《Keeping The Balance》Chapter Eighteen - End Of The World Savior - Task World Two (4)


It has been a few weeks since Hol arrived in the human base and it has been a rather smooth process for him. When the leaders of the base learned he was that young general from the military and knew how strong he was they treated him like he was a high-status person in the base.

Hol was slightly annoyed with this but he did see the advantages of this even if he disliked a bunch of old men kissing his ass and trying to set him up with their daughters. He gave a clear message that if anything happens to his son there will be a price to pay that will result in ugly results. So now he didn’t have to worry if anyone would try something with his son because they were afraid of facing his wrath.

It was during a day where Hol was teaching Rubin how to fight. Since he was a healer he wanted him to learn how to attack from a distance and not up close unless it is necessary. Rubin was more comfortable with holding a gun then he was the first time Hol made him practice with one.

“Keep your eyes on the target. Don’t hesitate. That's how you get killed. Remember to always keep a calm head.” Hol was behind Rubin as he was shooting a practice target. Rubin's eyes were focused on the practice targets as he shot at them with precise accuracy. Hol nodded his head satisfied with how Rubin was doing.

“Dad, when can you treat me how to fight hand-to-hand like you? I know I am a healer but I want to know how to protect myself when I don’t have a gun or crossbow.” Rubin looked at his father directly in the eyes. He didn’t avoid making eye contact with him anymore and got rid of the former nervousness he had with his father before.

“...I don’t think I can find it in me to fight with you so I may have to ask someone else to help out with that. But as long as you are smart with how you handle your shooting you may not even have to worry about fighting up close with anybody.” Hol was confident with how well Rubin was and felt like he didn’t have to worry about enemies getting close to him.

“But I guess I do need to fight you one day. If one day I get bitten I want no hesitation from you. You can not let your emotions control you. It is your life that must be protected and not the life of someone who has already gone to the virus.” Hol felt he had to tell Rubin this just in case he did get bitten. He will be careful with trying to avoid getting bitten by zombies until he finishes his missions. He also doesn’t fully know how Rubin could cure the zombie virus.


“But dad! I can help you with my thing. I don’t know how but I can try something dad!” Rubin's eyes were serious as he spoke to his father. He didn’t want to think of the day where he could one day have to kill his zombie dad.

“We don’t know how to use your thing. I don’t want to risk anything. I am doing it for your safety. You shouldn’t undermine the limit of human greed. Be smart and don’t get controlled by your emotions. I don’t want to lose my son to something that could be easily avoided.” Hol spoke in a firm voice with Rubin and didn’t look any longer at him when he noticed his eyes started to look teary-eyed.

“...We are done for today. Let's head back. The brat is making dinner tonight. Hopefully, it will be something good this time.” Hol pushed at his Rubin to get ready to leave and went to get the stuff he brought with him as well. He was kind of worried that Bret managed to burn the food again. He couldn’t understand how someone's taste buds could be so bad.

Hol walked in silence back with Rubin who was holding his hand. Hol was greeted by many people as he walked back to the house. He noticed he was getting heated look from some women who were probably thinking they were sending him flirty looks but it just felt like they were undressing him with his eyes.

Hol didn’t enjoy a bunch of women he didn’t know doing this to him. He thought most people would be uninterested in people who have children and were formally married. He felt thankful none of them tried to get close to Rubin so they could get close to him. He would be pissed off if that happens.

When Hol finally made it back to the house he could smell food that smelled good to his surprise. When Hol opened the door to the house Rubin ran to the kitchen with an eager expression on his face. Hol closes the door and follows behind in a calm walk.

“The food smells good this time. You are improving. I am impressed.” Hol walked into the kitchen and looked at Bret who was placing food on the table where Rubin currently sat. Bret looked at Hol with a calm expression but he did notice a bit of shyness in his eyes.

Hol tried not to pay attention to Bret growing affections for him. He felt like a dick but he couldn’t just get over his feelings for Terrance… Hol just assumes that the feelings Bret has for him will go away. It's just a small crush and nothing more.

“I have been practicing. I found some cooking books that were being sold at the base shops and I was learning from them. I find that making soup is rather easy for me.” Bret felt pride spread in his chest when he heard Ira compliment him. He didn’t like the fact the first time he cooked for Ira, he spits out the food and forced him to sit down so he could make food that tastes good.


“It's been a while since I ate soup. Hopefully, it tastes as good as it smells.” Hol looked indifferent on the outside but he was starving on the inside. It was so hard to keep up the appearance of a cold general. He couldn’t do anything that seemed too out of character in front of people.

When Bret went to sit at the table with the other people he heard a knock on his door and his expression grew annoyed. Quickly excusing himself, Bret went to see who the guest was. When he opened the door he felt even more annoyed when he saw it was Ann who was standing outside his door with a bag in her hand.

“Hi, Bret! I am sorry to bother you out of nowhere but I thought maybe I could come over with some food for you.” Ann did her best to give him her best cute smile but seeing how Bret's expression just grew colder she knew that it didn’t help with anything.

“What are you doing here. You know it is rude to show up to someone's house without telling them first. And people may misunderstand our relationship. I wouldn’t like it if people thought our relationship was something more than it is. I may even get pissed off.” Bret lowered his voice and he could feel lightning spark a bit over his skin as he spoke to the pale and nervous-looking Ann.

“What is taking so long brat? Rubin is getting hungry waiting for you.” Hol appeared behind Bret and placed a hand on his back. He looked straight at Ann with untrusting eyes and ignore the jealous look she shot at him.

“I’m sorry, it was nothing important. Ann is just about to leave.” Bret looked straight into Ann's eyes as he said this. He used his eyes to tell her to just keep quiet and leave already. He didn’t like the way she looked at him with eyes like he was her property.

“I see… I guess I will see you tomorrow when we go on the mission for the base to find supplies on the outside.” Ann bit the inside of her cheeks hard as she forced a smile on her face. Even if she can’t eat with him today she will be able to spend time with him tomorrow. She was a healer so of course, he needed her for the mission.

“Oh yeah, I was going to tell you this tomorrow but I guess today is good. I am going with Ira and his son for the mission. You don’t have to come with me anymore.” Bret told her that indifferently and closed the door in her face. He turns to look back at Ira with curious eyes. He wonders if he thinks there is a relationship between him and her...

“What? Don’t just look at me. I may misunderstand and think you want to kiss me. Not like I would kiss a brat. Now hurry up and go eat. The soup will get cold soon.” Hol just messes up Bret's hair and heads back to the table where the food was. He tried not to get embarrassed when he felt Bret staring directly at his ass.

Hol hopes this crush of Bret will disappear soon because he can’t deal with such heated eyes from him. It's like he wants to jump him where he stands, not caring who sees them.

As Hol and Bret went to eat dinner Ann was still outside the door with her head lower. Blood slowly dripped down from her lip as she bit her lip hard. Her expression was dark as she glared at the closed door.

‘Who does he think he is? Getting rid of me like I am trash?! I am supposed to be his female lead! We are supposed to be in love! If he wants to act like this with me then FINE! I will make sure no one else can have him either!’ After glaring at the door for a few more quiet minutes, Ann left with heavy footsteps and an ugly expression on her face.

Ann didn’t find the way she was thinking wrong. She was born into a book she read in her last life and she was able to get the ability of the female lead. She was even cute so why doesn’t Bret love her like he did the female lead?! Why is he so obsessive with Ira now?

Ira was just a background character in the story that didn’t even come up again. Ann decided at that moment she would take Ira away from Bret and make him feel like shit. It wouldn’t be too hard. All she has to do is get a close relationship with his son and she is in the clear.

Ann couldn’t stop the dark smile that appeared on her face as she imagined Ira killing Bret for her as she was held in his arms. Even if Ira isn’t the male lead he is good enough for her. She is a person who should live the best life in this world and no one can tell her otherwise!

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