《Cyber-multiverse Milieu》3 - World Creation (Blocks of Information 2)
Eric made every room of every person's home have reading material that explains all the changes that he made except for what happens when conscious living things die. Eric made an interesting system for when conscious living things die. First of all, when you die, he made there be no judgement of the things you mentally thought, mentally spoke, and mentally imagined. He made it so that all living things can die multiple times and eliminated the possibility of ceasing to exist. If all of the good that you’ve collectively done in your last life outweighs all of the bad that you've collectively done in your last life, you have options. While you just died, you are in a spirit/soul/consciousness form in which nobody can see you and you have 30 minutes to choose from a couple of options or else option 2 is chosen for you except every time you die while you're pregnant. Every time you die while you're pregnant, a variation of option 1 is chosen for you. While you are in a spirit/soul/consciousness form, you are only able to move from between your most recent dead body and 8 ft from the location of your most recent dead body.
Option 1 : “A copy of your dead body” (this copy is your new body), at the same location where you last died, begins magically regenerating (right next to your latest dead body that your new body is a copy of) back to fully healthy, whole, alive and to the same body age as your body age when you last died except a couple years younger if you died of old age. The regeneration process never takes longer than 24 hours. If the location where your corpse is regenerating is not safe enough, then your corpse is magically teleported to the safest closest location to regenerate. Once your corpse fully regenerates, your spirit/soul/consciousness enters your new body. You’re alive again. You also have all the abilities/attributes that you had right before your last death.
Option 2 : You have the option of choosing between having all the abilities/attributes that you had right before your last death or replacing/discarding any of the abilities/attributes, that you had right before your last death, with a random ability/attribute. You also have the option of choosing what biological age/maturity of what “the copy of your dead body” (this copy is your new body) is. After you choose, you are instantly restored to healthy, whole, alive, and also whatever you chose. If you don’t finish your choices/selections within 30 minutes, you are restored to the same biological age as your biological age during your last death (in the case of if you died from aging, your biological age is now a couple years younger) and you also have all the abilities/attributes that you had right before your last death. Your spirit/soul/consciousness then enters your new body and you are instantly teleported to any place (of your choosing unless 30 minutes have passed) that you ever considered to be your home or the safest closest location to it.
Option 3 : “A copy of your dead body” (this copy is your new body) instantly now is healthy, whole, and alive. Your spirit/soul/consciousness enters your new body. You're alive and have all the abilities/attributes you had right before your most recent death. You're then instantly teleported to a place that is permanently unaffected by anyone’s granted wishes. While in this place, everyone in this place is permanently unaffected by anyone’s granted wishes. Harm is impossible at this place and harsh treatment gets you forcefully kicked out, which is the only way to involuntarily leave this place. It's impossible to birth/originate any living thing in this place. All are free to leave whenever they want. Leaving only lets you choose from the first two options from when you last died. This place is only accessible for any conscious living thing by choosing option 3 when having died. There are things located all throughout this place that, when one of them is touched by you, give you the option of if you want to be summoned as a wish-granter. The condition for having this option is that you have to have lived outside of this place for at least 140,253 hours (16 Earth years). If you choose to be a wish-granter, you get immediately put on Standby status. If you leave this place while on Standby status, you lose your Standby status. While you're on standby, when an intelligent conscious living thing touches a wish-granting object, someone on Standby status gets summoned to that intelligent conscious living thing’s location within 20 feet and has to grant that intelligent conscious living thing 3 wishes. You're only summoned for 264 hours (11 Earth days) unless the 3 wishes are granted before then. You are then instantly teleported back to where you were on Standby status unless you died while you was a wish-granter. If you die while you are a wish-granter, you are back to not being a wish-granter and then, all from then on, including what happens whenever conscious living things die such as your death while you are a wish-granter, is as if you was never a wish-granter until you become a wish-granter again by meeting all of the requirements. All communication is magically translated to forms that can be understood by those who any wish-granter tries to communicate to, all who are observing the wish-granter who try to communicate to the wish-granter, and all who observe such communication. Wish-granters are only as powerful as the most powerful non-wish-granter intelligent conscious living thing in the nearest solar system.
Option 4 : You're given 12 hours to erase your own memories that you don't want. You can't erase more than 10% of what your collective memories were right before you last chose option 4. Once you're done erasing memories or the 12 hours is up, you're then given options 1,2, and 3 to choose from again.
Unless you were pregnant during your last death, if all of the good that you’ve collectively done in your last life doesn’t outweigh all of the bad that you've collectively done in your last life and neither does all of the bad that you’ve collectively done in your last life outweigh all of the good that you've collectively done in your last life, then Option 1 (from the options mentioned earlier) is automatically chosen for you.
If all of the good that you’ve collectively done in your last life outweighs all of the bad that you've collectively done in your last life, but you were pregnant during your last death, then Option 1 (from the options mentioned earlier) is automatically chosen for you along with copies of the corpses, of you with your unborn/s inside of your belly (the new bodies for you and your unborn/s), doing a full magical regeneration to you being pregnant with your unborn/s. Also, the spirits/souls/consciousnesses of you and your unborn/s enter your new body and the new body/bodies of your unborn/s inside of your belly, once regeneration to healthy, whole, and alive is complete. If all of the bad that you’ve collectively done in your last life outweighs all of the good that you've collectively done in your last life, but you were pregnant during your last death, then Option 1 (from the options mentioned earlier) is automatically chosen for you along with copies of the corpses, of you with your unborn/s inside of your belly (the new bodies for you and your unborn/s), doing a full magical regeneration to you being pregnant with your unborn/s except all of your abilities/attributes have been reset, changed and chosen at random for you. Also, the spirits/souls/consciousnesses of you and your unborn/s enter your new body and the new body/bodies of your unborn/s inside of your belly, once regeneration to healthy, whole, and alive is complete. If all of the good that you’ve collectively done in your last life doesn’t outweigh all of the bad that you've collectively done in your last life and neither does all of the bad that you’ve collectively done in your last life outweigh all of the good that you've collectively done in your last life, but you were pregnant during your last death, then Option 1 (from the options mentioned earlier) is automatically chosen for you along with copies of the corpses, of you with your unborn/s inside of your belly (the new bodies for you and your unborn/s), doing a full magical regeneration to you being pregnant with your unborn/s. Also, the spirits/souls/consciousnesses of you and your unborn/s enter your new body and the new body/bodies of your unborn/s inside of your belly, once regeneration to healthy, whole, and alive is complete.
Unless you were pregnant during your last death, if all of the bad that you’ve collectively done in your last life outweighs all of the good that you've collectively done in your last life, then “a copy of your dead body” (this copy is your new body) instantly now is healthy, whole, and alive. Your spirit/soul/consciousness enters your new body. You're alive and have all the abilities/attributes you had right before your most recent death. You're then instantly teleported to a private place (different setting for every different death) that has no conscious living things/beings there except you and an individual that you will encounter there. This individual is one of many individuals (who have bodies visibly almost identical to your's) who are specifically for if you die with all of the bad that you’ve collectively done in your last life outweighing all of the good that you've collectively done in your last life. This place is one of many different places (permanently unaffected by wishes granted) that are specifically for if you die with all of the bad that you’ve collectively done in your last life outweighing all of the good that you've collectively done in your last life. These places have no wish-granting objects. It's impossible to birth/originate any living thing in these places. The almost identical individual (aka evil twin) will always be able to speak your language through magical translation. The evil twin doesn't know a thing about you except that all of the bad that you’ve collectively done in your last life outweighs all of the good that you've collectively done in your last life. He/She knows that it's his/her job to punish you. You have many evil twins with none of them looking identical to each other and you will face a different one every time you die with all of the bad that you’ve collectively done in your last life outweighing all of the good that you've collectively done in your last life. He/She has powers and abilities that are mostly different than yours. “How strong/powerful he/she is” and “how much intensity of only the pain from damage/harm to only your physical body that you can feel in this place”, depends on just how bad you were in your last life. Because of this, the evil twin may be able to render you immobile and proceed to torture/torment you endlessly for many years if he/she decides to until one of the two of you kills the other or he/she eventually offers a game/competition that you manage to win. The evil twin doesn't leave this place until you leave this place and he/she will tell you the only 3 ways to leave this place.
The first way is to kill the evil twin. If you manage to kill him/her, then you will be given Option 1 and Option 2 (from the options you have when you die) to choose from. The catch is that you return back to life still wounded from the encounter with the evil twin.
The second way to leave this place is to be killed by the evil twin. When you're killed by the evil twin, Option 1 is automatically chosen for you but you come back to life with your body age being an infant, and all of your abilities/attributes have been reset, changed and chosen at random.
The third way to leave this place is to win at a game/competition of the evil twin's choosing. He/She can choose to play a game at any time as many times as he/she likes, even at your request. But he/she can also flatly refuse. He/She can't choose games/competitions that are unfair nor games that are unending. If you manage to beat him/her in a game/competition of his/her own choosing, then you will be given Option 1 and Option 2 (from the options you have when you die) to choose from. The catch is that you return back to life still wounded from the encounter with the evil twin.
In this place, If you die but not by any of the ways already mentioned regarding this place, you, at the same location where you just died, instantly respawn back to the same physical condition that you was in right before you just died unless you died of starvation and/or illness/disease, in which case you, at the same location where you just died, instantly respawn back to the same physical condition that you was in right after the last time that you ate your favorite largest amount of food that you’ve ever eaten.
Eric made it so that all of the the dead bodies, that are left over when their owners acquire “new bodies that are copies of said corpses”, are left where they’re at to let nature/etc do what it will with them, and those dead bodies are unaffected by the options that were mentioned earlier.
Eric made other world/universe changes as well but the only changes that he was allowed to make involving “any simulated world/universe created by anyone other than him” was to connect those “simulated worlds/universes created by anyone other than him” to “any/every simulated world/universe created by anyone” in a way whereby all of the aforementioned simulated worlds/universes can be connected via whatever means is “possible (such as having a wish granted, creating portals, etc) in an aforementioned world/universe” according to the laws/rules of that aforementioned world/universe. And anyone who/that dies in a “simulated world other than the one that they originated in” instantly appears back in their original simulated world and they immediately undergo whatever would’ve happened to them had they died in their original simulated world.
All of the changes that Eric made to the Earth and the Universe happened simultaneously and instantly.
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