《His Majesty's Personal Trainer》Chapter 16


The situation with Aurora had left me quite conflicted. We had multiple lessons back at the PE academy where they taught us how to recognize eating disorders and what we could do to help people who experienced them to seek professional help. And although I wanted to try and help, or at least find out more, Aurora never wanted to open up about the problem she was having.

There were multiple occasions when I tried to check her right hand to confirm that she indeed had the marks, or catch her going to the bathroom right after I saw her eat, but I never succeeded. I was not even sure what exactly I was trying to achieve.

"Do they even have psychiatrists here? Do they even recognize anorexia or bulimia here as illnesses? Raphael once told me that it was normal practice for women here to eat less or skip meals to stay thin, so can I, being who I am, even help her at this rate?"

Summer went by in a wink. All of us were working really hard on the training progress and we have managed to achieve great results just in three and a half months. The knights were getting stronger, their endurance and overall performance were improving as well, Raphael was glad to see that progress during the sparring and combat training. Dorian did not lag behind too - he was getting slightly bigger already, it now was easier for him to work with additional weight and he seemed happy with himself.

The progress was apparent not only in training but also in our relationships - Raphael and I became real buddies even outside the training grounds, we would often joke around, go for occasional runs around the garden, drink beer or just talk to each other freely as if we knew one another for a very long time.

Dorian also began more friendly and open towards me and everybody else. He would often ask me to walk his dogs together, teach me horseback riding, or just random advice on anything fitness-related. His shyness was disappearing day by day and the awkwardness in the way he acts was melting away as well.

Prince Luther kept inviting me to his library to read together or talk about things that we had in common. His arrogant but kind personality always put a smile on my face, and I was glad he found me comfortable to be around.

Marion was fascinated with the recipes of Korean dishes that I managed to remember and alter the best I could to adjust them to the ingredients they had. A cooking artist as he was, he would occasionally stall me in the kitchen and keep me hostage until I try all the dish variations he made to find the perfect one. I was glad to admit that I was able to befriend even someone as grumpy as him.

As for me, I stopped having weird dreams or hearing voices. I had a thought that perhaps it was some kind of an adjustment mechanism to living in this world or something, after all, I did transmigrate here preserving my old body, there is a possibility it was just getting used to the new environment. In any case, it was safe to say that I adjusted to living in this world completely and was trying to take an advantage of that bizarre second chance at life I had received.

It was the beginning of October when I heard about the harvesting festival starting in the Imperial city. Apparently, it was a huge deal for everyone so the festival usually lasted for more than a week and every single person in the whole empire was invited.


There was only one festival that I managed to attend back in Korea - Jinju Lantern Festival. It was thanks to the class president in the PE academy who decided that it would do us good to attend a festival together in order to get to know each other better. Needless to say that her efforts were fruitless cause once we got to the festival we divided into groups of people we usually talked to and I was left alone again.

This time, I did not want to miss the opportunity to have some fun, so when the chance presented itself, I asked Raphael to accompany me after we finished our training on the training grounds.

- Oh, what a shame, miss Yoona, I kinda have plans on that day.

He looked at me with a disappointed expression and put his hand on my shoulder as if to try and comfort me.

- But hey, we can go hang out some other time, I can buy us some drinks and we can hang out about the city all you want, I promise!

- It's okay, thanks anyway.

I could not hide my disappointment. Of course, Raphael did not owe me anything and he certainly did not have to hang out with me every time he had free time, but I did feel jealous of people who always have someone to be with, especially at times like those.

"Even the knights are excited about the festival, they all have friends to go there with. God, I'm so jelly! I have never been so jealous in my entire life, what is wrong with me? Right, I have probably been hanging around people too often to build up some expectations. Come back to your senses, Yoo Na, people don't have to think of you as their friend just because you think this way of them."

I was on my way to the palace when I felt something holding my bag from behind. I thought that my bag got stuck on something, you know, like the door knob situation, so I pulled it with all my might and annoyance combined and heard a loud "Ouch!" behind me.

- Oh my God, prince Dorian, I'm so sorry! I did not know it was a person tugging my bag so I just pulled. Are you alright?

He pulled his hand away and rubbed his shoulder.

- Gosh, miss Yoona, what else did you think was tugging on your bag if not a person? There is nothing around us.

I threw a quick look around us and smiled guiltily at the prince.

- Sorry, I was occupied with some bitter thoughts back then, I sincerely apologize.

I bowed my head and looked away. The situation was embarrassing already so why did I have to admit that I had some bitter thoughts? I did not like that side of me.

- What were you thinking about that made you bitter?

- Oh, you know... The harvest festival is almost over so I really wanted to attend it, but I have no one to go to and show me around, so I was just sad about that.

Dorian's ears got a bit red, it was a sight I haven't witnessed in a while. He scratched his neck awkwardly and looked at me from underneath his eyebrows.

- Uhm, miss Yoona... If you don't mind, do you want to go there with me?

"What? I did not really expect that."

- I'm sorry, prince Dorian, I did not ask you because I thought you might be busy or that maybe you would want to visit it with your fiancee...


- Miss Yoona, you've been staying here for almost four months already, have you seen Lilith visit here even once?

"That's true, I've never seen her here, but it does not necessarily mean he did not see her too."

- Anyway, I offered YOU to attend the festival with me, but if you don't want to, then it's okay.

Dorian's face was completely flushed again, he was not looking at me, his gaze was glued to his feet instead. I did not expect him to be offended by my words, after all, I was only trying to be considerate of him.

- Prince Dorian, it would be my pleasure to attend the festival with you!

I smiled warmly at him but he still did not raise his head. He then wiped his face with the towel he was holding in his left hand, sighed, and finally looked at my face.

- Thank you.

Dorian and I agreed to meet each other in front of the back gate of the palace the next day. I was so excited to go to the festival, I barely slept and have been standing in front of the gate for at least 40 minutes since I came there too early.

"He told me to dress comfortably, but I still put on a corset just for the heck of it, I wanted to look festive. Although it's really hard to breathe in this thing and honestly, now that I remember how Aurora was sweating trying to adjust the corset to my muscular stomach, I don't think I would want to go through this again. It was a waste anyway, cause I had to put a cloak over it. Stupid Yoona, why go through all this trouble if no one will see it anyway?!"

- Miss Yoona, have you been waiting long?

I flinched at the sound of a familiar voice. Dorian was approaching me leading two horses at his sides. I recognized his own horse Jules but the second one was definitely new. It was a beautiful white horse, the ones they usually give to princesses in movies or fairytales, although this one did not have her hair braided or had those ridiculous pink bows stuck to it. In fact, its mane was fluttering in the wind like Raphael's hair on the day I first met him in the forest.

- No, I've just come here.

I was so preoccupied with the beauty of the mare, that I did not notice the way Dorian looked - he was dressed like a mercenary! I knew how the mercenaries were dressing here cause I saw Raphael in their attire many times when he went to the Black Flame meetings. Their uniform was simple - a long black cloak strapped in front of the neck with three thin leather belts. That cloak was famous - it had a huge dark flame embroidered on its back, and every last person in the empire knew to recognize that cloak so that they can be smart enough not to bother its owners. It was accompanied by a black loose shirt underneath it, tucked untidily into the black slim pants that were hugging his long now more muscular legs all the way down to the black leather boots that went almost up to his knees. All shades of black clothes combined with his raven-black hair made him look extremely dangerous but also somehow unnaturally confident.

"I never knew he could look so good in such simple clothes. I see him in his imperial uniforms all the time, but this is a whole new level of handsomeness."

Perhaps I was staring at him way too intensely, I did not notice anything around me until I felt him gently pat my shoulder.

- Miss Yoona, are you okay? Why are you looking at me like this? Is there something on my clothes?

- N-no, all good, you look cool today!

- Cool?

The prince rounded his deep blue eyes, face all red, he looked like he was ready to evaporate any minute.

- But why are you dressed like a Black Flame member?

- I can't really wear the official clothes of the palace since I'll draw too much attention, the Black Flame has an intimidating reputation so no one would dare to bother us when they recognize the cloak.

- Well, it is very refreshing to see you dressed like this for a change. I bet if you were an actual mercenary, the legends of your handsomeness would travel the world.

- You really have no idea what you are talking about.

Dorian mumbled these words probably in hopes that I wouldn't hear them, turned away and started preparing the horses for the ride.

"Pff, I thought he would be happy to hear a compliment from me. He can be so weird sometimes."

He finally turned to face me again, put the reins of the white mare in my hands and smirked.

- Are you ready to depart?

- Yes... But what's with this horse? I've never seen it before.

- She is yours.

- What?!

The prince did not look less bewildered, my reaction surprised him more than him telling me he got a horse for me.

- It's just like I said, this horse is yours now. I bought it specifically for you. Remember you told me you wanted a pet? You've been more than helpful in the last several months so this is my gift to you as a token of my appreciation for all your hard work.

- When I said I wanted a pet, I was talking about a cat or a dog, but not a horse! Horses are not pets?

- Well, horses are more than pets, which means your hard work deserves more than a pet as well. Anyway, she is yours so do with her as you please. If you want to exchange her for a dog in the festival's market, you are free to do so.

"Damn, he looks upset. Why have I reacted like this anyway? He just gave me a great present and I made him feel bad about it."

I leaned forward to be closer to Dorian, looked up into the hood of his cloak and smiled widely.

- Thank you, prince Dorian, it is a very great present and I will cherish this beautiful horse forever!

He blushed again, cleared his throat to cover up his embarrassment and smiled faintly at me.

- Alright then, we should go if we don't want to miss anything.

We mounted our horses and set off for the festival, chill October wind blowing through our hair and cloaks, we looked like main characters in a movie, I was ready to hear "Cut!" any moment. I looked at Dorian who was right in front of me, his posture was strong and confident, it almost felt like he was merged with his black horse. I remembered the first time we met in the forest, back then he also looked stunning riding the horse, it was hard to believe that a man who rides a horse like it grows from his body or swings his sword as if he was born with it can be so shy and self-conscious.

"Combined with his good looks, big brain and kind heart, he is definitely the best candidate to become an Emperor. I wish everyone would see what I see, Dorian included."

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