《Marvel's Cloak: Shroud of Darkness》Chapter 14 - The Grand Manipulation


New York City (Wilson Fisk’s Office)

Wilson Fisk

Wilson Fisk relaxed in his top-floor office, staring out the window at cars and people that scurried about their everyday lives, blissfully unaware that they were only alive because people like him allowed them to be.

On any given day, someone like him, someone at the top of the societal food chain, could destroy a couple of lives without any repercussions whatsoever.

Wilson waited patiently for his Henchmen to arrive.

Wilson had been a patient man almost all of his life, that was partially the reason he could take over New York City without fighting his adversaries in huge wars that could have ruined his drug foundations.

Patience and strategy made him a victor in almost every aspect of his life and now he was reaping the benefits of such a fulfilling investment of his time.



Wilson waved his hands “Enter!”

The door swung open as three Hydra Soldiers dragged two of Wilson’s former henchmen into the room.

Wilson frowned witnessing the state of his henchmen but didn’t care for the state of men as much as he did for his Armani floor carpets.

“Is everything in order?” Wilson asked nonchalantly, rising from his seat to tower over everyone inside the room.

“Yes Great One!” The Hydra Soldiers answered simultaneously “Hail HYDRA!”

Wilson frowned in displeasure at the Hydra Soldier's fanatical attitudes since he was never someone to identify with the ‘Hail Hydra!’ bullshit.

Wilson sighed as he looked at his Henchmen “Ike and Rus…I am sorry to force my two most loyal henchmen out of retirement but it was a necessary disrespect since you disrespected me first…”

Ike banged his head against the ground in a kowtow “I, Ike – The First Henchman, have never once disrespected you, sir! I have completed all my orders to perfection and even when everyone else stole a dollar or two to buy ice cream that day… I was not one of them…”

“I did steal the money to buy the ice cream sir but I paid the $5 back the next day and came to personally apologize to you!” Rus added quickly, not willing to be outdone by Ike.

Though they were both friends, both men had seen Wilson crush the heads of previous Henchmen with his bare hands.


Wilson’s huge hand smacked against his office table “Why the fuck will I force you here to talk about a few ice cream cones? I liked you two because you never skimmed off the top and always completed assigned tasks to perfection … so tell me why is this kid still alive?”

Wilson tossed a tablet with Tyrone’s picture onto the floor, waiting patiently for an explanation as Ike and Rus squinted their eyes to identify the boy.

Ike was the first to remember that specific mission “I remember him… Tyrone Johnson! You gave us the instructions to kill the boy…”

Wilson was about to shake his head in disagreement but Rus finally recalled everything “NO… The boss told us to test the boy for the mutant gene and if he was positive, we were to send him to the Essex Mutant Executives at the secret facility in Norway…

However, if the boy was negative, we were supposed to kill him and dump the body in the mountains where it could never be found…”

“Then why is he still alive?” Wilson asked, walking forward and caressing Ike’s and Rus’s heads with his massive hands.

Ike trembled, knowing that if his answer was even slightly off, Wilson would just rip his head from his body and quite possibly also drink his blood for the heck of it.


“We did the job as was instructed…we tested the boy for the mutant gene and found nothing. We did the test three times just to be thorough. We got in a helicopter to take the body to the Mountains of Bacáu but something strange happened…

We were just about to land the helicopter and kill the boy but an overwhelming feeling of fear assaulted the pilot… He grew hysterical and insisted that something was going to attack us soon. We didn’t have time to put a bullet through the kid’s brain so we did the next best thing…” Ike explained, slightly relieved that he had done nothing wrong.

Rus picked up where Ike left off “The next best thing was to toss the boy’s body outside the helicopter as we passed over a wolf’s den… The boy would die due to the fall from three hundred feet and if not… the wolves would eat him alive, there would be no remains left to identify…”

Wilson frowned and walked behind his desk to take a seat “Interesting… you’re saying that the boy somehow survived a 300ft drop and made it out of the mountains without being eaten by the numerous animals that filled that place?”

Rus and Ike shrugged, neither willing to confirm anything that could ultimately lead to them bearing responsibility.

“Still… you should have been more thorough…” Wilson stated, snapping his fingers as the Hydra Soldiers vaporized Rus’s and Ike’s heads.

How did Wilson stay on top of the Drug Trade at all times in New York City? Easily… he rotated Henchmen around so much that nobody had a chance to gain his trust or disappoint him.

Wilson waved his hands, dismissing the Hydra Soldiers, and tapped his desk causing a screen to exit a hidden compartment inside the wall.

“What do you think?” Wilson asked the screen lazily.

“The boy is either extremely lucky or…. His mutant gene temporarily activated in a situation of distress to preserve his life… if that is the case, his mutation will be at least Alpha level when it is awakened and that could be very bad for us…” The Screen replied.

Wilson nodded, stared at the phone on his desk, and made a reluctant call “Hello… yes, Dr. Cecillia Reyes… I am in possession of a very unique product that I know you’ll be interested in obtaining… Possible alpha to omega level mutant of abilities unknown…

I am not asking for too much… I will need a seat at the table and a meeting with Mr. Sinister himself if this mutant is lucrative… I will provide the location and extraction plan for the mutant… okay… Thank you!”

After Wilson’s call ended, The Screen lit up “I am more concerned about something else… Ms. Bowen seemed to be drawn to the boy in strange ways… are you not concerned that getting rid of the boy again would destabilize all the progress she has recently made?”

Wilson frowned, also slightly disturbed but hardened his heart “That’s why Kevin’s mutant ability is for… he can stabilize her emotions well enough… and if all else fails, we can just have him wipe her and start over with a less irritating Tandy.”


Tyrone Johnson at Outreach Center (After Incident with Kevin)

Tyrone and Jessica burst into The Outreach Center angrily, not even pausing to greet the children as they normally would.

Xandra raised an eye at their unusual behavior but continued to play with the children and summed Tandy’s and Tyrone’s bad attitudes up to the fact that they probably had a bad date.


“That’s why I won’t ever get a boyfriend,” Xandra complained unconsciously, causing all the children to laugh at her unexpected comment.

Xandra averted her eyes from everyone embarrassingly…


“Sit!” Tyrone commanded, retrieving the first aid kit from under his bed.

Jessica plopped onto the bed next to Tyrone, her fists clenched in anger “That bitch… what the heck is she anyway? One of those mutant things? Aren’t there laws against using their abilities on normal people like that?”

“She is rich… being rich is the law…” Tyrone replied though he was also surprised that Tandy was a mutant.

It did explain a lot of the strange things that happened during their time together.

“We should still report it or something…” Jessica groaned, unwilling to let the matter go.

Tyrone frowned, raised his hands, and flicked Jessica’s forehead “You’re one to talk… how did you survive that attack exactly…?”

“I – I – I …” Jessica stuttered for a while before lowering her gaze to the floor “I was going to say something eventually but… I don’t know… I think I always keep forgetting or maybe I was afraid that you’d look at me differently…”

Tyrone opened the first aid kit and began treatment for the minor cut on Jessica’s head – a cut that was already in the process of healing.

Tyrone was surprised but didn’t say anything concerning Jessica’s mutant abilities because, despite her ‘strong’ attitude, Tyrone knew she was just a girl that wanted to fit in with everyone else.

“I won’t ever look at you differently because of something like that…” Tyrone smiled, touching Jessica’s cheek gently as he raised her eyes to meet his “You’re an amazing person and you’ll always be that way… besides, I am not sure if I’m a mutant as well…”

Jessica grabbed Tyrone’s hands in fear, she was more scared of Tyrone being a mutant than anyone else “You’re fine Ty… you’re a normal guy… I have never seen you do anything even slightly mutant-ish…”

Tyrone sighed despondently “Sometimes I have these dreams… like something is trying to burst out of me… something dark and I don’t know where it starts and where I end… or maybe I am the darkness and I don’t realize it…”

Jessica pulled Tyrone into her arms and held him there for a couple of minutes “There is no darkness inside of you… there is nothing dark about you… and darkness isn’t a bad thing… look at how beautiful you are and you’re dark-skinned…”

“Thanks, Jess…. I – ” Tyrone paused, waving his hands around a bit exaggeratingly “I can’t really breathe when you’re holding me so tightly…”

“Oh… my bad!” Jessica laughed, releasing Tyrone from her embrace but frowning the next moment when she realized that she wasn’t holding him that hard “Lift your shirt up…”

Tyrone complied, knowing that it was useless to argue with Jessica when she got so concerned about his wellbeing.

“Is it cancer doctor?” Tyrone joked before realizing that it might have been a bit insensitive of him “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to… your parents…”

“It’s fine…” Jessica stated and started examining the bruises on his stomach and back “A few bruises but nothing much… some cream should solve the problem… take off your shirt and lay down… I’ll apply the cream…”

Tyrone removed his shirt carefully, groaning with every slight movement that irritated the bruises on his body.

Tandy’s attack was what caused the bruising so Jessica was even more determined to find Tandy at a later date for some ‘payback’.

“Wow!” Jessica admired Tyrone’s body “I have seen you naked a lot of times but somehow, you still make my heart skip a beat when you take your shirt off…”

“I’m pretty sure if you took your shirt off my heart would skip a beat too…” Tyrone joked.

Jessica was quick to reach for the bottom of her shirt but Tyrone grabbed her hands in time “It was a joke Jessica… please don’t take off your shirt… I’ll likely suffer a heart attack in that case…”

Jessica smiled slyly, interlocking her fingers with Tyrone’s as she held his hands in place “You always treat me like I don’t have common sense…”

Tyrone shook his head in a rare moment of seriousness “It’s not you that I am worried about… it’s me… I can’t promise that I’ll always have control around you…”

Jessica nodded, knowing that Tyrone was telling the truth since more than once she could see that he was tempted to ‘take’ what she always ‘offered’.

If anything, it was Jessica that always backed off before pushing Tyrone too far… partially because she was scared and partially because she wanted Tyrone to be ready for when they did take that final step.

Jessica slowly removed her hand from Tyrone’s grip and guided his body onto his back.

Not long after, Jessica started applying the cream to the bruises on his back, which admittedly was a lot more than she originally thought.

“Your skin color makes the bruises hard to identify so I didn’t see them all at first…” Jessica explained, moving from her seated position beside Tyrone to straddling his back carefully.

Tyrone sighed “Don’t beat yourself up about it… I have received worse beatings…”

“Like when?” Jessica asked intrigued, curious about Tyrone’s past since he usually never spoke about it.

Tyrone laughed as he recalled a memory “There was this one time, my friends and I wanted to take a couple of girls out but we didn’t have any cars… we were broke niggas who didn’t know the first thing about how to make it on our own in the world…

Jason, he’s in prison now, had the idea to steal a car but I wasn’t down for that… so fast forward, Jason stole a car and there was this huge fucking police chase all the way from Highway 93 to Southside Boston…

I went outside the house and I could literally see the chase happening down the street… Jason was about to get away, he was gonna take the corner around my house and cut through a secret street through the back that the bangers use to transport drugs…

But, apparently, when Jason stole this car… he didn’t check the gas so he ran out right in front of my house… Police were hot on his heels and the car just came to a stop… everybody in the hood watched and waited for Jason to make a break for it…

But Jason was either a fucking genius or a fucking moron… he hopped out of the car but didn’t run… he walked to the back of the car and began to push the car down the street… five minutes later, police caught up but they didn’t do anything…

The police were laughing as Jason continued to push the car down the street… it was the stupidest thing I had ever seen but… I guess it’s smart because you don’t want to rob something and leave it behind…”

“Hahahahahahahah hahhhahahahhah.” Jessica laughed, accidentally slapping Tyrone on the back “Sorry!... you just have the weirdest stories.”

Tyrone smiled “I’ve just seen a lot of shit…”

Jessica shook her head, a loving smile on her face as she continued to massage the cream onto Tyrone’s bruises.

Soon, Jessica was lost in the sensation of her fingers rubbing against Tyrone’s firm back muscles.

Slowly, Jessica’s head craned forward, laying a kiss on the first of Tyrone’s bruises but he didn’t respond to her little slip and that emboldened Jessica.

She kissed another bruise and then another… until Tyrone finally shifted his body uncomfortably.

“Jessica… come on!” Tyrone whispered, “Just finish up so we can take a nap or something…”

However, Jessica paused in surprise when she heard Tyrone’s whisper because somewhere in his tone, she detected a hint of reluctance for her to stop.

Jessica’s mind buzzed, her hands sensually applying the cream onto Tyrone’s remaining bruises without pause. She could feel his muscle tense beneath the gentle rubs of her fingers and something inside of her just screamed ‘Now or never!’.

Jessica ran her fingers along Tyrone’s spine causing a few unconscious moans to leave his mouth. Jessica leaned her body forward, laying kisses on Tyrone’s shoulders and even closing her eyes to suck his neck with fervor.

Tyrone spun his body around, startling Jessica who realized that she may have gone too far but when she saw Tyrone’s eyes, Jessica just knew that wasn’t the case.

Like an uncaged animal, Jessica attacked Tyrone, removing her shirt in an instant and leaning forward to take Tyrone’s lips against her own.

Tyrone’s hands held onto Jessica’s waist for a moment before moving upwards to the straps of her bra that were soon detached.

Jessica took a pause from kissing Tyrone and tossed her bra away, leaning forward and moaning in ecstasy when she felt the hardened nipples of her breast press against Tyrone’s muscular chest.

Jessica was about to resume kissing Tyrone with fervor but he stopped her “Jess… we can stop this if you’re not sure… Tandy messed me up a bit earlier, I can’t lie to you about that… I think that’s why I am so willing to do this with you…”

Jessica shook her head, grinding her body against Tyrone’s “It doesn’t matter… I am not afraid to fight for what I want… and I – want – you!”

With Jessica’s certainty, the last barriers of Tyrone’s reluctance faded away, and soon Tyrone’s pants were gone and Jessica’s panties were torn off her body.

What followed were two hours of unforgettable sex and Tyrone’s and Jessica’s relationship was cemented inside their hearts.


Tandy Bowen at Hospital with Kevin (Two Days Later)

“I know you’re awake…” Kevin murmured, feeling Tandy’s hands tense inside his own.

Two days ago, after his second loss at Tyrone’s hands, his bodyguards rushed him to the local hospital where the doctors determined that aside from his broken legs, everything else was okay.

Well, as okay as someone who got beat by his wife’s lover could be… since then, Tandy had been at his side taking care of everything he required but today was the day when they had to talk about the elephant in the room.

Tandy opened her eyes, suppressing the dread in her heart as she looked Kevin directly in the eyes “I love him!”

“I Know…” Kevin replied sadly.

“But I also love you…” Tandy added.

Kevin laughed mockingly at himself “Just not as much as you love him?”

“I do love you just as much!” Tandy corrected, tears leaking from the corner of her eyes “It’s just different types of love… Tyrone is just the kind of love that you can’t give up on… and my love for you is the kind of appreciation and respect that is grown over time together…”

Kevin came to a realization and smiled reluctantly “Tyrone… Tyrone as in?”

Tandy nodded “He managed to escape somehow… he didn’t die and I can’t help but think, where would we be if he never got falsely accused in the first place?”

“I never stood a chance in the first place huh?” Kevin asked, “I lost from the moment you met him at that Outreach Center in the middle of nowhere…”

Tandy didn’t reply since she knew that Kevin was right… as much as she wished he wasn’t… as much as she wanted to comfort him, she just couldn’t tell him that deciding between him and Tyrone was an intense struggle.

If she was being honest with herself, Tandy knew that her mind was decided the very moment she saw Tyrone at The Outreach Center.

“He won’t pick you… ever… to him you’re just a damaged and used woman… I can love you in ways he cannot because I accept who you are and love you anyway…” Kevin reasoned, though he honestly felt that way.

“No! He’ll pick me… I’m sure of it…” Tandy replied, looking at her hands that flickered with lights a couple of days earlier.

Tandy was sure that Tyrone would definitely pick her because of one simple reason – she felt it then and she continues to feel it now…

The moment her light came in contact with Tyrone’s body, it was as if his very existence gravitated towards her…

She became his reason for existing… it was not a matter of what Tyrone wanted anymore or even what he needs… Tandy knew that it had become a matter of survival for both Tyrone and herself.

Even now, Tandy had a difficult time keeping herself from shaking due to her addiction to Tyrone and somehow, she could feel him under her skin, shaking like an addict as well.

Tandy looked at Kevin and smiled faintly “I won’t expect you to understand this but… Tyrone needs me to survive and I need him to feel like I’m living…”

Tandy walked out of the room when her mind was decided and Kevin stopped the bodyguards who were about to stop her “Let her leave…”

With Tandy gone, a bodyguard turned to Kevin “Sir… Mr. Fisk called and said that we should keep her inside the hospital room until you’re both ready to head back to the States…”

Kevin snorted, removed the drips from his hands, and hopped out of the bed as if his feet were never broken in the first place “As much as I love that girl… she is pretty stupid… Don’t worry, her little boy toy won’t show up…”

“How can you be so sure?” The Bodyguard asked hesitantly since it would be his ass on the platter if Kevin was wrong.

Kevin smiled and gestured for the bodyguard to take his hand.

When the bodyguard took his hand, Kevin’s smile faded “I am sure because people tend to do what I manipulate them to do… Tyrone is a bit special so it won’t work on him but … that Jessica girl is about to discover something that will get rid of all my problems…”

The Bodyguard sighed “I don’t understand sir…”

“Well here is an example…” Kevin said nonchalantly “Blow your brains out.”


Without any hesitation whatsoever, the Bodyguard placed his firearm under his jaw and pulled the trigger.

Kevin looked at the other guards in the room “Clean this shit up and get me some crutches…. My legs should be broken so I can’t walk without those things for a couple of months at least…”


Unaware of everything that happened inside the room, Tandy was in the hospital’s elevator on the phone with a frightened Jessica…

“Jessica… I know we’ve had our differences but you need to send Tyrone to me… I can feel him getting sicker and sicker… please… you love him so you should want what’s best for him and right now, that’s me… Tell him to meet me at the boardwalk… Okay…”

Hanging up the phone, Tandy smiled victoriously despite her trembling body.

Soon, she was about to get to run away with Tyrone and, of course, she brought a couple of bags of cash along with her.

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