《The Magical Girl Substituting me is...my Uncle?!》Shinji’s Ace in the Hole! Victory comes in the shape of…Bunnygirls?
Saturday’s morning sun barely came and a multitude of things already happened since then.
“*Yawn*Are we really going through with this?” Aika asks with sleepy eyes and displeased as she turns her head at her uncle, Nyamo and one new person descending through the elevator in Sei’s mansion with them.
“Relax Ai-Chan! I guarantee there is absolutely no way we are losing this time! Bwahahaha!” Shinji has cocky laugh as he grins ear to ear and taps at the paper bag in his hand.
(I’m once again impressed with Aki’s talents. Not only he actually managed to tailor this for me on such short notice. But also he made them THIS alluring without me even asking! Since he’s the only reason we are winning this. I just might have treat him to some fried chicken once I get paid. On the other hand…) Shinji looks at the other girl right next to him.
“I’m really sorry for dragging you into this mess and getting you involved Set-Chan. I hope you can forgive for both doing this and keeping such a big secret like this from you…”
“Don’t mention it Sensei! Take me on a date next weekend and it will be all water under the bridge. I admit it was a little awkward to hear you explaining things. I thought you were just drunk and pulling my leg which made me find this a bit hard to believe you at first. But, I know the face you make when you are hiding something and lying about stuff or not.”
“Thanks Set-Chan! It means a lot to me hear you say that.” He gently pats her on the head. Setsuna lowers her head in order to hide the fact she was blushing slightly and wanted him to pet her more.
“Besides. I guess it would take something of this magnitude to bring you and Ai close together like this again.”
“Huh. Now that you mention it. I never thought about looking at things from that perspective…”
Setsuna rubs the sleepy Nyamo resting her shoulder on the chin as she continued.
“Nyaa…” She purrs slightly in response to her touch.
“But honestly? Magic and mythical beings aside. It’s a bit relieving to know that those voices I kept faintly hearing were not coming from my own head. I legit thought I was going crazy…”
(Implying that being head over heels over this pathetic sack of shit didn’t make you already…)
“I heard that.” Setsuna slap on her friend’s bottom.
“Ow! But, I didn’t say anything!”
“It doesn’t take a genius to understand what you are thinking Ai. It usually ends with an insult or swear anyway.”
“…” Since Setsuna’s assumption was completely on the mark. Aika couldn’t find a comeback and remained quiet.
“Besides, even if it’s at the last second. I’m glad that you picked me for something like this. Ai has the sex appeal of a stiff corpse after all.” Aika swears to have seen her friend smiling smugly at her for a split second before saying that as she shrugged.
“Bwahahaha! That she does! No arguments there!” Shinji began to laugh so hard at her comment he started coughing and wheezing.
“I don’t want to hear that from you out of all people! We have the same body type and you barely show any emotions or facial expressions since we’ve first met!”
After that. The two started to bicker for minutes. Shinji got bored and started to ignore it. He decided ponder deeply about his next step.
“…Mine is still bigger than yours! However, unlike you, I’m not worried about my chest size at all! I’ve studied a bunch ever since I heard from a certain someone that what matters to a man isn’t your three sizes but the love, drive and devotion you have towards him! Isn’t that right Sensei?” Setsuna asks him in a coquettish tone.
(I hope what I have gathered over what happened a year ago will be enough for Sei at least listen to me once this whole shtick is over. Considering who raised him. I shouldn’t let my guard down just in case…)
“Sensei?” Setsuna peeks under where he was facing pulled Shinji back into reality.
“Hm? Oh! Sorry girls! I was just wondering if I had left the grill on or not! You two were saying?”
“…It’s nothing. Never mind…”
Other than Nyamo’s yawning and both girls collectively sighing. The elevator was now filled with nothing but silence all the way down…
“Honey! I’m hoommeeee! Prepare the futon!” Shinji sings as he barges into Sei’s room alone using his mimicry of a mature lady’s voice.
Sei was sleeping on the floor with a singed blanket stained with oil as nuts and bolts were still scattered everywhere.
There was something big covered with a blanket right next to him having several cables hanging from below. The large monitor and three screens connected to it was all that prevented the room from being in complete total darkness.
“Urgh...What is it Sensei? It’s nine in the morning! I’m also pretty sure that I locked the door…” The fat goblin stretches his arms, rubs his eyelids before slamming his alarm clock on the floor and stands up.
“You did! But there is no point to a lock if there’s no doorknob amiright?”
“I knew I should have installed an electronic pad in here…”
“Why bother? I would just put Listea-Chan’s three sizes or her birthday into the pin and still have it unlocked anyways. Bwahahaha!”
“The fact you can accurately guess stuff like this about people is kinda scary…I imagine you two didn’t came by just to admit defeat did it?”
“BWAHAHAHAH!” Shinji bellows in laughter in response to Sei’s question. If they were outside, his outburst would be able to be heard through nearly the entire district.
“Do you seriously think I would come here just to throw the towel? I came to gloat in my victory obviously!”
“Confident as always…Welp, hit me with disappointment again and let’s get this over with so I can go back to sleep.”
“Behold! A student exclusive flag!”
Presenting himself next to the doorframe. Aika steps in wearing Merry High’s cheerleader outfit and holding pom-poms in her hands.
“…” Following her uncle’s advice and hoping to go against her friend’s mockery. Aika took a deep breath, stepped inside as she closed her eyes and imagined it was Yozo in front of her. Her expression softened considerably as a result. Neither her eyebrows or fists were trembling in anger this time.
Sei had a dubious look on his face as he stared at Aika and her choice of outfit from head to toe. He drops his head and rubs the back of his neck.
“Sigh…Is this seriously your best shot Sensei? I am a bit offended that you actually thought this would be enough to win and convince me to set foot in a school again…”
Shinji’s is still grinning as he answered:
“Of course I didn’t! Never learned about the art of misdirection did ya kiddo?”
“What are you talking about Sensei?”
“You see; I was in a slump for a while after you didn’t budge with the maid uniforms. But that’s when I suddenly remembered! I was the one who turned you into a weeb in the first place! The first Anime you ever saw was with me. We watched ‘Naked Metal Bunny’ back at my place after you were intensely staring at the Blu-ray’s heart pounding cover! The first time I’ve seen your eyes gain color was none other than…excuse me for a second…”
Clearing his throat as a signal. Nyamo messes with the room lights and have a spotlight shining at the doorway. Aika steps aside as Shinji uses a smoke machine by the door (which he rented fully knowing he will starve for the three days to compensate for the money spent) and shouts:
“Behold! I present our special guest of today! My magnum opus! ‘Metal Bunny Saga’s steel faced Heroine! Platinum Bunny Setsuna‼!”
“Setsuna…Wait! What?!”
Amidst the announcement Setsuna steps into the ring nonchalantly with the usual blank expression in her face. She’s wearing a bunnygirl costume set with a pair of bunny ears and fluffy tail. Her costume was specifically designed to accentuate her thin and flat figure rather than making her look childish in it. The sides of her torso and thighs in her fishnet stockings were also mildly exposed.
Setsuna was in no terms unattractive. Despite her petite body, the cold look she usually have in her eyes and barely showing any expressions on her face. But, the almost professional makeup Shinji expertly did on her also helped Setsuna look even more mature and stunning for someone her age.
“Wha-” Sei bit his tongue in shock. His green face flushes into a shade of red.
“What’s wrong boyo? Cat got your tongue? Or rather, maybe we should say the bunny did? Hmmmm? Not going to saying for yourself? Maybe a ‘I’m sorry Sensei! You were right! Hmmm?” Shinji annoys Sei as he pokes at his sides with his elbow while having a grim wider than any he did this whole week.
(Don’t forget she’s still 3D! Don’t forget she’s still 3D ! Don’t forget she’s still 3D! Don’t forget she’s still…)
Sei tries to take a deep breath and repeat a sutra in his mind in order to restrain his inner panic and turmoil.
(Crap! He’s still resisting! It’s time for the finishing blow!)
Seeing the opportunity Shinji looks at Setsuna as he gives her a thumbs up and they silently nod at each other.
Setsuna proceeds spin in circle, posing like rabbit, hops, swings her hips and lastly she backflips. Her face still as stone.
“Evildoers should prepare to be beaten by both the carrot AND the stick! Pyon!”
She ends that sentence with a cutesy wink. But in still in a monotone and robotic voice.
(I can’t believe she can act like that without any shred of hesitation or embarrassment…) Aika gained a bit more respect for her best friend and started to see her a different light. But not in a good way.
“There’s no way something this stupid would-”
Before he is able to pinch his nose. Sei’s nostrils starts to pour blood like a broken faucet. Forcing his body propels upwards as he glides all over the place before colliding against the object covered with a blanket.
“Alright! Victory is ours nya!”
“Hell yeah! We’ve won‼”
Nyamo cheers loudly. Shinji responds in kind as he high fives the kitten and Setsuna unenthusiastically joins in to do the same as quickly returned to her deadpan face. Although she did blush fervently at the feeling of touching Shinjirou’s palm.
(No way…) Despite being the only one wearing a cheerleader uniform. Aika was not cheering with them. In fact, she was dumbfounded and struck speechless by what just transpired.
“We won this bet little Sei! Now it’s time to listen for you to listen to the big guy as we agreed!”
The dust where he landed began to settle and Sei stands up from it while hiding his face with one hand.
“Hahaha…I should have known you would find a way to break me Sensei...I have no idea why or how you got ‘her’ dragged into this. But since it come to this. I have a better idea…”
There was something sinister behind his words and the way Sei was acting. Which Shinji quickly picked on and stood in front of the girls.
(Sensei! There’s something wrong with Sei! I think his demonic influence is taking over his thoughts!)
“Don’t worry! I’ve noticed!”
“Maybe the bunnygirl costume was tad too effective…”
Green sparks of electricity began to escape Sei’s fingertips and his eyes began to glow in darker color. Soon as he claps his hands together. The floorboards started to jump out of place and the entire room began to tremble.
“Woah!” The walls suddenly started to move back and the very air began to distort. A flash of green blinded everyone’s eyes and by the time they opened it again. Sei was gone.
“Where are we?”
Despite the overreaching darkness remaining still. There were no walls, ceiling or any of Sei’s scattered belongings to be found anywhere. Sand could be felt beneath their shoes; palm trees and bushes could be seen far as the eye can see. They were now on a mysterious nighttime island.
“No way! Is this an illusion or did he got us warped here somehow?”
“Negative!” A loud mechanical voice answered Aika’s question from above as a wind pressure began to blast sand into their faces.
“…This is still my room which I permeated with my Mana for almost half a year now! I can control it like it is an extension of my own body! Now behold the glorious merge between magic and technology! Sloth Machine M.K 1!”
In front of the cast was not Sei but the human sized machine he constantly tuned in his room.
An unmanned robot bearing strong resemblance towards a certain series which is incredibly popular in Asia and small parts of the world especially.
His metallic body lustered under the cover of the black night and the unit had the model’s name Sei had presented earlier painted on its chest. A Large pair of cybernetic wings adorned his behind. The top of his head had an small antenna moving in circles.
Before the cast were able to process anything. The Mech’s hand quickly retracted and a barrel replaced it.
(Crap!) Having adjusted his vision just in time to recognize what was on the assailant’s hand…
…Shinjirou picks up both girls in his arms and runs away into the thick of the forest as ethereal bullets began to be fired against them...
After a few minutes and nonstop running…
“Let me go you damn Pig!” …Aika was bashing her fists his back but her uncle completely ignored it.
Shinji then stops his legs and put the girls down.
“This might be far enough. Ok! I’m going back in!”
“What just a moment- / But Sensei! What are you-” Before Aika nor Setsuna were capable of speaking. Shinji prevents them from talking and presses his index fingers against their lips.
“No time for arguing! You stay quiet and wait for me here! You too Setsuna!” Shinji commands with a tone one would use to reprimand a child and ran to where they were previously.
Setsuna tried to reach for Shinji’s shirt. But he had already disappeared without a trace before they could do anything…
Relieved that the girls were safe and for some reason knowing that Sei was still waiting for him at the beach. The teacher had no problem returning to the beachside.
“What the hell Sei?! You’re trying to kill us?!”
“Relax! Those are my custom bullets Sensei! They just sap willpower and Mana of their targets. No point in severely harming my precious servants after all!”
“…You really are deadset on going through with this huh?”
“Why would I ever leave this paradise with you for the hell that is other people?”
“I see…I can’t really blame you for developing that way of thinking. Giving everything that happened to you.”
“What makes you think that you understand my pai-”
“B-U-T! You should know by now that there only two things in this world which I absolutely do not forgive! Those who treat women roughly and people who go back on their words! Kittypaws!”
Shinji snaps his fingers as he interrupts his former pupil from speaking.
“Right-O Sensei!” Nyamo jumps out of the bushes and a magic circle reveals itself beneath her and the teacher.
Shinji’s body gets engulfed in a pink light and his clothes starts glows in a blinding light as they began to change shape and transform into Aika’s former frilly dress. Lastly, he stomps into the smaller magic circle he discreetly drew in the sand with his feet a moment ago and a heart-shaped wand jumps out as if it materialized out of thin air before landing in his hand.
“In the name of the poon! I will personally chastise you! So better grit those teeth!”
(I expected seeing Akira-Senpai in one of those someday. But Sensei surprisingly doesn’t look bad wearing something like that either….) Setsuna pondered as she tried to bent her head from where she was and peek under the frilly dress. She had climbed a tree and observed the two from afar through a large binocular she carried on her pocket for some reason.
“Forget that outdated reference! You dare mock me when yourself will fight looking like that?!”
“Eeehh?! Are you telling I don’t rock in this outfit? Once I saw this my karma. I got pretty used to it! Next thing you’ll tell me is that I won’t stumble into a hot succubus supermodel invading my dreams, tire HER out, have her fall for me, move in and open a ramen shop together! You know! Like that one anime we watched!”
“That show was horrible and dragged on for three seasons!”
Sei outbursts with anger. The shoulder plates on the machine opens and in a matter of seconds. Several heat-seeking rockets are fired at his direction.
Shinji smirks unfazed. He swings his wand to the side once and an incredibly cold gust of winds blows.
Freezing the rocket tails in the process while others fly erratically before colliding against themselves. The explosion inches away from his face didn’t made the man in question even flinch.
“You have the audacity to strut on like you’re so cool and full of pride! When you look exactly as someone like me or worse?!”
“Pride? Bwahahha! Please! I’ve discarded such things when I vowed myself to change myself! It doesn’t fill my belly, heart nor my wallet! So I won’t be needing any of that anytime soon!”
He then pulls three screwdrivers from his back pocket and places all of them between each of his fingers.
“Here we go! Tsunaboshi Secret Technique: Three Shooting Stars!” He tosses the first one with incredible finesse. Sei nimbly dodges to the side with relative ease.
“Hahaha! Is your age catching up to you Sensei? You missed!”
“Just you watch! Ei!”
Then comes a second yellow-colored one in a strange sluggish throw which anyone could see it coming and dodge from that distance.
(What is he scheming?) Sei remained skeptical. He stood still and carefully observed instead of dodging without thinking.
“Orya!” Instead of waiting for it to land. Shinji silently flings the third one in quick succession but perpendicularly to the second screwdriver instead of targeting Sei. Hitting a sweet spot underneath it.
Soon as the third one’s tip hits the second screwdriver’s needle perfectly. They reveal to be electrically charged and the second one flips high into the air vertically while the third arcs slightly as it flies into Sei’s direction as it gains incredible speed.
“What the fu…” He is grazed slightly this time and the third screwdriver lands on tree trunk next to the first one.
“Here I Come!” Shinji smiles as he jumps high into the air and reach for that second screwdriver.
Sei’s readers sensed something weird going on behind him and looked at his back for a moment. He noticed that the other two screwdrivers were now releasing small sparkles of electricity.
(When did he charged them with…wait. Is that…Electromagnetism?!)
“Blast through! Tsunaboshi Secret Technique: Serpent Comet!” Soon as he finished saying that line. Shinji holds the driver forward and in a split second. He flew towards Sei’s direction at an even more blinding speed, almost like he was shot like an arrow.
Sei used the boosters on robot’s wings to increase his speed and maneuver himself to the side. But, Shinji was fast that he still managed to pierce the robot’s armor and poke a hole on its armor. Several rocks and trees were pierced through his skill until he stopped.
“I commend you for managing to damage this unit Sensei! I spared no expense in making this thing warfare grade.” Sei cockily answered while analyzing the damaged done to its arm.
Shinji retrieves up his other screwdrivers from the tree and shoves them into his back pocket before speaking.
“Heh. Underestimating me was your second mistake kid!”
“Second? What was my first?”
“Forgetting that you aren’t the only fan of giant robots in this town!”
Shinji loudly clasps his palm together. Large amounts of Mana began to emanate out of his body.
“Ahh…” A cold puff of mist escapes his lips. The surrounding temperature sharply drops in a matter of seconds.
(Incredible nya! I knew Sensei was dissatisfied about his performance against Mammoth-Kun and practiced on his own time. But I’m barely doing anything here nya! Sensei pooling out this Mana all by himself! He’s practically one-man army at this point!)
“Aaaahhh…” As he breathes out even more, ice slowly begins to form around his body and encase him. Almost as if it was embracing him. The ice took shape into a similar body structure of Sei’s mech.
“Frost Armor: Hayabusa Model!”
“Don’t go thinking this is all I have either Sensei!” The robot raises his hand into the air and slowly closed its fist.
The whole island suddenly begins shake and its very floor started moving Shinji loses his footing.
“Kyah‼” The girls are pushed back by an invisible force and dragged out of hiding until they find themselves right behind Shinjirou.
The vast island suddenly turned into a straight and narrow corridor version of his old room. Sei showed himself but quickly ran behind his Mech to protect himself. There was some sort of controller in his hands.
“Girls!” Shinji took a look behind and found the two girls next to him.
“Taking your eyes away from an opponent?! What a rookie’s mistake out of someone like you! Sensei! I expected more!” The real Sei took the opening and threw something into the floor in front of him as they stab into the floor before he disappearing behind his now motionless mech and into the dimly-lit corridor.
Since he was prepared take the hit head-on. Shinji was confused as he tried to discern the object from where he stood. But it was too dark to see properly.
(Are those…enamel pins?)
(Get away from those Sensei! I can smell gunpowder and Mana out of them! They are laced with a potent strand!)
Soon as Nyamo’s warning sounded in his head. The pins began to glow and exploded in cascades.
(Crap! What about the girls-)
He looked away from a moment and realized Aika and Setsuna weren’t behind him anymore. Unable to dodge in such tight space and time since he behind him instead. The teacher took the brunt of the explosion was sent flying high. His ice-solid armor began to show cracks.
He manages to cushion the landing with one hand and regains his balance but ends up kneeling. Small drops of blood began to drip out of his nose and mouth. The only parts of his body which weren’t covered.
Just as he faces forward a group of life-sized action figurine charges at him and the corridor stretches again. Forming the island landscape from before once again.
(It’s a good thing the girls were are gone. But, this is going nowhere! The surroundings, his arsenal and this bothersome remote controlled mech. Sei has too much of an advantage here. I just have hold a bit longer and drag the real him out of hiding. I hope my body can hold until then…If only this damned pain stopped getting in the way!) Staring at the hordes of enemies coming after him. Shinjirou tightly gripped his shoulder and glared at it. He had a searing pain that was acting up since he woke up this morning…
Amidst their fighting. Aika managed to get up unnoticed and pulled Setsuna by the hand away from the fray.
The girls hid in the thick of the jungle and were trying to catch their breath.
“That bloody pig! If I knew it would come to this either way. I should have just teared that hobgoblin’s a new from the very first day instead of suffering such humiliation!” Aika kicks one of the palm trees out of anger as she remembers the number of costumes her uncle put her through.
“Quiet. Getting heated is just going to tire you more and risks giving away our location.” Setsuna admonishes her friend with a low voice.
“I’m jealous you manage to keep calm in a situation like this.”
“On the contrary. I’m panicking on the inside and already tried to come with fifteen different plans over how to help Sensei but know they won’t work. Steeping in our powerlessness will just get him hurt like we had just saw.”
“I don’t have the time to sit here and wait for him to save us from the mess he himself created in the first place! I’m going in!”
Sensing her friend agitation and overreaction. Setsuna began to feel anger boiling from her and she grabs Aika by the wrist.
“Is your hearing is non-existent as your chest?! We are just going to get in Sensei’s way!”
“I’m not going to play damsel in distress for that sad sack of shit! If you want to sit here and wallow in your pitifulness, then go ahead! Be my guest! But do not involve me in your delusions or worries for that Pi-”
Setsuna snaps and pushes Aika by the shoulder. Slamming her against a tree. Her glasses fell off in the process
The look on Setsuna’s face was quite unlike anything Aika had seen from her friend before.
“LET.ME.GO!” Aika gargantuan strength breaks of Setsuna’s grip as she falls on her butt.
“Ai! Wait-” Before she manages to reach for Aika again. She had already disappeared into the darkness. Setsuna picks up her glasses, throws her bunny ears on her onto the floor and in a fit of anger…
“Shit!” She slams her fist against the same tree she had pushed her best friend a moment ago. Causing a large bang to resound throughout the forest. The tree’s midsection cracks before turning into splinters and getting completely torn apart by her devastating blow as it falls to the side.
Now that she calmed herself. Setsuna crouches, hugs her knees and sniffles as she caress her bleeding knuckle.
(…You’re just going let the same thing happen again?)
“Who’s there?!” Setsuna raises her head as fast as she can and look at her surroundings but finds nobody close or anything standing out in the area.
(Who I am does not matter at the moment...I’ll ask you again. Are you just going let the same thing happen over and over? Seeing your beloved ones get hurt as you do nothing but sit back and watch every time?)
Given everything that happened so far and the situation she was in. Setsuna ignored the fact that the voice was stemming from inside her head and spoke:
“Of course I don’t! But what else can I do?! This sort of stuff is already way beyond the bound of logic and reason! The odds of those two getting into harm because of me is too high!”
(A scholar’s intellect. The heart of a maiden. A gifted body and blood of a warrior coursing through your veins…I sense immense potential in your person…no wonder I was attracted and half awakened by it…)
“What are talking about?!”
(Don’t mind me. Listen, do you wish to have the power to help your loved ones?)
“Damn right I do!” Setsuna let go of her composed self as she immediately answered the mysterious voice.
(Form a damn contract with me then!)
“Contract? How am I supposed to do that?”
(Normally a Sacred Beast would have already manifested by now. But, the way the two of us are merged right now is too weak of a connection to form a contract because of this blasted leash placed on me! Look! I’ll show what you need to do step by step. Just give me a moment...) The clear image of a strange magic circle was suddenly ingrained upon Setsuna’s mind and eyes.
(Here. Draw this into the earth. The patterns are important. Keep those in mind.)
Instead of further questioning the logic behind is imprinted in her eyes even when she closed it. Setsuna fueled her resolve and nodded without saying drew the circle with a stick as the voice instructed.
“Okay. It’s done. What’s next?”
Even if she couldn’t had seen all the time. Setsuna photographic memory allowed her to perfectly draw the circle.
(Everyone usually has their own trigger but I guess can still figure it out a specific way to fully awaken based on what I’ve seen going on inside your head...)
“You have been peeking at my memories?”
(I deserve to know to what kind of person I’m supposed merge with don’t I? Nearly 80% of your memories are already unfortunately burned into my being as we speak. Given how much of that include you delude and obsess yourself with ‘Sensei this’ and ‘Sensei that’. I starting to think you don’t need power. You need a damn therapist!)
“I’d rather die. Even if it someday crashes and burns. My love for Sensei is never going away. So you better get used to it if you really want to come out of whatever is holding you.”
(…Very well. For the next step. Place one hand against your heart and extend the other one in front of you while keeping that palm open. Then close your eyes.)
“Understood…what’s next?”
(Then, nurture your strongest desires and will them into existence.)
“How am I supposed to do that?” She asks while rising an eyebrow.
(Oi! Keep the eyes closed you dingus!) The voice berated.
(Given how you managed to reach me in my slumber. It’s going to be very simple. Try to remember all of the times your friend and her uncle could have avoided coming into harm if you were just a little bit stronger or fast enough to help them.)
“…” A small pale flame began flicker in her palm as she did.
(By the Valhalla! That was faster than I anticipated! Okay! Now, picture the ideal future you could bring about if you just had a bit more power.)
“…” Doing as it asked of her. Setsuna focused and popped an image into her mind.
She’s had just married Shinji as he announces to her family he will take full responsibility and forcefully moves into their dojo. Years had passed and her parents reluctantly accepted. She was now expecting to carry their fifth child.
“Hehehe…” The flames practically became a huge pillar of gray fire and magic circle began to rotate and shine in a mystical golden light. Setsuna flashes a satisfied smile as she laughed creepily and pants with excitement.
(I’ll just pretend I didn’t saw what I just did and the large amount of questionable problems that come with it…Lastly, release of all your mortal limits and transcend! Set free the beast inside you and run rampant to your hearts content! Leave only one thing locked into your heart and soul! That will be what binds you into lucidity and this world! Now! Howl that thing’s very name into the skies! Show that no demon, heaven or god will stand between you and that!)
(Sigh…Figures. I’m starting to think awakening like this might been a mistake…) Before the mysterious voice was able to voice his concern or regret his decision. The golden light grew so bright that Setsuna disappeared inside of it…
“Ha…ha.ha…You okay over there Kittypaws?”
(I’m fine! Nya! But I don’t think we can win this if you keep holding back Sensei!)
“…” Shinji chose remain silent against Nyamo’s worries.
Ten of minute have passed since Shinji fought against Sei’s ‘Sloth Machine MK.1’ and his small army of golems.
Shinji’s hardened armor was starting to form even more cracks than before. Some parts of his body are starting to become exposed and reveal that underneath Shinji’ icy carapace. His skin was starting to turn purple between experiencing multiple blows and the aftereffects of the numbing cold caused on his body.
“What’s the matter Sensei? Losing steam already?”
Beneath the feet of a ragged breathing Shinji and the mech mocking him were smashed bits of countless figurines and broken dolls. Their surroundings were a bit warped from Sei altering the space over and over again. The unmanned machine had some dents on its armor but was still completely operational.
“I’m just getting old and wondered what is hurting me the most right now. These wounds or the realization of how money was I just squandered upon breaking such precious merch with my own hands.”
“You still have the time for witty remarks even in a situation like this huh?”
“It comes with lifetime experience. You wouldn’t know about it. Being so young and all.”
“Of course I wouldn’t! From the moment I was born. Everything in my life was pretty much determined because of my family name! Why would that change now that I became this ugly green thing?! I can’t face the world with how look now and after what happened a year ago. Why should I?!”
The mech then ignites it thrusters and proceeds to lunge at Shinji. The two grabs each other’s fists and prevent the other from moving.
“Then let me hear your side of the story! Maybe I can help-”
“Bullshit! You always keep spouting crap about being there for me! But where you in the last three years?! Even worse, when I needed you the most a year ago?! You abandoned me and left me behind! Just like everybody else! In the end. I had to build a godamned war machine to force Mom and her goons to let me rot here in peace!"
“!” The teacher’s will begin to waver at Sei’s words and seeing how deranged he become. He has pushed a step which left open for a counterattack.
(Sensei! Look out!)
Still, Shinji hesitated for a moment despite his Sacred Beast warning and ended up took taking a gut wrenching punch to the chest which punctured a hole through his solid armor.
The impact sent him flying as he tries to stop the momentum by forcefully diggings his fingertips and wand into the sand.
“Blergh!” Once stopped being blown away. Shinji spats out a small amount of blood and cleans his chin with the back of his hand before getting up again.
(If wasn’t for this armor. I would probably lose one or four three by now…)
(Sensei!) Nyamo look at her surrogate partner full of concern.
(Relax! I’m fine Kittypaws. Alive and kicking! Use a small amount of Mana to discreetly heal our minor injuries Especially the legs. I’m going to need those soon…)
(O-Okay!) She proceeds to do as he asked.
Shinji assures Nyamo as he presses his fingers against his most grievous wounds and closes them by covering them with another layer of ice.
“This has gone for long enough!” Aika jumps out of the bushes and stands between her uncle and the powerful machine.
“Ai?!” Nyamo’s voice resounded though the wand.
“Ai-Aika?! I thought that I told you to stay put-”
“Screw you! I don’t take orders from anyone but Arcadia! Our objective was to purge this fatso ugly mug and that’s what I intend to do!”
Aika locks her wrists together, opens her palm in front of the enemy and steadies her ground by slightly bending her knees.
(Alright me! You can do this! Just like we practiced the other day…)
An unusual amount of Mana began to gather into Aika’s body as she concentrated.
The raw energy of life Aika managed to gather was still unstable and erratically flowed in all directions. Causing her uncle and ‘Sloth Machine MK.1’ to be not only rendering them unable to approach it and but being blow back by the sheer air pressure it created.
“Kittypaws! What is she doing?!”
(That stance…Nya! Don’t tell me she intends to use-)
Before Nyamo was able to expresses her worries. Aika began chanting a spell under a magic circle that popped underneath her.
“Oh! Argent Lord of Lighting! Grant me the power to smite my enemies in thy rumbling spite! Thor’s Judgement!
Volts of electricity began to gather in Aika’s fingertips. Forming a condensed orb made out of pure lighting.
(What the hell is with this girl?! All of my scanner’s readings are off the charts! Is she even human?!) Even though he wasn’t physically present. Sei felt chills run down his spine even from where he was hiding.
“Yes! It worked! Now I just need to-wha-”
Aika’s mana suddenly began to spike at massive levels she couldn’t control. The sphere suddenly began to grow larger and larger as it lost its shape. The sparks started to escape the sphere and disperse everywhere.
(This is getting dangerous Sensei! Ai still can’t the control flow properly because of the disruption curse caused by the Magekiller Nya!)
“Aika!” Shinji noticed something was amiss and realized he wouldn’t be able to stop the spell in time.
Purely on instinct alone. He shoved his wand into the sand and a trail of pure Mana followed. It stopped once it stood between Aika and her sphere, a massive wall of ice suddenly formed. Thus, separating the two of them and severing her connection to it. The chain reaction caused the sphere to begin to glow up like a lighthouse over the dark seas in response to the sudden shortage of Mana supplying it.
He then made a huge leap and stood in front of his niece. He tightly clutched her in his arms, crouched and faced his back against the cold wall.
“I can’t isolate the blast with my room expansion without getting my real body caught in it…SHIT!” Once the pressure was off. Sei put the thrusters at max and backed away as fast he could.
After a loud and deafening sound covering almost the entire island…
A powerful explosion had occurred and everyone got caught under it. Static still flowed and crackle over the surroundings.
The darkness over the ‘skies’ began to show cracks. The exterior revealing the original walls and ceiling of the underground of Sei’s bedroom shedding some light under the ‘island’.
“Godamnit! Another earthquake?! It’s even bigger then the first one!” The guards above ground surrounding estate panics as some held their ground while desperately tried to protect the furniture and valuables in the mansion.
The entire block circling the Estate were shaken by the aftereffects as even the asphalt began to show ruptures…
“Urgh…” Soon as Aika regained her consciousness. She felt pains coursing through her entire body and something incredibly heavy placed on top of her.
“Hahaha…You finally woke up sunshine…” The first thing she sees is her uncle was affectingly playing with her hair like he used to do when she was a kid.
“What the hell are you-”
“Look. I already know you just want to scream and push me away. But just give me a second to catch my breath and I’ll do it myself…”
He then took a deep breath and then rolled over to get off Aika before she could react.
“…How long have we been unconscious?”
“Let’s see…You did were out like a light for about five minutes? I’ve been awake this whole time. But, lost track of it after fawning over you pretty face from up close and cuddling you like a child in the meantime.” Shinji smirks at his own comment.
“What?! Ew‼” Aika had no issue in showing the clear disgust in her face.
“Then start fighting only battles you where can win without magic if you don’t want something like this happening again. I still have Kittypaws with me after all!”
“He’s right! Even if we practiced, that was still way too reckless of you to cast an advanced spell like that one right out of nowhere too Nya!”
“Out of all people in the world. You are amongst the last one I want to be called reckless…”
“What’s that to supposed to mean nya?!
“Good to know you still have energy to bicker! Anyhow, someone has to go back and stop Sei. Hopefully this taught you a lesson and stay put while I take care of this. I’m getting worried about Set-Chan. Find her and stay with her this time. Then search for shelter and wait for me. I’ll look for the two of you once this is over.” Shinji then tears both his sleeves and uses as a headband in order to stop his head from bleeding while tightening the other on his arm.
“Nyaaa‼” The wand screams in pain.
“Ops! Sorry! I took those out by reflex! Hopefully tearing the clothing doesn’t hurt you too. Does it Kittypaws?”
“I’m fine! I was just a rad surprised. I’m not injured as much as you are Sensei!” The wand flashes in response as it assures its wielder.
“Phew! That’s nice to hear…” Shinji then proceeds to stretch his back and limbs. Almost as if he was warming up before exercising and facing his back at his niece.
“Don’t screw around with me! You think you can just-what in the fu…” Something got caught in Aika’s throat soon she saw what Nyamo meant a second ago and gasps once she had saw her uncle’s back, realizing the state his body was in.
The surface of his skin had either burns or blood running all over the place and his clothes were completely scorched by the blast. An old and massive scar was revealed upon his back.
“Ops! I forgot! You weren’t meant to see that…Frost Armor!” Muttering his last thoughts out loud. Shinji quickly recreated his ice-layered protection before dashing out of the forest and his niece was able to react or respond.
“That stubborn fat piece of-” Soon as Shinji disappeared, the bushes behind began to rustle. There was a shadow hiding behind it.
“Look who’s talking…”
“W-Who’s there?! Show yourself‼” Aika raised her fists as she yelled at the shadowy figure.
“…Okay.” Stepping out of the bushes was but a person that answered her demand bluntly.
It was still dark so Aika was only able to discern the figure once it was nearly five steps away from her. She dropped her guard once managed to see who behind the shadow was.
“Oh. It’s just you-wait…HUH?!” Aika couldn’t hold back her surprise and eyes went wide open once she recognized who it was. It was person a Aika knew it well. But she was wearing a very strange and yet familiar attire…
Shinji steps out of the forest and reaches the for beachside a second time.
“I know you are hiding close by. Just come on out already!”
“Tch! So much for an ambush attack…” ‘The Sloth Machine MK.1’ jumps out of hiding. Despite being a failed spell. Aika’s explosion managed to damage Sei’s Mech just as much as her uncle.
The robot was greatly scorched by the blast. His paintjob and branding melted away. Completely gone due to the intense heat. Several circuits and cords were exposed underneath its platinum exterior. Some of them were even torn. One of his wings were missing, a single eye was no longer functioning and instead of blood, oil dripped between several of its joints.
“The two of us clearly have seen better days. How we just sit back, eat some snacks and talk like in the old days?”
“We can do that once I win and have you three dancing under my palm! I’ve dropped all output on my barrier and redirected towards weaponry! It’s all or nothing now Sensei!” Shinji’s enemy began to get put into himself into overdrive.
He was enveloped in a green and dark lighting as it draws a large spear made of the same energy. He then proceeds to ignite all of his thrusters that still worked and charge at his former teacher viciously.
(Even if I just need a few more minutes. I don’t see my body holding up and winning this one unless I fight a bit more seriously... I didn’t want to resort to this and hurt you since I still wanna talk after this. But, looks like I have no choice other over the matter...At least I can hopefully put on a lid on the bloodthirst once I’m done with this tin can before I’ve gone too far. Thank god the one in front of me is not the real you and the girl aren’t here either. I doubt any of you would ever see me the same way if you did…)
Despite the enemy flying towards his direction. Shinji suddenly lowered his fighting stance…
“Haahhh…” The moment Shinji stopped his breathing momentarily. Time began to feel as if it was in slow motion to him.
Even under the covers of his dimly-lit room and the island. Shinji’s vision of his surroundings started to darken even more. One of his irises began to twitch slightly as it slowly turned red. His pupils drastically started to change shape. In a matter of seconds. Shinji silently forms what appears to be a blade made out of ice on his hand at the same time.
(Sensei?) Nyamo asks worried. But even if it was coming from very depths of his soul. Her voice was still a very faint and distant sound to him. The only thing Shinji could see at the moment was the enemy right in front of him.
“Die…” Shinji hushes in a cold voice as he prepares to swing his bladed hand against his opponent. Waiting for his enemy to get closer at the moment until...
Followed by a strong gust of wind. A blur suddenly passes behind Shinji and a shadowy figure stood between him and the robot. Just from inches away of reaching the distance Shinji wanted the robot to get.
A glinting dagger is suddenly lodged against it arm in the exact same spot where Shinji had previously stabbed with his screwdriver.
“Eh?” The shock was so sudden that whatever was affecting Shinjirou and his mental state dissipated right away. Like it never happened in the first place.
The shadow then spins in place and kicks the dagger’s hilt with its heel. Causing it to sink deeper until the arm explodes. Creating a cloud of dust and smoke to spread.
The shadow then backflips away, retrieves the dagger while still in midair and stands right next to Shinji and Aika. Who he just now realized was standing right next to him.
“Ai?!” Nyamo shouts from her wand.
“Wait?! Huh?! What are you doing here Aika?! I thought I told you to sit back and-”
“I did. You are looking at the wrong culprit this time. I’ve just followed after her.”
“Who? / ‘Her’?” The two asked at the same time.
Following where Aika pointed her finger towards the mysterious person beside them. Shinji finally could see the figure now that the dust cleared away and was so close to him.
“Sorry it took us so long to find you Sensei. The burnt smell in the air caused by Ai’s explosion made threw me off your scent!”
“That voice…But you are-”
Shinji couldn’t believe what he was seeing. In front of him was a slim girl of Aika’s age. Her hair was a cobalt blue which shimmered under the cover of the night.
She wore a fur cloak, a chain leash with a lock around her neck and had a wolf’s head as a hat. Her clothes were reminiscent to what a magical girl tends to wear but full of chains, belts and clasps. A dog’s tail enthusiastically swung back and forth behind her back.
However, the girl’s face was one which Shinji would never fail to recognize no matter the distance or how many accessories she attached to herself.
“Magical Lunar Girl! Amane Setsuna is here for you Sensei!"
“How did you-When-Why-Huh?” The teacher was a dumbfounded he didn’t know what to ask first.
“Godamnit! It’s one thing after another! I didn’t want to hurt ‘you’ of all people. But you lot gave me no choice!” The one-armed robot began to move towards the group once again.
“You two can talk later! We’ll go after the goblin! You keep that rust bucket busy and until we defeat him Sensei!”
The eyes on the wolf’s head flashes as it starts to speak.
“Go-Got it! Wait. Huh? Who are you?”
“Face the wrath of a thousand virgins! Jade Palladium Drill!” A sharp needle jumped of the Mech’s palm and his entire hand rotates like a corkscrew at dangerous speeds while it overcharged in his green electricity. The sound made Shinji regain his focus on and he faced back towards the incoming attack.
“Oh shit! Two can play this game! Kittypaws! Help me out here!”
“Alright Sensei! Let’s do this Nya!”
Nyamo helps her Partner encase his fists in ice. Shinji then focuses, puts a single step behind before firmly steading his ground, bends his right elbow around his waist height and forms a fist. His entire arm began to become enveloped by a sharp icy wind and:
“Tsunaboshi Hidden Technique: Cold Piercing Shaft!” The cat and the teacher shout in unison as he then does one step forward jam-packed with Mana and uses the momentum to lunge a punch sharpened with an icicle on its tip as they shout the technique’s somewhat suggestive name.
“Here we goooo‼! / Nyaaa!!! / Hyaaaa‼! /” The three roars as they ran at each other with their moves.
An ear grating sound releases soon as their attacks collided with each other. Sparks jumped everywhere.
Setsuna swooned at Shinji’s dashing figure one last time before returning her concentration.
“Now that he’s busy. I should end things quickly before Sensei injuries gets worse!”
“How do you intend to find that sneaky gremlin?” Aika asks.
“Easy. I can just sniff him out.”
“I thought you said the burnt smell was messing your nose.”
“I did. Unfortunately…” Setsuna throws her dagger at a tree branch a few meters away from her.
“Aaahhh!” Sei falls on his face alongside said branch.
“That thing’s smell is so repulsive and unpleasant that I could track him down even if he on the other end of the world.”
“Shit!” Sei charges his hand with a small spark of lighting, claps his hand to produce a flash of light and quickly disappears again.
Aika covered her eyes while Setsuna merely closed hers and twitches her nose.
*Sniff, Sniff*
“Setsuna! He’s on a tree eighteen meters to our right!” The wolf’s hat shouts at his wearer.
“Got it! Queen of Artic Wind! Lent thy bold and blind servant your cathartic cold! Blessed Snowstorm!”
An immense whirlwind and cone of sharpened ice spikes are suddenly released once Setsuna opened her free hand.
“Woah!” Sei lets go of the tree he was climbing and fell on his back. The tree is frozen solid while several parts fell apart due to the spikes.
“Hey! Don’t not forget that I’m the main character here! Orya‼!”
Controlling the Mech and escaping at the same time was starting to be too difficult for Sei.
Shinji used the ice blade still in his hand to sever the remaining wing and stabs the robot right in the chest. He then pushes it back by kicking it away and getting closer to where Sei and the others were.
“I already told you to give up. It’s your loss!” Setsuna then sheathed her dagger and bolts towards the goblin faster than a normal human being possibly would.
Seeing there was no time for him to escape. Sei stood where he was and fiddled with his remote controller.
(I’ll deal with Sensei later. First I need ‘Sloth Machine MK.1 to protect me. I might not have my wings but he might make it in time if I maxed the thrusters on the main body! Then I’ll find a chance to pick me up, escape and figure how to.…wait…HUH?!)
No matter how hard he pressed the analog stick on the controller. His Mech ceased from moving completely and rooted where it was. He then took a glance at the other panels and meters on the side of the board which he had ignored since the Aika’s explosion. He was shocked at what he found.
(No fuel?! That’s impossible! I’ve made sure to diverge the output on my shields towards the tank during the explosion and a full tank was meant to last two days…wait a moment…)
Sei just remembered one instance where he did not had checked for any damages. It was right at the start of the battle and it looked so minimal to at the time that it didn’t crossed his mind. It was the at moment Shinji’s third screwdriver had bounced and grazed his body.
“Leaving your blueprints scattered around the room was your third and biggest mistake! Bwahahaha!” Shinji laughed confidently.
Sei drops his controller on the floor hopelessly and takes a deep look at his Mech’s back. He discovers that the fuel tank had a very small yet precise cut on it. Tiny amounts of oil discreetly dripped from there. He was so distracted by everything that Sei didn’t noticed the fuel meter slowly dropping it sooner.
(No way! That cunning son of a…Did he planned something like this from the very beginning?! He dragged the fight on purpose?!)
“It’s your end now!”
Now that his guard was down, lost his chance to back away and Sloth Machine wasn’t moving any longer. Setsuna stopped right in front of Sei, tightly grabbed him by the forearm and pulls him towards her.
“Hiihh!” No longer having a plan to escape and afraid what comes next made the goblin squeal with fear.
“Amane-Styled Technique: Riverside Divide! Seiiryah‼‼” Setsuna roars with great ferocity as she fiercely slams Sei’s back against the floor with an earth-shattering shoulder throw.
“Gwah…This…can’t be….” Sei loses his consciousness leaves him as his eyes roll behind his back. His control over the area is lost. The skies and magical walls burst into fragments until they return the room into its original state….
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That Time I Got Stuck In An All-Girl Pirate Sim
A Harem LitRPG Adventure Comedy When Milton finds himself accidentally reincarnated as captain in a pirate simulator full of lusty ladies, will he be able to recruit a crew, upgrade his ship, claim that booty, and become King of the Pirates? 🏴☠️ Get ready for high levels of action ☠️ and progression fantasy combined with humorous and sexy romantic entanglements. May also include: monsters, monster girls 👯♀️, elves, magic, a monkey named Rufus 🙊, a kraken (obviously), character growth, and an exciting plot. If you enjoy books like Dungeon Crawler Carl and Oh Great! I was Reincarnated as a Farmer ...but wish they involved more female characters in flirtatious situations 🌶️🌶️🌶️, this story is for you. Don't miss your chance to read and contribute to a humorous Pirate simulator harem litRPG adventure currently in development before it hits Amazon!
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Goblin Rebirth
Framed for the assassination of the King, the realm's most accomplished and famed knight is immediately under suspicion. With all his strength, he is unable to fight against the injustice. He is executed and thus his story ends there...Or so they believe.He still lives. Reborn. As. A...Goblin?Let's see how he will live to claim revenge against the assassin and learn how to live as one of the realm's weakest species. An original series, please see my progress at https://tapas.io/series/Goblin-Rebirth
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Stuck as a Level One Swordsman
John Frost was excited to play the first VRMMORPG in the world, Strife of Celestials. He even got to beta test for the game. Months later, the game finally gets released. As soon as John seeks a monster to fight, he found himself unable to go past level one. Updates twice a week.
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Better To Be Lucky Than Good.
The world is dying, something has to be done. The people who messed it up are clueless. The ones who are fixing it aren't in it for the right reasons. They have endless funding, and unlimited resources, but the plan they advertised isn't the plan they will execute. Drew is put in charge of integration and security for a major project at work. He knows something is off so he asks the one person he trusts the most to help him. Unfortunately that person isn't a hero and is the last person humanity wants to depend on. These two are all that stand between them and their goals. Can they stem the tide and bring humanity back from the brink or will they just screw around and go for shiny treasure and digital glory?
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Mavros the great hero was victorious. He had defeated the empire, and vast stretches of land were now free. But what now? After a battle with a monster, he was frozen in time, left to never age as time passed by... That is until the spell was undone - in a time where magic has risen. In a time where everything have evolved, everything but Mavros. Will Mavros do well in the struggle to save a faltering country? Will he even be useful? Or do things not go exactly as planned for the great hero? Let's find out. This novel will explore the scenario where a hero (Inspired by real-life Heroes with similar legends) would rise again, when his country needed him the most. [PG18] Heavily described bloody scenes. Warning: Main is not OP, and will frequently lose his battles.
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Universe Dysphoria
Release Schedule: Tuesdays & Fridays @ 10AM PST This work has cannon LGBT themes, characters, and situations but does not have explicit sexual content. Originally started in 2005 as a form of self-therapy writing has helped heal many of my wounds. The world grew until the concept of it being self-therapy did not contain it anymore. I scrapped what I had written to that point using it as an outline and started over, building it into a novel format. Containing stories of a diverse population and multiple lead characters each chapter centers on the perspective on the main character in the chapter. Blurb & Section Information Set five hundred years into Earth's future is this sci-fi political space opera. After a solar system fractured by conservative vs. liberal politics begins to settle, humanity is on the cusp of an amazing breakthrough in understanding the universe around them. Who knows what is out there? Part 1: Separation (10 Chapters) – The main players find themselves separated from the life they knew, unwittingly dragged into something larger. Part 2: Freedom (11 Chapters) – The first actions are taken, and choices are made that will impact the universe as a whole to drag it out of its state. Part 3: Knowledge (13 Chapters)
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