same duty. They are good people whom I can trust in a fight. Besides, among them I found a person who has a background like me. We really get along well with each other. Whatever, I'm writing this letter not only to talk, but also to tell you something. Contrary to rumors that the war is going in our favor, indeed it is not. These are rumors that have been deliberately spread, so that people don't panic. The empire already captured the Cyron Castle near here. To tell you the truth, they are likely to attack here. But do not fall into despair. It is said that the king has found a new plan to push back the empire. And I do believe in his majesty who will lead us to victory! For the king and for our kingdom, as one of the swords of the kingdom, as your pride, and as a believer of the goddess of light, I will fulfill my duty at the cost of my life.

Also, I have good news for you. As soon as this war ends, I will return to town to see you again. So patiently wait for me. And tell that stupid brat to keep training as I taught him, or he will take a hard lesson this time."


"Your son, Theon."



Until today, he always thought that they are just random enemies that are created to be killed by him. He didn't think of them as real people. Even when he killed that knight. He praised him for his skills. But now this letter says the opposite.

Starting feeling some remorse, Leon wondered if he had killed the real Theon or not. Did he kill a real person? But it can't be possible since the trials work like some kind of artificial reality. But even with this low chance, what if he did really kill him? Leon can't help feeling regret. Is he a murderer now?

Looking at the letter "If one day-," Leon starts talking.

"If one day I can get out of here, and if I really killed you, I will return this letter to your family. That is my promise for you, the knight." Leon says while getting out his sword from his inventory to free himself from these disturbing thoughts. This promise is the only thing he can do for him, at least for now.

With giving this promise, Leon focuses all of his thoughts on the training he currently does.






In the middle of white nothingness, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of a swinging sword. With every swing, the sword cuts the air and makes a sharp noise, and the man wielding the sword drips one more sweat drop too. The man continued swinging until he heard a notification sound in his head.

[STRENGTH: 29>30]

After seeing the panel, releasing a hot steam, Leon exhaled while lying on the ground. After resting for some hours, getting up from the ground, Leon stretches his legs and starts running this time. If anybody from earth would have seen this scene, they would question how a human can run after swinging a sword for 4 hours. But to Leon, this already became his daily schedule. Running, swinging his sword, and running again, he wasn't just a normal human anymore. Already exceeded being a normal human when he reincarnated here. He is something different now; he is not the same Leon from earth; is now the player of trials. However, as long he sees himself as a human, will be. And this is enough for him.


While every vein in his body tries to distribute oxygen through his body, Leon takes the last step of this crazy running.

[AGILITY: 25>26]

He was training for some days already since he read the letter. Because he doesn't know how to increase intelligence and vitality, he focused on strength and agility.

And today the time for the next trial has come. After the tremors in his legs subsided, Leon took his armor set out from his inventory and donned it.

Wearing his helmet, "Let's begin," Leon said, wondering what he will meet this time.


"Yes," Leon commanded.


Leon closed his eyes to mentally prepare himself for this fight. While everything began to gain shape from the light, Leon felt his foot touch sand. After a few seconds, opening his eyes again, Leon found himself in the middle of an arena. Looking around him, he could see the carved figures of past champions that came out of this arena. Looking further, Leon was able to see the empty spectator seats. If these seats were full, an insanely loud roar would be coming out from the arena, Leon guessed. But to his chance, they are not. By looking at the design of the arena, anyone from earth could notice that it was similar in appearance to the Colosseum in Rome.

Turning his head to forward, Leon saw his new enemy. There was a man holding a spear, 25 meters across from Leon. Looking from afar, Leon was able to see the scars that he had gained from his previous fights. On his hardened muscles that are made for only to kill, hundreds of battle memories could be seen on. And his weapon, the spear, wasn't just a normal weapon. It was completely made up of iron. Leon guessed its weight was around 70 to 80 kilograms. Even if the man used that spear to hit Leon without using its sharp edge, it still would be a dangerous weapon for Leon.

But unfortunately, there is no going back. Leon will either die against this man or kill him.

As Leon pointed his sword at the man, "Shall we begin?" he asked with determined eyes.


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