《The Magical Girl Substituting me is...my Uncle?!》A Party to Remember
It has been over an hour since the party Shinji's planned on the spot begun.
It’s a very compact place with three rooms. The small living room also works as both his kitchen and bedroom. The bathroom was big enough for one person to move inside or fit in the bathtub itself but couldn't move a single toe without facing some difficulty. The third for some reason, is a strange room with a large metal door and multitude of locks. Cold air can be felt leaking from below it. It’s clearly bigger than all of the other rooms combined.
Aika went on the errand her uncle asked and brought the snacks and beverages for everyone.
Ayumu held up her end of the bargain, cleaned her room and tagged along with Agnicia minutes later.
Surprisingly, she also helped tidy Shinji's place with Setsuna's help while Crow and him were talking. Bink and the Sacred Beasts were huddled over a Kotatsu with the exception of Yale. Who was pretending to be a guardian statue on down at the park right next to the complex.
Nyamo quickly became friends with Kuro, Midori's housecat. After playing and chasing each other nonstop every second since the moment they ‘ve met. Both felines were now taking a nap together on Ayumu’s lap.
Shinji took a quick shower and changed out his work clothes in that timespan. (Aika had to stop Setsuna from peeking or getting inside more than five times.)
The adult trio placed themselves in charge of the food and started preparing the main reason why Aika accepted setting foot in the place she promised to never tread again, the feast.
"Sensei, I just realized it now but, how are we exactly going to cook the meat? Your oven isn't working and I can't find any matches anywhere…" Beatrice asked as she while trying to flip the switch over and over again.
"Ops! Forgot about that part! Set-chan! Could you go inside the my closet and get 'that' thing for me?"
"Right away Sensei!" Setsuna gets up, salutes, slides open the closet door behind her to side and started looking for something inside it.
"Ah! But do be careful with my precious necktie collection on that glass display right next to my suits!"
“Of course Sensei!” Setsuna answered from within while quietly sniffing the dark closet inside.
"The Pig here doesn't have any running gas here, for some reason. It has always been like that for as long we can remember." Aika tells Beatrice as she shrugged.
"Anything to save up some money! I can always just improvise and use the grill if I really need to cook something! Besides, I'm already used to the cold while bathing and sometimes training on the room over there!" The teacher points at the large metal door on the corner as he sets a chopping board and set of knives by the counter.
"I knew you were rather unique to begin with Sensei. But, owning a cold room in an apartment definitely takes the cake! Especially since you said the place is rented!" Beatrice exclaims while sharpening the knives.
"I know right?! I spent quite a lot of money and still had to get loan for it too! Only to realize the fact after the construction was already over! Bwahaha!!" Shinji just giggled at her comment, looking as if it’s happening to anyone other than himself.
(Just how much of an idiot are you?) Aika face palms herself, dumbfounded by his stupidity that seems to get worse with each passing day.
"Sensei! Found it!" Setsuna gets out of the closet and bring an object covered with a blanket in her hands.
"Great! Then please set it up next to the grill!"
Setsuna sets the object as he asked, removes the blanket, swipe it a little with the help of a dust cloth and then plugs it in.
"But that's a…" Crow looks confused at what Setsuna brought.
"Tada! It's an easy bake oven that I had bought for Ai-Chan back when she was younger! It didn't have much use for it after she stopped visiting, so I ended taking it for myself! It has helped me get through a lot bad times when I’m on the red!"
"I can't believe you still kept this ridiculous toy with you and relied on it after all this time…" She says while giving her uncle a disappointing look.
"But of course I did! It's one of the few reminders left before your Miss Demeanor pha- Bweh!"
Aika’s foot quickly met her uncle’s face.
"You scum! I already told you not to mention that name in front of other people! It wasn't a phase either! "
"Miss Demeanor?" Both Crow and Bea question the name at the same time.
Shinji was already up and put his arms between the two.
"You mean she never told either you? There used to be a time where she was just a cute and innocent as your Ayumu! Back then, both Set-Chan and her used to follow me everywhere I went! She even used to call me Oji-Chan in the cutest of ways too..." Shinji cleared his throat and put his left hand in front of his mouth.
"Oji-Chan! I love you!" Using his unsettling ventriloquism skills. The uncanny voice of Aika as child comes out of his lips.
Aika cringed so hard that she collapsed on the floor as her body twisted, as if having some sort of seizure.
"GWAAAHHH!! Don't remind me of those embarrassing days! Don't use that cursed voice either!"
Despite seeing Aika despairing in that state, Setsuna ignored her best friend's condition and followed up on her teacher explanation.
"Around when were about ten or so. Ai began to take notice of how the others perceived Sensei and started to resent him. She became so aggressive after that, she developed the foul mouth you know now, hurled an insult every three sentences and started getting into fights everywhere. In time, the school, the streets, parks and even other schools started to fear or at least know her name and learned not to step on her toes. Not even the adults were capable of restraining her. She ended up suspended so many times that our classmates titled her that and it stuck with her all the way to our eighth grade."
"Exactly! Now that I am in a new school, I absolutely refuse to let that nickname rears its ugly head again and tarnish my parents or the school’s name! Same goes for the past where I actually used to look up at this thrash! I specifically joined the student council to create a better image of myself and keep perverts like him in check!"
"You became such a delinquent and rebellious Ai-Chan! It hurts my poor heart to see you acting like that! Just what did you heard or saw to make you this much-" Shinji tried to hug her from behind while speaking. Aika answered with a straight jab to his face so powerful Shinji flung a few meters and his face had caved in.
"As if you didn't know already fuckface! I thought I made myself clear before! Don't you dare touch me with those filthy hands of yours either!"
"You two also work for the student council?" Beatrice tried to help Shinji survive through the entire night and changed the subject.
"Yes. I'm the secretary. Setsuna is the treasurer and childhood friend of ours is vice-president. Although, the staff or even us barely do anything there. Our president tends to do solve or everything by herself. What most of us tend to do is chase after this Pig and the troublesome Akira-Chan fan club."
"I remember you talking a bit about your brother in the past. He has a fan club?"
"Strangely, yes. They have been protecting him from the shadows and prevents anyone with bad intentions get close to him, including amongst themselves. However, they are poor at even doing that since they bicker constantly and tend to get in everyone's way. But I guess I am glad for the extra sandbags that they are."
"Sensei…" Setsuna pokes Shinji's corpse and whispers in his ear.
"Huh?" Already recovered, Shinji slowly opened his eyes and turns his body so he can lay on his back.
"Shouldn't we tell her that the leader of the fan club is none other than Yozo-Senpai by now?"
Shinji took a good look at Aika and thought before answering.
"Nah. I don't think she is ready to face the reality of it. Besides… I feel bad for her but wouldn't it be a shame to just let things end now? This is just too funny to just let it go…" Shinji was trying his best to not burst out laughing.
"Pftt! Agreed..." Setsuna did so as well.
Shinjirou finally got up and set the preparations for the sashimi while the easy bake oven did its thing. Crow was in charge of somehow cooking the grounded meat on the grill and Beatrice started chopping some onions and other vegetables.
"Ah! Oji-Chan! Can you do that thing again?”
"That? Alright Sunny! It has been a while since I last held a blade! I might be a little rusty so please bear with me! But, prepare yourselves for one of a hell of a show! Bwahaha! Whenever you are ready Set-Chan!"
Setsuna already knew what Shinjirou intended to do and nodded in silence. She grabbed the the smaller fish of the bunch stacked on a cooler box and threw it high into the air.
"Haaah…" After taking one deep breath…
"Tsunaboshi Ultimate Technique: Ten Hells!"
Shinji quickly raised the knife in his hand and performs countless slashes against the airborne fish. When it finally landed on the chopping board, the fish suddenly turned into paste. Its bones simply slid its body and landed on the trash bin right next to it.
"OOHHH!" Everyone clapped, completely in awe with his skills.
"Ops! Guess I got a little too carried away and cut too much! Urgh!" Shinji tried to rub the back of his head in embarrassment but...
“Shit!” He suddenly recoils, let go of the knife and uses his now free hand to hold his left shoulder, looking like he was in extreme pain.
“Sensei!” Setsuna rushed towards Shinji. But he signals her to stop before she could make a second step towards him. He immediately let’s go of his arm and smiles like nothing happened.
“Sorry for startling yall! But I’m fine! I just sometimes forget that I’m not young as I used to be! Hahaha…” Shin tries to fakes a smile as he casually tries to reassure everyone. He gets on one knee to grab the knife but…
"You Moron! You’re wasting the fish!"
But Aika still mercilessly slugged her uncle in the back of his head with a ladle.
Curious about something, Crow discreetly bends over and analyzed what was once called a fish with the help of a spell. His left eye dimly glowed blue as his vision seemingly zoomed into the fish paste.
(Amazing! These are no amateur skills! He managed to cut the entire body and still left the bone intact! They got cut in a near molecular level too! I already knew he was good in a fistfight but Sensei must be an even more fearsome swordsman! I got to takes notes!)
Crow pulls a small notebook from his pocket and makes a sketch of Shinji’s form when he swung that knife and an anatomy of the fish previously on air.
Shinji plugged a retro game system onto his TV to distract to Ayumu and the girls (plus Bink) while the two veterans helped him to gut the rest of the fishes and removing their bones.
"No offense Sensei. But I'm surprised by how you can afford something like this. Judging by how high quality these catches are. Even with two months of my pay, I wouldn't be able to afford something like this!"
"Our family are close friends with a butchery/fishery. They sometimes give me some cuts and leftovers for free! You couldn’t ask for kinder people either! I would be in serious trouble by now if they didn't often pitch in and save me! Here, I made us some coffee." Shinji hands both his helpers a mug each.
"Oh! Thanks Sensei!" The pair accept the cup on his hands and takes a sip.
(Bitter…) Crow complains in his mind while pretending to enjoy his beverage.
"Sooooooo....I been meaning to ask the two of you something. It has me wondering for a while now…"
"Yeah?" After the first sip, Beatrice drinks the rest with gusto.
"Are you two really just childhood friends and nothing else? None of you ever gotten interested and tried to dip your toes in some ‘adult entertainment’, bedroom activities or anything of the sort either?"
"Pfffttt!!! Wh-Wha- what are you even saying?!" Beatrice had spat out her drink in surprise. Her face red as a tomato.
"I was just curious since both of you seem to have such a good chemistry and seem to know a lot about each other! My intuition for this sort of thing is usually sharp, you know?"
"I-I-I…" It was rare to Beatrice stumble on her words. But, Shinji managed to land quite the critical hit on her.
"There is nothing there to talk about. We are good friends. I can trust my back to her and hers over mine." Crow answered dryly while swiping the coffee Agnicia spilled.
"Reeeaaaaaally? You never tried to take the plunge or dated someone else before in your lives? That’s such a waste of potential from the two of you…" Shinji was starting to sound like an annoying and gossiping housewife. But Crow decided ignore his desire punch him in the face…at least for now.
"I'm not interested in women at all. Even if I was, I'm way too busy with college, work and taking care of Ayumu to worry about this sort of things anyways. They would just get in the way. Karasu already brings me a lot of trouble because of his flirting too."
"Oh..." Bea looked a little disappointed with his answer.
"Oh please! Any more edge and I'll be able to cut the fish with it! Drop the sis-con, lone boy act and answer seriously!"
"I don't know what else to tell you…" Crow calmly answered while rolling his eyes and taking a sip of his coffee.
"Are you reaaaaaaaally sure you are not interested in women at all? Mister Nice Abs and Glasses?" Shinji teasingly asks with a devious grim plastered on his face.
"PPPPPFFFTTTTT!!!" It was now Crow' turn to spit out his coffee in surprise to Shinji's comments.
In fact, he spat out so hard it looked like a geyser. His face was in shades of red that no human must have reached before.
"I-I-I have no-no idea what you are talking about…"
"It might have been for just three seconds. But, did you really thought that I didn't notice you eyeballing those two chicks that we saw entering the gym on our way here, Pretty boy? Or you throwing glances at the 'Naughty Girls in Glasses Collection' on my top shelf over there? I told you that I'm sharp for these kind of things! I might be getting old but not senile! Bwahahaha!”
“I-I-I…” Crow panics and mumbles incoherently until Shinji cuts him off.
“No need to feel ashamed! It's pretty common for a healthy boy your age be this sexually aware! Especially one quite pent up as you! In fact, it would be weirder to me if you didn’t! You also have tastes that others tend to overlook! I'll give you an eight of ten on that and a small praise for trying so hard to pull the wool over my eyes! I legit believed you were on this uninterested until that Freudian slip! Bwahahah!!"
“…” Bea was completely speechless and frozen in place. Her jaw dropped to the floor.
" Kwaahahah! No way! You’re serious Sensei!? We both bond and share our minds, body and souls with each other for years now! Not even I had noticed this secret side of his! Guess he isn't that much of a brat after all!!" Karasu joined on the fun, starting to point and laugh at his partner.
Shinji and Karasu mock and laughed until they started rolling on the floor while the other two veterans kept cooking without saying a word and trying not to look at each other's eyes. Their faces completely red in embarrassment.
In his own words, Shinji went and did a solid for the two. Telling the others that he might have pressured them too much to drink with him already and were feeling a little light-headed…
After they were done eating, almost everyone had a bulging belly, started to feel sluggish and relaxed on the floor cushions.
"I'm so full! Your cooking is amazing as always Oji-Chan!"
"I agree! Even that weird crimson-colored taco was great! Although, I will admit to be surprised there is something in this world that not even someone masochistic as me couldn’t handle. That hellish amount of spice is monstrous to put it mildly!
"Thanks! I'm happy that both seem to think so! But Tracksuit, that one was one of Set-Chan's special batch. She is the only one capable of eating something like that without fainting or not getting weak on the legs! Even I can't eat that thing without ending up sleeping in the toilet for the entire night afterwards! Bwhahaha!"
"TMI dumbass. Although, that makes me wonder why you decided to be a teacher in the first place…" Aika sighs at her own comment.
"What do you mean Ai-Chan?"
"Why become this joke of a teacher when your cooking is this damn good?"
"Well…" Shinji began to ponder a little before answering and show a sincere smile.
"…It's not my style to be stuck in a stuffed hot room full of men! Although, if my coworkers were all females and their uniform were naked aprons or at least maid uniforms. Then maybe, I would consi-"
Aika gave a powerful uppercut to his chin and Shinji's head went through the ceiling. His motionless body swing back and forth by the wind.
"I should know better than this for getting my hopes up…AND WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!"
Aika looked behind her and saw her friend stripped down to her underwear, which was nothing short of impressive. Given how quickly Setsuna had undressed with no hint of hesitation while her clothes were also neatly folded and laid on the floor.
Aika was trying everything in her power to stop her half-naked friend from going to the path of no return and unhooking her bra.
“Wah?! Who turned off the lights? I can’t see!” Meanwhile, Crow and Beatrice were busy covering his little sister’s eyes.
“Uh, guys? Shouldn’t we help Sensei get down by now? He’s not moving…” Bink asked while pointing his finger at the suspended corpse swaying like a wind chime…
After things finally calmed down and fixed the hole Shinji’s head left on the ceiling with a bit of tape.
Aika and Setsuna was busy doing the dishes for him and everyone else was slouching on the tatami mattress.
"Oh! That's right! Sensei, do you mind if I turn on the TV for a bit?" Beatrice asks after an alarm rung on her phone.
"Sure! Have something in particular you want to watch?"
"The wrestling block! There is a special no holds-barred tournament happening right now and Big Ed is participating! I got to watch it!"
"You and that weird wrestling obsession of yours…" Crow shook his head and arms crossed in disappointment.
“You heard something? Abs and Glasses fetish?”
“Guh…” Crow couldn’t find a comeback and decided to keep quiet instead.
"Big Ed, eh? I admit that he's strong and takes hits like a freaking tank. However, his moves are too slow for my liking. I'm more of a fan of flashy and speedy fighters myself. Like the undisputed champion, Silver Kneesock or the lightweight underdog, Divorced Disaster…"
"WAIT A MOMENT! YOU’ARE AN WRESTLING FAN TOO SENSEI?!" Bea yells out of a sudden. She even smacked her glass against the table, rendering into tiny pieces. Even someone whimsical as Shinji felt overwhelmed by her sudden change in tone.
"A-A little bit. I... let’s just say I picked it up from a relative of mine. Haha…" Shinji tries to answers rather cryptically.
(What in the hell is going on with these stupid stage names...) Crow was cleaning the spilled drink with a cloth and carefully picking up the glass shards into a plastic bag while the other two were in their own world.
“Since you talked about Silver Kneesock. Did you saw his fight against Crooked Dino last week?! Actually, who and what was the first fight you seen?! How did you first hear of it? When...”
While Beatrice was flooding Shinjirou with a barrage of questions and talking about ruling, multiple wrestling moves in excruciating detail (including ones that are now considered illegal), overexcited by finally finding someone who dabbled in her favorite sport. Violence.
Crow just shrugs when Shinji looks at him. Pleading Crow to help him out but he was unable to keep up with the near one sided conversation.
Meanwhile the two girls were doing still busy with the dishes.
“Fuck! When was the last time you cleaned something here, you fucking slob?!”
Aika turned her back for a moment while reaching for the dishwasher and then went to clean the grease inside microwave right afterwards.
“Sorry! It has been a while since I stayed at home for this long so it completely crossed my mind!”
Shinji spoke without turning his head.
Setsuna quickly looked around her and noticed that nobody else was looking.
(Now’s my chance!)
She quickly grabbed her bag on the seat and Shinji's keys from the table and went back to the sink in a split second. Then, she pressed the key against the soap on her hand and shoved it inside the bag. Inside of it was also a stained tank top that was on the bathroom pile of dirty laundry a moment ago.
"Hehe…." Setsuna nose bled a little as she put keys where they were before and got back into doing the dishes, pretending like nothing happened.
Aika however, saw everything her best friend did but decided not to interfere this time around.
(I'll just play dumb for today and pretend that I didn't saw you commit a felony just now…)
Almost eleven. After a karaoke contest that Shinji prepared last-minute ended. (Setsuna surprisingly being the winner. She even sang a duet with him aftwards.)
Everyone was preparing to leave to their respective homes. Setsuna was busy unfolding Shinji's futon for him and thoroughly cleaning his room and closet while the others said their goodbyes by the door.
"Now what do we say to the nice mister, Ayumu?
"Thanks you for the food Oji-Chan!" Ayumu shows her gratitude while holding Kuro on her ams.
"It's was a nice change of pace. Sensei! Thanks for having us!"
"We neighbors help each other! Come by anytime Edgy! Especially for woman advice! You too, Sunny!" He nods as the siblings go upstairs and disappear in the dark of night.
“It has been hundreds of years since I had this much fun! See you around, Sensei!” After saying his piece, Karasu soon followed after them.
"See you soon Sensei! Hopefully, we can have this much fun every day like you promised! Well, once I prove myself to the girls and get out of this cage! I’m starting to feeling at ease here though…" Bink puts his fist in front of his face.
"Yea! It's a promise!" With no further words needed, the two fist bump each other. Bink then rushes to Aika and Beatrice while rolling inside his cage like a hamster.
The two were busy chaining the invisible cage on top Yale while calling for the elevator. Nyamo decided to sit down next to Shinji instead of helping the two.
"Hey, Sensei…" Nyamo calls him with a sad and dejected voice.
"I know. There's no need to worry. Your home is still with Aika's. I can take care of myself in case something bad happens."
But the kitty cat shakes her head.
"Thanks. But that's not it…”.
"What is it then?"
"I am really glad I ended up with someone like you. Even if temporarily. I know that Ai would never admit or accept completely but I think she is starting to being more receptive about our situation Nya. I sometimes still get some resonances between us that seem happen at random and I can read traces of her thoughts or feel some of her strongest emotions. I hope she becomes more accepting towards you and everything else. I truly think she would become much happier this way. She didn't want to confront you today, since you two weren't alone but she can't it out of her and forgive you over what she learned yesterday…"
"I'm glad you think like that Kittypaws! It means a lot to me! But, what do you mean yesterday? Did something bad happened?" Shinji dropped on one knee and gently patted her. Noticing the slip of her tongue too late, Nyamo seemed hesitant to tell him but continued anyways.
"Her father…apparently told her about his second 'job', the family history behind it and that the succession was meant to be yours…"
"He…did what?" Shinji face was so hidden by the cover of darkness that not even Nyamo noticed that his hands started to shake a little.
"Yea. I wasn’t there when he told her. But, her feelings and hatred about this were so strong that I could feel and hear all the way from school. Even while she slept…"
"Do you know if he said anything related to the school about it?"
"No Nya. I don't think he did. Is there some connection to it as well?"
"Then I already have said too much! Don't worry about it!”
After a moment of silence, Shinji looks deep into Nyamo’s eyes as he continues:
“However, there is one thing I can to tell you though. While I do feel sorry for dragging him into this mess. I don't regret pushing the responsibility aside to my brother not even for a second. I had…something very important that I wanted to prove to myself back then and getting crowned to essentially become a crime lord was getting in the way of that. So I decided to throw it all away on a whim over a single promise that I made with a certain someone..." Shinji then raises his head and looks at the gleaming stars in the sky as he seems to be reminiscing about something.
"But in that case, what did you exactly wanted to prove back then Sens- Nya!"
Shinji gently flicked her on the forehead.
"Sorry Kittypaws! But that is the one thing I’m not never telling anyone! Even if it kills me, I am taking this one the grave! Besides, I my brother is much more suited for that role then I will ever be. Despite being terribly shy and a big softie, Akito has a much clearer mind, thinks things through before acting and has no problem asking for the help of others. Unlike me… Now then, let's keep everything about this a secret between the two of us okay? I’ll ready myself for when Aika’s lid over her temper eventually explodes in the meantime." Shinji gives Nyamo a bitter smile.
"If Sensei says so…" Being reassured by his words, the feline stops looking depressed and smiled back at her new comrade in arms.
Setsuna quietly appeared behind the two and looked around, confused by something.
"Huh? There isn't anyone with you Sensei?"
"What do you mean Set-Chan?"
"Strange. I could swear to have heard someone talking with you just now. Actually, now that I think about it. I have been hearing faint voices around me all day ever since you called…"
"Mu-Must been your imagination Set-Chan! It's just me playing with Kittypaws here! Must have been the wind or something! Ahaha..."
“It has been windy a lot during the nights lately…”
Shinji pointed his chin at Aika, signaling Nyamo to get away.
The cat nods and trotted her way towards her owner, laying down on top of her head.
"What took you so long? I bet the Pig had something shitty to talk with you about!"
"Sorry! It was nothing important! Nyahaha..."
Nyamo then pondered to herself.
(Could Setsuna-San actually been listening to us this whole time? Last time I checked, Bea-San's magic is still working. So that would only mean that she could be… No, it's too soon to determine that... I should keep it to myself and see what happens for now…)
Aika and Nyamo went through the night riding on Yale's large body with Beatrice at the reins and drop by the Tsunaboshi's house.
Back to Shinji's apartment.
"Thanks for helping me with the house Set-Chan! But isn't getting too late for you to go back home? I know you live close by but still…"
"No need to worry about me Sensei! I can defend myself in case something happens! I really wanted to visit and clean your room for a while now! It has been a long time since I last visited! Besides, I still don't want to go back home anyways because of Dad. If it was up to me, I would much rather spend the night in here with Yo-Ouch!"
The teacher gently chopped her on the head for the comment. Weak enough that it would not hurt even a fly.
"Silly! You know that I don't personally mind it. However, if someone caught wind of it, you and me would be in lots of trouble. Your father could sue for my nonexistent money and get me fired, forcing me to live under a bridge or worse. Ai-Chan scorn me even more than she already does and never speak to me ever again. Lastly, I would be shunned by society and probably hunted down. I am very glad to hear that you feel this way about me. BUT! The two of you aren't a kids anymore. So please, don't suggest things like this so freely again. Okay, Set-Chan?"
"Yea... I’m sorry for bothering you Sensei…" Setsuna looked a little sad after being reprimanded. On the other hand, she also felt somewhat happy at the fact Shinji might have considered her as a woman just now, even if only a little.
Noticing that he might have sounded too harsh on her and mulling what to do. Shinji decided to gently pat her head like he did so many times in the past.
"Ehehehe..." Setsuna mood immediately turned better. She began standing on her tip toes and even started purring in response to his touch.
"..." Hesitant over what else he wanted to say and also stunned by how cute she can be sometimes. Shinji steeled his nerves and tries finds the courage for what he wanted to do next.
(Oh, screw it!)
Out of nowhere, Shinji then proceeds to embrace Setsuna while gently stroking her black and silky hair that he always loved to play with since she was a kid.
"Eh? Sensei?" It was so sudden that she didn't knew to properly process the situation or respond. Setsuna’s body didn’t even had the time to blush.
"Setsuna, thanks for being such a good friend of Aika and her brother. I know how hard it is to keeping watching over them. I don't usually show or say it very often but, I would like to let you know three are pretty much irreplaceable and means the world to me.”
“…” Setsuna raised her head and looked at him with the widest of eyes.
“In fact, I see you two like you were my own precious daughters, Heh! Maybe even Akira too now that I stop to think about it! So please, try just a little harder to get along with people other than us and Yozo, especially your parents. If not for you, then do it for myself okay? You'll thank me in the future..." Shinji shows his most genuine smile today as he pours his some of the depths of his heart which he usually avoids to show to someone.
"Sensei…" Setsuna was left speechless, her eyes began to get a little moist, legs trembling and her lips quivering. She was desperately holding back the urge to pounce at him right in this instant.
"Now get moving! You still have to talk things over with your parents! I want to see you back in school by Monday with this issue put behind you! I don’t want to have this worry gnawing over the back of my mind!"
While being shooed to elevator that just arrived, Setsuna waves her hands to her teacher while letting a few tears fall her eyes until each other left their vision. She was still blushing and weak in the knees all the way home.
The moment she was gone, Shinji smile disappeared and had a dubious look on his face as he closes the door behind him. Lighting yet another cig.
(Children, huh? I might have said that but, thank god I don’t have any. I must be amongst one of the last people on the planet that should to be called a parent…)
He then pulls up his cellphone and typed a certain number that he hasn't called well over a decade.
Looking at the table, Shinji found a closed expensive bottle of his strongest sake, which he kept for special occasions. It is said that this drink is so strong that, a single sip of it is enough to knock an elephant out cold or send a normal person unconscious for almost a week straight.
Shinji wanted to have a drinking match with rest of the grown-ups earlier but it was getting too late and ended deciding to shelve the idea for another time. Still, he was so distracted with clean-up and the sudden increase in the amount of people in his condo that he forgot to put the bottle away. He spun his left arm to check something and proceeds to grab the bottle with it.
(Guess I going to be needing your help if I want to get through this without straining my voice or getting too heated… Shit. My arm still stings like hell too. Maybe the old man is right. I really am getting rusty…)
Whilst the call was still left on hold, Shinjirou gulped the entire bottle in one go.
"Hello? Yeah, it's me. Got a moment? Then, find one. We got to talk..."
The name of the contact on the screen read 'Mr. Tsun'…
The next day, room 304 ended up filed with a LOT of noise complaints from the neighbors.
Shinji never begged so hard for the forgiveness of someone before. Much less expected to be his landlord’s cousin and others residents of all people…
At the same time, interesting things were happening at Arcadia while gossip began to spread like wildfire.
The creepy voice of a lizard asking for more pain could be heard out of the Valkyrie Quarters.
Agnicia added a thousand sit-ups and push-ups with one hand each for her daily training regime. She also stopped wearing contacts.
Karasu started to tease Crow in front of others, asking which muscles his eyes tend to turn towards it.
Other Magical Girls heard the Valkyrie sometimes talking to herself, thanking the hints of a certain someone dropped…
- In Serial447 Chapters
Consuming Earths, Devouring Skies
In the myriad realms, legends rise and fall in the countless eras.Yan Zaizen, a frail youth with an unfortunate history, meets one of these legends. Will this change his common destiny to something greater?The story of a boy that just wants a peacefully lavish life with money, amazing food, and a beautiful woman to love.The story of the heavens that laughs at this.
8 212 - In Serial33 Chapters
Invasion - A Nanomachine Magical World LitRPG Adventure
***BOOK 1 and BOOK 2 are now both on Amazon!!*** Thank you all for helping make this happen. I really really appreciate it. As the rules of publishing go, I have left a few chapters as preview and taken down. I also have another series of which Book 1 is out on RR and is released every weekday: Reborn - Book 1 of the Jade Phoenix Saga (A Wuxia LitRPG Series) I hope you all find both interesting. Enjoy! In the year 2035, humanity broke the dimensional barrier and attached its world to another. Unfortunately, something was waiting on the other side. Nearly 150 year later, humanity is in a never-ending war to hold what is left of its world. Vic is a military asset for the United Forces of Humanity (UFH) and his job is to kill the Invader orcs and their kin. While on a mission, he is exposed to an advanced technology which grants him powers beyond anything he has known. How can he grow and use those powers serve humanity and its hope to take back the world? Travel with Vic as he uncovers strange happenings throughout human cities, strengthens himself and his allies, and breaks rules set in place a century and a half ago. Watch as he allies himself with elves, dwarves, gnomes and beastkin to battle the Invaders using a mix of ancient magic and futuristic technology.______________________ This story is a mix of fantasy and sci-fi with an OP main character, magic, guns, crafting, violence, sarcasm, love, betrayal, swearing, blood, gore and some sexual innuendo (Fades to black with no explicit sex scenes). **This story is copyrighted. Any attempt to plagiarize and claim this writing as your own with be reported to the sites as well as the authorities.** This story is posted to Royal Road ONLY. If you reading it on any other platform it is done so illegally. Please report it and let me know. Thanks!
8 179 - In Serial16 Chapters
He died and got reincarnated, against his complains about it being cliche, and born (literally) in a new world, a world full of magic, and danger, and most likely those 2 mixed together. But he takes it all in stride, be it a baby stride for now, and decides he shall use magic, and knowledge, to become a true Mage.
8 117 - In Serial39 Chapters
What If Tomorrow Is Too Late?
A collection of emotional and inspirational poetry that may pull on your heart strings. I hope my words inspire you and fill your heart with love, hope and encouragement. But, as life throws us a few curveballs and it always does, there are a few poems that are darker as I take you along with me through some trying times and a few brutal life experiences. But in the end, the sun shines down on the broken path I walked along to get here. So come along with me, share a smile or shed a tear or two, feel the raw emotion in my poetry and let my words flow through you. Thank you for taking the time to support my work. Please remember to vote with a star for the ones you enjoy! If you follow me you'll be notified when I post a new poem! XOXO ~Bobbie~
8 201 - In Serial31 Chapters
Out of Place
TRIGGER WARNING: SUICIDE, SELF HARM, AND VIOLENCEHave you ever been out of place?Well, what happens when you spend your whole life trying to get back in place, only to realize that you don't even know where your place is anymore? Do you find a new place? Or continue searching for your original place forever?And what happens if you have no place at all? What then?Contains DimentioXMr.LSome characters and ideas belong to @LuigiDaisy2 and @SilverStarWarrior
8 205 - In Serial6 Chapters
Something changed that night
One shot story for @royal888's fan fiction contest for her original story A Mob Boss's Heirs
8 144