《Activation》Chapter 12
Chapter 12:
Will was parked in his car a few miles from his house, musing over the fact that living where he did made it really easy to drive for a short time and wind up in the middle of nowhere, Nevada. The meeting between Will, his friends, and the Sil/Artie duo had wrapped up a few hours ago, and he was quickly coming to grips with what his immediate future might hold.
He was positive he didn’t have the whole picture from Sil, yet. He was equally positive he would need some time to digest the virtual firehose of information he had already received. His entire perspective would need to adjust to the new worldview he’d been slapped with.
There was one absolute truth he had learned from the political situations around the world over the last several years. That truth being there is a limit to the amount of information you can take in before things start to get lost entirely. After all, media pundits and political figures the world over used the tactic of drowning people in nonsense every day to get away with lying and making shit up.
Will became amused as he realized his thoughts had started to fall down that tangential rabbit hole. He figured at least his hyperactive thought process hadn’t changed, regardless of the massive shift everything else had gone through. He took a small measure of comfort from that constant factor in his life.
That exact trait made him realize that he would need to start by doing his best to focus on his immediate future. So, first, he would find out if it was safe for him to go to work the next day. Practicality demanded he maintain a steady income, after all.
Something told him his landlord might not react well if he started telling the property management company about not being able to pay rent because of the alien technology running rampant in his body. Though, he did figure there was a chance they might get entirely the wrong idea.
After figuring out if he was going to work, he could talk to his friends to make sure they were dealing with everything, well enough. He planned to include them in any decisions he made, feeling like he owed them that and more.
He also needed to give them the chance to get to safety before any dangerous shit started to hit the fan, so to speak. He didn’t believe they would go anywhere, as loyalty was one of the cores of their friendship. Dragging them into potential danger like this, without explicit consent was absolutely not an option, however.
With plans for his immediate future made, he decided it was time to go back home. Parking his car on the street like normal, he saw the garage was still open. He didn’t see the metal Cube anymore, but knew after their entrance that that didn’t necessarily mean anything.
Walking over near the wall, he poked at the area where the box had been. Reaching out and not encountering any resistance, he realized the duo must have left. From there, he figured his best bet was to ask his friends about them, so he walked into the house.
Immediately inside the door from the garage, a delicious smell engulfed his senses. Continuing into the kitchen, he spotted Jake using the electric grill next to the stove, and remarked, “That smells great. Is there enough for me, or should I figure something else out?”
Knowing his friend was really just asking, and not assuming anything, Jake’s reply was easy going as he said, “I’m grilling burgers for all three of us. Plates, buns, and condiments are on the table.”
“Awesome, thanks man. You know, you actually cooking in the kitchen was probably one of the strangest things about our little group two days ago. You’re making me a little nostalgic.”
“Ha!” Jake replied with a grin. “What can I say, cooking helps me relax. Now, I’m sure we’ll have to talk about the crazy elephant in the room in a bit, but go tell Paige dinner is almost ready and it’s time to get your plates ready.”
“Okay, but don’t assume I’m putting out just because you made me dinner. I’m way too classy for that.” replied Will as he turned to walk away.
On his way out of the kitchen he caught the final reply from Jake, saying, “Sure! Make a guy into a DnD character and suddenly he’s too good for a burger date!”
Moving along to pass on his message, Will realized things were fine with Jake, at least. For them, banter had always been an easy barometer for their moods. Paige, however, he would probably have to be more direct with.
She wasn’t any more prone to freaking out than Will and Jake, she just wasn’t as stunted in that area as her roommates. She also tended to think things out more thoroughly than they did. It was a convenient part of their friendship dynamic that they all appreciated.
They’d spoken about it before, and she had just said to let her know if they needed her to use smaller words. When he’d countered that he preferred diagrams, she had told him he could find them on the internet. She’d then put on an overly gracious tone to tell him to let her know if he needed a recommendation for lube or tissue brands. The memory made him snort again.
Knocking on her door, he heard her tell him to come in from the other side. She must have just gotten out of the shower, as the wet towel was still on her bed and she was getting dressed still. While she finished buttoning her pants and pulling a shirt over her bra, he grabbed the towel to take it to her bathroom. While doing that he heard her ask, “What’s up?”
“I like dick jokes as much as the next person, but that one was beneath you.”
“What can I say? I like being on top,” she shot back.
“Ugh, how did you mix a dad pun into a sex joke? Alright, you win this round.
I just had two things. Jake says dinner is almost ready so get our plates set up, and I wanted to make sure you and I were cool.”
“We’re fine, don’t worry. I know you didn’t ask for any of this, and I’m not about to hold it against you. I’m just glad you didn’t try and keep it to yourself like some obnoxious, tough guy fantasy trope.”
“Yeah, not going to lie and say the thought didn’t enter my mind. I did, however, realize I’d be a dumbass to try that when I had no clue what was going on. Also, it helps that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can trust you guys, so that probably helped me to make the smart call.”
“You have a point. Okay, let’s go eat. I’m starving.”
Just like that, everything was good in his world for the immediate future, and they went to join Jake.
About an hour later, they had finished eating and cleaning up the house a bit. It was the final chore of the week, and they all pitched in. He figured it was as good of a time to talk about it as he was going to get, so Will decided to get the basics of what they needed to talk about out of the way..
“So, blunt is best, I think, so I’m just going to speak my mind. First, I need to ask if you guys are sure you still want to be involved with my potentially crazy life, moving forward?”
“Dumbass,” said Jake. “Think I sat through that mind fuck of a conversation to bail now? Screw that, I’m in.
Honestly, this thing has me wondering what else might be real, you know? I mean, stuff like this has been floating around the conspiracy side of the internet for decades now. I’m not saying I’ll believe what’s out there any easier now, but I’ll definitely be paying closer attention.
Most of that stuff is bat shit crazy stuff posted by either liars who want to make a buck, or genuine lunatics, after all. I just can’t help but wonder though. I’m planning to do some internet research tonight, just to see what’s currently out there.”
Paige followed with her own, tender support.
“Of course I’m in, too, dumbass. Besides, it’s not like anyone dangerous wouldn’t find us as soon as they started looking into you, anyway. At least this way, we’ll know everything we can, that might help us avoid being blindsided.”
“Okay, that’s settled. Now, I forgot to ask Sil and Artie if it would be safe to go back to work tomorrow. With my newfound affinity for turning into a bug zapper, it feels like it might be a bad idea to go to a facility like that before I have a handle on what I can do. What do you…”
Before he finished that last sentence, what appeared to be a trio of fat bumblebees with tiny, three fingered grippers, suddenly flew into his line of sight. Under them a small plastic looking object was somehow suspended, and they flew over to hover in front of Will. Realizing this must be some of the tech Sil had mentioned, Will held his hand out, and the bug dropped its package on the outstretched palm.
He realized he was familiar with the device almost immediately. It looked almost identical to the right side bud from his preferred set of wireless earbuds. He stared at it closely for a moment, then shrugged and seated it in his ear. Artie’s voice immediately came out of the speaker.
“This device will allow us to communicate anywhere you may need to go, Will. It uses the same transmission technology as all of our technology, so it should be able to pick up signals from The Cube anywhere on earth. Though, that may not be entirely true depending on what you find in that area north of Reno we spoke of earlier.
Next to your existing set in your room, there is now a second case with the other half of this set seated in it. These are designed to be able to replace what you currently use, so you will find they wirelessly connect to your devices easily, and have microphones built into both sides.”
“Huh. Okay. Well, the audio quality is pretty great so far, so I probably won’t complain. I’ll have to test them with music later.
I take it you were listening in to our conversation? I have to warn you, that might get old, really quickly.”
Will actually heard what sounded like a snort come from the speaker before Artie’s reply came through.
“I was not actively listening, but I do have an algorithm that monitors for keywords on any system or location being monitored. Our names happen to be on that list, so I was alerted. That said, I had delivery of these already underway when I became aware of the conversation, so I simply re-routed this half of the set.
You and your friends do not lack intelligence, however, so I am certain you are aware that most of your own technology is monitoring everything you say as it is. At least I’m actually trying to help you, rather than trying to sell you things you don’t need or want.”
“Fair point, but I feel like you got a little defensive there. Anything I should know?”
“No, it is simply something I have wanted to point out to someone loudly proclaiming about conspiracies to inject people with tracking or mind control technology. Even with the technology I have at my disposal, actual mind control does not exist. Meanwhile, the technology that most of those humans use to shout their nonsense to the masses everyday is the closest example to what they’re claiming on Earth.
I find confidently spoken ignorance and stupidity exceptionally annoying. Anyway, let us move on. I did hear your question, but I am not certain what you meant when you referred to turning into a bug zapper.”
“Oh, I guess we didn’t get into that. Well, you know, the energies coming into me through that aetheric connection in my chest. Oh, and I’m pretty sure I’m seeing electrical energy in the plugs and walls when I focus.”
“Well, at your level you should be developing the ability to sense compatible energy sources. Given you were struck by a massive lightning bolt, electricity makes sense as the first source beyond The Aether you would sense. I must ask, what do you mean, specifically, by the energies coming through your connection? I am assuming you did not use the plural form of the word by accident.”
Will was getting a bit of an odd feeling now, but answered the question as honestly and fully as he was able.
“I mean the aetheric and electrical flow coming through my connection, and infusing into my body like you guys talked about earlier.”
“Just to clarify, you are sensing electrical energy, mingled with your aetheric energy, and also infusing your body over time?”
“Yeah, and by your tone I’m guessing that’s not normal.”
“No, not to my knowledge. I will need to query my records, as well as talk to Sil. In the meantime I HIGHLY advise you not to go to work before we speak with you about this. It should not take long.”
Just like that, Will heard the connection to the alien computer drop. “Well, that was strange enough to fit the theme of the day.”
“It sounds like you got an answer to your question, though,” said Paige, causing Will to remember he had been in the middle of a conversation before being interrupted.
“Yeah, apparently I’m a weirdo even by alien standards. So, I’ve been told going to work would be a bad idea, for the time being. I’m kind of relieved, really, but I’ll definitely be using the day to try and learn some of what I can do now. I’ll probably have to contact our new acquaintances for some help as well.”
“You should call in now and just say you have a friend who tested positive for Covid-19, so you have to go into isolation. That would buy you five days, since you’re vaccinated, which I imagine could be a big help. It might even help the Bibs with arranging for your meetup with the person from this Activated group,” she said.
“I understand who you’re talking about, from context, but Bibs?”
With a smirk, Paige responded by saying, “Boys in a Box, of course.”
“Ha, not bad. Well, given what’s coming, I think I need to use today to relax with you guys, watch something, have a beer or three, and just generally be normal for one more night. I get the feeling I won’t have too many opportunities for that for a while, moving forward.”
“Sounds good to me,” Jake said.
Paige then followed with, “Dibs on picking the first show!”
The guys might have groaned a bit at that, but it was weak.
In the air above the house, once again in camouflage, the Cube hovered silently. They had been monitoring the condition of their charge, from a distance, since he had gone off to come to grips with what he had learned.
Artie was just finishing his conversation with Will when Sil commented on their internal system, “Well, I believe that went about as well as could be hoped for.”
“I believe you are correct. However, an anomaly I had not predicted has just come up. It seems when his system reacted by shunting electricity back through his aetheric connection, it somehow merged with the aetheric energy flowing into his tissues naturally. He says it is infusing his body in the same manner.”
“I… wasn’t aware that was even possible. I was under the impression that any energy other than aetheric could provide temporary benefits at high level, but actual infusion shouldn’t be possible. Atypical energy has always bled off into the air over time.”
“That would be correct for every human subject to date. I also have no record of it ever happening to someone of your species. I do not doubt his words, however. Based on the description of his ability to sense external electrical sources, as well as his ability to distinguish clearly between the two types, it does not seem likely his senses would fail in only this aspect.”
“Has the DNA sample mapping completed yet?”
“Yes. I am analyzing now. One moment…”
After waiting what felt like several minutes to him, but was in actuality about thirty seconds, Sil lost patience and finally asked, “Well?”
“This is quite fascinating. It seems I was correct in my hypothesis. Based on his DNA, he does have an ancestor from your world. I will have to see if I can find any information regarding his family line.
What is fascinating, however, is how his genetics mutated when the non-human and human DNA combined. It seems at least one of the genetic sequences his nanites bonded with is slightly mutated from the sequence it would normally bond with in hosts from either of your species.
I would hypothesize that this mutation occurring, may well be the only reason his ancestors were able to create progeny, at all.”
“So, you’re saying that the union of someone from my world and a human created a genetic mutation, and that mutation may be causing a difference in how the bonded nanites function in his system?”
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but would that not imply that the nanites in his system may well have other unique properties?”
“It is certainly possible, but I suspect we will only learn of those aspects as they manifest. In the meantime, we should try to deduce what this mutated ability will mean for his future development. We will certainly want to keep a watch on what the ability actually enables him to do.”
“Agreed. Are you detecting anything anomalous in his aetheric tap now? Also, do you have drones with bio sensors actively monitoring him?”
“Actually, the flow rate of energy going into his system is higher than we would normally expect for someone at his level of development. This makes sense, if we assume the excess is a result of having electricity fusing with his system, along with the standard aetheric energy.
Also, of course I am monitoring his condition. We have no way of adequately predicting what will happen as he develops. I would be remiss, if I did not have him under close observation.
That does raise something we need to discuss, however. Given the rate of development of his abilities, it will not be long before he may be capable of sensing the presence of our technology through cloaking. I am not confident he will be as blind to it as other activated humans.”
“I hadn’t considered that. We still don’t know for certain why humans don’t seem to sense it.”
“That is true. It is another aspect of what we are trying to do that we simply lack historical data to explain.
Our current theory is that the genetics in activated humans cause their senses to have a more limited range than your people do. It would be similar to how our technology has a superior frequency range to the biological based senses of your people.
If that theory has merit, it is entirely possible that Will’s senses will be considerably more sensitive than other humans.”
“Right. So, we should assume he will develop the ability to sense our technology. I am not certain why that would be a problem, however.”
“Provided we are upfront with whatever technology we are using to monitor him and his friends with, it will likely not become an issue.”
“Oh. I see. You’re saying we will need to communicate with him regarding what measures we are taking. Which means we should be prepared to offer explanations for those measures. We will also not want to stall long before telling him.”
“Well, considering how well he has handled everything so far, and his general demeanor, it seems likely that as long as we don’t lie to him, conflict can be avoided. I would suggest we omit his heritage, pending further investigation, but do our best to maintain open communication otherwise.
This tactic also makes it far less likely he will betray anything about us to The Activated. We need to be worthy of his trust, because we both know how persuasive they can be.
Which reminds me, have you determined who will be sent to induct him into their secret club?”
“Yes, actually. A woman named Cierra Drakos-Jones. From everything I have been able to find, she should get along with Will and his friend’s quite well. For added benefit, she also seems to be a genuinely good person, as well as quite formidable.
Truthfully, if things with Will go well, we should consider establishing contact with her as well. I believe we will need to begin making allies soon, and she would have been my first choice if not for the oddity of Will.”
“Excellent. Feel free to set that in motion. I’m certain it will take enough time for them to arrange a ‘chance’ encounter that we will be able to coach Will through the basics.”
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