《Tales of Light》II. The Last Ones


In the ruins of castle coloured black sat a tall shadowy figure in a black decrepit throne throne surrounded by rubble. Two more shadowy figures sat on each side of the throne. "I'm bored!" Said the left shadow. "Let's do something fun Talcot."

The right shadow responded, "Like what Zare?"

"I don't know!? Something exciting!" Zare said as she leaned on the throne poking the shadow on the throne.

"Please stop that..." said the throne shadow.

"Sure..." Zare smiled and continued to poke the throne shadow. "...when you get a life..." She stared at the sky for a minute then finished her sentence. "...What about you Laz? Have any ideas?"

"Our orders were to wait for the Lord to return. So we should wait for his return." Laz said, still being poked by Zare.

"Really?" Zara said, her attention returned to a skull that was lying on the ground. "We've been doing this same stupid task since we could fight."

"You didn't say that when we were attacked." Laz said, relieved that Zare stopped poking Laz's face.

"Look at this decrepit fortress!!" Her voice echoed throughout the halls of the castle. "See!! It's so empty that my voice echoes through the place!!" Zare placed the skull over her head. With a clatter from the skull, "This place is literally falling apart. And worst of all there's no one here except for US!!!' The walls echoed back US!!! US!! US! us! us. As the sound faded into the distance. "I mean why are we even still here?"

"Well the Lord did take care of us when those savages destroyed and burned our home into the ground," Talcot said. "Plus it would be rude of us to not return the favor." He paused for a moment to put on a white knight's helmet. "Sure the place isn't as graceful as it once was, or that it's hot during the summer seasons, or that a castle colored black is a really dumb idea."


Zare kicked a piece of the fallen ceiling, "How long have we been here? He would've been back by now." The piece of ceiling hit against the wall, cracking it a little.

"Sigh..." Said Laz, "This is why I don't have nice things. You're too rough with stuff."

"No, it's because you don't get sturdy stuff." Zare snarled back.

"Hate to but in on this interesting conversation," Talcot interrupted, "...but whose's turn is it to find food? I'm really hungry."

"Well I guess you'll just have to wait Tally, we've got company." Laz picked up a helmet that had a smile and placed it over own head.

"Let's have some fun!" Talcot and Zare said in unison. Zare and Talcot jumped up from their positions onto two small separate platforms above the throne, and seated themselves upon them.

"Come on!" A girl's voice voice in the distance said. "We're almost there!"

"Do we have to explore this place. It's dark and creepy." Another voice said. From the sound Laz assumed it was a boys. A few more voices, about two more, they were another boy and a girl.

"Are we almost there?" The other girl said.

"Yeah it's just a few meters away." Said the other boy.

The party entered the throne room. "See there's nothing to be afraid of..." said the first girl, "...there's even statues."

The first boy as he approached Laz and poked her face, "They look so life like, and feel life like?"

"It's rude to poke a girl, didn't your parents teach you manners?" Laz said, smirking.

He stared at Laz then jumped back.

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