《DEALS》Chapter 28 - Sibling Dealership
Danny Torent's POV
Almost there, just one more step.
A floorboard squeaked but didn't wake up the sleeping figure in my bed. As I gripped the door handle, a very sharp comb slammed into my hand and made me drag my hand closer to me, successfully letting go of the door. Then another comb went against the door, closed it and locked it.
"If I knew that you were this good with combs, I would have brought them to the party last night." I muse, but another comb slapped me across the face.
With nothing but my shirt from last night on her body, Charlie walked closer to me with fury burning in those brown eyes I could stay in forever.
Damn it, I was more whipped than an ice cream sundae.
"Just so we're clear when you walk out this door and get onto that plane. You should do well to stay wherever the hell you think you are going if you want to live to see whether you got to continue your bloodline." She slapped me again with her hand as she walked into the bathroom.
Another problem with the deal I made with Penny; Lola and Charlie did not know I was going to see her. They would insist on coming and blow up our cover.
Chars felt like I was going to some country to start a new life and forget whatever it was that we had, but it wouldn't be that simple even if I tried.
I sighed because the more I made this goodbye memorable, the more she would be more inclined to wait for me to return, and she would hopefully still love me.
I dropped my suitcase on the floor and went into the bathroom that was big enough for two elephants to go down on each other.
Charlie was still in my shirt as she brushed her teeth. Our eyes connected in the mirror, and hers hardened.
I waited for her to finish brushing, and then she spoke.
"If you came here to offer yourself in place of the sink, I suggest you go find a redhead and ask her if you could be of any assistance." She all but spat.
Charlie was still a bit sad and felt like she would never be good enough to me, but I always tried to remind her one way or another.
I rolled my eyes at her childish behaviour and darkened my gaze on the first button that was undone already.
I gripped her waist, spun her around, and palmed her ass up. On instinct, she wrapped her legs and arms around me as I walked us to the shower.
I hadn't showered yet because it would wake her up, so I killed three birds with one stone.
Her eyes were hooded with anger as they looked at me as if she was planning my death in more than a million ways.
Her back hits the tiles. Before she could react, I turned on the shower as it drenched us.
She opened her mouth to snap at me, but I was two steps ahead of her as I covered it with mine.
I tried to tell her what was going on through that kiss, and it felt like she understood me. This was one of the things I liked about us; we could understand each other without talking.
When I was done assaulting her mouth, I rested our foreheads together, and we inhaled harshly from the lack of oxygen.
I knew the water on her face was not from the shower valve.
"Promise me that you will come back in one piece." Her voice had raw emotions. It tore me up, knowing I was the cause.
All I have ever done is make her feel unwanted and broken. To her, I was just another crush she wanted so badly to get over, but I wouldn't let that happen.
"Charlie..." I began to say, but she cut me off with another glare.
Were it not for her skin tone and personality, Charlie would have fit right into the Empire.
I kissed her once more and whispered onto her lips, "Promise."
After I had showered and put Charlie to sleep so she wouldn't follow me, I had to face another stubborn woman.
Lola Griffin.
Don't get me wrong; from the start, I was always closer to Lola because between the Griffin twins, she was the friendlier and less bitchy of her womb roommate.
But that didn't mean that she was far less dangerous than Peyton.
Polar opposites, my ass.
You would always be able to tell what Penny wanted to do, given the right situation, but with Lola, her impulsive behaviour was as readable as a rock.
"I know what you're doing, Daniel," Her calm voice interrupted me before I could lock up my house. "You can seduce Charlie to get out from telling her, but not me."
I rolled my eyes and cursed whatever power up there that made me be surrounded by beautiful yet stubborn mule-headed women.
"We are siblings, and I'm not a big fan of incest. But I know who is." I grinned widely at her.
"Whatever you had planned that would have kept me from figuring you out won't work on me, Daniel. Start talking." Her voice was stiff and void of emotion.
I'm not one to jump to conclusions, but if you asked me, I would say that it looked as if Lola had undergone a change in personality since Peyton left.
Among the duo, I always felt she got the shorter end of the stick. Sure Troy loved her more than Peyton; yes, the people under her in the Empire respected her more because they felt that Peyton was a weak asset. But none would have been wiser to suspect that she was not perky inside as she was outside.
I could count with more than two hands when Penny had tried her best to protect Lola from the vile part of being in the Empire, but Penny was not always there.
Like when a group of idiots in high school tried something on her in the locker rooms. I was about to have a field trip with a Ginger in my chemistry class when I heard her shout.
Let's not forget that she lost her child and is not sure who the father is, but I needed no psychic to prove that it was my disgusting idiot of a father.
Joey Torent.
Did I have proof? No. Was I working on it? Yes. Was I going to tell Penny? No.
The annoying virtue of having people you call family is that you should be ready to protect them at all costs, but you can't protect them from themselves.
"I believe that could be arranged." Shane grinned as he came out from the bushes.
Yes, my creepy future brother-in-law. Shane and I hardly see eye to eye on most things, which was why Penny had to personally reason with me. The group benefited if I tried to get along with Shane was as successful as an ant winning a snake in a thumb war.
Shane and I had mutual respect for each other after an incident almost happened to Lola and Charlie last week. Both girls were too intoxicated to notice a beatdown going on in the club they were in.
Lola's eyes grew darker, making the blue in them look icy. "I am a married woman, and whether you two like it or not, I will find out where you're going," She pointed at me, "And why you won't take no for an answer." She pointed at Shane.
As much as I love drama, time was running out, and I needed to get onto the plane Caleb had sent over to pick me up.
I could afford a ticket, but Kendall and Joey decided to monitor my details. I didn't want them to be on my trail.
"Well, this was a good reunion, but I gotta go. Have fun, kids, but if any of you decided it would be fun to have a Geordie Shore night, remember that I have the security cameras that are wired to my phone. Have a good thanksgiving."
I tip my hat to Lola, who tried to burn me with her eyes and nodded at Shane. A sign to say; 'They are all yours, be careful'. He nodded back.
I had just gotten into the airport and had a quick lunch until someone sat across from me. I didn't bother to look up, thinking it was just someone looking for a place to sit since the airport was crowded and noisy.
That was until I spotted a man dressed in a suit a few tables away, another man leaning casually on the wall a few feet away. What gave it away were the shoes that were now under the same table as mine. They were polished black with an inscription on the toe.
Any person would have simply shrugged and thought it was just a coincidence, but who wears a suit to an airport when the road is hot enough to cook an egg?
I sighed and dropped the half-eaten sandwich back onto the plate, my appetite disappearing.
"What do you want, Kendall?"
"Are you sure that that is the question you want to ask?" He raised his brows.
"Seeing that Penny is not doing you any sexual favours anymore. That doesn't mean that I will." I snort out loud for everyone around us to look and be disgusted.
I like getting under people's skin; it makes a good laugh to leave me. "Out with it."
Jordan clenched his jaw because he knew he couldn't hit me even if he wanted to.
I've been in my fair share of fights during my teenage years, and now that I look around, this fight would have been far from equal.
"I want to make a deal." He started.
"I want my mother back, but not all of us are so lucky." I snort.
That is a story for another day.
"I know you are going to meet Mi Amor," Hearing his stupid nickname for Peyton made my blood boil, but unlike Jordan, I had an expression on my face, popularly known as Resting Bitch Face.
"And I want her back. I am willing not to have my men go into that house of yours and touch Sandel in more places than you have if you simply come back with Peyton."
"What makes you think that I would for one second believe that Shane would allow you to go anywhere near his sister."
Jordan was also oblivious. Shane had Charlie moved to somewhere safe while he handled Lola outside.
"The China man will pose no problem; the real problem comes in getting Mi amor back here in one piece."
I bit my tongue to swallow the laughter bubbling at my lips.
"What's to say, Jordan? You're not happy that Peyton is getting it from someone other than you?" I tilt my head to observe the Don of the Spanish Mafia as a vein popped onto his skull.
I always knew that dividing the world into seven places where people could tolerate living with others that looked like them was a waste of time.
Take this as an example. The head of the British Empire, and the Don of the Spanish Mafia, lived in a state in America.
Kendall slammed his fist onto the table, clearly had enough of my taunting, but I was nowhere near done, "Listen here, you little pinchazo!..."
Translation: Prick
I cut him off by waving my index finger like a parent having fun riling up their kids, "Ah ah ah. If you harm a hair on my head, things will go badly. May I remind you that you are far away from your homeland; the police that operate in Spain will be willing to turn a blind eye and allow your men to have their way with me, but I am an American, one of their own. Surely the chief of police won't allow a Spanish to take on a defenceless American." I smirked when I was done.
"The only thing right about what you just said was you being defenceless." He glared at me, blandly refusing to see that I was right, but he was wrong though.
I can be less defenceless if need be. I felt my phone vibrate and knew that the private jet had landed and the pilot was waiting for me.
"Since my limit to talking to spineless simpletons has been met for the day," I got up from the chair and dusted my shirt, "adiós desperdicio de espacio."
Translation: Goodbye, waste of space.
I grinned, having had the last word. I made my way to the private departure gate, but my win didn't last.
"I suggest you hurry back home. Things might be a little different when you get back."
My jaw and the hand on my suitcase tightened simultaneously. My mouth fell into a thin line as I continued walking.
I only had one thing in mind when I saw Penny approaching me with a big smile on her face. She looked different.
Not just because her hair that was dark brown and gold was now more of gold with brown highlights in it. I could have sworn that Penny would never have been this giddy in a public place when she left. She was always on her guard, watching everything and everyone around her.
"If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you would have added a lone line of red into this hair of yours." I scoffed.
Of course, even if she eased up on her bitchy attitude, she would never be separated from it. And in the good old fashion, she chose to insult and compliment me at the same time.
"I missed you." I dragged her into a hug.
I was scared. Jordan had gotten to her again and scared her, but she proved me wrong.
When we pulled apart and turned to face the people that I'm guessing came with her. Penny had a look of disappointment across her features. Not sure why but I was about to find out.
She shrugged her shoulders, but as a good brother, I could still see the slight disappointment in her eyes.
She began to point at the people that came with her. The two buff brothers were Jacob and Shawn, I did a fist bump with them, and I could have sworn that Jacob looked too excited to see me.
The little girl, who I'm guessing was the child that Peyton took care of when Caleb came to our town for his world tour, must be Gail. She insisted we do a dance with our legs.
Last but not least, I was introduced to Marci, who for some reason had the same mischievous brown orbs as someone back home.
When both of our hands were locked in a handshake. I kissed the back of her palm, and she cocked a brow at me haughtily.
"Careful, Tiger, you both are taken and not with protection."Peyton teased both of us.
Marci rolled her eyes at Penny and crossed our elbows. She dragged me towards the minivan that they had brought to get me.
We were both seated in the far back of the car while the others were in front. I spotted Penny's head on Jacob's shoulder and raised a brow.
"Don't worry, she and Jacob are just close, and if they were anything romantic, I'm pretty sure that my brother would lose it." Marci poked me in the ribs.
I looked down at the miniature version of Charlie, "I would have sworn you were the only child. You look like more of a handful." I teased her.
Her face darkens a bit, but she shrugs it off.
"So are you Peyton's long-lost lover, come to reclaim her and take her to your castle where you can live happily ever after making a small army or are you the wicked wizard of the west?" The sarcasm in her tone was heavy.
"Depends on how much Peyton has told you, but if it scares you for life, I want a small army of children." I laughed at the grimacing look she gave me.
"So you related then?" She went on with her not-so-subtle interrogation.
"Siblings. Speaking of which, where is that brother of yours?" I turn the tables around.
"Ran away with his tail between his legs," She snorted while picking at her nails.
"So your brother is an alien of some sort?"
She rolled her eyes at my attempt to amuse her, but a slight tugging of her lips gave her away, "Obviously not. Ever heard of Caleb Parks?"
"Ah yes, the mother to that small army of mine is a huge fan of his." Were it not for the fact that Charlie and I liked each other a lot, I'm very sure that she would have gladly come here herself.
"Yup, they have the hots for each other but are too stubborn to admit it."
Now that's the Peyton I knew.
"What's to say we push them closer during this dinner?"
If my assessment of this girl was correct, she would not pass up a chance to find a way to amuse herself.
She grinned wildly and nodded.
After that, we fell into a conversation about the basics of life. Although Marci didn't tell me who her parents were, she wasn't wiser to think that Peyton and I are not blood relatives per se.
As soon as we walked into Penthouse they were staying in, I knew this weekend would be wild.
Marci and Abigail both flagged my side and led me to a room in the same hall as theirs.
"No funny business people, I'll be right back." Gail disappeared into her room.
"Is she always like this?" I tilt my head as I look down at Marci.
She shrugs, "You get used to it."
A man with thin dreads and chocolate-drenched skin came toward us with a large bowl of popcorn.
"You must be Danny. I'm Jack, Caleb's best friend and manager. You guys should come. They are going at it again." As soon as he walked up to us, he was already walking out of the hall.
Marci grabbed my hand and began pulling me in the direction that Jack was heading.
"Are you dragging me away to have your way with me? I'll have you know that I am twice your age." I teased her with a low voice.
"If that's the case, you must be thirty-two, but if you want my opinion, you don't sound too bright to be a day over four days old." She bit back.
We stopped in front of glass doors that led to a balcony where Peyton and a man, I'm assuming is Caleb, were having some sort of argument. It looked more one-sided because Peyton was talking more than he was, but every time he turned to face her, he would get all up in her face, and she would go quiet.
Never thought that I would see the day that Penny would be some worth tongue-tied in an argument.
I felt my protective brother instinct start kicking in when he stood too close to her, and she was backed up to the edge of the balcony.
"Twenty bucks says that they will kiss," Jacob muttered.
Jack and Marci shared the bowl of popcorn and said, "You're on."
Penny had a very vulnerable look on her face as her back was pressed tightly against the ledge as he played with a strand of her hair.
Against the protests thrown at me, I walked towards the door and ripped it open. The musician looked less than pleased to see me, but that was the least of my problems as my eyes darted from him to Penny's.
I opened my mouth to comment on the interesting position I found her in, but she beat me to it.
"If you dare to make an innuendo right now, I will throw you off this balcony." Her contacts blended well with her eyes as she stared me down.
Jacob came to stand beside me and grinned "What if I said it?"
After that little incident, I didn't see much of Peyton, and Jacob somehow convinced me to sit with him on the balcony. He looked too excited to be meeting someone he hardly knew.
"Are you going to tell me what is making you so excited? Or am I going to have to ask your brother?" I glanced from him to Shawn leaning on the door.
I would have thought that Shawn was mute, but after hearing him partake in a game of tag to tire Gail out earlier, I thought otherwise.
"Yup, definitely a relative of Peyton," Jacob nodded his head.
Only if he knew how far from the truth he was.
"Let me guess, she made a deal with you, using me as her bargaining chip?" I ran my hand through my hair.
This isn't the first time Peyton has done this. And I know this wouldn't be the last.
"Yup, she said you could help me get a girl." He said offhandedly.
"Did she also tell you I am already a committed man?" I asked wryly.
"She said that too, but I realized you will still be able to help me."
"So what exactly do you want from this girl, because if it was for a quick lay. You already have a good-looking covered." I said.
I wasn't wrong. Jacob was easy on the eye.
"I usually use cheesy pickup lines, but these won't be enough to get the girl to actually stay with me." He looked off into the fast-approaching sunset.
"Understood. Is there a girl in mind?"
"Actually, yes. But she didn't call me back." He looked hurt. He put himself out there and got rejected.
Being rejected does nothing good to a man's ego; I can tell you that.
"If you want my honest opinion, I think that you should take it easy on yourself. It just takes time, but for now, I suggest you work on coming out as a charming yet level-headed person, and I'm sure you will find yourself a wonderful woman who will want to spend the rest of her life with you.
I recited the words that were addressed to me a long time ago.
Jacob took a minute to process what I said. He gave me a happy smile, and I returned it.
"If you guys are done playing marriage counsellors, dinner's ready." Marci came and told us before leaving.
Jacob and I did a bro hug as we both got up from the chairs and walked behind Shawn to the large dining table.
Caleb and Peyton sat at the heads of the table, giving each other needed distance.
I sat between the brothers while Marci was between Gail and Jack, opposite me.
Dinner had the customary mashed potatoes with gravy, green peas, corn, dinner rolls, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and turkey.
The conversation at the table was Jack and Caleb talking about his world tour, Gail and Marci arguing about only God knows what, while Jacob, Shawn, Penny and I only talked to ask for more food or salt.
After dinner, I said something that caused a pin drop of silence to overcome the room.
"Caleb Parks. You and I need to have some words with each other." I said, leaving no room for arguments. Peyton could hang me on a bridge, but I was willing to risk it.
"Is there any room that is soundproof here?" I ask Marci because she recovered from the shock faster than anyone.
"There's one in the music room." She nudged her head towards a corridor which was at the side.
"Lead the way," I gestured towards Caleb, who was trying but failing horribly to keep a straight face.
Caleb and I walked toward the room while everyone sat still in their spots.
We walked into the room full of instruments and sat on bar stools in the soundproof room.
"What are your intentions with my sister?" I asked curtly.
He groaned while facepalming, "I didn't know that both of you were related."
"Seriously, neither did I."
"Definitely siblings," He muttered.
"I like her, okay. But at times, she's just too much to handle, and at other times I want nothing more than to kiss her to shut up." He said matter of factly with exasperation in his tone.
I know how it feels, but my reaction will only be the same with a certain brunette.
"You have a lot of guts in doing what you did today while I was here, but you don't have my blessings yet." I grin as I find joy in his torment.
"Please don't tell me that both of you are so alike that you will make me work for your acceptance while looking sadistic while doing it." He gave me an unamused look.
"If you want me not to show you what I do, to little schoolboys who think they can manhandle my sister, you're gonna have to prove that you're worth more than the American heartthrob everyone paints you to be." I pinned him to his seat with a look, but I wasn't done yet.
"Have you even told her how you feel?"
I wasn't surprised when Caleb answered with his ears going a bit pink, and he became tongue-tied.
"If you want my opinion, you should tell her and not be an ass about it or so help me, I will show you how plastic your bones are, clear?" I smirked when I saw him shift a bit in his stool under my scrutinized gaze.
"Crystal." He murmured.
"Good. If you treat Peyton right, I'll treat you right. But if you don't I'm not sure your trip to NYC will hold." I smile. "Now, if I get a personal performance of you playing the guitar, I might be inclined to talk to her for you?" I am already putting my peace offering to Lola and Charlie in action.
"Deal." He stood up and shook my hand.
This will be one interesting, weekend.
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Rightfully His
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