《The Other - a (man) called Ted》Chapter 6a Report


After eating and heading back to the inn, they discussed what they would say should anyone ask. They decided on a sort of limited truth, saying how they fought Brinlog and how poorly things went, and as they were fleeing found a hermit of sorts that healed them up and had some clothing and equipment he found. Given the direction they came from, it would be a somewhat plausible story, and anyone suspicious about the identity of the hermit would just be told, in the same tone as the Other, “He talked about like this~ and told us how unlucky we were to meet Brinlog~.”

After that, they went to sleep, albeit on a slightly less comfortable mattress than what they had the previous day, but better than what they would normally use. The next morning they meet up early to get a ride on a carriage heading to the capital. It happened to be one of the few merchants in town making his weekly trip, so he offered to trade services since he was a bit low on goods for this trip. Thus, a free trip in exchange for fending off anything that happened to threaten them on the way to the capital. Due to the circumstances of escaping the forest, they were still about ten hours by carriage from the capital.

Fortunately for all involved, it was a relatively quiet trip with only a few overly curious Sparrow-Rocs. They arrived about the same time as they did at the previous town and said goodbye to the merchant. They decided on an inn and Marvin left to report their status to the brigadier in charge of their group.

Marvin gave him his very short written report but a longer verbal response, as he usually did. Marvin explained how they started searching, were attacked by Brinlog and were told some things that made it seem like Brinlog was specifically waiting for a subjugation team, how Marvin had gone berserk and by the time he came to Brinlog was gone so he gathered the remains of his team and hurried back. And that on the way he met a strange hermit that healed them and gave them some ‘found’ equipment.

“And to be perfectly honest, I know it was him. You know I met him when I was young right? Same stupidly annoying mannerisms and everything,” Marvin finishes.

At that the brigadier leans back in his chair a bit, saying, “From what you were saying I was getting the feeling that may be the case. He was in the capital three nights ago for sure, so it matches up. You said you ended up in Dunner? How is it looking these days?”

“Same as ever, that treant is still in the middle of town.”

“Very well,” the brigadier says, grunting to stand and walk Marvin out. “I’ll just add it to the report we’re putting together about him being in the slums, so you might get a few questions but you might not. It seems he had business concerning the orphanage there, and the stories circulating the slums these last few days make it sound like he made a deal with the gangs there so that they would actually support the orphanage, or at least keep out the riffraff. Nobody knows what that deal seems to be though.”


“Wouldn’t have a clue myself sir. Also, while I’m thinking of it, he gave me this acorn before I left. It seems normal enough, but if I could leave it with you…”

“Yes, yes,” the brigadier says, clapping Marvin on the shoulder, “I’ll have a mage or three look into it. If it’s fine I’ll let the general know and we’ll probably just plant it somewhere so if he ever asks we’ll have an answer. I heard rumors once that there’s actually a forest somewhere that the kingdoms have planted with all of the seeds he gifts from time to time, so it may just be that. Another seed.”

And with that, Marvin was shown the door and left to meet back up with Rory, Ernest, and Rachel. They had all agreed to eat on their own and meet up later, so he swung down his favorite food street and picked out a meat sandwich, that is, two slabs of slow roasted monster meat with lettuce and tomatoes in between.

Eventually making it back to the inn, Marvin discusses their next steps with his party.

“Any trouble talking to Brigadier Collins?” Rory inquires.

“None. He’s also going to take care of that acorn, and there doesn’t seem to be anything pressing either so we have at least a month to do what we want. He’ll be paying the Delaws a visit tomorrow, and Kasim was an orphan the military academy picked up so there’s nobody to inform. Gravestones will be up by the end of the month so we can swing by when we get back from leave.”

The others nod solemnly at that, and the room lapses into silence. After a while Ernest says, “So, what’s the plan next then?”

“You all have your adventurer registrations still, right? Since we won’t be on military time, we may as well grab an escort mission to Handbell territory. Also, here-“ Marvin says, throwing crystals at the three of them.

They sigh as they realize what Marvin tossed them and place them in a pocket or on the new loop of cord holding their adventure’s tags.

“Now that we know what these do,” begins Rachel, “I’m not sure how happy I should be. On the one hand, I’m here now, on the other I might have to make a choice like Margarette did. At least I know what that choice is now but still…”

“Oi, I know what you mean but remember what Sebastian and Fleur said,” mutters Rory. “If questioned by the Church of Death he is liable to just turn everything over to them and let them sort it out since they keep going on about their ritual for ‘eternal sleep’ and whatnot.”

“Spare me a lecture, would you,” cuts in Ernest. “But on a related note, do I seem a bit taller now, or did you shrink a bit?”

“That,” says Marvin, “Is probably one of the side effects he forgot to mention directly to you. I was going to spare you the details, but most of you had to be put back together from not much of you. Remember the bit with the soul projection, how it has a ‘natural state’ which somehow includes clothes? If your soul felt you were a certain height, with how he said you were healed, you would end up that height.”


Rachel and Rory turn a lighter shade at the realization of how close they were to ending up like Kasim or in the clutches of the Other like Margarette.

“We’ve already talked it over, so I don’t think we need to stick around the capital for long. Let’s put together supplies tomorrow and look for an escort job. Let’s confirm the job first in case there’s benefits.”

“You know those are hit or miss,” says Ernest. “I’m not eating maggoty corn meal or sleeping in a mostly waterproof tent. Margarette may be gone but there’s a reason we don’t let you decide supplies meathead! Remember before Margarette was assigned to our squad? 90% meat! On a good day! 90! And we can’t sleep in trees like you!”

“Oh come on it wasn’t that bad,” replies Marvin.

“Trees!” continues Ernest, waving his hands in the air and swaying in the non-existent breeze. “I don’t know if you picked up sleeping in hammocks from pirates or the elves but we have this!”

Ernest finishes his tirade by holding up and pointing at one of the magic bags they picked up from the Other’s Armory.

“Yes, but what if it breaks?”

As Ernest lets out a sigh of exasperation, Rachel pats him on the shoulder and offers the typical compromise, “We’ll get supplies while you and Rory pick out something. I’m road weary so I’m off to bed. Goodnight guys.”

As the three say or grunt their goodnights, Rachel heads back to her room.

“So,” says Ernest. “What did you grab to eat Rory? I’m sure Marvin had a meat sandwich again since we’re back in the capital. I managed to find the butcher who bought the Sparrow Rocs and a stand selling zin fruit.”

“Stew downstairs. I’ve been interrogating the staff after I finished. It apparently has a function to act like a normal staff but the procedure to do that is… complicated. I have to enter a ‘start’ sequence three times and rotate the gem, but the start sequence is pressing twenty different spots in order within a minute and if you fail twice it locks the mode for a week…”

“What kind of manure is that?” says Ernest.

“Evil. Unremitting evil,” says Marvin.

“Yes, yes, as evil as dark is black,” replies Rory as if this isn’t the hundredth time in the last few days he has heard the same mantra. “Real us in then make our lives inconvenient, destroy our families yadda yadda. The main reason countries are afraid of large wars is because with him around it’s only pain and suffering on the battlefield if he shows up, and that is more than somewhat terrifying.”

“What do you mean somewhat?” says Ernest. “What did did he say when they asked him on the Battlefield of Tortures during the rebellion against the Rincewind Empire? ‘Oh, I just got back and realized you were fighting in a field of flowers I planted, so I figured I would protect the flowers and heal you in the meantime. Slowly.’ It took several hours before most of them realized something was wrong and the dead weren’t actually dying, and until nightfall to actually see the big-ass magic circle in the sky! Then! They all took a break, because the troops were healing. Slowly. Except they thought he would leave but ~no~. So, the stupid ones decided, ‘If I can’t die, then I can just cut my way through to the emperor without worrying about bleeding out!’”

“He’s in a dramatic phase right now isn’t he?” mutters Marvin to Rory.

“He’s been a bit stressed so let him have this,” replies Rory.

“Then! After a month, a full friggen month, the Empire is tired of being attacked, the two other armies are tired of pseudo dying, and every damn one of them is out of rope to tie up the prisoners because they won’t die. ‘Why won’t you leave?’” says Ernest in a mocking tone. “‘Because you didn’t either~.’ GRAAAAAHH and now I can hear him say it!

‘I passed through a few places before getting here and it wasn’t safe traveling you know~. Maybe you should spend more time protecting your people you think~. Why are you expanding your borders when monsters run rampant and the lords and guards are corrupt~? The only thing you’re doing right now is hurting each other and trampling my flowers right~?’”

“Yeah, but it at least led to some stable jobs. Even our position ended up getting created because of that,” says Rory.

“A month! A full month of nearly dying! And now I nearly died! Or did die! Gah, I’m tired. Wake me up when you want to spar Marvin.”

“You know,” Marvin says softly to Rory, “I hear children sometimes collapse after throwing a tantrum.”

“I wouldn’t know sir, I’ve been married to my work and she doesn’t like mistresses,” says Rory. “Don’t wake me up until breakfast if I haven’t made it up by then.”

And with that, the three turn in for the night.

- - - - -

Several months later and far away from the kingdom.

A nondescript man on a nondescript horse rides along the edge of a forest, and stops. After looking around for a moment to check for any observers, he dismounts and takes out an iron rod about half his height and the thickness of two fingers. Walking a bit into the forest, he stabs the rod into the ground and moves it back and forth three times, and pulls it out. Then, he takes an acorn out of his nondescript jacket and places the acorn in the new hole, fills the hole with holy water from the Church of Light, steps on the ground on the sides to close it up a bit, hops on his horse and leaves.

No sooner had the horse gone over the hill, when an oak tree springs out of the ground, quickly growing to just over the height of the forest behind it. There’s one conspicuous thing about this particular tree, however. It is sunset red with golden leaves.

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