《The Adrift Oath》Chapter XXI: A Beginning's End
Fae didn't seem to be bothered by the heavy rain that drenched both her clothes and her hair in water, if anything with the smile she had on her face she seemed to be quite enjoying the nonconsensual shower
Alas her guilty pleasure had to come to a stop as she was in front of the entrance of the red Lilly inn, if anything it was the only semblance of home to her, at least the home she had in this new world
Blowing her hot breath on her cupped hands to warm herself, Fae could hear very faint chatter inside, she was surprised there were any type of customers at this hour
But she had to get in anyway, and she did, gently opening the door as she got inside right before closing the door behind her, her eyes could notice Yulia seated by the counter chatting with Ulfgan, both smiled at Fae when they looked at who might enter the inn at this time
Fae could also notice however, at the corner of her eyes, Athena was weirdly enough sitting by a table alongside that one dwarf blacksmith that sold Fae her previous shortsword, did they know each other? she thought
Another woman was also sitting in between those two, blond short hair with blue eyes and dressed in a similar fashion as Athena, mostly prioritizing function and freedom of movement over fashion, Fae presumed that she was some sort of adventurer at least, yet she didn't recognize her at all but she did wave to Athena in a friendly way while Athena herself return Fae's wave with a smile, a smile that was heartwarming, a smile as if Fae did Athena a huge favor that she herself didn't know, it got some thoughts raising for Fae
But well, She didn't mind it for now as she had two friends to go and talk to
"Was starting to get worried about you" Yulia told the approaching Fae with a small smile as her right hand held a mug that was half empty
"Yeah I was a bit busy, sorry" She seated herself right next to the guild master while Ulfgan gave the woman a nod and a caring smile
"Anything you order is on the house, Fae, you deserve it" He spoke while his arms were crossed, his weary eyes had a soft touch to them, almost like a proud father
"Oh really now? then you wouldn't mind if I order for everybody here right?" She said with a slight smirk that prompted a rough chuckle out of the man, he was glad Fae didn't lose her sense of humor after what happened to her
"I'm kidding, I don't feel hungry or thirsty myself so I'll pass" She waved with her hand to dismiss his kindness
"But I appreciate the thought, thank you" Not without showing gratitude where it was due, she was taught to be that way by the man who cared for her
She raised an eyebrow suddenly at Ulfgan's eyes diverting from Fae to look seemingly through her
"Y'all waited long eh?" Ulfgan said out loud while Fae looked over her shoulder to find Athena, that dwarf, and that unknown blond woman standing behind her, she could guess they wanted something for her and her weary mind hoped it wasn't more trouble
"That we did" The dwarf said as he gave Ulfgan a slow nod, then they all looked at Fae, who turned 180 degrees to face them yet she still was seated on that stool, she was too tired to get up
"You're looking for me?" She asked them with a cautiously raised eyebrow, the dwarf nodded
"You remember me right?" The dwarf said, Fae too gave a nod in affirmation
"I don't have that bad of a memory" She snarkily responded, Athena raised one side of her lips in a half-smirk
"My name is Demdek, and these is my two daughters, Athena and Eris" He introduced himself and the two women, but Fae already knew Athena yet she was still surprised that they had that kind of connection, the height difference alone was something to keep that thought at bay but it seems it was the truth after all
The blond woman under the name of Eris gave Fae a small wave of her hand and a warm smile, Fae only returned it with a slow nod, she was still curious about why they'd come up to her
"Right, I know Athena already" Fae told them as she gestured at the woman with her open hand
"Though wouldn't have thought that you two were related" She continued on as his two daughters chuckled
"Yeah we get that often" Athena told Fae with a small smile
"Is there something you need from me?" She inquired quite boldly
"Right, well" Athena looked at her father and gave him a nod, then looked back at Fae
"Some context to the matter, we actually aren't from Flora, we're from Yashul, a kingdom to the south from here that's located in the Vael desert" She told Fae who could remember those names from the geography lesson Ulfgan gave to her when she first arrived here, that was quite a long time ago she thought to herself, how things have changed from the idea she got first that this world was a utopia for her
"My sister here worked for a mercenary company that had to move to Flora when the coup d’état started" Athena explained to Fae who made brief eye contact with the blond woman that immediately gave Fae a smile as soon as they locked eyes, as if she owed something to Fae
"Though they were completely destroyed by Aralian knights after they were contracted by the queen to fight them, and Eris was missing" Fae gave the narrating Athena a slow understanding nod
"That's why me and my father moved here to Flora, we were looking for her or any traces of her whereabouts, and the last location that she seemed to have been seen was here, in Freesia" She continued explaining
"We never would've thought that she was imprisoned in the baron's manor" Demdek interjected with his own thing to say, he seemed quite angry at that thought as well and Fae couldn't blame him, Derrek had quite the honeyed words to give very much in contrast to his true nature, if there were devils in this world he would be one of them, that's what Fae really thought
"But you" Suddenly Eris spoke, she had quite the soft eyes to give to Fae who was now looking at her
"The chaos you caused in that manor allowed me to free myself, and in turn everybody soon was free, we could finally have a chance in fighting for our lives" She spoke with her heart it seemed, a hand on her chest and a gentle touch on her face
"The only reason why a lot of people went back to their families is because of you Fae, thank you" Eris was so ever thankful for Fae
"I never would've thought you'd be the one to bring back my daughter to me, not a greenhorn looking woman like you" Demdek suddenly spoke to Fae who looked at him with quite the uncertain eyes, she didn't know what to feel
"But I guess strength comes from goodness after all, You're a good woman Fae" He told her, but her narrowed eyes and frown didn't seem to agree with that statement
"I'm not a good woman, I've only done what I did because I wanted to kill him, saving you" She pointed at Eris with sharply furrowed eyebrows
"Or anybody for that matter, didn't even cross my mind" She replied to the trio that stood in front of her
"Fae, the results of what you did have nothing to do with your intentions" Eris explained to the attentive Fae who had her eyebrows furrowed slightly, was it in guilt? anger?
"You've killed an evil man, whether you did it out of hatred for him or seeking to spread providence has no influence on the results of your actions" The blond woman added on, Fae's cold gaze was locked with her own gentle eyes
"You saved my life, and the lives of many that would thank you too if they could" Fae pursed her lips and looked away, she didn't have any words on the tip of her tongue, the best she could believe in herself is that the path of redemption was still visible for her, whether she took it or not that would be her own choice to make
"Eris's disappearance is why I was cold towards you" Athena spoke, attracting Fae's narrowed eyes back to her
"Seeing you for the first time made me want to push you away from this kind of life" She told Fae with crossed arms and furrowed eyebrows that had a gentle touch on them, helped by the small smile she had
"I didn't want what happened to Eris to happen to you too" Athena then pursed her lips
"So sorry about that, you didn't deserve it" Fae gave her a weary smile as she looked up at her face
"It's fine, no hard feelings" And then gave her a nod that Athena herself imitated, but in gratitude rather than understanding
"It's all in the past, we're all friends now" She gave Athena a tiny smile that was just enough to warm her heart, infecting her face with a similar smile
"I'm glad to hear that Fae, thank you" She then gestured to Demdek, her father
"Well, apart from that we've got something for you" Athena exclaimed, gesturing at the long object rolled in a cloth that Demdek was holding, Fae tilted her head slightly
"Here" he passed it to Athena who then walked up to the counter to unroll it on top, revealing a dark scabbard with red leather belts tied around it, it was a sword
The gift made Fae scoff, at least it was quite in character with the personality of the family
"I made it specifically for you lass, it's slightly shorter than a longsword but still longer than the blade I've sold you previously" Demdek spoke, Fae grabbed the scabbard with her left hand and the blade with the other, her eyes could notice the Raven icon on the pommel, it was very well detailed for such a small icon
And as she pulled it, she could see engravings on the surface of the thin blade, they were in yellow but in a language that she couldn't quite read, it looked very alien for Fae
"This is Vaelish" Eris spoke as she got next to her, caressing the engravings with her index finger as she read them out loud
"One's Hope" She said softly, moving her finger as she read each letter
"Enough to warm all in the dark" And she finished with moving her finger away from the blade, her eyes switching to look at Fae's expression, she couldn't quite decipher it as well as she did with the engraving
"Fancy" Fae said, rotating the sword as she examined it all around
"You're the inspiration of the words, you know?" Eris told Fae who went on to give the former a sidelook
"That's how I felt after you gave me back my freedom, mine and that of many" Fae couldn't smile as she still wasn't quite convinced that her actions were fully drenched in good-will
"Thank you" She gave her a slow nod and then looked back at the blade laid down in her hands
"The sword looks beautiful" She added, Yulia also complimented the fine work
"Looks robust too, I'm impressed you made this in such a short time, dwarf" Yulia told him, making him furrow his eyebrows
"Seeing my daughters together again gave me quite the spirit, it's the least I can do for her" And by her he meant Fae, everybody knew that
"I'll make sure to treasure this gift, thanks" She then spoke to the dwarf, who had quite the furrowed eyebrows after her words
"I'd rather you use it to treasure your life with it lass" He sternly told her, bringing Fae to raise a corner of her mouth in a half-smile, his mannerism and serious tone of voice brought her a warm wave of homeliness, but she was the further away from the home as one could possibly imagine
"You're right, thank you again" She nodded in gratitude while the dwarf dismissed it with a wave of his hand
"Couldn't compare to you saving my daughter" Fae nodded again at his words
"We'll be leaving for our homeland tomorrow, so we won't be seeing each other for a long time" Eris interjected, a gentle smile on her face as she spoke to Fae
"But thank you for what you've done, I really hope we'll be able to meet one day and speak of today like the good memory it is" She continued on while Fae couldn't but nod
"Eris is right, if you ever come down to the south be sure to visit us in the capital" Athena added on to her sister's offer, Fae smiled
"I'll be sure to keep that in mind" She told them, both of them smiled at Fae's words
"Okay, we'll get going now as you do look in need of a rest" Eris said to Fae, who was reminded of the exhaustion she felt throughout her body, hell the last time she got a good rest was probably at the empire of blades, ever since she came back here everything went downhill
"Right, good night to all of you, and thanks again for the gift" She said, holding the sword from the scabbard and at the base of the crossguard, the trio bid farewell to Fae and Yulia as they all left the inn
"You're quite the hero aren't you?" Yulia said to Fae with a small smile as she turned around to face the counter again, exhausted and depicting it with a long sigh
"Please don't start, I'm spent" She rested her forehead on the back of her hand while her elbow was put on the counter, she closed her eyes hoping to get some semblance of her past strength back
"Where did Ulfgan go?" She asked as she lifted her eyes again to look around, he didn't seem to be in the room
"Went to bed, gave me the key and told you to lock the inn when you go to bed" Yulia responded to her inquiry, Fae was pleasantly surprised
"Huh" She was handed the iron key as Fae inspected it, it looked unsurprisingly banal
"Surprised he trusts you?" She asked Fae with a small smile while the latter locked eyes again with Yulia
"Kinda, I guess" She didn't really have more words that she could have said at that moment
"People wouldn't trust a bad person you know?" Yulia drank from her tankard after she spoke, Fae's eyes were glued to her face
Yulia then looked at Fae and then smiled
"You're a good and genuine person Fae, whether you want to believe it or not" She added on, prompting Fae to purse her lips as she looked down at the sword that was now laid on her lap
"I guess I know that, deep inside I do, it's just that..." She took a deep breath as to overpower her emotions that blocked her from speaking
"Murder is a very big word, and sometimes when I think too much I realize that maybe I'm becoming something of a monster" She said, and Yulia nodded
"I understand, I felt that way too once" Those words caught back Fae's gaze
"But I'm certain you can stay on the right path Fae, you're a good woman at heart" Fae smiled at those words, it felt strangely comforting even though their simplicity
"I hope so" She then gave the smiling Yulia a nod, who seemed to have more questions for her otherworldly friend
"What are your plans now?" She inquired further and Fae was more than happy to answer
"Have to go to the capital, my freedom had a cost to it" She told Yulia
"Something to do with a dungeon, have to go and see if I can destroy it's core, just like I did with the one around here" Fae explained further while Yulia nodded
"Guess my suspicions were right, that silver-haired woman had quite the interest in you when I mentioned that fact to her" Yulia said as she then rubbed her chin, Fae on the other side raised an eyebrow
"The fact that I destroyed the core?" She asked, Yulia hummed in affirmation
Fae looked down again, she didn't know what'll happen to her in the future but having Yuna by her side brought her some much-needed courage and most importantly, hope
"And after that? what will you do?" Yulia seemed to have quite the questions for Fae tonight, it made her chuckle
"Well, after that I'll deliver something and then I'm free I guess..." She narrowed her eyes and kept staring at the sword that now was hers
"Maybe I'll look around for a way to come back home" That answer made Yulia part her lips
"To your own world?" She asked Fae who nodded
Yulia pursed her lips and looked away
"That'll probably be the right thing to do, I'm sure you have people worrying about you" She spoke to Fae who raised an eyebrow and looked at her friend, she smiled
"Somebody sounds like they're gonna be missing me" She told her, Yulia slowly looked back at Fae and smiled
"Awfully so" Yulia's immediate and brief answer softened Fae's smile
"You were supposed to play it off like you won't" Yulia chuckled at those words
"Why lie? being honest is one of the few traits I have, might as well stay in character eh?" The person next to her brought a much genuine smile out of Fae, it felt warm to be next to somebody she could trust and speak her mind to
Hell if she thought about it, she felt the same way about Yuna too, and she knew that Claude would be just as serviceable if she asked him to
Fae looked down for a moment with a smile on her face, maybe this world wasn't worse or better than her own, after all, it was a world with humans just as lively as the ones back in her world
Good and evil have to be everywhere, no matter the world, she just had to find the right people to put beside her
The duo decided to call it a day, Yulia left the inn while Fae locked it behind her and then went to her own room and for once, she slept immediately
Tomorrow morning Fae was woken up early by Ulfgan, it seems somebody was seeking her so the woman had to get out of bed sooner than she'd wanted, but she had to and she gathered all the things that belong to her, putting them in her backpack because she knew who came looking for her, and she had to leave for a very long time with that person
"Good morning Claude" Fae walked towards him and gave him a nod as she was still rubbing her weary eyes, he replied in a similar nod and Fae didn't expect anything else from the silent knight
" You're leaving us then?" Ulfgan asked Fae who had her backpack slung over one shoulder
"Yup, for a long time too" She looked at him with a warm smile
"Thanks for everything by the way" Fae added as her words seemed to have made him laugh
"Don't worry about it lass, it was a pleasure to have you with us" He told her, softening her smile
"And I meant my words that day, if all doors close in your face you can always just come here and work at the inn" He told her, bringing a nod out of the woman
"I appreciate it infinitely Ulfgan, I'll keep the offer in mind" She replied to him while he himself gave her a nod
"Farewell, I'll come to visit you one day, you have my promise" And with those words, Fae and Claude left the inn and she had quite the journey in front of her before she could ever hope to come back here, though she'll miss the liveliness of the inn and Yulia herself
"Do you have everything ready?" She asked Claude who walked beside her towards the front gate, he gave her a slow and confident nod
Fae too had everything she needed, pursing her lips as she looked forward and towards the front gate that would take them outside the perimeter of Freesia, it was finally time to move on and to never look back again
"Right, can you give me a second, Claude?" She however, came to an abrupt stop as she looked at the emerald eyes of her travel companion who gave her a quick nod and gestured to her that she was free to go wherever she pleased
Fae walked in another direction, into freesia again as she had one last person to say goodbye to, wasn't much of a friend but she felt close enough to not be an acquaintance, and she was more than glad to find him in that same spot he was in yesterday
"Hey there" She spoke with a gentle smile on her face as she looked down at the blind beggar who raised an eyebrow at the voice to his right
"Ah, the lady from yesterday?" He inquired as he lifted the corners of his lips in a warm smile
"That would be me yeah, was walking by and saw you, decided to say hello" Fae's words didn't held much truth to them
"Hah, mighty kind of you lass, how are ya doin' today?" He responded to the smiling Fae
"Doing alright, I'm actually going to leave for a very long time" Her words made him raise an eyebrow in curiosity
"Journeying out of the kingdom?" He asked and got a scoff as a reply
"To the capital actually" Resting one hand on her waist, Fae had her eyes locked with the beggar's face
"I'm sure you'll find whatever you're looking for lass, the angels will always come to the aid of good folk like you" He said with his tone dipped in slight gentleness though it was still very much rough
"Right, angels" Fae's smile widened before she crouched down in front of the man
"Well, guess it's my time to do my job then" She then dropped something on the man's lap, something heavy that he grabbed with curiosity written all over his face
"This is, money?" He spoke as he felt what was in his hands, with his background there was no way he couldn't feel a coin purse when he touched one, but this was way too heavy for a gift
"Yup, all of what's inside is gold too, so don't let anybody fool you just because you're blind" Inside that heavy purse was all the gold coins that Fae gathered ever since she came to this world, from the reward of the chimera, destroying the core of that dungeon, the coins Archard gave her and the ones from the goblin commission that led her to the discovery of her now guardian angel, Yuna
All of it, she gave it to him, for the words he gave her yesterday didn't have a price on them
"Lass... this is too much, I can't take this..." He fumbled over his words which the scene by itself made Fae quite the pleased woman with the act she was doing
"The things you've told me yesterday left me with quite the thoughts to myself, mister" She was awfully respectful too
"You've reminded me of words that people very close to my heart once told me, and you've shown me a path that I never knew was given to me" Fae spoke with the softest tone her voice could give, her eyebrows furrowed in a gentle manner while her lips formed a warm smile
"And for that, no amount of money could ever buy, this is just my way of giving back to you, and I'm not taking it back" She said, He looked down with an open mouth as if he didn't know what to do with the money on his lap, let alone what to say to the woman in front of him
"Besides, you did say that angels would come to the aid of good folk eventually, and you did call me an angel yesterday so here I am doing my job" She chuckled and got up while the man was more confused by her words, now more than ever
"I don't remember calling you an angel" He said while Fae could only smile as she looked down, though he thought that she was walking away from him
"W-wait! what's your name lass?!" He suddenly exclaimed with raised eyebrows, Fae smiled with a soft gaze, should she tell him? he was so deep in the dark
"Fae" She told him with a soft tone
"Not Faery, Fae, Fae Walker" And then smiled, almost laughing at the open mouth and raised eyebrows of the man that was hit by the wave of realization
"Hah..." He couldn't but laugh as he leaned back against the wall
"Life really is filled with surprises" He seemed to be pleased that the Fae he spoke of so highly of was none but that same person
"I'm glad of what you did Fae, and you're right, I did call you an angel and I mean every letter that I said" He told her with as much of a serious tone as his smile could show, but he wasn't the only one smiling
"Hopefully that much money will help you start your life again, we're both redeemable" She said while she looked down at him and his gentle smile
"I'll never let your kindness go to waste Fae, if you think I'm redeemable then I'll do my best" He nodded
"I'm glad to hear that" She responded, but she needed one more thing
"You know my name, what's yours?" She asked the man who was more than glad to answer that question of hers
"Dismas" He briefly replied, Fae repeated that word
"Dismas" And then smiled
"I'll remember it, may we meet again someday, and tell the tale of what is to come to each of us" She added on, much to the agreement of the other part
"May we lass, thank you" He gave her one last word of gratitude that Fae smiled at
"Farewell" Though she had places to be, and she had to leave the man to himself with the gift of hers that would hopefully aid him to start his life anew, if Fae was an angel that was the least she could do, that's what she thought at that moment
Fae walked back the road she once took, all the way until Claude and that one person that seemingly was talking to the silent knight, Fae was quite surprised to see who it was
"Yulia? I don't think I forgot anything" Fae said while Yulia smiled
"Just wanted to see you one more time" She replied to her friend who now stood in front of her with a gentle smile on her face
"Hah, it's been such a short time and you already started missing me, man you gotta work on that" Fae chuckled as she tried her best to make their farewell filled with laughter, yet Yulia seemed to only smile softly
"I wonder if we could fix that, huh?" Yulia then tilted her head to the side as she asked Fae who then raised an eyebrow, what did she mean?
"I'll send you letters if you want, that's about what I can do" Fae told her, smiling as she held the right side of her waist with her hand
"That's not what I mean" Yulia chuckled, and then scratched her cheek
"Well..." She added, seemingly unknowing of how to start articulating her train of thought, Claude however silent he was still felt the need to walk away from the duo and leave them to sort their personal things
"I quit my job, and thought maybe you had a free place for me?" She asked Fae who now lost her smile as her lips parted and eyes widened
"You what?" Fae exclaimed
"What if I refuse?" She then narrowed her eyes and lifted the corners of her lips in a smirk that made Yulia nervously laugh
"W-well, guess I'll be homeless for a bit" Those words made Fae soften her smile again, enrobing it in that same veil of warmth and kindness
"Why do you even wanna tag along?" She asked the now ex guild master, who pursed her lips and looked away
"I don't really know where to start from" Her words seemed to come from a very fragile place in her heart
"Ever since I lost my leg I thought my purpose was to guide new adventurers through their jobs, and as I reached my guild master position I didn't really know whether that's what I truly wanted" She then looked back at Fae
"I felt kind of empty, every day" She told her
"It quickly went from passion to a mindless job for me, I thought maybe I don't have a purpose after all" Yulia added, shrugging to Fae
"But meeting you, and seeing you wanting to do good no matter how dangerous or unfair the circumstances were, kind of upped my moral, towards everything really" She smiled and tilted her head to the side
"I still don't really know what the gods gave me life for, what my purpose in this life really is" Putting her hand on her chest, Yulia added
"But what I do know, is that I'll most likely find it around you" Looking into Fae's eyes with her own soft gaze, Yulia stayed silent for a single second before she spoke again
"So, do you mind if I stick with you until then?" She asked her friend, who crossed her arms and tilted her head with a slight fed up look on her face depicted with squinted eyes and pursed lips
"Guess" Fae told the now chuckling Yulia
"Thanks, I promise I won't be dead weight" She responded to Fae, who then shook her head with a smile to those words, she never would see Yulia as dead weight
Hell, she was more than happy to have her join her journey to Rose as just the thought of having one more person she could trust brought her some much-needed comfort
And so Fae picked up one more companion, it was herself, Yuna, Claude and now Yulia, and all of them left the gates of Freesia to most likely never comeback, that's what they all set themselves to
For now, they had a long journey ahead of them and a dangerous dungeon to destroy
Fae suddenly woke up with a headache as she opened her eyes to meet a ceiling, and with a grunt she got up from her bed as she rubbed her temple, the last thing she remembered is making a camp with the others in the middle of a forest, and as she looked around her her eyes widened
How was she in her room, back in her world
And most importantly, why was she at the house of her father and not her grandfather, after all her grandfather took custody of her very early in her childhood so how was it possible she was there
She looked around her room with much confusion and shock
"What the fuck" She murmured under her breath as she looked at the walls of her room painted in a slight pink shade while the bed she was laying in had a couple of plushies in it, a dog and a panda
"Honey, are you awake?" That manly voice made her freeze and widen her eyes that she locked with the door to her room, it was her father
But the mere sound of his voice stole Fae's breath, she couldn't even speak back, she didn't even know what to speak, to begin with
He knocked on the door twice and then opened it gently
"Is it fine if I get in?" And then he peeked through the door, it really was him as Fae looked right at his blue eyes with her own that were widened in disbelief
"Fae are you okay?" He asked her with a soft tone and a caring gaze
But how, Fae never got those sweet emotions from him ever since she was birthed into this world, why now? why ever?
"I..." She lost her words, her heart beat like it wanted to escape the cage that was around it
"Yeah, I'm okay" Was everything a dream? all her life? just one quick dream that she couldn't remember?
He gave her a smile that shook her weary heart
"I'm glad to hear that love, your mom is making breakfast so come down when you can" He then left her with an even bigger shock, her mother died at birth
Fae ran her hand down her face and took a deep breath, there was no way her dead mother was down making breakfast for her
"Ah, there you are sweetie" But there she was, as Fae entered the kitchen she could really see her mother that she never met in her entire life there in front of her making what seemed to be pancakes, Fae smiled wearily
"What's wrong, had a nightmare?" She gave Fae a sidelook as the latter took a seat for herself by the table
"One that lasted twenty one years" Her mother chuckled at the insanity she heard while Fae herself didn't know what to do
This wasn't a dream, it felt a bit too real than your average dream, and Fae was self conscious of the possibility that she was dreaming so that fact alone persuaded her that this was more than just a dream
Did she die?
Was this an illusion?
She rested her hand on her cheek and couldn't stop staring at her mother, it was the same person that she was in all those photos yet that same woman that she never could meet, until now it seems
The smile Fae had was a pained one, and her heart beat like it was tired, her mind raced over trying to find some semblance of logic to the events that unfolded right under her eyes
But should it? shouldn't Fae just accept this perfect reality of hers and just give up?
Hell, this was everything she wanted, the love of her father and the presence of her mother, it all seemed so perfect
"So..." Her mom suddenly spoke up, attracting Fae's attention as she raised an eyebrow
"Ever thought of finding a boyfriend?" She asked her meekly while Fae chuckled, was this the kind of mother to daughter talk she had missed?
"Maybe one day" Fae spoke with narrowed eyes as she looked at her approaching mother who put a plate in front of Fae and one for herself to then sit down on the other side of the table, facing her daughter
"You're not into girls, are you?" She narrowed her eyes at the now laughing Fae
"I wouldn't know myself, mom" Fae replied, as she looked at the eyes of that one person she never met, she couldn't stop staring at her face
"Well, mom and dad will always love you, no matter what you want to be" Her voice was so soothing and comforting for Fae who tilted her head to the side and smiled
"Just be honest with us, letting everything pile up inside you is never good, okay?" Fae's smile softened at those words, her mom was such a gentle soul, just like she thought she would be
"There goes me having grandkids though..." She then muttered under her breath as she looked down her plate while Fae laughed, that feeling was so nice, it hurt her so badly
"Mom" Fae made her mother lift her eyes again to look at her child who had such a pained expression on her face
"Can I hold your hand?" Fae said as she put her right arm on the table, her mother smiled
"Of course you can" And just like she held her child's hand, Fae only wanted that as she gripped her mother's hand tightly, it was such a pleasing pain
Yet Fae's lips parted and her narrowed eyes widened, her mother seemed to vanish as she was seemingly absorbed by Fae's hand
She disappointedly looked down at her plate, and inhaled deeply before she grabbed the fork at her side, it too, was absorbed by Fae
Pursing her lips and raising her head, she looked around her as walls started melting, only leaving her on that chair while everything around her was covered with darkness
Fae crossed her legs and put her hands behind her head, interlocking her fingers while her lips formed a smile, it seems that she didn't deserve that kind of life leaving only the abyss she was in to comfort her in a bizarre way
"Whoah, you actually came out of it" As soon as she heard that voice Fae's consciousness came back to the real world, she was laying down under a tree with the dirt of the forest covered by thick cloth
Her eyes was closed while her stomach felt a heavy weight, somebody was sitting on top of her and she couldn't move a single muscle, it felt like she lost all her nerves that coursed within her body
"You're pretty special, aren't you?" The voice wasn't deep enough to be a man's, yet not a woman's either and just that fact alone freaked Fae's mind, if anything it sounded like a monster's voice
"I bet you enjoyed that though, right, Fae?" And that same demon knew Fae's name, she could feel it's voice right in her ear, and it's breath on her neck and she couldn't do anything about it
"Open your eyes" It whispered right in her ear, but Fae got a weird enough feeling that if she did, it'd be the last thing she could ever do, but that feeling wasn't her own, or at least it didn't feel like it
"You're that person who pushed back the gremlins from Freesia, I always wanted to have my hand on you" Gremlins? Fae asked herself, did this evil in her ear mean the goblin raid she pushed back alongside the others?
"You ruined my plans, but I won't let you do that again, hehehe" Fae's breathing quickened at the sound of that demonic chuckle so close to her ear
"If I just remove you from the equation here and now, you can never stop me" Fae's heart was racing as she could feel a needle's tip rested at the base of her throat, and she couldn't do anything to stop it
"Your two friends are soundly asleep, and they wont realize of what I'll do until morning, hah, poor you" Although Fae could feel a feeling inside her, a burning desire that was slowly coming out of her core, it felt like that same weird feeling she had, shackled and bound, but desperately trying to come out
And it did
Yuna finally came out of the shackles the demon put around her, appearing behind it with her sword ready above her head to strike down at the dark silhouette, and that it did
But Alas it dodged away, leaving Fae to take a gasp of fresh air as she opened her eyes and got up, coughing heavily while her eyes blurrily could see that dark silhouette jump from side to side until it entered the darkness of the forest, looking back to take one last good look at Fae who held her ached throat, she could see that it definitely wasn't a human
It was a monster, a demon, a feminine silhouette with skin color that resembled darkness that she had yet to see, that was the only thing Fae could pick up from it's appearances before it vanished away in the darkness of the abyss as if it would never come back
But Fae was in it's sights, that monster will come back for her
- In Serial22 Chapters
Amber Houston was born light-years from Earth, aboard the enormous colony starship Dandelion. By the age of fourteen, she has spent her entire life training as a “Ranger,” ready for the day when she will be among the first humans ever to set foot on an alien world & build a new civilization. When Dandelion suffers an emergency toward the end of its journey, Amber & her fellow young rangers are evacuated & land on the planet Newhome years ahead of schedule. While the adults left behind on Dandelion slow the ship & turn it around to come back—in eight years—Amber & her friends must build lives for themselves amid revelations that will change Humankind’s destiny forever. Meanwhile, aboard the ship, secrets that were buried over three hundred years ago finally come to light…
8 112 - In Serial32 Chapters
Breaking Horizons: Book 1: Snared Origins
Many want to learn things from a story, while others only want fast-paced wonders. We are human and we like to dream, we are alive and we want to feel. Don’t wander outside before knowing the inside. Even if this is slow, it gives you the reader, things to behold. This is a story but also knowledge. It isn’t fast or entertaining but makes you wonder. Everything starts from something unknown, we all want to know the untold. However, can you persevere if something starts being boring? Shouldn’t entertainment start from something unexciting? Open a door to what you might know or not. Learn to dream in my unhealthy abode. Start from the garbage since that’s the place where I belong. Welcome to Raccoon’s abode. Breaking Horizons: Breaching the Fourth Dimension. A slow story that will take you on a ride towards the unknown. PS: Will make things clear here. The actual main character is a human, the raccoon is a pet for the novel. So it isn't a raccoon Isekai or reincarnation as a raccoon. I still haven't added it to the story, as I am currently doing the intro. A long intro! So the start might feel off when you read it. The story will include many genres but starts with psychological stuff and low fantasy. The whole story is an enormous puzzle, but it starts with a tiresome beginning for many. There is a reason for that... If you want to know more about this story check my discord: https://discord.gg/rZs6mem You can ask what you want to know there. Or join a bigger and cooler server where many authors hang out: https://discord.gg/2hbvq8B (Its dungeon engineer and many cool stories' server) This is my own story, so its for me only. I will not have a schedule. I left it on hiatus for a while, can't write two stories, too busy.
8 195 - In Serial50 Chapters
The villainess is... Is she?
Claire Luna is a highschool girl in an international school and caught up in a situation which led her to be transmigrated to a novel she read during her childhood. In the body of the labelled villain character in the novel, Clair Lune, Claire try to live and lead a better life for her future. "Ahh! I told you not to come but you keep coming, don't blame me for defending myself!" The girl in front of her shivered in fear and tears up.Claire minds went blank as she stared at the girl that started to cried pitifully that can moved others to immediately go and protect her. 'What the...Is this for real? What is this situation?" The thing is, is she really the villain that everyone think of, or what?---------Original work! Contain a lot of fluff and sweet moments >///I hope you enjoy reading to the fullest like how I enjoy writing it >///And also, pardon if there are any grammatical error as english is not my first language and my greatest/skilledFirst work, considered as my debut piece!All the pictures is not mine and taken from pinterest, credit to the rightful owner of the beautiful art.
8 170 - In Serial10 Chapters
Sorcery, Sword and much more bring the world to fruition. The world is seen lively, to many who live normal lives with no known issue of despair. Fun and games are what keeps them sane and filled with little adventure whatsoever. Yet the world harbors many deep and dark secrets seen by many others with a deep seek of adventure. This world, is not all of fun and games. Intended for five volumes, each shorter or longer in length. No extra plans, as it is intended to be a shorter series rather than a long one.
8 86 - In Serial39 Chapters
Full Sun || Haechan
Your average cliche high school story~-Haechan X Reader
8 198 - In Serial16 Chapters
Heart Of Stone
A tough life but I good future? Follow this young thief as he goes through trials and tribulations to try to keep his once peaceful life together after is is shattered and changed forever.
8 132