《The Adrift Oath》Chapter XIX: Tooth For a Tooth
The next thing Fae could feel was the blinding darkness around her and the deafening silence that embraced her
"Enough is enough!" An old man's voice resonated and echoed around the senses of Fae, she couldn't think as her mind felt shutdown, but deep inside she could tell who it was, how could she forget him
"Ever since Aria died you've been a fucking joke of man" That same elderly voice said, loudly, with the tone tipped in rage
"Understand me for fuck's sake! I have so much on my plate!" A second voice replied to the anger that it was receiving, but when it tried to defend itself it just made the first voice even more furious
"Understand you?!" He yelled back
"Your kid almost god damn died and you're telling me to understand you?!" That same angry tone was bordering madness as it felt like the old man was slowly growing insane from purely talking with the other person
"I'm done with giving you chances Raymond, I'm not going to stand by and let you ruin Fae's life" He told him
"I'll take this matter into my own hands as soon as she gets discharged from the hospital" The old man's voice was stern, his tone of voice still mixed with the same anger of before, only angrier
"You can't just take my own daughter away!" The middle-aged man pleaded
"I'll give her the offer and let her choose because unlike you, I actually care about what she wants" He responded
"She will accept, and who can blame her? you've given her no care" His voice then suddenly turned into a much more sorrowful tone
"The number of times she cried in front of me and begged to not tell you is just..." He then took a shivering inhale
"You don't even know how much she loves you and how she just wants your love back, you only know 'I' and 'me' you're no man Raymond" His anger was fully replaced with sadness now
"You're a monster, and I'm not letting you or anybody turn her into one"
And then she only felt pain, her head ached and her stomach had a lasting hurt
She coughed and gently opened her eyelids, it was all a blurry mess as she could barely discern the ceiling
Fae took a deep inhale and got up to find her stomach covered in clean white bandages, her torso was completely naked and her breasts covered only in similar bandages
"It's so nice to see you awake" She heard a voice that was drowned by her disoriented senses, turning to her left she could see Yuna who was crouched down to be at eye level with Fae sitting on the bed she was laid there
"Where am I?" She asked her, Yuna gave her a comforting smile
"Yulia's room" Yuna said and as she turned to look over her shoulder, Fae's eyes also followed, seeing Yulia sitting on a chair laid against the wall as she was sleeping with her arms crossed and her head lowered
"What happened?" Fae inquired further, Yuna turned to look back at her as the two locked eyes
"After you lost consciousness I carried you in my arms and ran as fast as I could towards Freesia" Yuna told her, while Fae had her right hand on the wound on her stomach, it still burned
"I met Yulia mid-way and she immediately treated your wound, then we brought you back to Freesia" Fae hummed ever so softly, looking down at the wound she was holding with her right hand, everything that happened was wrong, it all pained her so much
"The things that you remember happened yesterday" Yuna added, that meant Fae slept for around 24 hours
"Is she awake?!" Yulia seemed to have woken up by the sound of her voice as she rushed to be at Fae's side
"How are you feeling?" She asked her, Fae forced a smile out of her and gave it to Yulia
"The worst I've felt in all my life" She answered, keeping that same smile plastered on her face as she looked away
"I wouldn't expect you to feel any other way" Yulia said with her tone drenched in empathy, gently putting a hand on Fae's shoulder to comfort her
"Yuna told me everything that has happened" She continued on, gathering Fae's attention yet again as she gave Yulia her gaze back
"For your own safety you need to leave Freesia, I'll help you the best I can too" The words of worry she said made Fae furrow her eyebrows sharply
"Leave?" How could she, this matter was already personal before she got betrayed
"And what, let that piece of shit walk free?" Fae laughed and then looked down at her lap, the wound on her stomach was still making it clear that it was very much so present, but crying wasn't going to fix anything, Fae knew that ever since she was a child
She got up with a grunt and went past Yulia and Yuna to go and pick up her shirt that she could see was hung on the handle of the door
"What the hell are you planning to do then?" Yulia said, her eyebrows slightly furrowed while her hand was on her waist
Fae grabbed her shirt and looked at it for a silent second, remembering the words he gave her yesterday, those intoxicatingly kind words, she then smiled
"Guide him to his god" She then proceeded to put her arms through her shirt and then her head through
"Are you insane?!" Yulia exclaimed, she spoke what Yuna had on her mind yet couldn't speak aloud, Fae, on the other hand, couldn't but smile as her eyes stared at the ground
"This is where I'd say I'm insane enough to do something right" She then lifted her eyes to look at Yulia who could catch a reflection from the tears that started building up in them
"But this isn't about doing what's right anymore" Her smile shivered as Yulia didn't have more words to say at the moment, the emotions Fae displayed right there was a first for Yulia to witness
"He double-crossed me yesterday, and people like him crossed me once before that too, but this time I'm the one that'll be doing the crossing" She then chuckled
"A huge cross on his jugular" She added, her laugh bordering between despair and madness as Yuna stood speechless while Yulia fumbled on her words, desperately trying to find the right things to say
"You don't understand the consequences of killing a noble Fae, it's one of the worst crimes you could commit!" She pleaded with her, but that only made her friend angry
"Do I look like I care anymore?" She asked Yulia with a tilted head as the latter too got irritated with her friend's behavior
"You got stabbed and almost died if it wasn't for luck!" Yulia responded
"For fuck sake why are you so stubborn?! why can't you listen for once?!" Fae's lips parted away in surprise for a second, before her eyebrows furrowed and her mouth took to a frown before she spoke
"Don't you dare judge me!" She yelled back at Yulia, pointing at her with the anger that was boiling her blood
"I fucking know both you and Yuna! but neither of you know me!" She told Yulia and Yuna, the latter pursed her lips while the former kept her gaze locked with Fae
"You have no idea what I've been through! so don't you dare fucking judge me!" She added on, gritting her teeth at the end of her words as she felt pins and needles all over her body while her hot blood coursed through her veins
"I'll settle the score even if it's the last thing I'll ever do" She now spoke with a much calmer tone, her eyes welled up with the tears that weren't allowed to leave them
"And don't even think about getting in my way" She left a silent second as she stared with a serious gaze right into Yulia's eyes, to then turn around and leave the room as she wanted to hear nothing more the two of them had to say
None of them were with her when she was a child, none knew of what she had to carry in her heart for all this time, she wouldn't let this opportunity pass by her hands, no matter what
That day seemed eternal for Fae, she walked on and on around town, the hood of her cloak on her head as she wanted to attract as little attention as she could, she merely wanted to take in some fresh air, her heart needed it if anything else
Minutes seemed like hours and hours seemed like days, for the little time she had to make a choice it sure felt like a lifetime for the woman, but she didn't need to dwell too deep into it, her conscience wouldn't let her, what she was to do seemed clearer than the blue skies above her
Her next stop will be the baron's manor, and if fate willed it to be, she was ready for it to be her last stop and she would make sure that he wouldn't see the next dawn, no matter what it takes
And so the sun bid them farewell, replaced with the starry night and the moon that enlightened the earth with the little light it could reflect through the clouds that hang above the manor, looks like rain was in the forecast tonight, and murder was too
The guard that was standing on his post in front of the front outer gates of the manor raised an eyebrow at the sight of a feminine figure approaching down the dirt path, her sight alone made him rest his hand on the pommel of his sword
"Oh, it's you" Even though he recognized Fae as she lowered the hood of her cloak, his hand still was on top of his pommel
"I'm sorry but you can't come in tonight, I'll inform the baron tomorrow morning and you can come take your reward" He spoke with a professional tone, but why was his hand at the ready to unsheath his sword, Fae knew why
It's because he's in with the baron, isn't it?
It had to be, everyone here is his partner, they all betrayed her and sent her to her death for the crimes that took the life of dozens of innocents
Wasn't that the truth, Fae?
"I'm not here to ask for permission" She furrowed her eyebrows and spoke softly to the man
"You leave, and you live" Her words made him take a step back as he slowly unsheathed his sword, Fae didn't move a single muscle as he took his fighting stance, she wasn't going to mourn his death, he deserved it
"Do it" She whispered, and as soon as that second word was spoken the man's throat was slashed from right to left by seemingly a vengeful spirit that now appeared by Fae's side, their first victim for tonight had his eyes widened as he tried to put his hands on his throat to stop the bleeding, but him gurgling on his own blood and getting down on his knees proved that it was to no avail, and Fae kept her eyes locked with the man's who quickly lost all life inside
Yuna's eyes however, couldn't but stare at her friend while her heart kept hurting her ethereal chest, she could see the image of herself back at Yokohama where she fought with nothing but hatred on her heart
If Fae walked down the same path Yuna took, would she get the same fate? that thought alone made the woman tremble
She wasn't going to answer Yuna as she crouched down to pick up the gate keys from the corpse the duo created, unlocking the gates before she got through them with nothing on her heart but the burning desire for payback, she wanted it so badly
And she will make sure that she does, walking up the path to the manor with the sword she got from her very first victim back at that bandit infested mine in her hand, she could see some movement through the windows, they had to know that she's here
And that they did, because as she opened the front doors of the building, she could see two guards in the middle of the room as they had their swords at hand, their chest protected by metal armor while their eyes were locked with Fae's movement
"Yuna" Fae whispered as she put her off hand behind her waist to grab the dagger that was both her first gift in this world and her first deadly injury
She tossed it in the air before she dashed forward, Yuna appeared where Fae was previously to grab the dagger that now was falling back down by the tip with her two fingers before she threw it as hard as she could at the two guards
The sudden appearance of the ghost threw them off as they didn't expect the dagger spinning in the air to be soon spinning towards them, planting itself in the shoulder that the armor didn't cover, prompting him to scream in pain before lowering his guard
Yuna disappeared again to appear in front of the uninjured guard as she took to fight him while Fae crashed her sword down on the injured one who meekly defend himself with raising his own sword, blocking Fae's strike, and as she got a good look at his brown eyes, she could see the guilt behind them, they were all guilty, all of them
Gritting her teeth from the hatred that boiled her blood, Fae slid her sword down his before taking a step back to strike him again, he blocked that too
But this time, Fae deflected his own block and used the block her sword received as momentum to flip it on the other side and slash face as he let out a grunt of pain and backed away
She didn't give him any mercy however as she lunged at him again, clashing their swords once more with grunts from both parties
"Where is he?!" She screamed at him, the injured guard didn't seem to want to speak up as he needed all the strength he had left to fight for his own survival
The lack of answer didn't seem to please Fae, only making her grit her teeth against each other before she bashed against the man and angled her sword for his throat as soon as he lost his balance, stabbing it right through as he opened his eyes full from shock, he didn't even let out a scream with the little power that he now was slowly losing, only grabbing Fae's blade as he tried to take it off from his throat, but he couldn't
She pushed even further it, driving the blade deeper before he fell down on his back, only now Fae took her sword out of his throat with her breathing heavy and quick
She looked at Yuna who also stood over the body she made, and then those same eyes looked back at the dagger planted inside the guard's shoulder, she crouched down and pulled it from his flesh before sheathing it back into its scabbard
This wasn't enough to relieve Fae from her pain, her heart still ached, it just hurt so much
Keeping her sword tightly gripped she walked deeper into the manor, she could see few servants hiding back into their rooms, they didn't want to get in her path, and with the blood that covered both her blade and her clothes, who would?
She knew where to go, she remembered where his office would be, her brain had its location engraved in her mind
"Fae" Though the voice cut the woman's own thoughts
"Im sensing a lot of people down in what seems like a basement" Yuna told Fae further
"I'm not sure, but they do seem like captives that weren't killed yet" She was clearly telling Fae to go rescue them first
But what if the baron ran away? what if he escaped? would all this work go for naught
If she wastes this chance, she wouldn't get another one, he'd escape and live the rest of his life punishment free
Fae didn't stop walking towards his office, only now she gripped her sword tighter
And there it was, that cursed elegant door that behind it, was his office, he would be there? right?
She took a deep inhale before pushing down on the handle, gritting her teeth and then kicking it wide open with all the anger that was building up
Fae got inside, hand gripping her sword tightly as she looked around, he wasn't here
No matter how frantically she looked around, how she kicked the desk over, he just wasn't here
But then a light through the window attracted her attention, she looked through it and could see a man on a horse that helped another get on it, helping the baron
Fae's eyes widened at that sight, but if she were to walk all around it would take too much time
She gazed down the window of the first floor she was in as she then tried to open it, it seemed jammed
With a click of her tongue she grabbed her sword and struck the window with the hard pommel as it broke down, she then pushed the glass over with her blade before getting through the window, putting her hand that felt punctured by glass as she hung from the first floor, clenching her jaw as hard as she could, she let go and dropped down
She fell down as soon as she hit the floor, letting out an exhausted scream as her right ankle felt like it shattered, but she couldn't give up now, she could see them already departing
Fae got up and moved as quickly over there as she could, but how quickly could one move while they limped
She grabbed on the saddle of one of the two remaining horses before she clumsily got on its back, this wasn't her first time on a horse but it was only her third, she wasn't used to it at all but she had to make due
"Go boy! go!" She hit him with her leg and it seemed like the horse was very well used to these kind of commands as it immediately started galloping forward
But it wasn't fast enough, if she ever hoped to catch up to them they had to go faster
"Faster! faster!" She repeated herself as she hit him again, grabbing the reins as hard as she could to keep herself balanced with the aid of the stirrups while Fae herself was bent forward with the speed the horse was going at
"Get closer to them, and I'll cut them off" Yuna's voice resonated inside Fae's mind, she was so close, she wouldn't let them go away
Fae slowly was closing the distance between her and the baron, she kept pleading the horse to go faster and it seemed to understand her demands with how fast it was going
Both horses galloped through the dirt path that was leading towards Freesia, but if the baron reached it he would be safe there, Fae wouldn't be able to handle that many guards at once and nobody would ever listen to a random nobody even if they had proof against the noble, she had to get him now, now or never
But it seemed to be enough distance as Yuna appeared much further forward from the first horse that had both the baron and his guard on its back
She flipped her blade and readied it up, and as soon as that horse passed by her she sliced his head clean off, and with it, the rest of the body fell down on the ground alongside the two men on top of it as they too, fell on the mud
Fae pulled on the reins to make the horse stop, her breathing was still quick and deep as she got off the horse, grimacing at the pain she felt from her right foot but she had to push forward
"Go!" She smacked the horse to release him off as it galloped away, she didn't need it anymore
The baron cursed and was helped up by the guard, Fae slowly approached the two with her sword in her right hand
"What the fuck is your problem?!" Derrek screamed at Fae, who came to a stop as she was close enough to hear him, but not close enough to him for any danger to befall on either her or the Baron that stayed beside his guard
"My problem?!" She yelled back at him, how dare he
"My problem is that you're making paste out of people!" She added
"That's what my fucking problem is!" Fae exclaimed herself very clear with her furrowed eyebrows and blood-stained face
"You think we didn't do this before?! Do you think this business wasn't going on before Aralia got split into two?!" Fae's jaw dropped, she thought like she must not have heard him right
"Business?!" She yelled, her eyes widened and her eyebrows furrowed sharper, she felt like she was going insane
"You're stealing people's organs!" She yelled with all the emotions she had in her heart, trying desperately to prove something that was obvious to her and should be to everybody, yet why was he so normal about this crime, was she the wrong one out in this world? was Fae, the mad one?
"The king of Aralia knew about this ever since we begun! he even was the one that gave me permission!" The baron yelled at Fae with words that made her lips part away with the insanity that she was hearing
"As long as we paid for the people! they were ours!" Fae was slowly losing her mind, was this the true world she stepped into?
"Do you know how many nobles we saved from disease with the right magic and organs?!" He added on
"How many useless leeches we got rid of that contributed nothing to our kingdom?!" Yet each word he spoke kept making Fae uneasy, everything he said was enough to make a decent human being vomit, or it seemed that maybe a proper moral compass wasn't in the list of things to have to be a decent person in this world
"None of them asked to be sacrificed for your stupid fucking lives!" She screamed at him with pure rage and disdain
"And they won't be asked to! they should feel honored as it is!" Derrek explained to Fae things that her mind didn't even want to hear, let alone understand
"Peasants died yesterday and they'll die for the greater good tomorrow! nothing will change that!" His words were creepy and the confidence in his words made Fae lose her mind
"Not when I'm fucking breathing! I killed all your bandit friends!" He laughed at her words
"They're expandable! and you helped me get rid of them! if anything I should be thanking you Fae!" She gritted her teeth as she remembered that she did exactly what he wanted
"I'll find others soon enough! and when their usefulness expires! I'll get rid of them too!" He added
"You really think you're doing the right thing?! it's not as simple as that!" He was getting on her nerves
"At least I fucking tried!" She said, and then nodded
"But you know what?! you're right Derrek!" She said with a smile
"I haven't tried hard enough! that's why you'll die right here and right now you fucking piece of shit!" She gripped higher on her sword and walked towards him
"Fucking kill him Yuna!" Fae yelled with all she had as she pointed at the guard that was beside Derrek, who immediately was stabbed through his throat by the spirit that appeared in front of the two men
The baron gasped as he stepped back while Fae quickly walked towards that same man, passing by Yuna yet paying her no mind, not a word or a glance
She threw her sword away and kept walking towards the baron, raising her hands up
"Nobody will fucking save you now" She told him, seeing him take a fighting stance too as neither of them noticed the droplets of rain that fell on the two
"That's where you're wrong, they're already coming here" He told her back, Fae didn't believe him but whether anybody would be coming or not, she had him right in her hands now, she wouldn't waste it
Gritting her teeth, Fae lunged to throw a right hook at his cheek that he blocked, but she didn't give up as she then kicked him with a front kick that sent him a step back while the rain poured down
Fae stepped forward and punched him right in his side, but it seemed to no effect as he took the opportunity of her guard being down to try and punch her back right in her face, Fae dodged back right in time to then grab that arm and twist it to the side before kneeing him right in his chest as hard as she could
Neither of them pulled any punches, they gave all they had
Derrek raised his guard as he got closer to Fae, who wouldn't want it any other way
With his hands up he quickly threw a left hook that Fae blocked with her right arm before she yelled and punched him as hard as she could to his face, but he moved his head to the side and dodged it as he then kicked Fae to her stomach, a kick that made her grunt as she went back
But as she stepped back she could feel a warm liquid on her stomach, Derrek's eyes could see a faint red color on her shirt around the area of her stomach
Fae didn't care about it as much as he did, he could see a weakness that he could use against her while Fae didn't think about anything but giving the man in front of her all the hurt that she got in her life
He got closer to her and tried to punch her around that area as he lowered his body to do so, but Fae could read him, sidestepping to the side and keeping a distance away from him
Yet she lunged back at him with a punch that hit right on his cheek, in retaliation he grabbed her arm and twisted it to then punch right on her stab wound, Fae grunted in pain and also grabbed his arm before she headbutted him as hard as she could
He screamed and went back, holding his bloodied nose while Fae took that opportunity to spear him down with a charge as she lifted him in the air before smacking him down on the ground, the wound on her stomach now open as it bled just like it did before
But she got what she wanted as she got on top of him and punched him right on his cheek, again, and again, and again
He grabbed her right arm, so she punched him with the left, and when he grabbed that, she leaned forward to bite his wrist so hard that she tore his skin leaving him to scream in pain as she got her right hand free, she lifted it and with a grunt she smacked it down on his face as he was slowly losing the power he had
"Stop!" He screamed, but she wouldn't as she punched him again, each time harder than the previous
"Please! e-enough!" He tried to meekly defend himself with raising his arms, but Fae punched through them until his face was a bloodied mess
"FUCK YOU!" She screamed, putting her left hand on his throat as she choked him until he lowered his arms from his face, and that's when Fae delivered yet another jab right on his already destroyed face, his nose was broken and his eye was black, blood coming out from both his mouth and nose
But that still had to make Fae feel better, why, why did her pain not go away, she was so sure that getting her vengeance, that using all that hatred on the people that hurt her would make her feel better, that it would carry all that ache away, but no, she didn't feel any better
She punched on and on and on until her breathing was heavy, her heart ached and her knuckles reddened
She punched until she started crying, and until Derrek was rendered unconscious
She punched until she couldn't anymore
Falling down on the mud as the rain still poured on her, she was crying like she never did before as she held the wound on her stomach
"GOD-DAMNIT!" She screamed as loud as she could while her body trembled from the cold, or maybe it was the pain, she didn't know herself
Taking on a shivering breath she put pressure on the wound that was on her stomach while her eyes locked with the unconscious baron, he was still breathing, with a slow and wheezing breath
She did it, she did what she set out to do for all this time, finally getting back at people who ruined everything for her, but where was the bliss that she thought she would be met with at the end of the dark tunnel?
In truth, the only thing that she met was the ice-cold rain and the still-warm blood that she was drenched in, she was on her knees and she could barely stand, crying her eyes out while the rain drowned out her whimpers
Yet she could see a couple of horses appear in the distance as they galloped their way towards them, when they got close Fae could notice that they weren't guards of the noble
They were the knights that she once fought side by side with, Claude, Myles too, William and Lucy as well
They all got down while Fae could but stare at the ground, holding the wound in her stomach while she couldn't stop crying, no matter how hard she tried to repress her pain she just couldn't anymore
Her heart held it for too long
"What did you do..." She heard Myles say, the four knights weren't very sure that they were looking right at what happened, because to them Fae was nothing more than a cheerful yet reliable kind woman
Not a murderer
"I'll check on the baron" Lucy spoke as she alongside William went on to do just what she said
"We'll be taking you into custody" Myles spoke to Fae, but she couldn't even answer him back from how she was crying, though she had no plans to resist
It was over
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"We know how it ends. We know how we die. And then the Loop begins anew." On the thirteenth day of Harvest, a mysterious woman enters Haven’s house of government and unleashes a devastation unlike anything seen in this world before. Lonely police recruit, Sham, is caught in the blast—and with it is thrown back in time nine days armed with a Legendary new skill. Now, he has just over a week to find this would-be terrorist before she can destroy the city of Haven and take countless lives in the process. But an investigation like this is never so simple. Dark cabals sell black market skill vials in the shadows. A strange new church emerges from nothing. Trained operatives pursue Haven’s future saviour. And the voices in Sham’s head seem to be getting louder. Updates Wednesdays and Sundays.
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Spiritual Point
Kyle has always been an unlucky boy. Ever since he was young, he has already experienced countless unlucky situations. Getting Crashed by a car, being a victim of landslides, and even creating a massive incident just by slipping on a banana peel. however, all of these jinx will suddenly show a massive change in his life with one simple incident. One which before he'll know it, will change the world forever. (This story is completely fiction. Anything that is remotely similar to real life is purely coincidental. With that said, please enjoy.)
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Dungeon Man Sam
Dungeon Man Sam is a character-focused slow burn dungeon-building litRPG with elements of crafting Real Time Strategy. It updates 6 days a week, with a break on Saturdays. Dungeon Man Sam Vol. 1, Dungeon Man Sam and the Orphaned Core is now available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited! Official Dungeon man Sam Discord! Drop by and say hello! We're still tiny, but if you wave to me I'm always happy to wave back and chat! --------------- In a world where dungeons function as the backbone of national economies, dungeon construction is big business. Wealthy nations spend millions to have the best dungeon builders construct labyrinthine edifices full of the most dangerous traps and planted with the strongest dungeon cores in the hope of luring powerful adventurers in to retrieve the treasures generated deep within. Samuel Tolliver works for his father, who runs the finest construction crew on the continent. It is a good life, one that keeps him close to family and that earns him enough money to pursue his inventions when he has a free moment. He even has something of a talent for fixing things and keeping the various bits of equipment running. It should have been the best job in the world. There's just one problem. Sam hates dungeons and wants to destroy them all some day. And he's got the plan to do it, too. But life has a way of throwing curveballs at you. When a series of disastrous events that he himself set in motion culminates in Sam winding up dead, he thought that was the end of it. Until a voice came to him and offered him a deal, one he simply couldn't refuse. Now Dungeon Man Sam has returned to life as the guardian for a strange new dungeon core, one that will turn everything he knows about the world upside down and force him to set aside his hatred of dungeons. For the sake of himself, his friends, and his family, Sam must construct a dungeon like the world has never seen before and defend it against all comers, be they monstrous or adventurous. If he succeeds, he'll get to see his family again. If he fails, everyone he knows will fall into the grave. And somewhere beyond the range of his knowledge, something ancient and terrible stirs and takes notice. Dungeon Man Sam: When all you have is a hammer, you build. --------------- This Is A Work In Progress: This isn't the final form of Dungeon Man Sam, there's gonna be some typos, and things may change between chapters as I realize "crap, I didn't set that up nearly as well as I thought I did". I'll let you know if anything like that happens, and if you notice anything that you think is worth pointing out, feel free to let me know! Hope you enjoy the story!
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