《The Rise of a Necromancer》Chapter 3
“I fell from grace many years before you lot met me, from an evil witch whose magic touched the very essence of life itself. It was almost enchanting if it hadn’t been truly horrifying, the worst thing about blood magic though… They can get into your head, anywhere blood flows in that meatsack of yours pretty much belongs to her the moment you get anywhere close. And that bitch has had 300 years to perfect that shit, this fight is lost the moment she gets in range.” - Captain Alistar, 14th Red Guards Brigade, Battle of Vael’Duun 1746
1509.03.39 S’vesstar, Saister
It was far past midday, though Sally and Barton had left much sooner the day before. Kelly insisted on staying in town so that by the time they attacked the slaver camp it would be nightfall. Kelly was finished putting on her chainmail and sharpening her sword, the blade itself was jet black and had a strange bone hilt. Tamika had a traditional Soecean garb underneath her strangely plated armour, a series of hardened studded leather plates that allowed for fast mobile movement. The cloth under the plates, using its flowing and yet intentionally baggy design. The plates overlapped where possible without restricting the Iron Warden’s movements in battle. Jatar’s own armour sparkling in the sun, his equipment was well repaired, polished and geared for victory. Ivallinna had on her own black leathers, though it was enchanted with magic to blend in with shadows in the sunlight it seems to almost absorb light. Barely able to make out fine details in the armour itself though the rough outline of darkness helped in being able to tell where the elusive elf might be. As Nico and Oakarn walked in their own travelling clothes. Oakarn had found and lent Nico one of his much older travelling clothes from when he was much thinner and younger, though the necessities were all there with proper pouches for components and wards.
Nico made sure to keep a pocket empty for anything he might gather while the group was out defeating wherever the slaver camp might be. Ada was also dressed in older attire from a time when she was much younger, though the clothes themselves fit basically the same it certainly looked like a much more northern style of dress. Light furs adorning small pauldrons and she carried her own weapon which Nico hadn’t seen before. She’d grabbed it last minute when they’d left the house this morning, she called it a crescent axe. The Ancient Dwarves and Humans in the continent of Ashok had used them, a handle made into a light blade which were also used as a sort of hilt. They made it easy to punch without much danger to the user though with blades that close to ones fingers there was always the issue with hurting oneself. Ada said they were always made as a pair, she’d spent the better part of a decade apparently trying to find the other one. There was a single wagon that carried the groups food and other supplies they couldn’t otherwise carry. Excess rope, tents, fabric, bedrolls, extra weapons, armour pieces, and even a few shields hung from the sides of the wagon. A single horse black and white splotches covering the creature with brand new horseshoes and the determination of five such beasts. The proud hooved animal seemed to love pulling along this cart though to be truthful it was probably more due to Ivalinna feeding the brilliant thing it's favourite foods of berries and carrots. Truly everyone was in high morale. Suddenly the forest scents tangled with the raw smell of a beast of burden.
“Oh my,” Ada gagged as she spoke. “That's quite foul.”
“You’ve been feeding her too many carrots.” Kelly sighed, just then Rotkar broke through the brush. Small lacerations covered the half-orc’s torso, desperately he ran to the cart to grab a spare waterskin and proceeded to pour its contents upon himself then collapsing. Anxiety began to strike Nico.
“I- “ Rotkar began, then nodded grimly as he caught his breath. “I found their dogs.”
Silence fell the rest of the caravan, though they kept moving.
“Good job,” Kelly knew what that meant. Slavers often kept as many dogs as they could and fed them meat often so they’d have a taste for flesh. Rotkar wasn’t covered in blood either which meant he’d probably caught the creatures off guard.
“Had to choke the poor things,” Rotkar wept. “I hate killing dogs, it wasn't their fault they were here.”
“Unfortunately Rakavarian bloodhounds have some of the best noses in the country so leaving them alive would’ve been a problem.” Kelly’s voice cast a cold feeling that the late morning sun couldn’t quite warm.
“We couldn’t just put them to sleep?” Nico asked though it sounded more cold, killing dogs isn’t something heroes do.
“It's okay Nico,” Oakarn said in a heavy voice. “Their sacrifice saves the lives of many people to live lives not bound by slavery.”
“They are usually starved too,” Ada added “those poor creatures were going to live terrible lives anyways.”
“Couldn’t we have saved them too?” Nico accused.
“We have a small enough window to do this all,” Rotkar spoke up “I don’t excuse my actions for what I did but it's more important to get the people out first and leaving the dogs to live chances one of them going back home to its masters.”
“Did you find the houndmaster too?” Ivalinna inquired.
“Yes.” Rotkar answered with grim satisfaction “Made sure he suffered for his crimes too.”
“Good,” Kelly stated “A few more hours of travel and we’ll call for camp, then we can start scouting the main encampment.”
“I’ll keep an eye out for dogs just in case,” Oakarn replied and seemingly without much prompting his black cat to appear on his shoulders from the hood of his cloak. Then the creature began to mutate and reform, its paws receding into its body in silence and growing two brilliant black wings. The fur of its face started to melt away somewhat and reform into a beak, similarly its back paw’s fur moulted and fell away too. Though the creature didn’t seem to be in pain the transformation was quite sudden and violent.
“Okay Rider I need you to look out for patrols in the trees and fly back to me the moment you see anything.” Oakarn explained as he held out his arm the newly formed crow hopped to place on his arm, gave its master a knowing nod, and flew off. Oakarn then turned to Nico.
“Nico, I need you to summon a familiar when we get to camp.” Oakarn stated. “I’ll need you to find a small animal you can bind to yourself too. Just make sure to choose one that comes to you, or at least is friendly. Binding an animal hostile to you is a sure way to get yourself killed. Damned things live as long as you do.”
Oakarn chuckled deeply alongside his words. Their lives around the village certainly weren’t always lazy, even children were expected to help around and help keep things running. Living in such a community where things were scarce apart from what your location created often created a good number of merchants that would come through and pick up excess and drop off what goods they’d bought. Oakarn rummaged through his things for a moment as the wagon continued along its merry way. He then found a bit of talon, small bones, a rats tail and finally a variety of furs from what appeared to be from many different mammals.
“So first things first,” Oakarn stated as he prepared the materials making sure they match up certain furs to each different kind of bone, the tail at the end and finally a feather where the creature's head should be. “What is their name?”
“Sal I think” Nico thought. “After Sally because I am going to miss her terribly.”
“The girl?” Jatar gave an incredulous stare as the words fell from his mouth. “Wouldn’t you prefer something more thought provoking?”
“Sal is a great name for a first familiar,” Oakarn answered then glared at Jatar “These things are tied to your life force so be wary when sending them out, if they die you’ll suffer too but its a similar injury as a result. So be careful Nico.”
“Now I need you to focus on what you want your familiar main form is,” Oakarn spoke, sat and Nico followed suit. As the Master and his apprentice’s hands passed over the bones, furs, the tail and the feather the creature began to take shape. Nico couldn’t stop thinking about the ravens and their imposing figures, the massive black feathered creatures and their terrible visage. From where there was fur there were feathers, first white then turned to inky black yet reflective plume. Then a solid black and red eye took shape as the beak formed from various parts of fur and bones. The tail sprouted feathers rather than fur and the looseness of its former form became rigid to perform the necessary functions that a bird needs to bank and turn. The creature gave a sharp caw as the two mages finished their work.
“Sal?” Nico asked, and the raven responded immediately.
Yes master?
“I need you to help Rider scout out if you would” Nico commanded though his confidence wavered a bit.
Of course master!
Sal then took flight, their wings pushing itself up effortlessly and the raven flew into and beyond the tree canopy above them disappearing.
“Well that was unsettling,” Jatar shivered.
“And very impressive,” Kelly added.
“Truly a great choice for a familiar but I worry something may be on your mind my young student,” Oakarn sighed heavily then patted Nico on the back softly.
“I worry about the slavers,” Nico shook his head “It just feels like this is all too-”
“The info is good kiddo,” Assured Kelly. “Plus I need this ol’ sack of magic alive for some other things afterwards anyways, hence why we are putting you in the university.”
“My blade thirsts for their sullied and sinful blood,” Jatar growled.
“Settle Jatar, we’ll be putting ourselves to work soon enough.” Tamika comforted though both Ada and Nico began to worry at the company they were keeping.
“You guys gotta stop creeping the new folks out,” Rotkar snarled then looked to Ada with a sheepish grin. “These folks come from a different culture so sometimes the translation comes out rough, like real rough.”
“I apologise if I have startled any of you, my god's desire the blood of truest of evildoers,” Jatar said with a curt bow. “They deserve the terrible fate that my sword will inflict on them.”
“Not only that but they are proven loyal to not just gold and that's an especially rare trait to have in these folks.” Kelly grinned “Plus we get to keep the other military loot we find with a great bounty for slavers to the north of here.”
“Plus we get to stick it to those disgusting and righteous elves.” Rotkar’s words rang hollowly, almost echoing into the small clearing that had begun to see light to exit out of the forest.
“Kelly, we should set camp here,” Oakarn said, his eyes going white for a moment. “Rider has spotted them, they're closer than I’d like them to be.”
I have also found some master. Do you want to see?
Yes? Nico thought, hoping his companion could hear his mind.
I can barely hear you, but I’ll take that as a yes.
Nico’s eyes went black as well though his body wasn’t as used to being disconnected from his sight so he immediately fell over surprising everyone. Now Nico could see what Oakarn was talking about, the slaver camp was much larger than what any of them thought. More a military encampment with Palisades, regular patrols and where it seemed to almost be hidden lookouts at the tops of the trees. Currently the only thing stopping them from seeing the caravan was a few miles of trees and a few hills which broke the line of sight rather efficiently. The Slavers themselves dressed in light ribbon plates that covered the main torso which was made of some kind of brilliant white blue steel. Chainmail of the same make seemed to cover what appeared to be archers with barbed arrows.
“We need to go back another half mile north of here and we should be okay,” Nico said they’d had situated him more upright as the rest of the group tried to pack to camp.
“We can’t get the wagon through the trees.” Kelly argued.
“Then we leave the wagons and just use the horses and move a half mile north,” Ada shot back. “It's not magic, then we booby trap the wagon to kill some of these bastards, how far are they away Nico?”
“Three miles south east with some hills making us hidden for now but they must have patrols that go out this far at some point that base is huge.”
“It appears our info is both good and bad,” Oakarn shook his head to ground himself to his body once more. “Someone splash Nico when he’s had enough, I don’t think he knows quite how to come back to us yet. Just say when you’ve had enough lad”
What Nico continued to soar above and spy further and what was there finally sunk in. There was a wooden keep with a first section of palisades, nailed to the keeps outer and inner walls appeared to be many failed adventurers and escaped slaves.-- It was quite obvious what these people thought of non elves. A second ring of wooden buildings, fenced in areas with crowded people living together. The third a final lower ring seemed to be a kind of processing center with many normal residences appearing to populated outside of this area. Similar to how a normal military fort might have a small village in common, this was a macabre counterpart to such. Though the place didn’t seem to be as populated as he once thought.
“I think I know why Kelly wants to hit here.” Nico said grimly “I want back please.”
Suddenly a splash of cold water shocked Nico back, his nose was bleeding slightly he must’ve fallen on his face.
“I think the kid gets it.” Kelly nodded her info was actually pretty good after all.
“The place is barely populated, it's got a ton of dead and living slaves but there aren’t very many actual warriors here maybe twenty all said and done.” Nico smiled. It was good to be able to help out.
“Rider hasn’t found many people either but we must keep our wits about us,” Oakarn reprimanded back. “The most important thing is we get this done and send a message.”
“You’re right this is where we should split.” Kelly’s word cutting to the point. Just then Jatar grabbed a bundle of javelins, Tamika a shortbow, Kelly a longbow and Rotkar grabbed a good number of small axes almost the size of hatchets. Oakarn meditated for the fighting ahead while Ivallinna began to rummage through her own things she picked up a single dagger with a black ribbon attached.
“Only one?” Nico asked his mind wondering what abilities this dagger might have.
“I have two but I’ve never really needed to use the second one against people.” Ivallinna explained. “That’s the thing wi-”
A bellowing horn ripped through everyone’s thoughts, despite the fact they were trying to hide their presence it looked like they might’ve been caught before things could get started. Oakarn leapt to his feet and immediately started casting, Nico had never seen the old man move so fast before.
Valusa Illia Vas
As the last phrase was spoken the material in Oakarns hands began to disappear, not only the material but now his hands as well. Then they all disappeared quite suddenly and then there was silence and the movement of bushes as people ran through them. Nico picked up the pace shortly thereafter. After a few moments of running, sweating and hoping to not be caught, Nico had never felt this kind of feeling before. So many thoughts were going through his head while his body took over running. What felt like forever the running had finally stopped, Nico only stopped when he saw his compatriots were no longer invisible. Kelly quickly waved him over as the remainder of the group gathered in low around the thick trees and underbrush. Silence fell as everyone continued their own paranoid and frantic scanning of the woods surrounding them. There was nothing, some shouting in the clearing in the clearing itself but that was about it. Then suddenly there was a deafening crack that broke the sound barrier, bright light cast long shadows through the treeline.
Juest Flareus
Three white hot streaks of light pierce the dark of the forest slamming into one of the slavers in the clearing. Following those streaks were two arrows hitting two other elves. The slavers tried to fight back, having drawn their own bows they shoot back into the woods hopelessly striking against trees seemingly not finding their mark. Rotkar suddenly appeared out of nowhere, swinging a small axe and a longsword; he pierced one slaver with the sword and taking him by surprise. Rotkar threw his axe at the last fleeing slaver, the axe seemingly appeared with a thunk in the elf’s lower back. You could hear the slaver sob as Rotkar dragged him back, the remaining people in the party began to return to opacity.
“I guess we have an inside man!” Rotkar grinned evilly, his axe still stuck in the man.
“Shouldn’t be an issue,” Kelly also had a smile on her face but what Nico saw next disturbed him. Kelly touched the elven man’s temple and the slaver’s body twitched unnaturally. She then spoke in foreign honeyed words, whatever she asked the slaver answered back in the same language but his words were sweaty and desperate. The slaver then died with a snap of her fingers.
“That's new,” Oakarn looked at Kelly quizzically.
“Like it?” Kelly sighed deeply, she gave Oakarn a look Nico couldn’t quite see, she then turned on her heel and walked into the opposite tree line. It looked as though the plan was still on.
“Okay,” Oakarn closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Rotkar, Ada and Nico I need you to help set up camp. Ivalina, Tamika, Jatar, Kelly and I are going to ransack that camp now.”
The three remaining started to clear out some brush in where they had previously hid, they set up what tents they had. Rotkar began working on makeshift shelters for the remainder of the party. Nico walked over to join him and Ada kept look out.
“Hey kid,” Rotkar acknowledged the boy. “Just a few more than I can take over to look out.”
“I was actually wondering if I could help set some of these up.” Nico asked, Rotkar gave him a look over.
“It might take me long-” The orcish man began.
“I need to learn these skills in case of emergency,” Nico quickly cut him off, he didn’t want to interrupt but he doubted he was going to learn by just watching.
“Alright, alright.” Rotkar growled. “I’ll show you how to make a leanto boy and then you’ll let me finish my work.”
“Okay,” Nico gave Rotkar a nod.
“So you take two sticks first and you tie the ends together leaving about this much on either stick.” Rotkar showed Nico, the two branches were then tied there with tight knot.
“Then you make two more of those, keep them about the same size.” Rotkar then grabbed a much longer branch and more rope.
“Alright then you lay this branch across them all, by spacing them out at the ends with this one to support the middle.” Rotkar’s tone had an air of finality to it. “Then you tie small branches to the top branch for a kind of roof.”
Nico fell silent as he started to work on his own shelter, then Rotkar started talking again.
“I like where you grew up Nico,” Rotkar broke the silence.
“Yeah?” Nico replied.
“My home is called the Dragontooth mountains, my people constantly harassed by the imperials to the east.” Rotkar reminissed “I grew up in the village of Tao Yang which was located between the mountains and the coast. That is where I learned a very painful lesson.”
“What lesson is that?” Nico queried.
“That nothing lasts Nico,” Rotkar grabbed the boy’s shoulder and made him look him in the eyes. “All things perish and die. Those imperials took my home, my parents were killed and those that weren’t killed were taken. They looked at the world we lived in and turned it to ash. These elves are very similar that way-”
“But aren’t we ridding the region of slavers?” Nico asked, reacting to the half-orc’s grim inflection.
“There are many camps that I am sure we don’t know about,” Rotkar scowled into the darkness of the forest. “This just happens to be a more popular one.”
“So what can we do?” Nico felt a pang of anxiety fill his body as he managed to finish his leanto.
“Learn what you can youngling,” Rotkar finished the second shelter. He then hung some small bags over the tents. “Life has a way of making lives like ours hard.”
They spent the finishing touches on their new home for the night, in the distance they could hear cracks of thunder in the air. Nico never knew Oakarn had so much strong magic at his disposal, and he felt as though he didn’t know the old man as well as he thought. Ada then came back and there were tents and bedrolls, a multitude of branches, fabric, and rope decorated the coverings and made sure that rain would be kept out if it came down to it. They could all hear them fighting, it seems like the escape turned into a full revolt. Shouts and screams could be heard throughout the hillside and forest almost haunting in how some were cut short with eerie silence.
“They’ll be okay.” Rotkar smiled and tried his best to be cheerful. He started humming some tunes that Nico couldn’t hear quite clearly as Rotkar took his post as a look out.
“I worry for you my son.” Ada’s eyes looked shocked and panicked, her tone strained with worry.
“I think the village is in more danger than we thought mum.” Nico spoke solemnly.
“We need to defend the people that live there,” Ada retorted. “The elves have no right to impose such disgusting acts.”
Rotkar snorts. “I think it's funny that you even give them that much compassion.”
Ada snorted and then laughed despite the growing excitement in the air. The invisible energy making the hairs stand up on their necks, almost electrical in nature. Rotkar smiled at her as well and they stared silently at each other for a moment.
“Know that our troop is staying behind to protect the villages out here,” Rotkar spoke, his words martyred with intent.
“Our people are stubborn,” Ada retorted with a smile. “We are stronger than you know, we live out here after all.”
Several cracks punctured the sound barrier and all three of them saw many white flashes in the distance. A momentary calm before a shockwave of air sent dust and debris through the camp. If they had a fire it would’ve been blown apart rather easily though the leantos did not hold much better.
“So much for making camp,” Rotkar grumbled sarcastically, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any new movement. Nico’s eyes stung with the dust being kicked up by the force of that blast. Ada nocked an arrow and silently returned as the distant crackles of magic seemingly ebbing their last flashes. Nico didn’t really know what to do at this moment, his crossbow somewhere around here but the shockwave kicked it out of his hands.
“Don’t shoot these ones,” Rotkar hissed, “they are the captured folk.”
“Where are the slavers?” Ada whispered back, the forest was full of scared bruised and bloodied people. Lacerations, welts, and cuts were clearly visible in spite of the dust and late afternoon darkness. Rotkar took a white bleached and cracked driftwood horn, he then in quick succession put his lips to the horn and instead of sound coming out there was a swirling white blue mist. The mist itself seemingly cast new light into the small camp clearing, shapes now moving amongst stretched shadows. Nico noted the seemingly astral nature of the shapes while mist swirled around the survivors, they started to gain energy and hastened their pace. People, though they were humans and half elves mostly, still with fear in their eyes and in their hearts as they fled through the mists. Then just as soon as they had arrived, the remaining survivors disappearing to the other side of the forest behind them. Now all that was left of the stampede was the tracks themselves. Rotkar waited a few heartbeats before stepping out into the clearing, the sounds of magical combat could be heard in the dusty forest beyond them.
We are making our way back, Oakarn’s voice echoed in the back of Nico’s head. It was mildly disorienting but Nico knew now to let the others know it was time to leave.
“We should catch up with those people,” Rotkar ordered, catching Nico off guard.
“They are headed back though, shouldn't we wait for them?” Nico thought out loud.
“They know to follow,” Rotkar said back, his voice stern with the time wasted on such a question. Ada followed Rotkar back the way they initially came. Nico trailed behind, he didn’t know the spell his mentor used to talk to him just now. He was frustrated he wasn’t able to let the others know they were leaving. Nico nodded and followed as well though guilt panged in his chest nonetheless.
The mist around them seemed to invigorate those that it surrounded, Nico himself felt his tired and sore feet quicken naturally with the stiffness taken away. Nico felt strangely positive in spite of the bloodied people around them now. They had been running for a few minutes in the bush before slowing to a rough walk. Here the thicket and undergrowth had gotten out of control, Rotkar seemed to be able to push but Nico had never walked this long in his life,. They’d started their day with a 6 mile trek to the camp and yet here he was trudging along with a manageable pace still. Rotkar’s magic mists were wearing out now. Rotkar finally stopped into a small glad with a river cutting through it and curving back into the forest before them. Rotkar got started building something and motioned for Nico to walk over to him.
“Come boy,” Rotkar stated flatly, Nico could tell he had worked up a sweat but had so much energy seemingly. Nico’s legs carried him over, their psychic protests going unabated, he still felt very awake even though his body was complained otherwise. Rotkar needed help building some kind of gate. Nico stood there confused as Rotkar passed him a large branch.
“Why do we need a doorway in the middle of nowhere?” Nico dazily asked. Rotkar said nothing as time was of the essence.
“Our getaway kid,” Rotkar growled, his hand full of twine and another branch tying this branch end where the other branch started. Nico with the now unified pieces that made a makeshift arch, and then he held firm. Rotkar with a flash produced a hatchet from his pack and got to work creating sharpened wedges on each branch end and began to hammer the makeshift arch into place.
“They are almost here,” Rotkar seemingly responded to some unheard or unseen prompt. Though it was dusk, once the dust had settled more Nico could see their new guests. About a baker’s dozen of them, thirteen new faces caked in mud and various other fluids, mostly blood. One spoke up, a half orcish woman with wounds and old scars though couldn’t have been much older then Nico truthfully.
“The old man said they had a way out of here,” She spoke sharply. “Why are we stopping?”
Rotkar hung a set of chimes from the arch, they looked like someone had bore out a rods of iron with polish black metal adorning the bottom. They looked crude and jagged in design.
“He is our way out,” Rotkar grimly stated then strummed a finger across the chimes and a gastly sound left the clanging pieces of metal as they rang their terrible song together. Another similar sound rang back from the forest, soon there were shouts. The fear of being hunted caused the formerly captivated people to stir once more. The sounds of the chimes didn’t seem to quiet but instead amplified as it reached them then finally made a loud feedback noise followed by Oakarn hurling himself through the woods and spoke the phrase.
Haos Votra Intreme
A black wad of what looked like stars trapped inside of a bubble of black blueish tar left the old mans hand and carried itself aloft to the makeshift archway. Black blue fire erupted from the gate as the image of a desolate cliff edge made of black and grey rock. A white sun sat in the distance of this barren world Nico now understood was where they were going too. Oakarn then made no hesitation to make a break for this horrific portculos.
“Fucking move!” Oakarn boomed. “They aren’t far off!”
The orcish teen looked to man and back to the portal, whatever trust Oskarn had earned here was being tested. Then she bolted, one of the other orcs tried to grab her but didn’t manage to grab hold. Kelly came out of the bush next with Ivalina not far behind, the dark elf loosing three arrows in the forest before them before quickly running towards the newly formed portal. The lack of hesitation seemed to inspire the remaining detractors as it seemed a mob of people were to be pushed through the small archway. Rotkar grabbed Nico and pushed him into the portal as everyone started approaching, it seemed Ada too was along for the ride as she chased the mob in. Nico knew it was cold wherever they were but he couldn’t tear his eyes off where they were coming from. Arrow flew from the forest now following as Jatar struck those that followed.
Some found their marks and Nico realised they had ropes attached to some of the arrows as one of the people was dragged off into the forest. Others in black and gold armour strode pridefully towards the remaining throng of people as Jatar attempted to hold off the two new assailants before the portal was closed. Those that remained of their number on a soot-covered cliff edge and a white sun were sixteen souls that managed to survive the chase. Nico noted that there was a different kind of quiet here, as he scanned around the group he released there were two directions to go now. If the sun’s position could be trusted then Northwest or East were them, a voice in advertently sounding too loud from the exempted life that surrounded the group.
“So now what?” The apparent leader of the newly rescued spoke.
“We go this way,” Oakarn responded as if that answered the real question lurking underneath.
“I think she means that this might now have been part of the original plan,” Nico stated their voices seemed to be the only audio around them, this desolate place did not any of the sounds of life usual to where they were from. Birds, people and otherwise must’ve not been here in many many millennia. In the distance there was a seven pointed star shaped fort that was an eviscerated shell of its former self with haphazardly scattering of skeletons. Crash into the broken fort there were large bones of what appeared to be a dragon. Strange large black birds swirled overhead the ruined building, Oakarn finally spoke.
“Enough gawking at the fort there has been a change of plans,” Oakarn spoke lowly causing the group to more naturally huddle in. “We need to be quick and quiet while we are here, very few people know how to travel the plane but while we are here it will be like no time will have passed.”
There was stillness here now that Nico thought of it, in spite of the movement above them. The air itself felt hollow and dead, barely clinging to what life the land could offer here though no one in the party could see where exactly that emanated from. Around the eastern edge of the cliff the surface they were walking on was slowly shrinking until the path ended. The was about a ten foot by eight foot area though the path previous was wider there was an apparent need to be specifically here.
Loca Terra Vous
The blacken stone wall in front of them fell away to a newly formed cave entrance, darkness shrouding the seemingly available interior. Oakarn started to guide them in….
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Kage System
[System Initializing] [Updating...] [Looking for a suitable candidate] [Candidate found! Candidate found] [System Overhaul!] [Integrating System] [Integrating System Status: 1%] [Integrating System Status: 2%] [Integrating Fail!] [Restarting] [Initializing Integration Program] [Integrating System Status: 4%] [Integrating System Status: 12%] ... [Integrating System Status: 98%] [Integrating System Status: 100%] [System Integration Completed!] [System is now barely functional] [Host can now use the System!] [Congratulation! The host receive 1x Beginner's Box Random System! ] Zheng woke up by the continual noise of the voice. "Huh? what is this System thing?" *****************Special Announcements***************** Schedule Release: Probably 2 or more chapters per week. Question #1: Why so little chapters?Answer #1: I only have 2-3 hours worth of writing time per day. Question #2: Will you drop this novel?Answer #2: Of course NOT. Not to my knowledge. Question #3: Your grammar sucks! Why?Answer #3: English is my third language meaning, I'm not a native English speaker. If you want, you can help me edit my mistakes. :D (free of course) I'm happy to hear your thoughts so leave some comments and let me know what you think. Thanks for reading, I see you around. ***************************************
8 133 - In Serial8 Chapters
How to Break an Evil Curse
Curse is a fairytale-flavored fantasy that challenges its characters to step outside their comfort zone and defy their archetypal roles. It centers on the life of Princess Julianna. She may be cursed to live in darkness, but she’s no damsel in distress. Tired of living in a dungeon with her criminally-minded ghost friends, she risks sunburn, social-awkwardness, and revolutionaries to save herself from the monotony of boring princess stereotypes. Our intrepid and intelligent heroine sallies forth into a world of hyper-masculine pirates, sensitive-dude types, travelling theater troupes, asparagus, secret tunnels, banjos, concussions, outlaws, revolutionaries, magic, women’s rights crusaders, curses, and difficult life choices. Faced with the realities outside her castle walls, Julianna begins to suspect that the real world is far more complicated than the black-and-white fairy tale she and her family occupied.
8 132 - In Serial12 Chapters
Rhapsody of Fate and Origin
Why the hell am I even here? I just want to go back home... Victor Proel is an ordinary high school student with a not so ordinary power. He can see emotions. Not as helpful as X-Ray, not as cool as laser vision, if not useless than what else is it? That's not all either, his father is a cult leader and forces him to attend the meetings. Growing up and attending lectures filled with childish fantasies and regretful middle-aged men, it's a miracle that he got into Setro Academy at all. Fate leads the willing and drags along the unwilling, and Victor is the prime example of the unwilling. On the day deciding his future at the prestigious Setro Academy, the sky changes and Victor and the rest of his club are thrown into another world. Soras is a place where mythical monsters and magic exist, a world where danger is hidden in every step one takes. Gods and demons run rampant, and only fate decides if one can live the next moment. In a life spent watching others be happy, Victor wonders if he'll ever be happy as well. Or if he'll even live long enough to do anything worth being happy about... This is a lit-RPG.
8 125 - In Serial21 Chapters
GCSE Descriptive Writing
🚨 PIECES THAT GOT ME AN A*🚨 This is a compilation of descriptive pieces that I wrote during my GCSE course, including loads of great tips for creative writing. Maybe you won't enjoy reading these pieces as much as I enjoyed writing them. But if you're here to get inspiration for creative writing in GCSEs, I'm telling you now that these pieces got me grade 9s. Feel free to steal a metaphor or two and point out any mistakes.Please vote :)
8 50