《Thane’s War》The Days Before Part Four
As we exit the ramp, I pull into the first gas station I saw. As I pulled up to the pump I saw the prices, Six dollars and twenty cents per gallon. “Holy shit, those gas prices tho!” Jackson said as he began to get out of the car.
“Hey, You said you’d pay right?” I looked at him smiling.
“God damn, I didn’t think it’d be that bad. Fine! Here.” He pulls his debit card out and walks towards the pump. I put my hand out and stop him.
“Hang on, I’ll make you a deal, you pay for lunch and a drink here, I’ll get the gas this time. What do you think?”
“Fuckin Deal! You ain’t gotta ask me twice!”
“I thought so, hang on, I'll set this up and we can go inside and look around.” I set up the gas and begin to pump the gas.
“Alright, come on.” I say as we make our way towards the store. I opened the door and walked in, holding it for Jackson. As I took a look around the store it had a seventies retro vibe. Tile floors with yellow wallpaper, an old 1990s tv sitting in the back right corner of the store. About ten or so isles with a line of refrigerators at the back of the store. Behind the counter was an old lady that looked to be in her mid seventies.
“Howdy! How are y’all boys doin t’day?” She said with a smile.
“Good morning! And doing alright! How about you?”I responded.
“Im doin fine!” She says as I begin walking towards the drinks. I scanned over the drinks as I went. I opened the fridge door and grabbed a Purple Powerade and a yoohoo. As the door closed, I heard a slight fizzle from a channel Change on the tv. “This just in! The anti-war riots turned bloody as members of the Anti-war movement clashed with police today in Los Angeles and Portland! Which has caused many to worry that other protests could turn deadly! President Wright has yet to comment on the situation as his approval ratings reach an all time low of forty-three percent.-“ As I was listening,, Jackson came behind me and jolted me by slamming his hands on my shoulders, snapping me back to reality.
“Lieutenant! We got shit we gotta do, come on! We are on leave! We ain’t gotta worry about the country's politics until we get back to base!” He said as he pushed me towards the register. “Come on! I’m starving, let's get over to that diner of yours!”
The old lady rang up our drinks and said “lieutenant? Are you both soldiers?”
“Yes ma’am, We are paratroopers of the Seventeenth Airborne Division. We were just rotated back actually!”
“Oh come on lieutenant, she doesn’t care! Stop talking her ear off.” Jackson says.
She finishes ringing us up and Jackson pays as she says,
“Oh, no honey! I actually find it very important! In fact my husband was in Vietnam! Anyways thank you for your service! And have a blessed day!”
“You too!” I say in response as we leave the store.
As we got to my car I took a look at the price. “$186.73” for 30 gallons. “Jesus Christ! You see this shit?”
“Sh- fuck!” His eyes lit up in shock as he exclaimed. “Are you kidding me? That’s robbery, shit.” He says as he recoils a bit.
“Dude, if this is the case, I’d rather just pay for crack and run everywhere, I mean shit!” I say as I feel a bit of me die from that price.
“Man, I’ve got next gas up, don't worry. Anyways let’s get some lunch, I’m starving!” He says as he sits in my car.
I put the nozzle back as I grabbed the receipt.
As I sit in the car, I stare at that receipt. “Shit man, is this what everyone’s having to pay? Man, that is ridiculous.”
“I know, but what can you do? Here, screw getting something to eat right now, let’s get further down the road. Oh and one more thing.” Jackson said as he pulled a pack of Big Red gum out of his pocket.
“While most guys just smoke or drink, your weird ass had to like Cinnamon gum. I’ll never understand it.”
“Thanks! I completely forgot to get a pack.” I grab it and put it in the console.
After seeing the price of gas I felt sick to my stomach. So I ended up agreeing with him and began to drive back onto the highway. Another three hours passed as we talked and contemplated life. Eventually we saw another sign for yet another diner. “What do you think? I’m pretty hungry again.” I said looking at Jackson. He quickly agreed as I got into the lane to take the off ramp. As we went through the small town named “Oakleigh”. We continued through until we saw the large neon sign of the diner.
As we pulled up, we could see the sign on the diner. “Oakleigh Diner”, I said as I read the old neon sign. We both got out of the car and began to walk across the parking lot. As we walked through the door we were met with a quiet sight, a few booths had one or two people. All the while older waitresses and waiters move with vigor to take their orders. A man behind the bar at the center of the room looks at us and shouts “Welcome to Oakleigh Diner! Just a moment and someone will find you a seat!”
“Alright! No rush!” I said in response.
After a few moments a young waitress quickly came up and asked “Table or booth?”. As she looked at us.
“Booth please.” I said as she smiled at us and walked us to our table.
After we sat down I could get a good look at her. She was a young girl, in her early twenties, she was wearing a standard waitress dress. Her eyes were a silver-blue. Her hair was a dark brown. Her skin was porcelain white with freckles adorning her cheeks. “So, what can I get y’all to start?” She said as she looked at me. “I’ll take a- do you have sweet tea?”
“Sweetie, we are in the south, it wouldn’t be much of the south without sweet tea!” She said with a chuckle.
“Shit, I can’t disagree with that! I’ll take a sweet tea!”
“I’ll have a coke.” Jackson said.
“Alright! One sweet tea and one coke. I’ll be right back suga’.” As she walked away, it looked like she winked at me. Jackson must’ve seen it too because his eyes rose as he began to smile.
“Oh shit! Lieutenant! I think that cute waitress likes you!”
“You’re nuts! She’s just being nice.”
“Look either she has a thing for you, or she’s trying to get a bigger tip. And either way, she could be getting a “tip” if you know what I’m saying.” He begins to chuckle. “If you play your cards right, she might be getting two kinds of “tip” today!”
“Oh shut the fuck up jackson! You sound like Jasper, I have got to get you two away from each other.”
“Well, lieutenant, you could do that by taking the promotion! And bring me with you up to company!”
“Jackson, seriously I really don’t want the job. It was already bad enough over there just leading the platoon. Shit man, this war isn’t even close to ending and you want me to be in a position where I lead upwards of one hundred plus men? I don’t think I could handle that man.“
“Lieutenant! There is literally no one better for the job. Shit you basically led the company when push came to shove! Shit dude, yeah we lost people, but if you hadn’t rallied everyone, we’d all be dead! You need to-“
“Here are your drinks! Have you both figured out what you’d like to eat?” The waitress says as she looks at us smiling.
“Uh, sorry ma’am, we were just lost in discussion. We haven’t even taken a second to look.” I quickly pick up the menu to glance through. “What do you recommend?” I asked her.
“Oh! I absolutely love the BLT club! It is served with your choice of a side and chips! It’s always super filling.”
“Oh I don’t see that on here?” I say as I desperately try to navigate the menu. My mind clearly on the discussion prior.
“Oh here!” She took a seat next to me and began to look over the menu with me. “It’s right here!” She said as she pointed to the club sandwiches.
“Oh okay! And what about the sides?” I responded
“Oh, they are right- here!” She points to spot on the menu
All the while Jackson’s laughing. “What’s so funny?” I said in response.
“Oh nothing, just never seen someone get so close to a waitress to figure out an order.”
“Wait what are you-.” I turned my head to find the waitress right next to me. As her eyes met mine I saw her face light up a pure red as she quickly backed away. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to-“
“Oh no it’s completely fine! Don’t be-“
Jackson, now dying in his seat! “Jesus Christ lieutenant! You Acted so cool in a combat zone but one pretty girl and you can’t seem to keep your cool! Ha!”
“Will you shut the fuck up!” I said as I grit my teeth. I quickly turned to the waitress “I’m so sorry ms, I must’ve left his muzzle in the barracks! Usually he’s better trained.” Even though she was super flushed, she giggled at the joke.
“That’s quite alright, um, well, what would you like?”
“I think I will try that BLT, I’ll have French Fries as my side.”
“Alright! And what about you?”
“Well, how about for a start, would you be so kind as to tell us your name.” He says with a smile.
“Um! Right! Sorry, my name is Elizabeth! I’m sorry I should’ve said that sooner, I’m still getting used to this job.”
“That’s Fine, now Ms Elizabeth, Im Tyler and that hunk of a man across from me is Jason! It’s nice to formally meet you! And I think I’ll take an order of hot wings, I’ll have 20! And make sure you lather them in your hottest sauce! With a side of blue cheese!” Jackson says.
“Alright! Good choice! I’ll be right back with your orders! Oh! And it’s very Nice to formally meet both of you as well!” Elizabeth quickly moved away.
Jackson instantly started laughing. “Lieutenant, I swear to God! If you don’t get her number by the end of this, I’m gonna get it for you!”
“Damnit Jackson, chill out would you? I have too much on my mind to ask that girl out, besides we are four hours from base and six from my home! Shit we are knee deep in South Carolina right now. Besides, who knows if we will even get a full year to relax!”
“Lieutenant, just small talk with her. At least make a friend! Besides, you won’t have to deal with me much longer! Another hour and a half and I’ll be home!”
“Yeah, then I can finally get some peace and quiet!”
“Now that is just cold!” He retorts.
“Yeah, well it is what it is.”
“Alright that is it! What is going on with you?” Jackson looks at me with eyes piercing right to my soul.
“You heard me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Bullshit! Ever since we got back, you have been acting weird.”
“Look, it's nothing. I don’t want to get Into this right now.”
“Thane! You have been given so much because of what you have done! A promotion, recognition, and most of all the fuckin Medal of Honor! I heard Strand! I heard what he said about you not adding that shit in your AARs! Don’t you bullshit me! You did so much over there and I’m tired of you acting like you have the fucking plague! Why? Who the fuck crawled in your bed and died-“
“Half our fucking platoon! That’s who! Now shut the fuck up about it!” I cut Jackson off, slamming my fists on the table. “Half our friends are gone! Because of me! My orders! I made those calls! Fourth squad was wiped out. Half our platoon is gone! How can I just accept those things when I’m sitting on their fucking graves?” I said as I began to cry.
“Lieutenant, I understand, but you can’t hold yourself responsible. Look I’m gonna go to the bathroom, chill out a bit would you.” Jackson said as he got up.
A few minutes of silence should’ve done me some good, but all I could hear were the screams of my friends.
“Hey son, mind if I sit down for a second.” A grizzled voice said. I looked up to see an older man begin to sit down across from me. “Ya know, I couldn’t help but overhear the conversation you just had. I know it isn’t my place, but you shouldn’t blame yourself.”
“With all due respect sir, You wouldn’t understand.” I said as I rolled my eyes.
“Actually, I would more than most. One seventy third airborne, Foxtrot company, second platoon commander Jared Buchanan, at your service. Two tours Vietnam, one tour Iraq.” He said with a chuckle.
“What?” I looked up at him in disbelief.
“That’s right, Look son, I led plenty of men in my time. And I have lost my fair share of friends. But you know what I always had to remember.”
“What?” I said, a bit of tears on my face.
“Leadership isn’t easy, there is no right or wrong answer. Every choice you made, they were in the moment and you can’t go back and look at them critically. Now, that being said, you should always learn from them. But what I am saying is as a leader it is your job to make those very tough decisions. And as long as you know you had good intentions and did everything you could to keep your men safe and win. Then you made the right decision. Now son, did you do everything to keep them safe?”
“Of course I did.”
“Are there still men who depend on you?”
“Yes, there are.”
“Then you need to stay strong for them, and for yourself. Don’t cast a shadow where you already can’t see.”
I took a deep breath and calmed down. My mind was put at ease by his kind words. “Thank you. Truly, thank you. It’ll take some time, but I think I got it.”
“You’ll be alright son. Trust me. I had some rough patches too, but you’ll overcome them.” The old man got up and put his hand on my shoulder, “Have a nice day, son.” He walked back over to his bar stool and sat down.
“Here is your BLT! And your friend's food!” She sets down the plates and begins to leave.
“Damn! That looks amazing!” Says Jackson as he sits down.
We began eating and as soon as I took a bite it was heaven! I’ve never had a better sandwich in my life! Eventually Elizabeth came back around to our booth.
“Hey! How was everything?”
“Oh it was great. Just then my phone lit up, showing my screen saver. My screen saver was of war hammer 40000, specifically an artwork of Cadian guardsman holding off orks.
“Oh wow! That’s an amazing picture! Where did you get it? Oh, yeah it’s just warhammer.”
“I know! Personally I’m a huge fan of The Death Korps of Krieg! I love their stories!”
“Wait, you like warhammer?”
“Like? No, no, no, I love warhammer! I’d give anything to be a sister of battle! Actually, here, take a look at this!” She sat down next to me and pulled her phone out. She scrolled through her pictures and showed me a picture of her in full cosplay of a Sister of Battle, then a picture of her as a Kriegsman.
“You have no idea how much I love the lore!”
“Let’s see if that’s true! What do you think about the star child prophecy?” I said, as soon as the words left my mouth her eyes lit up to the size of dinner plates.
We must’ve talked for what seemed like hours. We talked about warhammer, what we do as jobs, my deployment, and where I was going! Until she finally said “oh god my shift ended three hours ago!” I quickly looked down at my watch and realized four more hours had passed. “Holy shit jackson! -``Just then I realized Jackson was asleep. I kicked him to jolt him awake,
“Wake up you damn fool!”
“Huh! What? Oh shit what time is it?“
“Dude it’s sixteen hundred!”
“What? How in the hell? Holy shit did you and the waitress talk that long?”
“Sorry, That’s my fault.” She said as she began to get back up.
“Oh no that’s great! Man he never talks to women so this really did him some good. Anyways, how much do I owe you, I promised I’d pay.”
“Oh! That’s right! I originally came over here to let you know that the owner said you don’t owe anything! It’s on the house! Something about helping fellow soldiers.”
“Wait, seriously?” I said as I got up.
“Yep! He also said to come back soon and chat with him again!”
“Wait what?” Jackson seemed confused again.
“Oh, when you went to the bathroom, I sat here, an older guy walked over and I chatted with him for awhile.” I said while scratching my head.
“Well shit, works for me! Come on, let's get out of here.” Jackson said getting out of his seat.
“Yeah sure, wait! Hey! Elizabeth! Here!” I pulled fifty dollars cash out of my pocket and gave it to her. “Here is a tip for holding you up so long.”
She looked shocked and graciously accepted it.
Jackson and I walked out the door and headed down to my car.
“I cannot believe you didn’t get her number, you big pussy!”
“Oh shut up Jackson.”
“You know, if you keep saying that, I’m gonna write it all over your gear!”
“Fucking bet!” I retorted.
As I opened my car door I heard from the distance “Hey wait!” Both Jackson and myself turn our heads to find Elizabeth rushing to us. She stops just before my car completely out of breath. “S-sorry. It’s just- I- here!” She pushed her hand out towards me with a folded slip of paper. I grabbed the piece of paper as she said “Have a nice trip and please stop in on your way back! Be safe!” As quickly as she rushed out she rushed back in. As I sat down in my car I began to open the paper. It said “Can’t wait to talk to you again!” With her number on the slip.
“Ha! I told you she had a thing for you!” Jackson said while laughing.
“Shut the fuck up Jackson.” I said one last time before starting the car and grabbing a piece of the big red gum.
- In Serial48 Chapters
Seeking the Pinnacle
Gong Lu was the perfect prodigy. Born into the position of Crown Prince, he was able to speak fluently at two, and read the works of great scholars with comprehension at eight. At sixteen, his father died and Gong Lu conquered the three provinces soon after. He could concoct plots that spanned countries, and scheme the scales off a dragon. But below the surface, he was in agony. Gong Lu could not live the life he had to with happiness, and deep down, the genius regretted his intelligence. He detested the fact that he could scheme and trick, abhorred the ruthlessness that came with power. And so, he died with regrets. Despite unifying the world under one flag, despite mitigating discrimination, poverty, and dissent, despite crushing all conspiracies under his unfathomable mind, Gong Lu's last words were: "If I could start again..." And so he did. Gong Lu swore that in this life, that he would not scheme or fool. They said that tricks were useless before absolute power. And this was what he wanted. This was what he would achieve. Release schedule: One chapter every Thursday and Sunday, will likely post chapters late in the day.
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Anthony had been looking forward to playing the hottest new virtual reality game. When he put the VR helmet on he was met with a prompt asking him if he wanted to take a test to become a swarm knight. Thinking that this was one of the classes in the game he accepted. Instead of finding himself in the game, Anthony found that he was transported to a different planet. A planet where he would learn the greater truth of the universe. Everything was based on magic in the universe. Except that magic was based on nanorobots, called the swarm, that had been created through highly advanced technology. Genetics determined the access level and the amount of control that someone could wield over the swarm, and therefore their status in this society. Long ago Earth had been cutoff from the swarm. Now that it had been rediscovered, Earth would be reintegrated into the swarm. Unfortunately when that happened all the current technology on Earth would fail and be replaced with the ability to use magic. In effect, it would be the system apocalypse. As someone able to control the swarm, Anthony found himself in the unique position to influence how Earth was reintegrated into the swarm. Perhaps he could change things enough to save most of the people on Earth. But first he would have to learn how to control the swarm and become one of the leaders in the society he found himself in. Warning: If this fiction was a movie I'd rate it somewhere between PG-13 and R for occasional scenes of violence, gore, and nudity.
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Bleach Chat.
This is a fanfiction about the all of the bleach characters having a group chat of their own. I suck at titles , so no titles for the parts. It's just a chat room XD unless I find a good title for a part. Maybe I can use numbers 'till then.Yeah. Hope you enjoy~!Disclaimer : I own nothing but this fic!
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