《The Fight We Chose》Chapter 9
Chapter 9
November 28, 1963
Washington D.C
8:22 AM
"We actually had a hard time clearing them in the surrounding buildings. Some of the holdouts were tougher than expected. That said, the area has been cleared out despite the casualties and we've managed to begin constructing a barricade around this thing to keep them from surprising us again." the American secretary of defense said, adjusting his glasses as he re-read the report, likely trying to downplay just how bad the fighting in the Dealey Plaza had become before control had been re-established.
The American president, for his part, rubbed his eyes as he looked out the window, painfully aware of the extra security now patrolling the White House grounds, rifles at the ready. The street beyond the White House fence remained empty with the exception of Capitol Police. Each officer wore a stern expression, probably tense despite the deceptively calm morning. He couldn’t blame them.
He turned away and sat behind his desk, eyeing the black and white photographs taken of the… thing standing in the middle of the Dealey Plaza, corpses still visible in some pictures. Most intact, identifiable.
He turned to the well-dressed men in the room with him and spoke as calmly as he could.
"That… thing… Do we have any idea what it is? Aside from the obvious..." he asked, massaging his temples as a headache began to flare once again.
There was a brief silence, the men looking away, standing around as if unsure, like an unprepared kid called to answer a question on the board.
After a moment, one of them spoke up.
"Well, the object is beyond our current scientific understanding, mister president. You can tell from the pictures it… it appears to just be a large rectangular structure with a prism-like reflective surface. It’s not radioactive, it’s not sucking things in or pushing things out, and the amount of room within it is staggering. We shined all sorts of lights from tanks and trucks, and it just goes on for at least a mile, but the structure itself opens in the grass at the center of the Dealey Plaza and then ends before hitting the Peristyles or the street. We’re not entirely sure how this is possible, but it’s what we’re dealing with. We can theorize it’s a portal of some kind, but it’s almost as if someone constructed a tunnel to another world. We aren’t picking up the energy readings we would expect from something like this. At least not with our current level of technology." One of the men said, staring at his papers.
“But it is another world?”
“We can only confirm it once we get to the other end, but given what we have seen thus far; the dragon carcasses, the authentic Roman-style weapons, and armor, the girl with animal ears... it’s the likeliest answer.”
"Instruments seem to work properly around it, too, so whatever it is, it isn't messing with our electronics." another man spoke quickly as if trying to distract from the gravity of the previous statement.
The president sighed.
"Feels like the world is hell-bent on ending during my first term… Can we destroy it?"
"Possibly. We chipped away some pieces of what appeared to be marble and they came off just fine. That said, simply destroying it could cause many problems on its own. Assuming it can be destroyed."
"One of which could be it opening up elsewhere, or worse, in another country. Out of our control." the secretary of defense stated.
The young president sucked in a breath.
He let it out.
"Sir, we don't know how this object works. It-"
"I know, I know… it's our problem, we have to deal with it. What do we know about our attackers?"
All eyes turned to an anthropologist who simply said "Sir, to put it bluntly… they're human. They speak some form of Latin and it seems many of our old translations are fairly spot on. They come from a land beyond the object- portal, and they come from somewhere they call Iberia. They were, apparently, an Imperial party sent to conquer part of the land for slaves and resources as well as make first contact if the wolf girl’s testimony is to be believed. They were the scouting force, and a larger army is allegedly on standby on the other side."
"Oh, slaves and resources? Just that? They have no concept of a peaceful first contact? Is that it?!"
"According to our strange helper, that may be the case. We have some survivor accounts noting that at least one group of these… Iberians… were seen carrying men and women towards the object.”
“Wait... Iberia... like the Peninsula?”
“Unclear at the moment, sir.”
At the exasperated look, he continued.
“One of them says an armed man rescued them, though, and while we can’t confirm too much yet, they say they couldn’t take anyone. The attack appears to truly have been a reconnaissance in force type of operation, hoping to measure how we would react before a larger force came through. So far, that hasn’t materialized."
"Well, that's some good news… but the idea that our citizens would be taken as slaves is still nightmarish. We find out they took anyone, we have to go in immediately and deal with these... Iberians... Iberia, knock-off Rome… whatever. Have they sent anyone to communicate since we repelled their invasion force?"
"No, sir. No one has come out of the object, and since we haven't tried sending anyone in… well, we just don't know if they intend to communicate, sir."
“What about our guests? They have any idea?”
“Those that cooperate are unsure. Our most cooperative guest said they would never send anyone. The way she describes it, they might be planning on fortifying and waiting for an attack from us.”
“She also said this portal cannot be closed.”
The president huffed, asking “Can we trust her word?”
The man with glasses adjusted them before saying “We’re not sure. We’ve been far more interested in her strange biology. It’s... it’s unlike anything we have seen outside of stories.”
“What? Her animal ears?”
“Specifically canine ears.”
“And tail.” Came the awkward addition to the conversation.
“Y-yes... well, the X-rays show she’s human. The tail and ears being the bizarre exceptions and... we’re not sure why. She was allegedly born this way, and if she’s to be trusted there are more like her.”
“Well, Mister Hannity, I know that’s very important to you scientists and all, but right now this is a military operation first and foremost. We were attacked. Too many of our people are dead. If it doesn’t help us solve that situation first, it’s not going to be a high priority.” the secretary of defense sighed.
The president replied “He’s right, we have to focus on the military side of things before we can prioritize others, but her knowledge is going to be vital if we can trust her... Can we trust her?”
“We haven’t proven she’s lied so far, but she is the reason for the attack. She opened the portal and acted as a scout for them if she’s to be believed. Even if she was forced to do so, the attack only happened because of her opening the portal. We can take her word for it, but we’d prefer to proceed with caution.”
The president nodded.
“What exactly is she?”
“A wolf hybrid... or perhaps it’s better to describe her as a human with some wolf-like characteristics?”
No one spoke, waiting for the scientist to continue.
The man’s eyebrow furrowed slightly before he said “It’s the strangest thing. She has wolf ears, a bit higher than where human ears should go, yet she has no human ears, and she’s left her hair long in part to hide the fact. Works alright, I suppose. Her real ears almost blend into it. Her tail is... well... that of a wolf’s. Comes out of her waist with hair dissimilar to that on her head, and it’s... alien to us. Our biology doesn’t just allow for alterations like this. We at first theorized she was some kind of horrible operation, but no. According to her and our prisoners, this other world is full of human hybrids. Demi-Humans they call them.”
“Demi... partial... inferior to a degree... Let me guess, they’re treated as subhuman?”
“According to her, yes. Even amongst each other, the demi-humans will rather stick to their own groups and reject others. Assuming what she said is true, of course.”
“Would make sense if they do, I suppose. One thing that we all have in common. But how on earth does she know English?”
At this, the man said “We’re still trying to confirm things. This story about her being able to open that portal, and see through into our world is admittedly fanciful, but at this point, we’re struggling to doubt her. If true, she was forced to open the doorway for the Iberians to attack Dallas. She picked up our language during her days studying us in secret.”
The president shook his head mumbling “Something’s off there. I can feel it.”
“We’re investigating every angle possible, sir.”
The Secretary of Defense then said “Most importantly is if this portal really is permanent. If it is, a surgical strike on the enemy encampment must be coordinated as soon as possible.”
“Until we find out if so, we strongly advise against such action. If it suddenly closes...” the other scientist replied.
“Of course. But right now, that has to be a priority. We have Patton tanks and M113s lined up with fuel and ammunition in the Dealey Plaza, ready to go in on the president’s orders. We can’t just sit around while the enemy tries cutting its losses or setting up defenses. Especially if they captured American citizens.”
“But we haven’t confirmed anyone was taken yet. In fact, it seems they didn’t get the opportunity.”
“We still need to act. Soon.”
Silence again.
The president said "He’s right about one thing, we have to decide our course of action soon, especially since Ivan is getting itchy and I-"
He paused, glancing at his wristwatch before shaking his head.
"…and I have to be chatting with him in a few minutes. Gentlemen, we will discuss this issue further, so get me some answers, alright?"
The men nodded and with that the president walked out of the Oval Office, trailed by his secret service agents and an aide who was carrying some papers.
"They get you that report, John?"
The young man simply said "Yes sir, from what the CIA tells us, they haven't found any objects anywhere else, but are still on the lookout for any of these appearing, as are our allies. Many states have begun relaxing their readiness level, though remaining on alert. Oh, and the linguists are preparing language pamphlets to give the troops."
The president nodded, approaching the room that was connected to the Pentagon.
"Well, that's good to know. Thank you." He said, walking inside and leaving the aide behind.
Inside, a secure connection was established to a phone somewhere else in the world. Said phone that was somewhere else in the world was then connected to another line that would eventually lead to another place in the world.
The President took a heavy breath as the Premier of the Soviet Union answered.
Pleasantries were exchanged and gotten out of the way quickly.
The Russian brought it up first.
"…in regards to the other world... It is another world, yes?”
The president nodded slowly to himself, as if not surprised the Russian was aware of their findings despite them not being published yet.
Damned spies...
Keeping the thought to himself, he replied with “That seems to be the consensus.”
“Yes, well, regarding this other world that this… doorway has given you access to… what is your nation's plan for it?"
"Well, we are looking at a variety of plans, some involve destroying it, risky as that could be…"
"Ah, but not all plans involve destroying it?"
There was a pause.
"You would realize how a new era of imperialism would look for your country, yes?"
The president felt his nails dig into the palm of his hands at the hint of accusation in the words of the Russian.
"I want to come to a consensus here, Nikita."
"Don't we all?"
"Well, I mean it."
"Look, the situation in Vietnam and what was once French Indo-China is clearly not turning in our favor…" the president admitted in a defeated tone, both changing the subject and bringing up what he wanted to discuss.
If he was standing in Moscow, he would have seen the premier stiffen in surprise at the statement.
Instead, the president had to contend with a seemingly unimpressed "Oh?"
"Yes. It is very clear that we have supporters in the country… countries involved- don't get me wrong… that said my… informants have made it increasingly clear that many more wish to be free of… free of our presence."
"Your country did effectively terminate their previous elections."
"In retrospect, that was a mistake, yes…"
One I supported even if I wasn't in office…
There was another pause as the Soviet Premier took in what he was being told.
"So… you will support free elections in Vietnam for reunification?”
“That’s what I intend to propose.” He said, leaving the clear implication to hang in the air, the Soviet Premiere picking up on it immediately.
“And if they choose… for your people to leave…" he didn’t finish, waiting for the American president to conclude for him.
The president answered with a stern "Then we will leave… we’ll let them decide and experiment for themselves, but Nikita…"
"Assuming they choose to have us go, I don't want them turning into an authoritarian proxy state… If there are American sympathizers, they must be allowed to exist and travel freely. I don't want another Berlin Wall popping up around all of Indochina."
"That is something you should discuss with them, not-"
"I want your support on it."
Another pause.
"Why?" the Russian asked after a moment.
"Because despite the open support, their relationship to the Chinese isn't exactly optimal right now and both of us know it."
Another pause.
"You and the Chinese aren't exactly on the same terms as you were even five years ago, and Vietnam is your new little investment ready to hop in on the scene and pick a side. Trust me, if my sources are to be believed, then the Chinese don't want Vietnam as an ally, so much as a territory, and I’d bet yours tell you the same. I would even be willing to bet Minh knows that much even now."
Another pause.
"As for this other world and the portal leading to it… we plan to see what happens, see if more show up, maybe… maybe send some scouting parties and diplomats assuming it stays where it is. I’ve already called back some Special Forces from Vietnam for that purpose. We also have prisoners and we're working on deciphering their language… it's a weird Latin gibberish… It might not even matter if it closes in a month or two. Just keep in mind, we have no control over where it appeared or how."
"That much I believe."
Of course, you do... Damned Russian spies…
"If it stays up… well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."
The Russian chuckled.
"Cross... yes, of course... Though I can already see your country’s plans for this other world. However, you want to give Vietnam its rightfully due liberty to choose its destiny, our support in them making that choice… all so that we leave you alone while you go ahead and conquer an entire other planet that is sitting pretty in your backyard?"
"We don't know if it will stay there, but let's assume that it stays. It’s not big enough for us to bring in ships. At most, we plan to control the nearby area in order to establish a proper presence. At most. And this is all hypothetical, remember? We don’t know if it will close in a hundred years from now or a hundred seconds."
"…Ah… Well, hypothetically, I believe it’s safe to say that we can work with that prospect."
"You're going to have your representatives cry about it at the UN, aren't you?"
"Most definitely, but you already knew that. Have a nice day, mister president."
Outskirts of Camp Pendleton, California
8:24 AM
Isaac Hillaire breathed in the fresh air, watching the small clouds roll on in the almost perfectly blue California skies above. He exited the very well-maintained Ford Fordor, placing his rucksack on the dusty ground as the other two occupants in the vehicle followed suit.
“Thanks for dropping me off, Mister Kuribayashi.” He replied in a tone that might have come off as unintentionally childish if the look on Sheena’s face was anything to go by. At least she was still pleasant to look at despite her cold expressions.
The older Mr. Kuribayashi didn’t comment on it, however.
He instead said “You’re more than welcome, taking responsibility like this is admirable. Although I personally doubt I’d have done the same if I was in your exact position.”
Isaac nodded slowly, more than a little aware of the circumstances American citizens of Japanese descent found themselves under during the Second World War.
“It is what it is. I really can’t thank you enough for not telling my folks.”
Mr. Kuribayashi only raised his hand as if in understanding. Isaac noted Sheena didn’t exactly seem to agree with the sentiment, but he wasn’t about to complain.
He instead said, with a full smile, “Be safe, and good luck.”
Sheena only groaned, “Papa really is the kind of man who will break the law.”
“Kare ga atode anata no mendōwomiru kara dakedesu.”
Then, turning to Isaac, “Plenty of boys did this back in the day. Just follow your COs, don’t try to be a hero, and remember to watch your back before watching others’. You can’t protect anyone if you’re out of commission.”
“Y-yes, sir!”
Isaac ignored Sheena’s eye roll, her father only patting his shoulder before turning around and whispering something in his daughter’s ear.
She huffed but didn’t say anything, waiting for the World War II veteran to get back in the car. She remained silent, eyeing Isaac up and down as if she was about to say something, but no words came.
Isaac sighed, saying “Come on. If you have something to say-”
“You’re a pipsqueak who’s in way over his head and I don’t want you to die.”
Isaac winced at the words, but she wasn’t done.
“This isn’t school... I can’t just go looking for you and beat up the guys bothering you. Even if I was, Dad wouldn’t be there making sure neither of us get in trouble for all that. And your dad won’t kick your ass for getting in a fight.”
Isaac nodded slowly, adding a childish “Uh-huh” for emphasis.
“Hey...” she growled.
“I mean it! I won’t get into fights! I’ll be taking pictures and avoiding scuffles.”
She huffed again, now adding “I also don’t care what role they give you, you’re going to essentially be on your own for a while and you’ll have to act the part.”
“Hey, I got training, I can pull it off.”
“Your dad trained you not to get into pointless fights, but to hit hard if you were forced to. Yet how many times did I have to bail you out because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut at some hicks or Mexicans that were just a touch stronger than you?”
Isaac grinned at the memories, saying “Bullies don’t count.”
“In tenth grade, maybe, but out where they’ll send you? They’ll be armed, Isaac! This... this isn’t a field trip no matter how dad puts it.” she said, darkness lining her words as she scowled at him.
He fell silent, smile vanishing.
With yet another groan, Sheena reached into her skirt’s pocket, shutting her eyes tight as her face reddened somewhat.
“So... here... come back. In one piece. And I’ll want it back!”
Isaac stared at her school photo. Her ever-serious expression was replaced with a deceptive smile that appeared sweet, her hair combed over and straightened as opposed to her ponytail, a bow adorning her head instead of her usual pink hair band.
He took the picture, looked it over, and said “Wish you’d look like this more often.”
“What was that?”
“I-I meant the smile!”
She glared at him, face red before she finally said “Come back in one piece, as yourself-”
“You know what I mean.”
Neither spoke for a moment. The sound of an aircraft overhead, a different car driving past them, and the soft breeze filled the silent void for a moment.
Isaac pursed his lips, nodding once again.
He finally said “Yeah... I’ll come back. I’ll stick with the Marines, I’ll send my family money, and save some up. I’ll take care of both of us and you can go to college and-”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” She said quietly.
“I’m not. I... I really mean it.”
“I know. But you have to come back first.”
“I will.”
“You better. I will be waiting, and I will be taking that back, understood?”
He nodded.
“So... come back... as yourself.”
“I will.”
She didn’t hug him or kiss him goodbye with added promises of waiting. She awkwardly shifted in place, moving one leg behind the other before slowly turning around, pausing once she was facing away from him. Slowly, she opened the car door.
Then she turned to look at him.
He waved, smiling slightly.
She managed a weak smile, then got in the car.
Mr. Kuribayashi did wave back, Sheena sinking into the chair before the car drove off, leaving only tire tracks and exhaust in its wake.
Isaac nodded to himself then, glancing at the black and white photo.
He pocketed it, picked up his rucksack, turned to look at the base and, perhaps louder than intended, said “Hoo-rah, Marine...”
Then he strode into the base without a second thought. The guard outside didn’t react to him approaching.
“Hey, Isaac Hillaire, with the Headquarters and Support Battalion. Uh... you guys got a jeep or something?”
“Nope. No car, walk it, kid.”
“Aye, corporal...”
Hoo-rah, Marine...
9:10 AM
The long march to his barracks was fairly uneventful, the occasional CH-46 flying overhead, which was always nice to see. Inside the barracks of the deceptively named “Camp” Pendleton, because a camp had to be the size of a town, the atmosphere was very different from the peaceful California lands outside. The barracks were relatively quiet, so dropping off his rucksack, he headed over to the Headquarters building.
Organized chaos was perhaps the modus operandi of the United States Marine Corps but Isaac was not entirely certain of the exact order behind some of the men running from one end of the base to another, some carrying office supplies, others arguing while looking over some papers as they went from one hall to the next. He heard phones ring and men answer before inarticulate yelling that could only belong to veteran officers was heard.
He ignored it all, heading to where he needed to.
He turned around, seeing a familiar face walking toward him. Just above the breast pocket, the name “Miloradovic” had been stenciled into the uniform.
Isaac called “Milo! Hell’s going on? Looks like rush hour in Little-”
“Stow it, we have orders.”
He only replied by handing him a paper and ushering him forward, Isaac nearly bumping into a man storming out of a room.
“Yeah. Much as I would like to ask about LA, we gotta move. That thing in Dallas is causing all sorts of trouble...” Milo muttered as they pushed on.
“You don’t say?”
“I mean it. MEB’s deploying to Texas, God only knows who else. Army’s already there, and now I hear Navy planes are being moved into place, too.”
Isaac almost stopped in his tracks at the words. Oh, some Marines being deployed could be anticipated, but an entire Expeditionary Brigade? His mind quickly surmised that this was probably what all the ongoing chaos was about.
“So... we’re going? Through that portal I mean?”
Milo only shrugged.
“Oh, come on, man, can’t you spill some details?”
“We’re going to be briefed, I just know the basic gist of it.”
“Oh. But we are deploying, right?”
Miloradovic didn’t reply.
“We’re deploying, right, Milo?”
No reply.
“Hmm. You’re right, Milo, I’m sure they’ll tell us at the briefing.” then switching to a deeper voice “Wow, Hillaire, you’re so smart and likable, I wish I was just like you.”
He didn’t complain when Milo’s hand slapped the back of his head.
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Inception of Cultivation
Named Ezhno at birth, he seemed to be destined to live and traverse the world alone. After the strange death of his parents, he lived a pitiful childhood and grew up despised by an entire village. Forced to become an adult, with years of living a desolate life in the confines of the village; A ray of hope slowly melted away the oppressive darkness, he was able to fill the void with friendship and a new outlook on life. Greed and malice shrouded his fragile little world, With death waiting for him at any moment, life shows him a way out, towards the brighter future in the form of cultivation. Fueled by revenge, he travels the world not knowing if his fate would be rewarding or cruel and meaningless. We will witness the highs and lows, as he tries to piece together the enigma known as cultivation. Can he once again, find the meaning of happiness? Will Ezhno ever find a place to call his own? Can he ascend to the top and establish a new era of cultivation? I am a one man show, I do all this with the spare time I have. These are edited but not properly edited and I am aware of this. I will slowly go back from time to time and re edit and rephrase/word on earlier chapters when I am able to. I will make future announcments in the authors notes when I have done so. But I do not think as they are now it should hinder the experience of the novel that much. Thanks for your understanding and do hope you enjoy the Story. I do not own the picture used in the cover art, Found it online and thought it looked nice. Just temporary till i can find another. I am bad with genres, If you feel it should be different please let me know I do not have a set time for releases, as of now I write when I have the spare time. So sometimes I release 1 to 3 a week or it could be once every other week.
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Wrong Number
Peter accidently text Tony Stark.*I forgot my password 4 my account so I'm using my twins.My original account is kiela1707 please follow me and my sister account.Hope you enjoy!!!!! *
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