《Gods among gods》Chapter 3 - Hey, wake up


From the water, Mikah looked up at the surface. He could no longer move, couldn't even blink. He was slowly sinking into the cold waters and everything was getting darker. He felt himself going down fast, faster... he began to fall.

Faster every second. Faster and faster and he could no longer feel the water, he only knew that he was falling with surprising speed.

He realized that he no longer felt any pain. He didn't even feel his body, he didn't feel anything. He just fell into an eternal darkness remembering his life, thinking about what he had gone through to get to where he was from the beginning of his days in her mother's womb. He wondered if it was all a dream, his whole life, but he knew it had all been real. Everything that happened was real and it was a lucid dream, a dream of eternal existence, happiness and sadness in the blink of an eye. Life and death in a breath. At times he thought he was afraid of crashing into some ground at that tremendous speed, but then he knew that the fear was also a dream, and he also knew that there was no bottom.

He had time to think… a long time, without hunger, without sleep, without fear.

His life had been happy after all, even the last breath of fear had been an adventure. He would have only wanted one more second... more time, more life, more world...

-Hey!, friend- someone spoke to him.

-Hey!, wake up- Mikah listened, but he didn't want to hear.

-Wake up, friend… Get up and walk, hehehe.

Like someone waking up from a long sleep, Mikah opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a white mist that enveloped everything. The ground was also white and seemed to be made of the same mist as the air. He realized that he was barefoot and naked, but intact. He didn't even have the scars he had had before he fell. Stunned, he stood pondering in that silent place until he heard that familiar voice again.

-Forty-one years and 189 days… more or less. Wow, you took your time, turtle- said Deom with a smile on his face.

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