《Heroes of The Collective Volume Three : Repercussions》6. Pan #4 : Close Call
“What do you reckon he wants with us?” Pan asked Dylan, referring to the request Brad had made for them to meet him in Clestin. They were sat on the grass atop of the hiking trail in Dylan’s college town.
“I don’t know, could be anything.” Dylan looked over at Tobias Torres who had also been invited and was sat in a matching oversized turquoise tracksuit with an excitable grin on his face. “I look like the weirdest babysitter on my own with you two. No offense… What are you even grinning about?” he asked Tobias.
Tobias giggled. “This is just so cool. I’m not allowed out often and here I am, hanging out with you two.”
“Well if you keep smiling like that you won’t be invited again. Just be cool,” Dylan said.
“Is he always this late?” Pan asked.
“Yeah, being fashionably late is sometimes his thing. I’m not surprised.”
“I wish he’d hurry up though,” Tobias muttered.
“Cor, you got somewhere to be then Beaver Boy?” Dylan teased rolling his eyes.
“It’s Boy Bea- oh, you’re just kidding…” realised Tobias when he noticed Dylan was laughing.
“I was sport, don’t worry.”
Just then, Brad’s Eagle-One loomed into view, the roaring engines announcing its arrival as it descended vertically to land just behind where they were sat waiting.
“Finally,” Pan muttered, getting up.
The three watched as Brad exited his jet, closely followed behind by a young boy wearing shorts and a black raglan tee shirt with blue short sleeves.
“Hey guys, thanks for meeting me here. I’d like you to meet someone,” Brad said, gesturing to the lad. “This is Otto. Otto Akgul.”
Pan noticed Dylan and Tobias’ faces drop a little and the atmosphere went awkward and chilly.
No one said anything so Pan quickly stuck a closed fist out for a fist bump, which Otto reciprocated.
“Hi,” Otto said back.
“I’m Pan. It’s good to meet you. This is Dylan, and this is Tobias.”
“Cool. Nice to meet you too,” Otto said quietly.
“Otto’s been with me for a few days and I think he would be a good fit for our junior team.”
“Oh…..!” Dylan said, remembering the conversation they had coming back from Cuswijan.
“Huh? What?” Pan scoffed. He looked at Otto and then to Brad. “Can we… can we go have a chat for a minute over there?” he asked, walking away from where they stood so they were out of ear shot.
“Sorry Tobias, could you stay with Otto for a moment?” Brad asked, joining Pan and Dylan.
When Brad, Pan and Dylan were stood in a huddle, Pan started. “I’m sorry… but Junior team?!” he hissed.
“It’s ok, don’t be sorry,” Brad quipped back monotonously. “But yes, the one we talked about after Cuswijan, right Dylan?”
“Well I clearly recall me not liking the idea one bit. It’s not a good one.” Pan interjected before Dylan could answer.
“You just need to have vision, Pan,” Brad shot back.
“No, you need a wakeup call, Brad!”
“Woah, girls. Stop fighting,” Dylan said interrupting. “Look Brad, yes we talked about it, but we didn’t go any further with it. I think we’re just surprised that you’ve actually gone and recruited a kid for it, and not just any ol’kid… Anton-slash-Guy-Phoenix-the-old-best-friend-of-yours-who-you-killed’s kid, no less! I’m assuming he also has enhancements and this isn’t just a way to ease your guilt?”
“Fuck me, that’s Anton’s kid? No wonder your faces dropped,” Pan piped up, the penny dropping.
Brad glared at Pan. “Yes, he does have enhancements…” and Brad proceeded to give them a quick recap of what happened in Austin. “And so I think we might actually have a good group. Otto, then Ramón, Mykisha, Bethany and Bracken. Ta’Balshén and Tobias, right? With you leading them, Pan?”
“Oh hell no. I’m older than Dylan for Christ’s sake, Brad. I’m not even a junior!”
“I know that, but you look like one but you have the life experience to actually lead. We can’t have an adult leading a team of kids into a battle-”
“Battle?! Against who? The bully who stole the quiet kid’s packed lunch? Have you lost your mind? Are you ill?”
Brad shook his head in frustration. “They’re the next generation coming through. This is a real opportunity to nurture young talent. To inspire young people…”
“That’s what you do! What Dylan does! Terri… Kimona. They inspire every day. They’re… they’re just kids.”
“Kids who have fight in them, who want to embrace who they are and their enhancements to do good,” Brad argued.
Pan looked at Dylan who wasn’t saying anything. “And what do you think of this?”
He looked at Brad, then at Pan. “I agree with you Pan.” Pan started to smugly smile. “But I also actually like what Brad’s saying. You know, it’s kinda a good line up.” Pan began to protest but Dylan pushed on. “And I’m not saying we use them to fight, not right away. But we know from Tobias just how useful teenagers can be. You must’ve seen the same with your cousins.”
“That is not the same thing.”
“It so is. You call yourselves the ‘Loe Boys’ for Christ’s sake. You’re literally a group of kids with a name who use your enhancements to help people.”
“‘Loe’ is their surname. It’s hardly a group name if we’re using our last names,” Pan huffed.
“Look, I’m not ignorant to what you’re saying, Pan,” Brad said. “I’m just looking to give this a chance. See what happens and put it to The Secretary if there’s something worth talking about. It could just be that we put them in an education programme or something. I emailed this woman at the Division of Child and Family Services to see if we can meet with the kids and we’ll-” Brad’s cell pinging cut him off.
“Is that a reply?” Dylan asked.
“Yeah, actually… Shit. They’ve gone AWOL from their foster care homes in Utah… Ramón had three friends turn up and all four are now missing.”
“And do these three friends happen to be Mykisha, Bracken and Bethany?” asked Pan raising an eyebrow.
“Well at least we know they’re not missing,” Dylan suggested.
“What do you mean? They’ve literally gone missing,” Pan said frowning. “They could be anywhere.”
“Yes, but I haven’t forgotten what Bracken and Bethany are capable of. They know exactly where they are and where they’re going.”
“I’m still not sure you fully get the idea of ‘missing’…” Pan grumbled.
“So we’re going to find them then?” Tobias called out, causing the three to turn round to him. “…You all forgot my hearing is incredible and we’re stood downwind from you.”
“Well I need to at least try,” Brad said.
“Yeah, let’s get the band together,” Tobias agreed eagerly, walking towards Eagle-One with Otto following. “Three things though. First, I don’t want to leave the Woodland Warriors to be in this new junior team. I can do both. Second, this kids actually alright,” he said sticking a thumb towards Otto behind him. “And third, I’m offended you asked him to be the leader and not me.”
“Firstly, just get in. And secondly, there’s nothing to lead yet so don’t start shedding any tears yet,” Pan replied bluntly.
Brad, Dylan, Pan, Tobias and Otto flew from California to Arizona in Eagle-One. They had received a further notification from Ramón’s foster home that he had booked four Greyhound tickets to Arizona on the home’s shared computer.
They were starting their search in Chilapa, a small town in the south of Arizona, where he lived with his parents before he was shipped off to Cuswijan.
Otto was at the back of the jet with Tobias showing him his homemade grapple hook and Tobias was in turn showing him his beaver tail.
Pan and Dylan were sat up front with Brad. “So you think we check out his home address first?” asked Pan.
“I think we’re too late. My money is on them being down there.” Brad pointed through the wind shield towards the ground. Pan and Dylan joined Brad to see for themselves.
Down below, the blue and red flashing lights of dozens of emergency vehicles filled the streets that surrounded a damaged church.
“Fucking hell, they went for the church?” Pan muttered. “He really did have a score to settle.”
“I’ll send a drone in to scout the building,” Brad said. “See what’s happening down there.”
They watched the screen that relayed the live footage of the drone’s camera. There were Purist soldiers hunkered down, defending the church from the Police.
The drone continued, easing through the hole in the church roof and surveyed around the scene.
It managed to pick up three heat signatures within the main church building. Two were huddled together behind the pulpit, and one was in the middle of the aisle facing the doors of the church.
“That’s Mykisha there and those two must be Bracken and Bethany,” surmised Brad.
“What’s Mykisha about to do?” Pan wondered aloud.
“And where’s Ramón?” Dylan asked.
“Lower the door and we’ll find out,” Tobias said from behind them. The three turned to see Tobias dressed in his Boy Beaver outfit of camo pants and beaver fur pullover under his patriotic stars and stripes tactical vest. His tail was on full show and he had his helmet that came down by his eyes. Next to him was Otto, still in his shorts and tee shirt but he had on his blue winged cape, helmet and his hammer and grapple in his hands.
“Boys, no. It’s too dangerous down there,” Brad said.
“It’s fine. You should see the shit I go up against with the Warriors on the daily.”
“And I stop bank robberies by myself,” Otto said.
“Give us some credit, damn it!” Boy Beaver cried. He slammed the manual door release button and let Blue Jay grab him before they fell out of the jet.
Pan tutted loudly. “I’ll go,” he said, running out and jumping after them.
Blue Jay, with Boy Beaver under one arm were gliding somewhat impressively and accurately towards the gap in the church roof. Pan was close behind, flying in their wake.
When Blue Jay and Boy Beaver made it through the roof hole, the bird boy opened his arms to slow their descent as they came to a land on two feet. Pan landed just behind them.
Mykisha turned around, startled to see the three stood there, but equally just as relieved. “Thank God. They’re out there. There was too many of them so I had to block the door.” Sure enough, there were five pews ripped from their original places and piled against the door.
“Get behind us, and when we give the go ahead, move the pews,” Pan instructed. “Blue Jay, can you go to the other two at the back and find out where Ramón went?”
“But I want to-”
“Not yet. Go!” Pan firmly said, cutting him off. “You ready?” he said turning to Boy Beaver.
“Just a sec,” he answered, leaping onto the nearest pew. He rapidly chewed through it to create two wooden shields and long sticks for them both.
“Nice… but also a bit weird,” said Pan catching his gifts.
“Yeah, it’s not to everyone’s liking,” Boy Beaver agreed.
“Move the pews in 3… 2… 1!” shouted Pan. Safely stood behind the boys, Mykisha moved the fifteen foot long pews with her mind one by one, clearing the doors.
Pan and Boy Beaver stood glued to the spot, braced for The Purists intending to come through. The last pew was flung wide and Mykisha pulled the doors wide open.
Six Purist soldiers charged in. The first two through the door were tossed sky high by Mykisha, giving the boys two each to take on their own.
Pan launched into the air towards his two, landing in hot and kicking out at them both at the same time.
Boy Beaver meanwhile charged towards his two and hit the ground, skidding with his right leg extended, taking out the first of his two. He jumped up quickly to hit the second across the face with his stick.
Pan’s two had picked themselves up but he was already expecting this and grabbed one of them by their vest and took off vertically into the air. At a decent height, Pan dropped the soldier directly on top of the other.
“Mykisha, no!” Pan called out. She was holding one of the Purist’s semi-automatic rifles at the two she had previously slung around like rag dolls.
“We’re not here for that!” Pan called out.
“Hell, but we are!” she responded.
“Not yet. Go!”
Blue Jay huffed and took a giant leap over the top of Mykisha and came into land by the scared looking brother and sister.
“Are you ok? Where’s the other boy?” Blue Jay asked crouching down to their level.
“We’re… we’re ok,” Bethany stammered. She had been crying and her brother Bracken was comforting her like a big brother would do.
“She’s pretty scared,” Bracken admitted.
“Yeah, I don’t blame her. We’ll get you out of here though.” Blue Jay glanced over to Pan and Boy Beaver to see how they were doing and it looked like Mykisha was using her telekinesis to remove the pews from the front doors. “Where’s Raymond?” Blue Jay asked again.
“Ramón,” Bethany corrected. “He’s through there with the Church leader. But this isn’t a normal church, Blue Boy. We think it’s pretend.”
“She’s right, Bracken added. “I know churches, and this ain’t one. He’s been in there a while though.”
“If I can get to the door down, will you help me?” Blue Jay asked, shifting his helmet up slightly and gripping his mallet.
“Sure,” Bethany gulped. “We can help.” They all stood as Blue Jay strode confidently at first and then broke out into a run, holding the mallet out ready to use as a battering ram.
On the first try, with a well-placed bash above the door handle, it swung open.
“Knock knock,” Blue Jay called out, coming to an abrupt stop. Bethany and Bracken followed him in but they stopped sharply.
In front of them, with their back to them and on their knees was an older man, and in front of him was Ramón. The man looked to be in incredible pain, doubled over and clutching his ribs. Ramón didn’t even look at his three rescuers as he readied himself for what looked like a free kick on the man.
Blue Jay, Bracken and Bethany just had time to duck.
“Hell, but we are!”
Pan dreaded to think what Mykisha would have done if it wasn’t for the shouts coming from the other end of the church that drew her attention from the gun she was aiming.
From out of the open door, an adult body flew out, arching into the air like a football. Like a ragdoll.
Gravity soon started to take effect and the man began to descend.
Mykisha stuck a hand out and stopped it mid-air from falling, and gently lowered it to the ground near her.
With a swift punch and a smack, Pan and Boy Beaver knocked out their foes and ran over to the man’s lifeless body.
“Holy shit,” muttered Pan. Mykisha started to gag. “Stop looking. Just don’t look at it,” he said to her sternly. He looked up and saw Blue Jay helping Ramón out of the room the man flew out of, with the siblings following behind.
“We need to get out of here,” Boy Beaver said, gravely pulling a flare out of his trousers, sparking it for an Eagle-One pick up.
“Have you completely lost your minds?” The Secretary yelled. She was stood behind her desk, too angry to sit, with Brad, Dylan, Pan and Tobias on the other side.
She had just been told everything about Brad and Dylan wanting to put together a group of young protégés and the events at the church in Chilapa.
And she was not happy.
“If we just put aside for a second that a man had his head caved in, and that these kids could have been killed, I can’t afford to just have you fuck up like this with Amber breathing down my neck thinking I can’t manage you lot. This makes her look fucking correct doesn’t it?! But let’s go back to the chances of those kids being hurt or killed… What were you thinking?”
“But no one did die,” Brad suggested quietly.
The Secretary’s lower jaw dropped a bit at the audacity. “That is not a valid enough justification for what happened and you know it! So don’t even try playing that card! And you’re forgetting that someone did die. At the hands, or rather the feet from the sounds of it, of a fucking fourteen year old boy! Moments before a fourteen year old girl nearly blasted a machine gun, all while a twelve and a thirteen year old cowered in fear at the shit show they got themselves involved in! And you two fucking watched from Eagle-One! Afraid the popcorn was going to go cold?” She shrieked, having got squeakier with each sentence. She sat down, exasperated and rested her forehead on her fingers.
“Ma’am, if I may?” Pan spoke. She looked up at him and silently invited him to continue. “All that would’ve happened even if we weren’t there, or even if Brad and Dylan went down instead of us. Those kids were taken from their homes at the will of their parents to be sent to some corrupt middle east nation to have their enhancements chemically removed. Ignoring for a moment Brad and Dylan’s desire to put a team together, these kids acted on their own steam and desire for revenge. They got together themselves, went across state on a coach and put up a fight themselves. What happened happened, and would have done so anyway, I think. I’d say there are some lessons to learn, sure, but it’s not all Brad and Dylan’s fault.”
The Secretary huffed. The newbie had a point, she reckoned. “Ok, well at least I have something I can spin to Amber. But that won’t be enough for her. She’s also going to want to know how I’ve dealt with it…” Dylan shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “Dylan, you have a thirty day suspension from active duty roles. Brad, the same for you but I’m also taking you off the next G7 duty. Terri will go instead.”
“You’ve got to be kidding?” Brad started to protest.
Her draw dropped again a bit. “Do I look like I’m kidding?” she hurled back, stopping Brad short. “Tobias, I don’t want you out of The Lodge unless Eden or Ulrika are by your side.”
“How long for Ma’am?” he asked.
“Fourteen days.” Tobias kicked the air in front of him in annoyance.
“Pan, you’re new here, so I’m going to give you a warning this time.”
“Thanks Ma’am.”
“Is it really that necessary to take me off the G7 too, Ma’am?”
“I think it is. You’re the most senior of the four of you here and I have a higher expectation of you to make better decisions. Unlike perhaps the decision to also take Otto from his home and-”
“I didn’t take him from his home! Don’t be ridiculous!”
“Well we’ll talk about that in a moment. The three of you can go now,” she said, talking to Dylan, Pan and Tobias. They obliged, hastily leaving before she changed her mind.
“Well that could have gone… worse,” Pan muttered as the three of them walked clear from The Secretary’s office.
“Not if you’re Brad. He’ll be livid about being taken off the G7 line up,” Dylan said.
“Do you think he’ll be ok?” Tobias naïvely asked, looking earnestly at Dylan.
Dylan looked bluntly back at him. “No.”
“But I mean in general. Doesn’t he just seem… different to you?”
“Well I don’t know man. I’ve not noticed but I’ll keep an eye on him when I can. In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy my thirty days off. Enjoy being baby sat,” he said smiling mischievously. Tobias rolled his eyes.
“And I’m going back to LA thankful I wasn’t on the receiving end of The Secretary’s bad side,” Pan said. “It was good to see you again Tobias. Thanks for having my back.”
“We make a good team, right?” Tobias said with a cheeky grin.
“Too soon, Tobes,” Pan said. “Too soon…”
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