《The Adrift Oath》Chapter VII: A Well Deserved Rest
Fae feeling her legs start to give up on her took a deep breath before sitting down on the pavement in the middle of the city, as she looked around she could see people going back to their homes with relief written all over their faces
That thought alone made her break her frown as a small smile appeared on her face, she put her hand in her pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes still newly covered in its wrapping that she shorty took off to open that pack and have one to herself, She put the cigarette between her lips to then reach for her lighter
But she stopped, pulling out her hand and staring at it's palm, Fae narrowed her eyes and focused, thinking of a wild tempest made out of pure fire
And before she knew it her hand started fizzling as sparks flew away, she put the tip of her cigarette on that scorching hot hand and lit it, taking a deep breath as she closed her eyes
To then put the cigarette away with her middle and index finger for her lips to suck in a deep breath of air, pushing the smoke into her lungs
As she felt the weight of her head slowly lighten, she blew the smoke away in a continuous flow from her lips, opening her eyes to see a person standing over her
Raising an eyebrow she looked up at her face to then raise the corners of her mouth into a smile
"Missed me already?" Fae asked as her smile turned into a smirk, her friend merely chuckled and gave her a helping hand to get her up
"Sure, I'll humor the hero of today" Yulia replied to her, her hand lifting Fae to get her back on her feet
Chuckling, Fae asked with curiosity
"I thought you had bodies to carry, what gives?" She asked her, as the recipient of the question gave off a nervous chuckle while her finger scratched her cheek
"I fell down from dizziness so people forced me to stop" She answered, Fae laughed under her breath
"How ironic that you were the one forcing yourself all along OW!" as soon as Fae finished her words dipped in a smug-ish tone Yulia dropped a closed fist on her head
"I didn't come here to get lectured, was inviting you for a couple of drinks but it seems that your highness is feeling too haughty" Yulia retaliated, bringing Fae to laugh as she rubbed her head
"Alright alright I was just kidding, but is it the best time for alcohol?" She asked Yulia as both looked over to the horizon to see it merged with the shades of orange, it was soon to be morning
"Ah who cares, I wanna remember the epilogue of defending my hometown with some drinks and a cozy atmosphere, so are you in my lady?" Yulia told Fae, a smirk surfacing on her face as she put her hand on her waist forming a semi circle with her arm as an invitation
Fae sighed with a smile and put her arm around Yulia's own
"Looks like he's not back yet" Yulia exclaimed after trying to open the door of Ulfgan's inn, letting out a sigh at the end of her words while Fae behind her was reluctant to ask
"Hey Yulia, do you mind me asking you something personal?" But she did anyway
"Huh?" Turning around to meet Fae eye to eye with a raised eyebrow, Yulia cocked her head to the side as she crossed her arms
"Sure, go ahead" She continued, while Fae thought of the softest way to express her question
"So, you said this is your hometown, right?" Yulia slowly nodded
"Is your family here?" Fae followed her question with another, making Yulia raise an eyebrow again before she smiled
"What a roundabout way of asking if I have a family" She answered Fae while her smile slowly turned into a smirk when Fae nervously chuckled
"Sorry, I was just curious after what Ulfgan said" Fae answered
"He probably didn't mean what he said by the way, his daughter is just really precious for him" She continued, seeing her friend sigh as she sat down on the step that lead to the front door of the inn, gently putting her hand next to her as an inviting gesture that Fae gladly took
"Yeah I know" Yulia replied to then lock eyes with Fae who sat down next to her
"And to your question, no I don't" She softly said with a smile as she slowly looked away
"Was raised in an orphanage so I never saw my father nor my mother, Hell I don't even know how I ended up there to begin with" She added, switching her gaze to Fae's empathetic eyes before chuckling and ruffling her friend's hair
"No need to give me that look, I'm fine & dandy" Yulia told her while Fae gave her a smile of relief before yet another questioned dawned on her
"What about your skill, how did you come to acquire that?" That question begged Yulia's curiosity to rise up as so did her eyebrow
"Skill? you mean this?" Lifting her right open hand slightly in the air, A small blue dagger formed to lay down on top of her palm, and as Fae nodded twice Yulia smiled and closed her hand while the translucent dagger melted and vanished
"This was something that awakened in me after I lost my leg" She answered her, crossing her arms and resting them on her folded legs
"After what happened in that quest I swore to myself that I won't let the sacrifice of what I called family be in vain" She then chuckled nervously
"Though it was hard to imagine myself still adventuring without a leg" Yulia added on
"It came to the point where I gave up on physical work and tried to see if I had any magical aptitude" Seeing Fae's confused face made Yulia raise an eyebrow and stop her speech
"What do you mean by magical aptitude?" She asked her friend, who was more than happy to answer
"Basically how compatible you are with magic, how easy it would be for you to learn spells" Yulia then smiled and looked away with furrowed eyebrows
"Hell you can even be unable to learn any spells no matter how hard you try" She then raised an eyebrow in a haughty manner as she gave Fae a sidelook
"And can you guess how much aptitude yours truly had with magic?" Yulia asked
"I'd say quite a lot if you can manipulate magical energy this well" Fae replied, bringing Yulia to a full-on laughing grin with closed eyes
"None, nada, nothing" Yulia replied, a soft smile on her face that turned into chuckling when she noticed Fae's confused expression
"How?! you can literally make weapons purely out of your magical energy!" Fae insisted
"Well Fae, funnily enough that's not magic" Yulia said before continuing her speech
"After I learned that I have no magical aptitude that kinda put me into a downwards spiral of despair" She added on as she looked away
"Being disabled and then having no future in the magic field, it felt like a door closed but rather than a window opening, it also just closed itself right in my face" She then sighed and looked back at Fae
"But no matter what I felt like it didn't sit right with me to just give up, one of my friends died right in front of me while the other sacrificed herself just so I could survive" Slightly furrowing her eyebrows, Fae could see how appalled Yulia was by the thought of disvaluing the sacrifice of her friends
"I didn't believe that I just couldn't use my mana just because of something I couldn't control" Yulia told her, gesturing with her hand to sharpen her words
"So I studied the foundations of magic and mana itself, or like you call it, magical energy" Yulia smiled while Fae made a mental note to herself to never call mana magical energy again to not seem clueless to others
"I even assisted some lectures when any scholars of that field would pass by our small town, never thought I'd even have the patience to attend one but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures" Yulia chuckled out loud while Fae laughed to herself as she could tell Yulia wasn't a scholar herself if she called studying a "desperate measure"
"And so after months and months of labor, something snapped inside my head" She looked at Fae with slightly widened eyes and a huge smile
"A theory, to be exact" She added
"Since there are multiple spells like for example, 'fireball' that requires extreme heat and results in an explosion, while that are ones that are more related to coldness and extremely low temperatures" She then smirked as she noticed she had Fae's full attention
"What if, this magical aptitude that I had none of, was actually something that converts mana into your desired outcome" Yulia muttered
"That would make sense, right?" Yulia asked as she immediately got Fae to nod
"Then what if I remove that middleman, and just forcefully pull out my mana out of my body, then what spell will it be? what will even happen?" She said with a raised eyebrow
"That was the theory that I worked with for sleepless nights" She then chuckled
"And the real result I got was when I threw a plate at the wall out of anger" Resting her cheek on her hand while her elbow was on her leg, Yulia looked away
"It felt like the more I tried the more astray from my goal I became" Continuing her speech with her eyes turning to lock back with Fae's own
"But at that moment, when I just gave up for the day and laid down on the hard wood floor, I closed my eyes and really, and I mean really imagined what I wanted" She said with her small smile and narrowed eyes
"And I imagined myself not disabled, I imagined myself walking without the need for a crutch or bothering anybody for help" Yulia told the attentive Fae
"And that's when I felt something deep into my core" Fae could see Yulia close her eyes as she put her hand on her chest
"Like something was consumed out of my very own soul, a reserve of pure energy that was never touched ever since my birth" She then opened her eyes and gave Fae a face with a huge smile in it
"That's when I saw this" She pulled the bottom of her pants where her leg was missing, revealing a translucent magical limb taking it's place
"And that's when I realized that I finally could move on with my life" Yulia said as she let go of the dirty cloth to resume looking at Fae
"It took a huge amount of time for me to walk properly again let alone run or sword fight, but at that moment I didn't give one hell of a care" Her smile turned even bigger
"Because at that very moment, I knew that I finally had a second chance at life" She then chuckled and looked away, gesturing around her with her hands
"And here I am now, telling my life story to somebody that I haven't known for even a week" Fae could only laugh at that last line
"Well, that just means you value me highly" Yulia replied to that with a brief chuckle before letting out a sigh that ended in a smile
"Aren't you confident?" She answered the laughing Fae while herself having no more words to speech
"Fae!" Raising an eyebrow at the voice that attracted the duo with the one being called smiling as she noticed who the caller was
"Ysabel, I'm glad you're okay" Fae told the little child that stopped her sprint when she arrived in front of Fae
"I should be the one saying that!" Fae laughed out loud at how stern the usually cheerful child was, Yulia on the other side gave a smile and a salute with her index and middle finger together to Ulfgan
"Happy to see you two alive" He said with a tone that had guilt and sorrow melted in it
"Well, we wouldn't be if it wasn't for her" She replied to Ulfgan with her head gesturing to her friend sitting down next to her, Ulfgan widened his eyes for a second before he smiled
"Alright then we can talk about it inside" He gave a helping hand to Yulia who gladly accepted it as she got herself up with Fae doing the same, letting Ulfgan climb the couple of stairs to unlock his inn
"Drinks are free for the hero and her friend" He said as he looked over his shoulder to give a wink to the two of them who could only laugh
"I'm impressed Fae" Ulfgan muttered, one arm rested on his counter while the two women were on the other side sitting down on the two wooden stools with each of them having a drink
"But for a creature to know that spell, seems Iffy" Yulia muttered inside her tankard as she took a deep gulp of the ale inside it
"How so?" Fae curiously replied with a raised eyebrow
"Well lass, the last sighting of that spell being used ever was hundred of years ago if I'm not wrong" Ulfgan replied to her, only watering her curiosity
"I can't remember anybody talking about that spell let alone seeing it used" Yulia added on to help Ulfgan's words
"But wait that reminds me, you said you bypassed that spell by using a fireball, I don't remember you knowing any spells" Yulia said, eyebrows furrowed as she gave Fae an unnerving sidelook
"Uhm, well, you see..." With a nervous chuckle Fae dropped her tankard on the counter as gently as she could, clearing her throat first before replying
"I purposefully got hit by a fireball of his own" She could see the confused eyes of both Yulia next to her and Ulfgan on the other side of the counter, the former furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head to the side while the latter rest her arm on the counter and leaned in closer to Fae
"You what?" Yulia asked closely to the Fae that could barely have some personal space as she could but only let out a stressed laughter
"Remember two days ago, where I healed you after I got healed myself?" Fae asked, Yulia leaned back at her place and slowly nodded
"Well, I had some doubts but after today I can safely say that my body can absorb magical energy that affects it" With a small smile, she lifted the palm of her hand
"And then I can release it" With those words let out of her lips, her eyebrows furrowed in focus as that open palm slowly started to heat up, fizzling with sparks bouncing off the surface of her hand as the sheer heat was enough to enlighten the duo's curious faces when they inspected closely
"Huh, how can you absorb mana?" Ulfgan rubbed his light beard in interest, getting a nod of ignorance from Fae
"I have no idea how my body does it" Fae shrugged as Ulfgan hoped to be enlightened only to have the opposite
"Reminds me of an old fairy tale book I read once to Ysabel" His eyes looked away while both of the women looked attentively at those same eyes
"I think it talked about some kind of entity being able to do that, absorb mana and use it again" He added on, Yulia seemed doubtful that it had some correlation to Fae, but the latter being already in such darkness couldn't refuse any path that may lead her to some answers
"Do you remember anything else?" She asked with a soft tone and eyes deserving of pity, Ulfgan slowly shook his head with sorrow written all over his face
"Really sorry lass, It was a long time ago, I don't even have that book anymore" He answered, Fae pursed her lips to only let out a sigh
"No worries, do you remember what happened to the book though?" She asked again
"I sold it to some group of people that gave me a really big price for it, I mean I know paper is not really cheap but the amount of gold coins they gave me for it was ridiculous" He told her, not really bringing any light to the problem but she knew he was trying to be as helpful as he could
"I have another question, Fae" Yulia's eyes then switched to the torn sleeves on Fae's left arm, she didn't think it was due to a fireball
"What happened to your injury?" Yulia continued, bringing Fae to make a caught & surprised expression
"Oh right, Claude poured some potion on me and it immediately healed back, I have no idea what was inside it but it worked like a miracle" She told them hoping that it'd explain things, but with the rising confusion on their faces as they looked at each other for a brief moment, Fae knew she only gave them another question
"I don't think there's any mass produced potion that could completely heal a fireball injury, even less so with no scars" Ulfgan told Fae, a curiously raised eyebrow while his hand was rubbing his chin
"Wait, did it look really fancy, with ornaments that would fit the nobility?" Yulia asked, Fae nodded twice
And as she did, Yulia widened her eyes as she rested her cheek on her hand
"Is he your relative?" She asked with eyes filled with confusion
"I met him like 3 days ago" Fae's answer made Yulia even more confused
"Why?" She asked her back as both Fae and Ulfgan were interested in what their mutual friend had in mind
"Well, each knight after their initiation by the church gets a special potion" She started
"This potion is called "Remedium", and it's content is top secret, only known to the church and no herbalist to this day can even tell what ingredients goes into making it" She added on, shrugging to prove her point
"But to the few rumors that talk about it, they say that the liquid is given straight from the gods and down to the church, and that it's supposed to 'aid humanity in fighting evil' " Yulia put quotations marks in the air with her fingers while her tone took to a much sarcastic spectrum, bringing Fae to a chuckle
"It may sound like some fairy tale gibberish but that potion can even grow limbs back, people have witnessed it with their own eyes" She finished to take on a gulp of ale while Fae was taken aback
"And that potion is only given to each knight after their initiation, one potion for each knight" She looked inside her tankard and smiled
"One potion for their whole life" She then gave Fae a sidelook
"So your friend used his trump card on you, kinda weird for him to do that to a new friend eh?" And after those words that smile turned into a smirk
"Heh, Fae might not have been a noble but she might become one through marriage" Ulfgan exclaimed as both him and Yulia laughed out loud, overshadowing Fae's own chuckle
"Fuck... now I just feel bad..." She said under her breath resting her forehead on her hand while getting elbowed playfully by Yulia
"Don't worry about it, being righteous is probably what makes a knight truly happy" Yulia muttered, finishing the rest of her ale with a big gulp
"That reminds me, he had a weird red X painted on his face plate, right?" Yulia asked Fae for confirmation with the latter responding in a slow nod
"Yeah, I have no idea why" Fae shrugged to add on, seeing Ulfgan look away as he tightened his crossed arms
"Any ideas ol' man?" Yulia asked with a smirk plastered on her smugish face, Ulfgan scoffed and looked back at her with a smile and narrowed eyes
"You're literally around my age" What he said made Yulia laugh in a pained tone as she sought refuge in her empty tankard to just be disappointed
"But well I think I know something related to that" He added on, attracting both of the women's attention
"It's a very old knight vow of silence where a knight that has brought shame to themselves or to their family name swears to unbreak their silence for any reason" He said hoping to shed a bit of light but with the expressions they made it looked like he only confused them further on
"That sounds... stupid" Yulia tried her best to phrase her opinion in a polite manner while Fae hummed curiously to herself, wanting to know the reason for undertaking what seemed like a pointless thing to her
"Never heard of this vow of silence myself" Yulia added, Ulfgan shrugged as a reply
"Like I said, this dates back to thousands of years ago, but knights are known to be traditionalists so this doesn't surprise me honestly, they probably get taught about history and traditions as much as swordsmanship" Both him and Yulia sighed in relief as Fae could clearly tell both were grateful not to be a knight, she could but laugh at how similar both of them were
"Anyway with that aside, what are you going to do now?" Ulfgan directed his question to Fae, who slowly lowered her tankard that she drank from to put it on the edge of the counter
"I have some errands to do in Aralia, so I'll be gone for a couple of days" Her reply made Ulfgan raise an eyebrow
"Personal stuff?" He asked her as the only reply he got was a slow nod from her
"When will you be going?" Yulia joined in with a question of her own, Fae not sure of that looked to the door that led outside, seeing that it was already morning
"I think..." She looked back at Yulia with a small smile
"Yeah I think I'll go today" Both Ulfgan and Yulia raised an eyebrow of doubt
"You sure that's a good idea Fae? We spent the whole night fighting and you still don't look fine at all" Yulia tried to dissuade her friend but seeing her expression and nervous chuckle she already knew the answer she was going to be given
"I know, but I already need to get to the capital as soon as I can, I can't spare any time" She answered her friend, Ulfgan on the other hand slowly nodded
"Ah well, if it's personal then I can understand that" He told her, getting an appreciative nod from Fae while Yulia let out a sigh
"Right, if you want you can borrow that map I used to show you around, I'm sure it'll help you in case you get lost" Ulfgan added on, receiving yet another thankful nod from Fae
"Much appreciated" She replied to him
"How far is the border anyways?" She asked him with a raised eyebrow before immediately getting an answer
"Five hours if you're dragging your feet, we're right next to Aralia so the border is right next door, keep going to the east and you can't miss it" Fae slowly nodded at his words
"Alright, thank you" Taking a deep breath she got herself up
"I'll take my backpack out of my room and then get going" Fae said to Ulfgan who answered with a slow nod
"No problems, have a safe trip lass" Fae smiled back to his caring tone while Yulia also got up from her seat
"I'll keep you company before you go" Yulia said with a smile as bright as the one Fae gave back
"Oh and also, you should probably buy some clothes" She added on, pointing at her completely torn sleeve that Fae switched her attention to, cursing under her breath as she only now remembered that the chainmail she was wearing was borrowed, and she got the sleeve of it completely blown away
"Uhm, how much is it for a chainmail like this?" She asked Yulia who could only tilt her head in confusion as to why Fae's expression grew so scared, she then chuckled out loud
"For the last time woman, I told you it's fine!" the dwarf exclaimed at Fae who recoiled dishearteningly while Yulia chuckled under her breath, in the hands of the blacksmith was the damaged chainmail that Fae handed back
"Please just let me pay for it!" Fae deeply insisted, bringing the dwarf to look at her for a couple of silent seconds
"Do you even know what giving up means?" He asked her with genuine curiosity written over his stern expression
"Just let her pay for it or you'll have quite the pain in the ass" Yulia replied in Fae's place with crossed arms and a smirk on her face, attracting the dwarf's eyes for a short period before they went back at Fae
"You do know at least, that the purpose of the armor I gave you was to protect you" He told her with furrowed eyebrows and a stern look
"Returning it to me in this state means that it did the job I wanted it, it's owner would be nothing but happy" He finished his words with narrowing his already sharp eyes
"Of course I do, but it still doesn't sit right with me to damage something not mine without paying for it" She replied with her serious gaze before softening it with a smile
"Let's just call it a customer building a connection with a provider" She added on, he looked at her with seemingly no words to say until he opened his mouth
"Fine" He answered before turning around to walk towards the counter while Fae couldn't help but smile widely, Yulia on the other hand had a similar smile on her face as she sighed
"Do not forget to buy a new blade" Fae could hear Yuna's words inside her head like her own voice, but she was right as her previous shortsword broke in half and there was no emotional attachment towards it to bother repairing it
"Hey Yulia, could you choose a reliable sword for me?" Fae said to her friend, who gave her a smiling slow nod as the former went on to pay for the damaged chainmail
Yulia walked towards a barrel that had a few swords inside their sheathes, chuckling as she picked up one
"Not a show off is he" She muttered under her breath, unsheathing the sword she picked up as she looked at her own reflection on the flat side of the blade that was very thin but so very sharp, the hilt was covered in brown leather while the pommel wasn't big but felt very robust at the touch
Taking a look at Fae discussing with the blacksmith, Yulia then looked back at her reflection as she made her decision
"Too long for her" Putting it back and picking another one that was similar in design yet slightly shorter, Yulia gently unsheathed it as she put that same sheath inside the barrel
"Hm" Taking interest in the sword at hand, she spun it once before putting the end of the edged blade on the open palm of her free hand, lifting the sword as she looked at the sharp edge of the steel
She then smiled to herself before grabbing the base of the blade with one hand while her other grabbed tightly on the hilt, shaking it roughly to see if it was any loose as she then did the same with the crossguard
"Looks sharp and reliable" Was her verdict that was accompanied by a small smile as she flexed the blade gently
"Do you like it?" Yulia slowly lifted her head from the sword to look at Fae's eyes as she then gave her a smile
"Yes I do, it's the same in length to your previous sword so you won't have that much trouble adjusting to it" Yulia replied, grabbing the empty sheath from the barrel before sliding the sword into it and then handing it to the appreciative Fae
"Thank you, I'll pay for it and we'll be on our way" Fae told Yulia who gestured to her to take her time as the latter waited outside with crossed arms and her back against the wall
She lifted her right hand in the air as a small knife appeared in her hand with a sturdy ring at the base of the hilt that she put her middle finger through it to spin the knife around
And before she could notice the time flow, Fae came out with her hand adjusting the straps that were used to attach the sword to her waist
"Looks good on you" Yulia complimented her friend who could only chuckle
"Why thank you" She replied with a big smile on her face that only infected Yulia's own
"Alright with that done let's take care of your clothes" As she pushed herself from the wall she was leaning against Yulia pointed at Fae's tattered and cut clothes as the latter looked down to only confirm what was said to her
"Yeah, but..." Fae looked up again at Yulia's eyes
"I doubt any store would be open this early in the morning, especially after what happened tonight" She added on, Yulia laughed as she started walking while Fae hurriedly caught up to her
"Don't worry I thought of that already, I'll just give you some of my clothes, take it as a gift for putting your life on the line last night" She gave her a small smile that Fae returned it just as warmly
"I really appreciate it, thank you" Fae replied with a smile just as warmly as Yulia's to have the latter give her a slow nod
"You're much welcome" She replied to her soon to be parting friend
"That aside, what do you plan on doing long term?" She continued on with a question aimed at Fae as the chatter now occupied the two's mind away from the walk
Fae could only sigh, raising her shoulders in a shrug while her eyes broke contact to look down
"I really don't know, I'll take Yuna to the place she wants to go and then I'll have to deliver something to the capital" Her eyes then narrowed with sorrow
"Apart from that, I'm not sure..." Sucking in a deep breath through her lips she turned her eyes back to meet Yulia's
"I'll do my best to find some answers after that as to why I'm in this world, I doubt I will get good results but that doesn't mean I can't try" A small smile grew to her face as both it and the content of her speech made Yulia hide her chuckle behind the back of her hand
"Quite the optimist aren't ya?" She asked her with a smile
"Heh, I'll take the compliment" Fae nodded with just as big of a smile
"I'm sure your family is worried sick for you so you better do your best to come back" Yulia comforted her with as much of a soft as she could, coating her words with empathy as Fae's only reply was a laugh that made Yulia narrow her eyes and tilt her head to the side
"Not my father that's for sure" Fae replied to Yulia
"Well, what about your mother?" Inquiring Fae again yet only getting a sigh back
"She died giving birth to me" Fae muttered as she locked eyes with Yulia's
"Ah" With raised eyebrow and a regretful tone she spoke again
"Sorry Fae, it wasn't right to assume" Yulia meekly said hoping that she didn't offend her in any way while the other could only laugh
"Come on now, why the long face?" She asked her with a big smile
"You didn't know, it's alright~" Fae playfully lengthen the syllables of her words as she elbowed her friend with a wink
Yulia could but smile as she rubbed her arm
"No siblings?" She asked Fae who slowly shook her head
"I lived alone back in my world, was a university student and a part timer at a mall" Fae could see the face of one impressed as she looked at Yulia
"It's a very nice feat to be a scholar, what were you studying?" The latter asked her friend
"Was in the path to become a doctor actually" Fae chuckled as she spoke, raising one eyebrow to look at Yulia
"Might seem pretty childish but I always wanted to save lives, that's why I chose it"
Yulia's straight lips turned into a soft smile
"I don't know about your world but that is a very noble ambition in this world" She added on these words alongside her friendly smile that comforted Fae as that same smile jumped from one face to the other
"I'm sure your mother would be proud of the woman you've become" She added on, to see Fae let out a soft chuckle
"I hope so"
And with those words said the two finally arrived behind the building of the guild, unlocking the backdoor with Yulia's keys as the both entered the facility and then got to the guild master's room
"Alright, make yourself at home" Yulia said as she closed the door behind herself while Fae sat down in the same place where they had drinks last time
"I'll go bring your clothes" She muttered while her friend gave her an appreciative nod
Yulia went on to her bedroom as she opened her closet, she looked down at her body as she made the conclusion that her clothes should be around Fae's size
As for which ones to give her she pondered that thought for a couple of minutes as she grabbed each piece
She then remembered some newly bought clothes that were buried under the pile that was on her bed, as she lifted them she could see that they were of a black color similar to what Fae was wearing, the shirt was made out of black linen with long sleeves and a strap to tighten the shirt's chest area while the pants were made out of black leather
"Hey Fae, I got you your clothes-" She then stopped with a raised eyebrow as she looked at her friend's back, she then walked around to find her crossing her arms with her head down and eyes closed, and judging by her soft snoring she was indeed asleep as the sight enough brought Yulia to a muffled laughter
"You remind me of somebody that likes to play it tough too" She said with a smile on her face as she put Fae's new clothes aside to then gently lift her friend
Entering her bedroom again, Yulia delicately put her sleeping friend on her bed before slowly covering Fae's body with her blanket
She then slowly backed away and looked at her sleeping face for a couple of silent seconds before letting out an exhale and robing her own face with a gentle smile
With a job to do and damages to assess, she had to leave her sleeping friend to her own devices for now, she deserved the little nap anyways
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8 171 - In Serial12 Chapters
The Crystern: Heart of Adventures
The Crystern: Heart of Adventure has been dropped out of the Writathon Challenge and placed on hiatus until further notice, in order to better plan out what's happening and to give me time to work on older projects. Fifteen-year-old Skyler Kadrix III wishes to set off on a journey to find the fabled Cyrstern, a skybeast unlike any other and the origin of the Crystals that grant people special abilities, increase their own abilities, and even allow them to gain Experience and Levels. A promise to his mother has kept him from setting off yet, but he's nearly ready to leave. When he meets Finn, who came with his master, the elf Sara, in search of a relic of the Ancients rumored to have been hidden somewhere on their skybeast, Skyler finds his journey beginning sooner than he'd expected. The journey takes the young boys across the sea of clouds, to various skybeasts and adventures. Whether they find the Crystern or not, they don't care as long as they keep moving forward. Posting schedule TBD upon return. The Sexual Content tag is for once the boys are adults, not while they're still minors. Because of this, it will be a fair while before the qualifying content appears in-story.
8 124 - In Serial24 Chapters
Making a World Into Fantasy
Traversing over into the body of the late Eliott Hearthrom, Lukas finds himself in a new, boring world. Blessed by the system he finds himself changing the world to make it more to his liking and aadding things he could only dream of in his previous life. "Come forth! Oh ancient magics!""Create unicorns! Phoenixes! Dragons!""Let me become a god of creation!" [Denied! Host is too weak and incompetent, please do the appointed tasks dutifully.] "...." ------ Just writing stuff for fun and without much experience! I appreciate any comments or critiques. Thank you for stopping by :)
8 136 - In Serial22 Chapters
WTF [Dropped version]
Dropped Version. Rewriting it from the Start at a lot more relaxed pace than writathon
8 148 - In Serial15 Chapters
Lawman follows the exploits of Relovan, a Human Police Enforcer stationed on the BlargonianPlanets – a series of small planets on which pure Essence is mined, and refined into fuel. On hisday off, he finds himself and his fellow Enforcers caught up in a fight between two Void Lords,beings of immense power, who answer only to the Council, after the pair of Void Lords touchdown on the Station, seeking to refuel their respective Void Walkers. In the ensuing clash,Relovan punches above his weight and subdues a number of Void Knights – those in the serviceof the Void Lords – before becoming directly involved in the confrontation between the VoidLords themselves. His performance during the incident catches the attention of the current PoliceChief, Nura, who essentially takes him under his wing, and assists him in various ways,including when he is summoned to answer before the Council for getting involved in the spatbetween the two Void Lords. The book ends after the conclusion of the Hearing.Relovan is a stickler for the Law – something that prompted him to learn not only the laws ofvarious territories and planetary systems, but also the native languages and customs, so as touphold the law as best he can. As a highly trained, and immensely skilled former soldier,Relovan’s abilities along with his latent talent regarding the use of Essence, allow him to hangwith beings infinitely more powerful than him. Lawman is a full length manuscript that I will likely self publish once I have the artwork for it.
8 130 - In Serial18 Chapters
More Than Meets the Eye (A Ninjago Fanfic)
The ninja's lives were the normal ninja-y thing until a young girl falls into their lives and changes them. With a crazy series of events looming on the verge of beginning, what will happen? How does this girl tie into said crazy series of events? Does she hold the key to the solution of these events? Will the ninja be able to uncover all of the secrets necessary to save Ninjago or will Ninjago fall to a newly freed foe? Read to find out!*This book and its future sequel are mostly (almost always) told from the girl's POV (you'll learn her name later I just don't want to spoil it for ya) and Lloyd's POV...just saying. Also, Nya isn't a ninja yet in this book series.Book 1 of 2*Disclaimer: I do not own Ninjago nor do I own any picture, including that of the cover, that are and may be in this book. All rights to the respective owners. Any similarities to any story or real life event are coincidental as this story is an original work.
8 165