《Technomage》Bonus Chapter 1


Bonus Chapter 1

The planet on which the events of the story take place has no name of its own. The locals usually call it Continenta. Although you can find a reference to ID-7145832512 in ancient books, it is of little use as a name.

The current date is 50143 from the beginning of events.

The radius of the planet is about 12230 kilometers, with no noticeable tilt of the axis. The gravitational force is 13g. The rotation around the axis occurs in 23 hours, and around the star in 300 days in a nearly circular orbit. Because of this, the planet has no seasonal changes, and temperature fluctuations are more stable. The average temperature is 15 degrees, the minimum minus 35 degrees, on the continent - minus 12 degrees, the maximum on the continent is 45 degrees.

The main surface area is taken up by the world's oceans. There is one huge continent with dimensions of 28,000 kilometers by 24,000 kilometers. The maximum mountain peak is 17 kilometers.

The continent is usually called the same as the planet, the Continenta. There are mountain ranges on the continent. One in the east is 2,200 kilometers long from north to south, one in the south closer to the center is 3,070 kilometers long from west to east, and one in the west is closer to the center from north to east and about 19,000 kilometers long. The western mountain range actually divides the continent into two unequal parts - the western 1/7th of the continent and the eastern 5/7th. The western massif itself covers an area of 1/7 of the continent. Because of this, the western part of the continent has a plentiful supply of water, and the eastern part has a shortage. The eastern part of the continent is divided into two parts by a huge river Acheron, which is about 20 thousand kilometers long and up to 10 kilometers wide, and up to 100 kilometers in the mouth. The river flows from the south to the north-northwest and in the northern part of the continent makes a turn to the northeast. To the east of the river and up to the eastern mountain range is a vast prairie with few water resources.


The continent has a population of about one billion, divided into non-human races of 310 million and human races of over 700 million.

The non-human races are located in the northern and eastern parts of the continent. They have three states in the northern part of the continent: the Undermountain Kingdom of Hades (100 million), the Light Empire of Gaia (95 million), and the Dark Empire of Hekate (85 million). Another 30 million in the eastern part have no state and lead a mostly nomadic lifestyle.

The western part of the continent is practically uninhabited by sentient races.

The human race inhabits the central and southern parts of the continent. Have a variety of states. The most significant of them are the Magical Enclave (40 million) and the Holy Empire of the Eternal Sun (80 million).

The planet is poor in fossil energy sources. Oil and gas are completely absent. There are small reserves of coal in some places.

Completely lacks uranium and rare earth elements.

The planet has a significant magical background field, fairly evenly distributed. In some places, there are accumulations of magical energy of various elemental affiliations. The magical background field has a tangible effect on the flora and fauna, up to mutations. In places of accumulation of magical energy, a new form of life is born - elemental, from simple spirits to intelligent forms.

The main sources of energy on the planet for a long time were wood, wind, water, and magic. Until, in 36542, the first thermonuclear reaction was performed (J).

Electricity is used in its simplest form - the transmission of energy over short distances and lighting, and to transmit messages in the form of the telegraph.

The current events of the story take place in the capital of the Dark Empire.

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