《ReWritten: The War of The Kingdoms》Method Acting (Part 2)


A bright light shines on all their faces, illuminating the once dark forest, as a bright flame ignites from the roar of a gorilla. A species called Dooms, creatures of great strength, only matched by the intensity of its flame.

The doom's fiery blue fur intensifies as it sends another flame to a panda covered in electricity. In this world, the electric panda is called a Gorgan. The gorgan can swing and leap incredible distances with relative ease. With the help of its agility, he barely dodges the flame and swiftly counters with a thunderbolt straight to the doom, shocking it as he tumbles down.

The gorgan is ready to send a thunderous blow, when a bird swerves through the jungle, extending its sharp wings, nearly slicing the gorgan. The Silvawlian Kingdom is filled with fierce and beautiful creatures, another being the elegant yet very dangerous Hiven bird. A bird with wings that can extend and contract while it weaves through the tree filled jungle. Wings that are incredibly sharp, able to cut through branches without slowing it down.

"Guys, you remember these are the same animals from the show?"

"But that's CGI. How are we able to see this?" Ito asked.

"Ugh, do I have to explain everything? There must be a screen."

"But I don't see where it ends."

"I don't know. It must be a large screen. Follow me." Hiro leads the group as they all walk closer to the battle. The doom gets up and sends a storm of flame arrows in the gorgan and hiven's direction. The hiven dodges the arrows and darts towards the doom swirling so fast the doom has no choice but to close its eyes from the sheer force of the wind. The hiven uses it to her advantage as she extends one of her wings and slices the doom's arm. The arrows continue to pierce the air, as it flies past their heads. The gorgan stomps the ground and charges, sending a web of electricity covering the area, crackling the trees around and as it crashes down inches away from the group.


As the others sprint away in terror, Hiro takes an extra moment to make sense of what's is going on. This is fake. It must be. The doom let out a gigantic roar, scorching everything in its path. The gorgan narrowly swings out of the way as Hiro continues to stand there while a flame rushes closer to him. Kenji grabs him and sprints the other way, while the flame catches up to Hiro, singeing his arm. Both race down the forest, striving to catch up to the others, while Hiro glances back in disbelief as his arm is still smoking from the fire. Kenji releases Hiro's arm when he sees Ito has fallen, rushing to check if he's okay. Ito's breaths become heavy as his eyes become filled with tears. He glances at the others for any answers, but notices they are all as distressed as him.

"This doesn't make any sense. What do we do? How do we go back home?" Ito asked, while repeatedly punching the ground in frustration. His knuckles bleed as his tears hit the ground. "Why is this happening?"

"Will you stop crying like a child? Stand up and let's go." Hiro said as she dusted the fresh ash from his arm.

As Kenji takes a step forward, approaching Hiro, Mei pushes Kenji back and slaps Hiro, sending an echo across the forest.

Hiro stands there in disbelief as the slap left a red handprint on his face. "How dare you talk to someone like that? We're all scared here, including you. If I hear you talk to him like that again, I will tear you to pieces. You understand?"

Hiro moves his line of vision everywhere but Mei's, afraid to stare into her fiery eyes. "Yeah, I understand."

Mei turns to Ito, crouching down next to him. She looks into his eyes with the same fear that's in his. "Ito, I don't know what's going on. No one does. But sitting here freaking out won't do us any good. We need to stand up and find the highest point or find anyone that can help. Can you help us do that?"


Ito wipes away his tears and looks at Mei. "Yeah, I think so."

"Okay, let's go." Mei gets up and extends her arm to Ito, as Ito grabs her hand, struggling to get up.

"Lighten up, Hiro. Weren't you the one holding on to my leg in the vortex?" Chung said.

"What? No, you must've grabbed me."

"That's not what happened." Sungwoo said while shaking his head.

"Shut up Sungwoo. You don't always have to add to the conversation, you know. I'm seriously about to leave you all behind."

Ito stares ahead as a massive silhouette approaches. "Behind you…" Ito said while shaking uncontrollably, pointing to the silhouette.

"Yes, Ito, you'll be behind me if I leave you behind. Who am I working with here?" Hiro said, while flinging his arms up in frustration.

"Turn around, you idiot." Mei said.

Hiro turns around, noticing a ten-foot-tall troll standing in front of him. The monster stares down at Hiro, while smoke comes out of his nostrils as it breathes. The moonlight hit the beast's eyes while it stares down at Hiro, glowing with murderous intent.

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