《Morninglight》022 Tevali & Ale
"As you can see, the captain is a weird man, but really kindhearted." Chara explained while rolling her eyes at her captains shenanigans.
"I believe you." Alicia simply answered, a smile covered her lips.
"By the way, have you received the report from Doctor Buli?" Chara asked Reginald.
"No, why?" Reginald answered.
"Its regarding our injuries, should we talk more at your office?" Chara simply requested. Captain Redway could sense the tense air surrounding Chara and nodded his head in confirmation. Asking the duo to follow him they left the entrance, walking through the training field where several knights were sparring and training with their weapons. Before arriving at the large building centered in the middle of the walled of section of the academy, simply nodding towards the two guards standing outside the building they entered and after a few minutes they had arrived outside the locked door of Reginald. Taking out a key from one of his inner pockets he unlocked it and led them inside, seating themselves opposite Reginald's chair at the mahogany table Chara waited for Reginald who pitched three glasses and a jug of water from a side table.
Seating himself he poured out water into the glasses and handed them over before quietly waiting for Chara's report.
"As you can see, me and Alicia are injured, we were actually ambushed in broad daylight three days ago at the city plaza in Ruun." Chara explained while sipping on the water, Alicia sitting quietly beside her listening to their story, her mind still filled with memories of the battle.
"And suddenly when we walking through an alley to head towards the blacksmith we were ambushed by several masked people who wanted to kidnap Alicia for some reason, talking about some tests their employer wanted to experiment with." Chara continued her story, Reginald was intrigued but understood the severeness of the events.
"Alicia managed to defeat two fire mages that were stationed on the roof tops but who could have guessed the ringleader was a fucking werewolf." Chara exclaimed to the noticeable shock of Reginald.
"Thankfully we were able to defeat it but I can't trust the guards at Ave Ludum to protect Alicia if werewolves are involved in this, you understand right?" Chara asked.
"Hmm. If you met a cursed kin it's nearly a miracle you both are in such good condition, I have seen many good men falling to their claws. I agree with you, the safest location in the academy is here, I will transfer a room for Alicia near your chambers, being her personal knight its best if you are the connection between the knights and her." Reginald explained, shocking Alicia about how lucky they were fighting the werewolf.
"Did you get any information regarding the werewolves benefactor or anything?" Reginald asked.
"He talked about something called "the guild", but I have never heard of that organization, have you captain Redway?" Chara asked back.
"No, its either a new criminal organization or a well hidden one, if you want I can send some informants to gather intel." Reginald proposed, sensing that this so called "guild" is more dangerous than as it first seems, having werewolves as simple ringleaders their reach must be immense.
"Its alright, I have already contacted my brother to find intel, I believe he has a better network than us." Chara simply commented. Alicia meanwhile sat quietly in her chair, sipping on her glass of water.
"I guess being the younger sister to one of the greatest knights in the realm have its advantages." Reginald commented while laughing.
"Oh, by they way Captain Redway, can I borrow a weapon from our armory, my sword was destroyed during the fight with the werewolf." Chara asked while putting on puppy eyes, wanting to reject he looked over towards the young knight and his continuous laughter gave Chara her answer.
"Damn girl, you have already taking twenty silver from me, and now you want a sword. Alright, follow me." Reginald accepted her request with a jokingly irritated tone.
"Lets go Alicia!" Chara exclaimed joyfully, knowing the quality of the knights quarters weapons are high.
Passing through the large estate Reginald pointed to an unused area where they could place Alicia's belongings for the moment before continuing outside towards a warehouse adjacent to the training field where they storage weapons, armor and other battle ready accessories.
Giving a single salute to the guard standing outside the warehouse the large door is opened and the trio head inside.
"So Chara, what are you exactly looking for?" Reginald asked while looking over the racks and cabinets filled with weapons of different sizes, designs and type.
"I have become pretty used to one and half-handers, I like the reach and extended grip." Chara commented while examining a curve edged blade with a tilted hilt.
Bored Alicia simply wandered the warehouse, being in ear shot of Chara and captain Redway she wanted to test if her mana had recovered since the battle, casting the usual detection spell to see Chara's mana core she also noticed beside Chara's ruby colored mana core captain Redway's emerald colored mana core.
"Hmm, it seems captain Redway is attuned to the wind of earth." Alicia talked to herself. While looking around the warehouse she suddenly saw several mana cores behind her, shining like stars in the dark abyss of her sight.
Entranced she slowly walked towards one of the stars, shining in a myriad of colors she after a moment of walking arrived before it, reaching out her hand to touch the star she recoiled in pain as her finger was cut by some sharp object blocking her from touching the star. Testing once again she successfully touched the star, touching it she could feel the usual leather bound material of a spell book, not hearing anything she didn't notice Reginald and Chara slowly moving towards her.
"What is Alicia doing, why is she touching a book?" Reginald asked Chara while looking at Alicia, unsure of her actions.
"I don't know, She is pretty enamored to books of all types. Let's see what happens." Chara responded, also unsure.
Suddenly before their eyes the large gemstone at the centre of the book began shining a bright light after Alicia's blood dropped from her finger, reigniting the gem a snowflake suddenly appeared hovering above the gemstone, shining in a myriad of colors. Sensing danger Chara rushed towards Alicias body but arriving beside her she noticed nothing was wrong and the gemstone had returned to its murky color.
"What the... captain Redway what is this book?" Bewildered Chara asked the stupefied captain. Regaining his senses he rushed towards the entrance and notified the guard to call over the keeper of storage, Alton Vance to get over here in a hurry. Hearing the order from his captain the guard hastily left, a few minutes later Reginald could see the approaching appearance of the guard and Alton walking across the training field.
"Good day, captain Redway. Why have you called me over?" Alton asked.
"You have knowledge of every item in this warehouse, correct?" Reginald asked, wanting to be sure.
"Who do you think I am, I have been here since your father was captain, of course I know every weapon, armor and item in this room." Alton responded.
"Perfect, you might want to see this." Reginald simply responded, thanking the guard for the quick response he and Alton headed into the warehouse and arrived at the bewildered Chara and unresponsive Alicia.
"Captain Redway, what should we do, Alicia isn't responding to my calls." Chara asked, but stopped once she saw the regal form of Alton.
"Keeper Vance, its good to see you." Chara respectfully bowed towards the eldest member of their quarters.
"Aah, miss Chara, its good to see you too. Now Reginald, tell me why you have called me here." Alton spoke to the captain.
"Well, Chara and I were looking for a suitable weapon for Chara but suddenly we save Alicia had walked further into the building and upon arriving here the gemstone was activated and a large snowflake shining brightly materialized before our eyes. Since then Alicia have been unresponsive, simply standing her with her hand on the book." Reginald recounted their story, Chara furiously nodding in agreement.
Suddenly the trio looked at Alicia as she gently removed her hand from the book and looked towards the voice of Reginald.
"Huh, what happened?" Alicia spoke, confused.
"Alicia are you okay?" Chara wondered.
"What do you mean, have something happened?" Alicia didn't understand her friends concern.
"I can take over, hello miss, my name is Alton Vance and I am the keeper of storage for this warehouse, and it seems you have bonded with a very intriguing item." Alton explained.
"Can you explain further?" Alicia asked.
"Miss, what wind of magic are you attuned to?" Alton simply responded.
Looking towards Alicia Chara was afraid her friends secret would be exposed.
"Mister Vance, can you keep a secret?" Alicia asked.
"Of course, why do you ask?" Alton responded.
"Actually, I'm attuned to the seven winds of magic, I can use all types of magic." Upon hearing Alicia's words Alton was stunned, his knees buckling and his body dropped down on his bottom.
"Alton, are you okay?" Reginald asked, shocked by his friends reaction.
"Its... its a miracle, an inheritor to the book of Tevali, I would never thought to see the day." Alton stammered, his shock stuttering his voice.
"What is the book of Tevali?" Chara asked.
Regaining his senses he slowly stood up and dusted of his robes before explaining. "The book of Tevali is an ancient spell book uncovered during an expedition several years ago, along with it we found stone tablets telling the story of a chosen of Aine, the greater god of magic, crafting a spell book using his gods divine essence and bound it to a spell book. Its said in the tablets that if the user can unlock the seven seals on the book unimaginable power would be accessed. And it seems young Alicia here have successfully bounded to the book." Listening to Alton's voice both Alicia and Chara were shocked by the revelation.
"That is amazing Alicia!" Chara exclaimed, feeling happy for her friend.
"Thank you mister Vance, I will keep this book safe from harm." Alicia bowed in respect.
In the silence Reginald fake coughed, gaining the attention of Alicia, Chara and Alton.
"Congratulations Alicia, however, Chara. Weren't you supposed to pick up a weapons as well?" Reginald asked rhetorically.
"I almost forgot about that, mister Vance, can you help me finding a weapon?" Chara asked.
"Of course I can, I haven't been in such a good mood for a long time." Alton responded, gladly helping Chara after seeing a worthy heir to the book of Tevali.
Explaining her combat style and preference for blade Alton thought for a moment before leading the group towards one of the inner parts of the warehouse and arriving before a large glass casket he unlocked it with a key hanging from his massive keychain. Grabbing a one and a half-hander, coiled with leather stripes around the hilt, with a straight cross guard and straight two edged blade, it was a work of art for Chara. Handing over the blade to Chara she took it and performed a series of swings to test the balance, finding it perfect for her hand she noticed a ruby embedded in the center of the cross guard, Chara's confusion was seen by Alton and he explained to her that the blade has been forged using the crystal formed from a fire elemental, enhancing the user's wind of fire. Finding it a perfect fit for her they went towards the entrance where Alton picked out two harnesses, one for the book of Tevali and one for the sword. Receiving them Chara and Alicia profusely thanked Alton for his help.
Looking at the fleeting body of Alton leaving the area Chara began changing her harness and attaching the sheath and sword to her hip. Thereafter she helped Alicia to put on her harness underneath the robe. Satisfied they laughed together, a smile broke on Reginalds face as she looked at the two girls in front of him.
Seeing the sun being high in the sky Chara asked if Alicia wanted to eat lunch in the cafeteria, agreeing the waved good bye to Reginald, but unbeknownst to Alicia Chara held a thumbs up towards the captain who responded. Heading towards the cafeteria they are suddenly stopped by two guards informing them that a short experiment is to be conducted. Chara looked at Alicia and wanted to refuse but before she could speak Alicia agreed and they were lead to the usual training room. Upon entering Alicia could hear the familiar voice of professor Cael talking to one of his assistants.
"Good day miss Solic. Today your test is to keep as many kites as possible afloat by simply using the wind of air." One of the assistants explained, Chara looked around the room and could see the irritated expression on professor Cael's face. Alicia was led into the centre of the room and began chanting her magic, flowing her magic into the citrine colored shard she began balancing the force of the wind and the balance of the kites. After thirty minutes of testing she heard the announcement that the test has ended, the result being she successfully lifted three out of ten kites. One of the assistants commented its pretty underwhelming for a wind mage but since its her minor attunement the result was overall average. Before Alicia were about to leave the voice of professor Cael was heard, his tone irritated.
"Miss Solic, I believe we might get further ahead if we test your connection with more advanced tests. Why don't we try something more imposing." Professor Cael requested, his voice cold in tone.
Before Alicia could answer she could instead hear the metallic steps of her friend arriving beside her and Chara's voice filled the room.
"Professor Cael, if you want to try more advanced tests you have to speak with principal Vatler and Alicia, since the agreement is between them, not you." Chara explained, then grabbing Alicia's hand in frustration and leaving the room, hearing the frustrated voice of professor Cael as they left the hallway.
"I'm not feeling lunch anymore, should we head back?" Chara asked.
Listening to her Alicia was confused but agreed, leaving the hallway the arrived back at the knights quarters after a few minutes of walking Alicia suddenly was stopped by Chara who leaned in and whispered, "Don't jump, but they are pretty loud during this."
"Who are they..." Alicia asked but her voice was lost in the thunderous shouts and laughs of the knights a little bit away from them. Casting her detection spell she could see a star covered darkness, at least fifty knights were before her, sitting close to each other and eating and drinking heftily.
"What is happening?" Confused Alicia whispered to Chara.
"Captain Redway said a feast would be served, and here we are." Chara explained as she led them towards a table where Reginald and five other knights were sitting and enjoying their ale. Seeing Alicia and Chara arriving Reginald banged his fist into the table, silencing the group.
"Knights of Ruun, I want to hear the mightiest roar you can to welcome our newest ally and friend, Alicia Solic!" As he finished speaking Alicia's ears heard the erupting wave of roars and banging of tables.
"Thank you captain Redway." Alicia deeply bowed, a sense of joy filled her body, knowing she was surrounded by people she could trust.
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