《There Is No Mana In Space》Chapter 8: Trupen Station
Krovukk grinned as he looked at the expression on the kid’s face. They had finally arrived at Trupen station. It had been built on a Piece, meaning it had ambient mana.
He looked back at Matt and saw his eyes go wide at what he saw. They had just come out of the elevator that connected one of the hangars to the station. What greeted them was a familiar sight for him, a long slightly curved street with a very high ceiling.
You could see the dark and empty space far above, through the glass dome that covered the station, but that was not what truly caught the kid’s eye.
Krovukk looked out at the interior of the station and saw a familiar sight, one he hadn’t seen for quite some time.
Buildings lined the street with all kinds of magical signs floating and trying to lure in unaware customers. In the distance one could spot a huge building in the middle that was also an important pillar for the dome.
“It’s huuuge.” The kid said and he could spot the rest of the crew grin at his amazement.
They had all talked fairly extensively with Matt now, having spent several days on the ship together. They had also learned all kinds of stuff. Like that he came from a planet called earth, that was very, very different, but also so very familiar in some regards.
The things that had shocked them the most? No classes, which also meant no skills or magic! It was very hard to picture for Krovukk. Also, only humans? Yuck. He liked some of them, even respected some, but mostly he thought they were a weak species.
A strange grunt came from the boy that took him out of his musings. Turning to look at him, he saw that he was struggling to stand.
“I don’t feel so good though.” The kid said, but none of them worried too much. They had figured out as much, but refrained from telling the kid lest he be too scared to take this necessary step.
“It’s going to pass, you are just not used to this level of ambient mana.” The captain said helpfully.
“We might wanna sit down though as this could take some time, what with his… circumstances.” He said looking at his crew.
They all sat down on some stairs to what appeared to be apartments. Honestly, Krovukk wasn’t sure. He had only been here a few times, and they didn’t tend to stay in one place very long.
The Piece maintaining the station wasn’t very big and didn’t contain much of anything except mana, so they had no reason to stay unless they got a contract or something, which hadn’t happened.
Trupen station was industrial at its core, with its unique diagonal smelters, which apparently abhorred most engineers, but still had made the station stand out, even if only as a curiosity.
The commercial district had naturally grown from there, or so he had heard. The fact that repairing your ship here was cheaper than most other stations which had to import the parts was a big incentive to travel that extra distance to come here.
Also it helped that the sister of their captain and pilot lived here. Which also meant they would have to visit and probably help her out of some kind of trouble. That one attracted trouble like blood attracts sharks.
He spotted the kid to his side in a weird mix of discomfort and amazement. Like he couldn’t contain his curiosity for the city before him, but physically uncomfortable. He had never experienced it as he was born on Dust, but Krovukk had heard many stories of mana deprivation.
Most usually just lasted a few seconds before the familiar and reassuring presence of mana filled them yet again, but those were the benign cases.
This looked to be more of a unique case, as Matt struggled far more than normal. Of course it was to be expected as he had never had any mana in his body, but even Krovukk was starting to get slightly anxious.
What if his body wasn’t compatible with mana? Or the mana didn’t accept him and would forever be his bane. Of course he knew this was extremely unlikely. But not impossible, which was annoying as he couldn’t shake the doubt.
A long sigh of relief came from the boy and his smile returned in full.
“I’ve never felt something like this before.” The kid said with wonder in his voice.
“Hey, you might even become a [Mage] now that you have mana like the rest of us.” Xar helpfully supplied. The kid had wanted nothing more than the ability to cast magic as soon as he had heard it was possible in this world.
Especially when he learned of all the different spellcasting classes that existed, the most common obviously being [Mage]. Levy and Kro had tried to tone down his eagerness, but Xar had not stopped telling him about all kinds of things to get him excited.
The little rascal really wanted a mage in this group of theirs it seemed. Which was a point they had yet to decide and agree on. But there was another question they had yet to answer that superseded that one.
What would they do with the kid?
Xar wanted to train him and integrate him into their group, which Levy was against, as they didn’t know the kid enough at all. Plus, it might not even be what he wanted anyway, and that they shouldn’t force anything on him.
Which was true of course, but Xar was of the mind to simply help push him along, as they had all observed the awkward teenager had trouble initiating even a conversation on his own and feared his indecisions would not help him either.
Both valid points, but Krovukk thought they were missing the main point as he looked at Xar telling him of all the different tier 5 and even 6 spells he had heard of.
Matt was a kid, he obviously needed help. But what were they willing to be for the kid? Help him a bit and let him be on his own? Train him and help him as a fellow adventurer? Or be something more like some kind of family?
The more Krovukk looked at him, the more he thought that what the kid needed wasn’t to learn how to fight. Wasn’t to learn how to cast spells, or know enough to find a job and make his own life.
It was obvious in so many details. Like the way he said sorry for the most unnecessary things. The way he held himself, as if trying not to occupy the space he was occupying. Like he didn’t dare to simply be. Like he was something he knew no one wanted around.
What he needed was to be accepted. To feel and truly be a part of something, without any conditions to what he brought. In short, a family.
But were they willing to be that? He thought as he looked at his friends. He knew he was, as he had come to like the kid on their short trip so far. But still, he couldn’t help but notice that the Walker brothers, pilot and captain, didn’t truly want that. Which, sadly he understood, considering what they had been through.
“... which is why I think you would thrive as a [Mage]” Xar finished saying something to the wide eyed kid.
“You really think so?” The kid answered, not nearly as confident in his future as a magical spellcaster.
“Well, you won’t know until you try, and honestly, if you like magic, I think you should give it a try.” Xar said honestly. Which was good advice.
Matt was clearly feeling better and the captain of their little group got up and faced them.
“Alright, just to make sure everyone is on the same page.” He started and stared straight and obviously at Xar.
“We are here for three reasons. One, get paid for cleaning out the smugglers den. Two, repair the ship and refill our mana crystals, and three, get our sister out of whatever trouble she probably got herself in.” He finished grinning as they all knew how this tended to go.
“We’ll handle the first two, captain.” Krovukk said as he motioned for Xar, Matt at himself.
“You go find out what that unreasonable sister of yours is up to.” He continued with a smile.
“Sure, you remember where she lives right? Meet us up when you are done.” The captain added before turning to his brother and beckoning him to come with.
“Laters.” Xar said to the two humans walking away before turning to the other two with a smile, before turning to Matt specifically.
“Now let’s show you around eh?” He said.
Matt couldn’t open his eyes more if he wanted to. It felt as if they were about to pop out. Everything was so much more magical in the station. He understood now that it was because the mana here was not finite like it was on the ship. They could afford to use mana almost however they liked.
And it showed.
There were magical illusions and animation all over the place, trying to get you interested in their store, or their service.
Swords and armors brimming with power, with glimpses of their use in battle and glorious victory floating above a sign, beckoning them in to take a look.
All different kinds of guns imaginable, being shown off in a similar manner.
But also a lot of completely non-combat oriented stuff.
The illusions weren’t purely based on sight alone, as he smelled bread that looked so fluffy it made his mouth water, with other pastries that looked incredibly good.
What he could only assume to be a magical tattoo place, where the ink was ever moving, free to wander your skin.
A myriad of different kinds of foods that not only floated up above the entrances, but smelled and felt so real he thought he could taste them.
There was so much going on it was overwhelming at first, and he knew he was still missing so much, with his head looking above the street at every wonder the different shops had to offer.
In the streets he saw many different species, but that wasn’t what shocked him the most. There were so many different styles he couldn’t believe it.
Some looked straight out of a fantasy novel, leather armor, or even plate, with sword and shield or some other medieval weapon. While some looked like what he had come to expect of sci-fi, holsters for some advanced weapon, colored hair in a strange pattern with a stylish black jacket, or even colored scales or whatnot.
Most people however were a strange mix in between. He spotted a knight in heavy armor with what looked like some sort of minigun attached on his back. Not a claymore or any kind of sword.
It was so strange, yet so magical he couldn’t get enough. He kept looking around, to immerse himself in this wonderful world.
As he was trying to take it all in, and failing, he didn’t see a Karkaris bump into him.
“S-sorry.” He instantly said as he turned to continue.
“Stop right there kid.” The big shark-man turned to him, a grimace clear on his alien face.
“You made me spill my drink.” He said and pointed to a blue liquid staining a large part of his jacket.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Matt said again, unsure of what to do. This was also about the time he took a closer look around to see that he had apparently lost Kro and Xar. He had been right behind them, or did he slow down to take in the sights?
“Sorry ain’t gonna cut it kid.” The blue skinned giant said in a rumbling voice as he loomed over him.
“You better have enough to reimburse me for the damage done, and some extra interest if you value your well being.” He said, snickering to himself.
Without noticing, the huge shark-man had made him slowly back into a secluded alley.
Panic started to well up inside of him. He didn’t have any money! He didn’t have, well, anything! Just as he was about to panic and run, a hand touched the other Karkaris shoulder.
“Get the fuck out of here if you don’t want me to break your legs.” He heard Kro’s low and rumbling voice, which promised violence.
“Get your hands off me!” His aggressor turned.
“And who the hell are you?” He snarled as he turned around.
In response, Krovukk simply revealed an amulet at his neck with two filled silver stars, the third remaining empty.
“Someone you don’t want to mess with.” He added as the shade of blue on the Karkaris face seemed to go whiter than he thought possible.
“I-uh” The blue brute started before being interrupted.
“Get the fuck out of here now, before I change my mind.” Krovukk growled at him.
The bully didn’t hesitate as he ran away, looking back with fear in his eyes.
Soon enough the three of them were back in the street, none worse for wear but with a heavy silence bearing down on him. Matt wasn’t looking around at everything anymore. He still glanced at it all from time to time, but didn’t marvel at it.
“Is it like that everywhere?” He finally asked.
It was Xar on Krovukk’s shoulder that answered.
“Only right now, and for you.” He said with a sad smile.
“You know, there are better places, where almost everyone is safe and all. But in deep space like here? The best solution is to be strong enough that it doesn’t matter.” Sighing at the end, Xar looked around.
“I bet you lived in a good part of your world, but I can’t imagine you didn’t have places that were way worse than this.” Xar continued as he motioned for some of the shadier looking people on the streets.
Matt was about to respond but then stopped himself. It was true. He had always lived in relative safety. But he knew that it wasn’t like everywhere, far from it actually.
True he had almost gotten robbed, but even in America, it was far from unheard of. People got robbed everyday. And that was America. There were some countries where it was so much worse.
But unlike here, on earth, you couldn’t be strong enough to be safe. Sure you could train, be strong, have good reflexes and everything. But a bullet to the head and you were gone.
Here? Very different from what he had understood. A bullet to the head? Probably shielded. And then skills would be let loose and a fight would break out. If you were strong enough? You didn’t have to fear for your life at all, which was very different from earth.
“You are right, there are some places that are very much worse on earth.” He admitted with a sigh.
“Still, it doesn’t make it right.” Surprisingly it was Krovukk who had added that last part. To which both had nodded their heads.
They continued on in silence for a while. Matt was thinking things through, looking at some of the more flashy illusions trying to lure him in to little effect.
As they walked in silence he started to wonder where they were headed. He didn’t want to bother them, but curiosity was eating him up. He just had to ask, but wasn’t sure if he should break the comfortable silence they found themselves in.
“Um.” He tried, raising his right hand like he was in school.
It was Xar that exploded laughing, with Krovukk telling him to stop, but smiling all the same.
“Kid, you don’t have to raise your hand to say something. Just say what you want.” Krovukk encouraged him with a smile.
“Uh, sorry. Where are we going exactly?” Matt asked, embarrassed.
“There.” Krovukk simply said as he pointed to a building taller than most.
It was a fifteen story high building with an illusion so huge he had somehow missed it. Matt couldn’t read the strange text that was clearly saying what it was, but even without it, it was pretty easy to guess.
The tower was showing a plethora of different creatures and threats being held back by brave people wielding all kinds of weapons and magic, defending a group of people, a village or a big city. It constantly shifted in a strange way that made perfect sense, but he would have been at a loss to explain it.
And this wasn’t even part of the main illusion, but on the walls of the building. The illusion hovering in the air above it showed a huge array of people lined up, confident, ready for anything. But what stood out is the way they held themselves. Like protectors, ready to dive into battle. Like heroes.
“The adventurer’s guild.” Xar supplied in case he still had a doubt.
Now that Matt had seen it he wasn’t sure how he had missed it in the first place, but in his defense there simply was too much going on.
They continued to walk for a few minutes until they stood in front of the building. The entrance was made up of two huge double doors permanently opened,letting them see inside. The main hall was supported by thick pillars like an old Greek temple.
At the same time, the floor was a modern looking metal and plastic, with the walls actually being stalls of different kinds.
An alchemist, an armorer, a recruiter and more lined the main hall on the sides. In the far end was where most people were. A huge magical board filled with requests on one side, with the other side for counters where people took requests and received payments.
Something felt strange though, as Matt thought about how big the building was. And as they continued through the main hall to the counters, he finally understood what was missing.
“There should be more floors, no? But there are no stairs or anything?” He asked the towering figure at his side.
“Ah, that. No need, the receptionists handle all of that. See the small booths behind them? They let you teleport to the different floors.” Krovukk helpfully provided.
Matt made a sound of understanding as they walked up to one of the receptionists.
“Hello, team Dust In Pieces, just finished a contract.” Krovukk said as they walked up to a smiling young man.
The man put a hand down under the counter to where Matt could see some light coming out. He was curious if they had something akin to a computer screen, but hadn’t seen one yet.
The man’s eyes glossed over for a second before it all stopped.
“Dust In Pieces. Yes, clearing of a smuggler’s den? Do you have proof or do we require a scrying spell?” The man asked, all smiles.
Krovukk turned to Xar on his shoulder for this one, and the less than a meter tall rat-man shrugged his shoulder, mouthing ‘Sorry’ if Matt had to guess.
“We require a scrying spell, it seems. I have the coordinates though. And before you ask, yes we know what it entails and are willing to pay the cost of said spell.” The huge shark-man said as he sighed, and wrote down something on a small paper before giving it over.
“Just a moment.” The clerk said as he went into a back room.
They waited there for a minute, looking bored. Well the other two were bored. Matt? He was looking around at all the people that looked even more varied than on the streets.
Some people were haggling with a vendor, some discussing what job to take. It was obvious there were a lot of different races. Some had scales, like lizards, some had horns and were what he would guess was minotaurs, while some had fur. Some were small, others big, it was just such an incredibly rich mix that with their different equipment, no one looked even remotely the same.
As he marveled at the sight, he heard the clerk come back to them.
“It checks out. Sorry it took some time, you destroyed it so thoroughly there wasn’t really much left to see. But we did manage to spot some traces of a base, and the coordinates are in line with our intel. Given your honorable track record, this will be enough.” The clerk said with a polite smile as he gave them a shard lined with magical runes.
“Thanks.” Krovukk said as he picked it up and turned to leave.
“So only repairs left…” Xar said with a resigned tone.
Just as Matt was going to ask why repairs seemed to be such a pain in the ass, he saw Levy and the Captain barging into the guild looking for them. They seemed in a hurry.
“Ah, here we go again.” Krovukk and Xar said at the same time. They turned to look at each other and smiled. Before they could say anything else, the captain stopped before them, panting.
“We have a problem.” He said with a serious tone.
“Yeah of course, she got herself into trouble again. So? Out with it.” Xar said exasperated.
“Well, she got herself into a whole lot more trouble than usual.” Levy said between two heavy breaths.
“What is a ‘lot of trouble’ captain?” Krovukk turned to ask him, unease in his voice.
“Apparently, our dear sister is currently aboard a slave ship.” He said, tone flat, not really sure he should believe it just yet.
“But how? Is it hearsay or do you have some proof?” Krovukk pressed. Matt swung his head, looking from person to person, not sure if he really understood what was happening.
“Apparently she was in debt, nothing new there, and they had been chasing her for some time, at least that’s what Vlacer told me. And probably about when she sent us a message.” He said.
“And you believe that sad sack o shit?” Xar asked, disbelief on his face.
“Of course not Xar, but then he showed us this.” He said as he took out a recording crystal. Putting some mana in his finger he pressed the play button and an image sprung forth.
The image was fairly clear, and they could see it was a hallway leading to the hangars. A group of people surrounded a girl that was being led to what they presumed was their ship.
Krovukk and Xar gasped as they recognised the girl.
The image changed and they saw them board a small shuttle, but it had an icon on it they all knew very well. Black wings rose on each side of a ferocious bird. The eyes were orange and piercing, it’s beak black, leaking orange fluids, likely blood.
The Birds Of Prey had their sister, the single biggest criminal organization of this sector.
“Oh shit.” Xar commented as the replay finally stopped.
“Shit indeed.” Krovukk added as the two brothers nodded seriously. Krovukk turned to look at Matt. This would be a tough one.
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