《Hornless》Chapter 1
Excitement tingled along the shadows, snorts and heavy breaths the only sounds flowing from the forest. Lightning flashed in the dark sky revealing hundreds of large, horned beasts facing the quiet city. Few peasants braved the night, running from building to building while others enjoyed the dry warmth of their homes. Songs and laughter drifted from the taverns amidst the thunder to the ears of the trees. A torch was lit revealing a large muscular creature standing taller than two men and more muscular than a bull in its prime. White, steel tipped horns curled out from the creature’s massive head pointing to the stars. A scar ran over a milky white eye, reflecting the light as his other yellow eye glared, piercing through the darkness. His under bite showcased his large pointed teeth as thick saliva glided down the sides of his muzzle. Dull black armor covered in dents and scratches lined a well-muscled frame. His primal urges itched, causing his human like foot to step forward.
“Easy Draxz” A deep calming voice said from his side.
“Time to make them our playthings.” Draxz replied more in a snarl then words. His yellow eye darting between houses.
“I will put you down with my own blade if you continue to give in completely.”
Draxz snarled, his eye darting to the speaker then back to a woman, already claiming her as his for as long as she would survive his lust.
The king raised his arm high and then lowered pointing to the city’s wooden walls and the
host of Minotaur ran out of the dark forest.
“Bakka the Bold? Is tha you? Ay, look here Ian, that fella looks like Bakka no?” Thom said strutting through the door followed by two armed men, water dripping from their armor.
“Could be with those horns above the door. He is the only twit crazy enough to do that so openly.” Andre said, his thumb pointing back to the door.
“That old man with the gray hair? Nah, can’t be. Bakka is ten feet tall and arms as thick as tree trunks.” Ian said with a smile.
“Pour me a glass before my mouth goes dry will ya.” Thom said slamming his fist on the bar. “And another two for my brothers here. Tha road has been dry and dusty.”
“Like that wench you bought me three towns over.” Ian said shaking his head.
“Not my fault you’re so ugly.” Andre said. “The old wench took the money with a smile.”
Thom laughed as Ian shook his head, throwing a few coins on the bar.
“Hey, you old twit. When we getting those drinks?” Ian said adjusting his gray battle tested armor. His scruffy beard grew uneven and he mindlessly scratched at it as he eyed the tavern. Coming up next to him, Thom leaned against the bar, his red hair covering his right eye, a discolored scar etched into his skull. Andre stood straight, his eyes alert, constantly moving from person to person, weighing and judging each one before dismissing. His hands were relaxed but stayed close to his hilts.
“Come on, serve us already will ya?” Thom said taking a coin in his hand. He paused looking at the coin thoughtfully and Ian smiled wolfishly. Thom returned the grin and threw the coin, where it hit the bartender on the head. At last, he turned to face them.
“Be with you in a moment, have orders to fill.”
“Ahh you hear tha fellas? Thinks we common folk. Well, we aint you old twit.” Thom said fiddling with another coin. “Ian, you think we should wait?”
Ian continued scratching his beard and looked over to the bottle just in reach.
“I say we serve ourselves.” Andre said, his eyes still judging the crowd. “Grab me something stronger than mead.”
“Ya heard him.”
Ian nodded and reached over to grab a bottle. As his hand gripped the bottle neck, a blade sliced through the air and cut the top his hand, the point of the hunting knife digging deep into the thick oak wood. Ian moved his hand from the bottle and the blood flowed from the open cut.
“Now look at that, I knew it was him. I told ya.” Thom said with a belly laugh.
“His aim is still good.” Andre said with a smirk, his eyes moving from the knife back to the crowd.
“Filthy shit eatin’, piss drinkin’ mongrel. I fell for your stupid trap again you half bred, bull humping halvras.” Ian went on mumbling his curses and insults. Thom laughed all the harder as a wet towel hit Ian in the face.
“Clean your mouth of that talk before your hand.”
“Bakka the Bold, I knew it was you. It had to be.” Thom said between laughs.
Bakka placed three glasses on the bar and filled them with the whiskey Ian had reached for.
“Looks like your blade hand has held steady.” Andre said reaching for his glass.
“I was aiming for his pointer finger, figured he didn’t need it any longer. I missed.”
“Lucky for him you did.” Thom said taking a sip from his glass.
“Yeah, lucky for me.” Ian said, the smile coming back to his face with the filled glass in his sights.
Andre downed his glass and scooped up Ian’s before he finished wrapping his hand. Andre locked eyes with Ian and downed the glass, Ian’s smile faded.
“You’re a bastard through and through.” Ian said watching the glass empty and get placed back on the bar.
“Always has been, always will.” Bakka said taking the empty glasses and refilling them. Andre smiled again.
“What brings you to Lasteel?” Bakka asked, a slight smile forming as he pushed the glasses toward them.
“Jus passing through really. We three were hired to guard a caravan. Trouble with the halvras raidin’ between cities.”
“I heard the half breeds have been setting up their own settlements along the north. Sadly, Lasteel no longer is friendly towards them besides trading.” Bakka said shaking his head.
“Funny how they fought and died with us to hold back the horned devils, but now the common folk can’t stand the sight of them.” Ian said taking a sip of whiskey.
“They have a few missing bits.” Thom said tapping his head. Bakka shrugged and placed the bottle on the bar.
“On the house. Happy to see your all still alive. Thought for sure you would be dead by now Thom, I thought Ian died the night I left.”
“Hey, I’m not that daft.” Ian said scowling.
“Ayy, yeah you are, I have kept you alive more times than I can count.” Thom said.
“You both still live because of me.” Andre said dryly looking back to Bakka.
“Now that I believe!” They laughed and when their smiles faded Ian spoke up.
“Bakka, where’s Caris?” Ian asked looked around the room. Thom elbowed him hard in the side.
“Ahh, what’s that for Thom?”
“Caris died with the birth of Anula.” Bakka said in a low voice.
“I’m sorry Bakka, I didn’t know. She was a real good…” Bakka held up his hand and Ian stopped abruptly. They sat in the silence for a minute and Bakka began mindlessly cleaning glasses.
“Sooo them horns above your bar, those tha horns you cut from the Pure Blood?” Thom asked. Bakka grunted not looking up.
“Thought so, been what? forty years?”
“Hm hmm.”
“Ayy. Where does the time go? We were young, strong and nothin’ hurt after a night of sleep.” Thom said squaring his shoulders back, small pops sounding from his shoulder blades.
“Thought that was why we drank.” Ian said after finishing his glass.
“True enough.” Andre eyed the tavern and his eyes brushed over an armored woman leaning against the wall.
“Is that your kin?” Bakka followed Andre’s eyes.
“It is.”
Thom whistled and then looked at Bakka. “She has Caris’ beauty, but the poor lass inherited your thick muscles and height.”
“And my battle prowess. The girl’s a natural with blade and shield. Still working on the bow, but better than most.”
“Aye, I don’t doubt it. Call her over, I want to meet your kin.” Thom said.
“Anula.” Bakka said, his gruff voice slicing through the loud inn.
Anula Bakka stood against a wall, half in shadow. Her muscles flexed as she folded her arms looking over the drunkards. Her heightened hearing picked up every whisper from the dark corners.
“Filthy half blood, why we drinking here with that stinkin’ halvras watching over us?”
“She aint no halvras Dun, known her since she was young. Just look at Bakka, he aint small.” Dun spat and continued to mutter.
Anula, use to the insults kept her amber eyes moving along the inn. Her vision landed back on the three men who had entered obnoxiously and were talking to her father. She heard her name and she locked eyes with her father.
“Come lass.” Her father said, his voice low, but her sharp ears hearing it clearly.
Anula made her way through the thick crowd, everyone moving from her path. When she reached the bar she stopped, her hand on her hilt.
“Father.” She said sternly, eyeing the heavily armored men cautiously.
“These are men from my past.”
“Just men? More like brothers, friends even.” Thom said frowning. “Why so formal? Always have been a stickler for proper edict from your royal days.”
“Friends then, from my time in the King Isaak’s Legion.”
Anula eyed each of them but didn’t say a word letting the silence between them drag on.
“I see you have instilled your irresistible charm.” Thom said shaking his head.
“Ease up Anula, they mean us no harm.” Bakka said placing a hand on her shoulder.
Anula looked them over and removed her hand from the sword’s hilt, eyeing the three armored men cautiously.
“I’m Thom, the bleeding oaf is Ian, tall and mysterious is Andre.” The men nodded her way and Bakka refilled their drinks.
“I’m sure you have heard of us though. Pulled your father out of a few difficult situations.” Ian said winking at Bakka.
“No, he has never spoken a word of you. Any of you.” All eyes went from Anula back to Bakka who shrugged.
“Not a single word? Now I’m truly offended.” Thom said frowning.
“Don’t blame him.” Andre said shrugging. “Difficult times those were, still can’t shake the dreams I have.” All faces lowered their gazes, each in a silent moment of some distant nightmare.
“I’ll give ya tha one. But we certainly had some good ones.” Thom leaned forward, a smile forming. “Tell me lass, he has at least told you about those ornate horns he has above the bar?” Thom pointed to the large wooden plaque with two ornate horns with metal tips attached. Anula glanced at the horns then shook her head.
“No? Bakka. You never told her the story behind the Foaming Horn?” Bakka smiled shaking his head.
“Crazy twit was the only one with the balls to take down that Pure Blood, then remove its horns to have a drinking horn.” Ian said laughing. “Crazy bastard removed both horns and tied them to his belt mid battle. Said he was going to be thirsty after the skirmish and was going to have a cup worth drinking from. We three kept the bulls back while he did it too. Pissed off a good number of the Pure Bloods watching in the distance.”
“Aye, how they howled at the disgrace they witnessed. Sent their whole legion of underlings upon us. Had to pull your da behind the shield wall as they came running. He stood their laughing holding a horn up to me like it was gold.” Thom said with a beaming smile.
“Didn’t act much like a general that day. More like a kid who found hidden treasure.” Ian said grinning.
Bakka kept cleaning the mugs but stole a look up to the ornate horns with a wry smile.
“Had the best drinking horn in all the legions. Pure bloods don’t get caught up in skirmishes, they use their underlings for that. Not sure why the Pure Blood joined those ranks, but your dad made him pay for it.” Andre said.
Their drinks flowed and stories of adventure, war and women followed over the next few hours.
“Trained each of us he did. Taught us how to use all sorts of weapons. He was a weapons master turned general by King Isaak himself.” Ian finished his mug, peering at Bakka. “Hey, why did you leave his land? You had it good. Land, title and luxuries of the finest nobles.”
“Why ya think?” Thom asked. Ian sat puzzled for a few moments, until a realization hit.
“Caris.” Ian said lowering his voice.
“True enough. She was Lasteel blood, and her roots were deep in the land. Loved her more than the land I was given, so I stayed with her. What is the point of everything I had if there was no one to enjoy it with?” Bakka said. “She was good to me and has given me a something worth more than all of it.” He smiled looking at Anula.
“Aye, there is truth to that. She was a good woman.” Thom said finishing his mug.
Lightning flashed through the windows and thunder rolled through the valley shortly after.
“Well boys, time we call it a night. We are leaving with the sunrise. Bakka, take care, always a pleasure.”
They said their goodbyes and Bakka’s three friends exited the tavern.
“Interesting friends.” Anula said to her father after they were gone.
“Interesting is a good description of them. Now, back to work for a bit. The storm will empty the place out soon enough.” He patted her shoulder lightly and started cleaning more mugs.
An hour passed by, and most had left. Three tables sat drunks, each playing a card game as they spoke of work and town gossip. One table grew louder and a man slapped the wooden table hard, spilling a mug the bar maid placed down.
“Any woman I see, I could have in a moment.” He snapped his finger and grabbed the bar maid, pulling her close. He forced his mouth to hers while his hands prodder her body. He laughed and pushed her away forcefully. Anula only shifted her eyes to his direction as the bar maid stumbled over a stool.
“Any woman I claim! She will be mine the moment she lays eyes on me!” His friends laughed and watched him prance back and forth as if a prince.
“If you are so irresistible to women you should prove it. A bar maid is one thing, but you should try yourself on someone else.” His friend said, his gaze shifting over to Anula. The drunk followed his gaze and gave a toothy grin.
“She is no woman, she is...” He paused and lowered his voice so only his table could hear. “Well, even a halvras needs a man’s warmth at night.” With a laugh, he stumbled over towards Anula with a wicked smile. She stood like a statue, her arms at her side, hand on her hilt. She watched as he made his way toward her. She knew the routines of drunken men and waited for the right moment to crumble his ego.
“Now aren’t you a pretty one?” he said, looking up to meet her amber eyes. His left hand glided along her thigh as his right hand drifted up her side.
Anula looked down acknowledging his existence.
“You could not even please a goat.” Anula said watching the man’s smile diminish into anger. He removed his hands, grasping a dagger from a table. He pointed his newly stolen blade at Anula and spit.
“Bedding goats are the only pleasure you know of half breed.”
The tavern went silent, all eyes focusing on the dark corner. The drunk held the sharp blade in a crouch, knowing the drink had given him stupid thoughts, calling her a half breed. She lacked horns and features all the half breeds possessed. He noticeably began to sober up. His dagger shook in his hand, sweat forming on his brow. Anula smiled, enjoying the sight of the man’s ego back down. He regained his focus; pride overruling his thoughts and held his weapon firm.
“Die you half breed whore!” he yelled thrusting the dagger forward. Anula slapped the blade to the side with her hand while the other clasped around his throat. The dagger dropped and his hands clawed at her hand as his throat constricted from her vice grip.
“You want to play? Then let’s play.” She forced him against the wall and kept his feet from touching the ground. Her other hand grabbed his groin and her grip tightened until he let out a high-pitched squeal. She held her grip and tossed him out the door into the pouring rain. His face slammed the wet ground and blood flowed from his mud-covered nose.
“You are no longer welcome in this tavern, be gone.” Anula watched the man rise and stumble away.
Lightning flashed and her eyes caught a shadow in the distance along the tree line.
Thunder sounded and she focused her sight. Normally her vison at night was excellent, but the flashes of lighting kept her eyes from focusing.
“Must be nothing.” She breathed deep through her nose, trusting her instincts. There was a touch of something out of the ordinary.
Wet fur?
A strong hand clasped her shoulder, breaking her thoughts.
“That’s my girl!” Anula smiled and accepted her father’s words.
“We should close up father. Tonight, has an odd feeling.”
“Don’t be silly An, you were just…” Her amber eyes stopped him and he studied her face. “What do you mean?” his smile fading into a concerned look.
“It’s them. I know it. I can feel it and smell it.” Her father opened his mouth to speak but shut it and looked down at the floor boards then back to Anula and the forest beyond.
“But what you say hasn’t happened in a long time.”
“They have returned father.”
“It has been over two decades, going on three.”
Anula shook her head and watched pain resurface as memories flooded her father’s mind.
“If they are coming, I will not lose you!” Her father turned to the remaining drunks and cleared his throat.
“Everyone out! Now! Go home to your families.” Everyone grumbled with complaints as they passed him by the door. Once everyone was gone, he slammed and barred the door.
“We go to the cellar; it will be safe there. I made sure it was large enough for you, but no minotaur will be able to get in.” He went behind the bar and removed a few thin planks of wood.
“Down here An.” Her father let her go first and jumped in behind her, placing the boards back.
The crawl was tight, but at last they made it and the hollowed-out room was larger than Anula expected.
“How long has this been here?” Anula asked admiring racks of food, weapons and armor.
“It was started before you were born. Unfortunately, the room was not complete, and the crawl space was too tight for me and your mother to crawl through. We had no warning. We were too busy laughing and drinking when the attack came. We didn’t hear the screams till the front door was smashed in by a mutilated body. Only luck have it I survived to raise you. Your mother… was never the same after the attack. I was knocked unconscious and she… was its play thing for hours.” Tears fell from his eyes, his voice catching in his throat.
“I was useless to her An. She said her love for me saved her from death. At first, she was against giving birth, to save you from the life of a half breed. But she believed the beast was royal blood. Through you, she wanted the human race to grow stronger to fight back. Right before she died.” He stopped, wiping his face free of tears, meeting Anula’s eyes. “She held me close and told me not to fail you.” Anula watched her father grieve and relive the night she was born. She went over to him and held him as he sobbed on her shoulder. Only the sound of rain, thunder and muffled screams kept her from joining him.
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