《A Soldier's Harmony》Chapter 28: Spreading Around
Dean found himself standing in the void once more. The inky blackness seemed to suck in all thought and emotion, it's endless expanse giving a sense of foreboding. At first, there was nothing, but after several seconds, another presence emerged. It's feeling was ominous and powerful, but also warming. The genetically enhanced soldier knew exactly who was there with him.
"Well, well, well, look who's back! Did ya' miss me?" The Guardians enthusiasm seemed to radiate off of him, but the waves washed over Dean with little effect. His mind was focused elsewhere at the moment. The Guardian took notice of this and decided to appear beside the Human.
"What do you want now? I really don't want to be seeing you every time I end up unconscious, which at this rate seems like it will happen quite often." Dean crossed his arms as his mind moved adrift. Scenes began flashing through the void, mirrors of his thoughts and perceptions. He saw himself holding back hordes of enemies with nothing but his pistol and a knife. The scenes switched, this time showing him kneeling over someone, or some ponies lifeless body. Their corpse was nothing but a shadow, and his tears fell down his face and onto the body. Fires raged around him, and screams began to pierce the void. People ran for cover as beams of energy flew overhead, pulverising and obliterating anything in their path. Dean suddenly found himself caught in the moment, his world had now turned into the very scene he had been analyzing.
The smell of blood wafted through the air, it's irony scent searing itself into his memory. Bodies of all sorts littered the ground, each and every one a familiar face. He saw Jenkins, Captain Mason, Jaxon, Marie... and then more. He saw the ponies: Shining Armour, Midnight Flow, Brownie, the townspeople, and Twilight.
At the center of it, an exact replica of Dean stood. His armour was smoldering, blood ran down his face and arms, dripping off his fingers. His eyes seemed dead to the world and this caused the real Dean to shiver.
'I've seen this before... I-I don't think-'
"You think you have failed them, or are going to fail them." The Guardians words cut through the vision like a hot knife through butter. Their tone was understanding, and pitying. They sounded like they came from someone who knew exactly what he was going through, causing anger to well up inside him.
"What the fuck do you know? Hm?" Dean swiveled around and marched towards the infuriating being behind him. The Guardians trench coat swayed gently in the wind and his face was partly hidden in shadow, but Dean wasn't intimidated in the slightest.
"I know a lot. I also know what you are going through." The Guardian looked around him, taking in more of the scenery before his eyes settled on the bodies lying across the ground. Gore had accumulated across the terrain, as if some otherworldly creature had decided to rip everyone apart and use their innards as a design.
Dean stopped a foot and a half from the Guardian, his stance aggressive and ready for anything.
"You don't know anything about me, what I have gone through and what horrors I have seen." Dean waved his hand behind him, as if the Guardian had not already seen the carnage. "My people are being exterminated! My home, destroyed! My family is in danger, and if I don't get back soon, they will be gone too!"
During Deans little rant, the Guardian had noticed two ghostly silhouettes standing atop a mound of dirt off to the side. Their forms briefly took the form of a young women and a young boy before blowing away in the wind. The Guardian raised an eyebrow before turning back to the fuming soldier.
"And what about Twilight and the others? I can't just abandon them after everything that we've been through. Hell, Twilight is one of my best friends in this lonely world, and I know exactly what will happen if I leave her." Dean turned around and glared at the purple Alicorn's corpse. "This! This will happen! The Elves will torture her, rape her, and then kill her. Same with the other ponies. If I don't stop them, I'll be failing my duty as a soldier." Dean stumbled slightly and grasped his head, causing the Guardian to narrow his eyes.
A wisp of black smoke was circling around Dean's head, and had a lesser being been watching, they would have missed it. But the Guardian was familiar with this kind of thing, and he knew exactly what was happening. He had seen the wisp on most lifeforms through the Sergeants eyes. It punctured every creature, every plant, and the very atoms that made up the universe. It was the very manifestation of evil, and influenced those slowly, corrupting them. It was the Darkness.
The Guardian was about to say something, when the unexpected happened. A purple speck, no bigger than a dime, began floating towards the Human. It's shape pulsated every once and a while, and the Guardian could briefly make out six verticy points on the shape. He realized that it was some sort of star.
The miniature star lazily swooped down farther and farther, before finally coming to a rest on Dean's neck. Instead of staying there, the little purple speck sunk into his skin. The Guardian watched as the Darkness seemed to move away from the Sergeant's head, almost as if it was a magnet being repelled.
Huffing loudly, Dean turned and faced the Guardian once more. He looked older somehow, his eyes were sunken and his expression was defeated. Instead of the previous anger, there was only sadness.
"I... I just want to see them again. I want to see my little boy go to school, see him grow up and be just like me. I want to see my beautiful wife. I want her beside me while we live our lives happily." Dean's face hardened into a glare once again. The Guardian had an idea on what was causing these mood swings. "But because of them. Because of the war, the Elves, the ponies, and you! Because of you, I am stuck here in this God forsaken world, away from the people that need me!" Venom dripped from Dean's voice, and the Guardian saw the shadow begin to return. Dean's voice became hollow once more.
"I see them every day, and every night. I see the war constantly, it's never ending violence has been ingrained on my mind. Before you showed up, and that... thing, started invading my nightmares, all I saw was war and death. I-I just want it to stop!
Silence reigned across the landscape, the only sounds being gunfire and the odd explosion in the background. The Guardian stood there, his expression as stoic as his stance. He watched as Dean crossed his arms and looked into the distance, his shoulders slumped. Finally, the Guardian decided to speak up.
"I was forced to watch my family die in front of me, y'know. Their throats were slit right before my eyes, and there was nothing I could do about it. I'm sure you know most of the story from your little comic books, but it is no longer a fiction. I was forced from my world, and put into a situation that I didn't want. Do you know what I did, Dean, when all hope seemed lost?" The Guardian took a step forward and waved his hand. The landscape warped and molded, turning from a hellish landscape to a city. Dean watched without a reaction.
Dean looked around and spotted a second Guardian just across the street. The duplicate was talking to a pretty blonde girl in her early adult years. His gaze turned to the original Guardian, a question forming on his lips.
"I made friends, Dean. I would never have survived without them. I entered a whole new world, scared and alone. I was scared that my own home had been destroyed in my absence, that there was no more hope. But my friends convinced me otherwise. They helped me get home, and save it from the evils that plagued it. In return, I also corrected the wrongs in the their. You and I aren't so different you know. We both have been displaced before, we both believed that our home planet needed us and thought of turning our backs to what was in front of us." The Guardian walked up to Dean, who was stock still. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly hanging open. The Guardian's finger prodded him in the chest, right above the heart. "But we never gave up. This is where you are. You must not give up, not now, not ever. The people back home and the people here are counting on you."
The Guardian slowly backed up and the scenery began to fade away. The city began to deteriorate, and Dean's vision seemed to grow hazy. He blinked, and found that he could see nothing but black. Blinking once more, he saw a light just ahead of him, causing him to reach towards it. Just before his fingertips brushed the light, a voice called to him from far away.
"You have friends here, Dean. Never give up... you aren't alone..."
And then his consciousness returned.
Steel Beam, a Pegasus pony, drove the last nail into the podium with his hammer, securing the wood in place with expert precision. Looking around, he could see hundreds of faces looking in his direction. The whole city of Maritime Bay was present at the moment, ready for the grand announcement by the counsel.
"I wonder what the announcement will entail this time!"
"The last meeting was almost a month ago; remember the food crisis?"
"I hope the Princess is there!"
The last phrase caused excited muttering to break out across the crowd. The Princess had not been making very many public appearances since her arrival. The only reason the townsponies knew she was alive and well was due to a journalist taking a photo of her when she entered the council building all those days ago. Since then, there was speculation that she was constantly in the main fortress, protected and safe.
A commotion appeared some distance away near the marketplace. A select group of ponies, the council, was making their was to the podium, right on schedule. As they approached, Steel stuck his hammer under his wing and saluted sharply. He could see the Captain Spitfire, his boss, amongst the group, so he wanted to make a good impression.
"At ease, engineer." Spitfire called as they worked their way up the steps. "Return to the barracks and prepare for a briefing. We have a mission to accomplish tomorrow and I need everypony ready." Steel Beam dropped his salute and cantered away.
Spitfire huffed and looked towards the Prince on her left.
"Why do you need me here again? I don't have any power over the council's decisions." Spitfire's eyes wandered over the assembled crowd, her classic Pegiator glasses keeping her eyes hidden. On her body, she wore th standard officers attire presented by the guard. Her various medals shined in the afternoon light.
"You have to help reassure them that the good Sergeant isn't going to hurt anypony. You used to be part of the Wonderbolts, so they look up to you." Shining saw Spitfire glare at him and gave a huff. "Vinyl was alright in the end, and it was a big misunderstanding. He's on our side."
Spitfire shook her head and sighed, the rest of the council members had taken their positions, so it was time they did to.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Prince Shining. That thing you are keeping in the fort resembles an Elf far to much to my liking." With those parting words, Spitfire trotted to the side. Shining looked across the faces of the council and spotted Starlight, who was giving him a glare. Shining sighed and shook his head before stepping up to the microphone.
"Good afternoon ponies of Maritime Bay!" Shining now had the attention of the crowd. "As you all know, we have had a few major event happen these last few days. This announcement is to inform you on exactly what took place." He looked around. The ponies of Ravenford had been invited to come, but because they were still being integrated, they had the option to stay in the fort. The announcement was regarding them so it was likely that they wouldn't want to listen to a repeat of what they had to experience.
"Three days ago, the Dark Elves ordered a mass execution of the town called Ravenford." A collective gasp rose from the crowd, many had fear on their faces, but more than a few held anger. "Due to it's location, the Resistance would not have been able to intervene on time, and the ponies would have died-"
"What do you mean, would have?!" A pony near the front shouted. His voice was easy to hear as the spectators had been completely silent. Shining tried searching for the pony who interrupted him but was unable to, he decided to keep going.
"I will be getting there in just a moment. Now, there have been rumours of an ally of the ponies called the Demon in Metal," this caused more muttering, Shining paused in order for things to quiet down. Upon doing so, he continued talking.
"These rumours are true."
Ponies began to yell out questions at an unperceivable rate. There voices became a jumbled mess, and Shining's ears folded back on instinct from the sheer volume of noise.
"QUIETTTT!" Spitfire's roar cut through the air like a whip, immediately silencing the endless noise and questions. All eyes turned towards the Captain of the wonderbolts, who's glare seemed to pierce each and every one of them. After a moment, Spitfire waved for Shining to continue. He nodded his thanks and turned back to the crowd.
"If you have questions, please wait until the end of the announcement. Now, the reason why the Ponies of Ravenford are not dead, is because the Demon saved them, and brought them back here, alive. You may be wondering: what does the Demon look like? How was he able to do that? Well, the answer to those questions are as follows: The Demon of Metal is something called a Human. Human's, according to legend, are a race of bipedal beings not to dissimilar to the Dark Elves. However, this particular Human is from a different land and was sent here to free pony kind. Just last night, a few of you probably saw the human at the party, but mistook him for an Elf. The council expects those that attacked the Demon to give a formal apology within the next two days. And let's not forget, the Demon was the one who brought back our beloved Princess. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid that her capture would have been a crippling defeat for all ponykind. Now, questions can wait till after, I will now invite General Blight to the podium." Shining stepped away as the sound of stomping rose into the air. Passing General Blight, he took his place beside Spitfire and Starlight. He turned his head to regard the latter.
"You know, that apology includes you as well, counselor Glimmer." Shining saw the unicorn about to retort and quickly snarled. "This is not up for debate. The Sergeant has done nothing but help, and you as well as a few others attacked him without warrant. He should be awake soon so--"
"Prince Armour, need I remind you that as counselor, I can do as please without your approval. That, and if you recall what we discussed a few nights ago, we likely won't be needing anyponies help in the near future. Maybe I need to... enlighten you once again on what it means to cross me?" Shining shivered but shook his head.
"That won't be necessary, counselor. I-If you'll excuse me, I need to go find my sister." As Shining backed out of the line of counselors, Starlight noticed something odd. Upon looking closer, she saw Spitfires ears were turned towards her and her head was slightly tilted on an angle. She scowled when the Captain of the Wonderbolts slowly turned her head and frowned in her direction. This continued for some minutes until Spitfire was called to the podium. Upon her leave, Starlight frowned, but her expression soon became a stoic mask. If she wanted the support of Maritime Bay, she would have to play the part of the good counselor.
The meeting continued for several hours.
Lyra Heartstrings looked up from her book as her owner, Jowl, thumped into the house. His big boots clunked on the hard wood as he moved towards the coat hanger. Lyra decided that her book could wait and went to greet the Elf.
"Good evening, Master!" She mumbled he removed his footwear. Jowl merely grunted in reply. Lyra gulped and shuffled a bit before asking the question nagging on her mind. "Uh, Master, were you able to get the new filly?"
Jowl stopped what he was doing and sighed loudly. Lyra's ears folded slightly as she watched her masters expression drop. She had been hoping, no, praying that he would be able to buy the little farm filly from that wretched market. It would seem that fate was not on their side.
"All business was put 'n a standstill this mornin'. Aye tried te git 'er, aye really did, but missus Brown'igg was throwin' quite da' fuss. Sorry Darlin'." Jowl shuffled his way into the house, each step causing the floor to creak and groan in protest. Lyra followed him into the living room where a large box called a magi-comm was located. She still didn't know how the thing worked, but it was simple enough. It required a small magic gem to produce the energy required. After some time, the Gem would deteriorate and have to be replaced by a new one. It amazed her that these pieces of technology straight from a sci-fi novel even existed; being able to communicate over immense distance within less than a second. It was certainly faster than dragon-fire.
"Ther'll be a broadcast 'ere in a few seconds. Ah'm sure d'ey'll explain every'ting then." Jowl fiddled with the knobs and tapped the antenna with his free hand. At first there was static, but after several seconds, a voice started talking through the Magi-comms speakers.
"Good evening, my fellow Elfkin! My name is Eric Strongarm, and I will be your comms host for the day! Now to start things off, many of you may have noticed the sudden closure of business around the country of Equestria. There is no need to panic, the brave soldiers of the Empire are taking care of the problem as we speak. Just this morning, one of our larger towns and boat yards, Ravenford, was attacked!"
Lyra and Jowl looked at one another, then back at the radio. This broadcast required her full attention.
Hundreds of Elves and ponies gathered in front of their magi-comms, each one wanting an explanation for the market shutdowns. A pub not to far from central park had it's magi-comms cranked to full volume, causing the patrons to go quiet and listen.
"Now, this is definitely bad news, as it was the resistance that staged this horrible attack. It grieves me to say that it wasn't just the Resistance that decided to wage their petty war this time, no, it was none other than the Demon in Metal. That's right folks, the legendary Demon in Metal was the one who led the surprise attack. With the introduction of extermination, we have been able to begin lowering the slave population to a manageable level. Our top generals in the military are saying that this may be what provoked the attack, but there is nothing to worry about..."
The Elves began talking to one another. Some were fearful, others were simply angry. The drunkards' talked and boasted about how they would defeat the Demon in Metal while the sober ones merely listened. The conversation soon went off topic, and the news broadcast was quickly ignored.
"GET BACK TO WORK YOU NO GOOD ANIMALS!" A Dark Elves whip cracked against the back of an unsuspecting pony, causing her to collapse. The others in the small group, who had been trying to listen in on the Magi-comm, galloped off, leaving the lone mare behind. The slave driver noticed this and began whipping her mercilessly, each hit causing blood to spurt forth. "I SAID GET BACK TO WORK! DON'T MAKE ME TELL YOU AGAIN!" The Elves voice was growing hoarse from all the shouting.
The mare shivered and whimpered, but managed to make out words:
"P-Please sir, I-I just c-came for water. I wasn't s-spying n-none." She whimpered pitifully and stared up at the slaver. Her hooves were pressed against her stomach, which did nothing to cover up her exposed ribcage. The slave owner cackled at the sight and crouched down beside her.
"You want water, little pony?" He detached his canteen from his belt and held it out to her. "Take it." He shook the bottle as her foreleg reached forward. Her eyes filled with hope as her hoof drew closer, but that hope was crushed when the Elf quickly snatched the flask away. He proceeded to open it and lift it to his mouth, taking long, deliberate gulps.
"Remember folks, if you see a slave who is out of working condition or being rebellious, don't be afraid to bring them to the local camp. Keeping the population under control is top priority, and no Demon or Resistance fighters will be able to get in the way. Our armies are strong, or will is stronger. The ponies are weak, hiding in the shadows. Their rulers, the most powerful beings in all the world, were killed by US in a day! I'll say this, do not be afraid. The ponies are nothing but animals and slaves..."
The Elf listened for a moment to the radio behind him, the mares pitiful whines becoming a background noise. After a moment of contemplation, he sneered cruelly.
"Well, I seem to recall that Appleoosa's labour camp has not been built yet. And seeing as you are unable to work," the mare's eyes began to go wide and her ears began to fold back, "I guess I'll just have to take care of you myself." The Elf reached behind him and grasped a golden hilt tucked under his shirt.
"P-P-please, no! I-I can work, I c-can still help!!" The mare screeched and tried to lift herself up, but quick as a viper, the Elf magically enhanced his leg and brought it down upon the ponies own. An awful snap caused the mare to screech in pain, bringing tears to her eyes. The only thing stopping her from passing out was the fear of the knife know being held in the Dark Elves hand.
Without so much as a word, the Slave driver kneeled down and sunk the tip of his knife into the mares throat. Her eyes went wide and she tried to cry out, but only blood managed to escape her open mouth. Her body twitched as the knife slowly pushed deeper and deeper. Upon hitting the spine, the Slaver gave a violent jerk, ceasing the ponies movements completely.
The Elf stood up, grabbed his whip, wiped his knife on his pants, and began walking out into the orchard. the Demon in Metal was no threat to him, not way out in the desert. Not to mention that the Emperor's personal guard was hunting him down. The Dark Elf smiled devilishly as he worked his slaves to the bone.
The sooner the Demon in Metal was killed, the sooner he could get some more slaves. Until then, he would have to make due with the ponies he owned.
Canterlot Castle
The footsteps of an Elven scribe padded down the throne room, their impacts causing a silent echo across the walls. Guards were lined at every pillar, and the national flag of the Empire was hanging in the spaces between. The scribe was panting heavily as he approached the throne and he could feel the eyes of every single Elite Guard on his person. One wrong step and he could find himself on the receiving end of spear.
At last, he made it to the base of the throne and quickly proceeded to take a knee. Sweat ran down his body in droves and he mentally cursed his lack of physical integrity. Above him sat the Emperor, and at his side was the Princess.
"What news do you bring me, scribe?" The Emperor's voice was cold and monotone, but his posture didn't change. A quick glance up showed that he was staring past the scribe. Beside him, the royal princess was idly playing with a wicked looking knife. The scribe gulped and presented a scroll.
"A message for his majesty, from Queen Chrysalis." The scribe felt the scroll float from his hands into those of the Emperor and he quickly lowered them to his side. He could feel the sheer magical power radiating the throne before him and truly did not want to be there.
"Hm, it would seem that the bug was useful after all." The Emperor snapped his fingers, causing a fresh pamphlet to appear beside him along with a quill. He began scratching away and occasionally muttered to himself in thought. His words were to quiet for the scribe to hear
"I think I'll hold them back for now, no sense in a pointless battle... Quick in and out, three pegasi with one arrow...
After a solid minute of scratching, the Emperor finally finished his letter and rolled it up. His quill disappeared and he proceeded to stand up.
"Rise." The command immediately forced the scribe to his feet, though he refrained from making any eye contact. his legs felt like they were quaking and his arms seemed to be made of lead. The Emperor slowly and deliberately walked down the steps of his throne and stood before the shivering scribe.
"Find Commander Kioti, have him deliver this message to the bug Queen. Seeing as she doesn't have dragon fire or magi-comm, he will have to deliver the message the old fashioned way." He held out the letter to the scribe, who promptly, but gently, grabbed it and tucked it into his smock.
"Glory to the Empire!" The Scribe held his right fist against his chest and bowed, the Emperor mimicked him.
"Glory to the Empire. Now go, make haste."
As the scribes footsteps receded down the hall, the Emperor turned to his daughter.
"I want you to go to. If the bugs fail, I will need you to bring the last Alicorn here. We are nearing the end goal, I can feel it. If you need any backup, you know what to do." Princess Mya smiled cruelly.
The princess grinned ferally and twirled her knife. Standing up, she quickly jumped down the steps and gracefully stepped up to her father.
"By your will, father." She gave a quick bow and exited with haste, but that terrible grin never left her face.
And so, events were set into motion, and gears began to turn. The clock was ticking now, and the Emperor knew in his soul that his plan would succeed. All he needed to do was prepare.
Maritime Bay
Sergeant Dean walked down the hallway of the barracks, his exosuit and body armour left behind in his room. A heavy bandage was wrapped around his waist and his movements were restricted. It annoyed him to no end, but if he wanted to heal, he would just have to suffer through it. There were some positives however: His hair had been trimmed and no longer looked like a greasy mop. His body no longer reeked like death, and his wounds were healing nicely. The doctor had told him that he would recover in about three days.
Dean smirked. With his enhancements, he would be good in one. He began to hear voices as he moved down the hallway. Dean picked up his pace and came to a half closed door. Upon reaching it, he quickly pushed it open and walked into the main barracks.
Ponies sat around, their gazes fixed on what looked like an ancient radio in the centre of the room. Dean slowly plodded forward, his movements causing eyes to shift in his direction. Soon enough, every single pony in the barracks had their attention fixed on him. A single pony caught Dean's attention, her folded wings and hard glare immediately identifying her as Stormfly.
The Pegasus got up and slowly walked towards Dean, her gait was smooth and her eyes never left his face. Looking around, Dean had a hard time figuring out the general atmosphere of the situation around him. There was no hostility, but no friendliness either. It was just... neutral.
"Sergeant." Stormfly's voice was quiet. She had stopped not three feet in front of him, forcing him to look down at her. He shuffled slightly, easing some tension that was building inside him.
"Stormfly." Dean tilted his head, his eyes remaining locked on her figure. He analyzed her for any sense of tension or readiness, but was unable to find any whatsoever. The Pegasus before him was completely defenseless.
"We... we heard about what you did in Ravenford. I would like to be the first to congratulate you." The little Pegasus pony, whom Dean had thought would hold a grudge against him, quickly saluted with one leg pressed against her forehead. All the ponies present suddenly stood up and saluted as well, causing Dean to look around in confusion.
"It-it was nothing really. I was just doing what had to be done." He managed to stutter out. Dean slowly returned the salute as his gaze returned to Stormfly. All the ponies dropped their own salutes and proceeded to sit back down while Stormfly remained standing. Dean's eyes caught movement from the back of the group and he was just able to catch a glimpse of orange before the colours began to blur together.
"Sergeant... uh... we need..." Stormfly shifted with discomfort and her eyes faced the floor. Dean crouched down and came to her level.
"What is it you need? We may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but I am on your side and here to help." Dean was no longer looking at an enemy, he was looking at a soldier.
'She might make a good candidate.'
"We... need your help, now more than ever. We just found out that they are beginning to create designated areas where ponies are to be exterminated. After what you did at Ravenford, the guard gained a new found respect for you. The enemy, who we have seen as unbeatable, was beaten by you. The ones who attacked our race and enslaved our kin, were sent reeling back after you saved our princess and captured their royalty. Had it not been for you, we would have given up a long time ago. We owe you... I owe you." Stormfly looked at her hooves and shuffled slightly. Dean merely stared at her.
Slowly, he analyzed the group around him. Where he had seen nothing, he now saw hope. Where he saw failure, he now saw the will to push forward. He began to smile, and that smile soon turned into a chuckle. The ponies seemed taken aback by his reaction and the light in their eyes started to dim. Dean noticed this and stopped chuckling, but the smile remained.
"Back when I first entered these barracks, I told you all that you possess courage. The courage to face down a superior enemy. It was not I who made you see this, though I helped... it was you. The very fact that you have created a resistance and continue to fight even with the odds against you is a testimony to your will and strength." Dean crouched down in front of Stormfly and booped her muzzle, causing her to go crosseyed. "Because of you all, hope lives on. Because of your steadfast resolve, you have managed to survive. And because you have done this, help is finally here." Dean turned in a circle, looking each and every guard in the eye.
"I have decided to help you. I will train you to fight a proper war, to take the fight to the Dark Elves. We will inspire fear into their hearts. I will stand by your side, here and now, and we will show the Elves that they are not unstoppable! On this day, you are no longer a resistance! Instead, you are now liberators! We will free your people, and we will end this war once and for all!
Dean's speech ended with him shouting those last words. Words that would go down in the history of Ponykind. The thunderous roar of approval by the soldiers of the Resistance was said to shake the very foundation of Equestria, even reaching the ears of the Emperor.
It was time that the Dark Elves found out what a war really was....
How the Stars Turned Red
Announcement as of 05 July 2022: I've been diagnosed with some pretty severe nerve damage in my left arm, rendering me unable to write effectively, and as such this story is on hold until it is healed. I am so sorry, and I promise to get back to writing as soon as possible. In the latter half of the 3rd millennium CE, humanity has spread across the stars, inhabiting close to five-hundred worlds across the Orion Arm. Earth has become irrelevant, a historical has-been. The galactic map is dominated by two mega-factions, both controlling vast amounts of territories either through direct control or through their many allies and treaty signatories. The Kingdom of Aurora is the political and economic hegemon despite consisting of only seven inhabited worlds; their strength lies in the Royal Union, an interstellar commonwealth composing an internal market and a common defence pact. These member worlds are myriad and varied, culturally as well as politically, but they all flock to the same banner. The Independent Systems Alliance, spearheaded by the Republic of Elysium, is the ascendant challenger to Aurora and the Union. A pseudo-federal multi-system polity, the Alliance economy and military is rapidly expanding, but at the cost of effective democratic and meritocratic involvement by its people. However, with two superpowers as this, chafing along a common border, and with a constant clamour of polemics, both sides have become convinced the other is constantly preparing for war and are on the look-out for any perceived weakness in their opponent. The predictable result is a huge arms race and a cold war spreading across the stars, requiring only a spark to set the galaxy aflame. Drawn into this game of high stakes are ordinary men and women, their peaceful lives, hopes, and aspirations swallowed by the vortex of conflict and distrust. This is their story. Cover art by Rhodex Designs (FB). Hope you like long chapters and adjectives. Note: English is not my first language. Another story set in the same universe, written by a good friend
8 95Apathine
Demadara. A former slave, turned thief, turned apprentice, reaches out for the power to attain freedom absolute. Ellyrie. A Sky Ship captain with a burdening lineage toes the line between duty and humanity. And Serafin. A Guardian of highest truth, order and faith, wades through the rivers of death to deliver the destiny of her people. Their steps shake the foundation of the empire humanity has been struggling to build, surrounded by the inhuman, the idols and the ancient gods at the end of the world. For Ruin, Deliverance, or Triumph. No matter the outcome, Rightheousness prevails.
8 134Prio's Notable Past
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Narrative notes written in the perspective of Prio from before she met Ted. This is a Respec Ted sidestory. This book follows Rita, a filipino nursing student, who, with her brother, enters "Mayhem of the Macrocosm". She eventually becomes Prio, the golden haired soaring monkey, as seen in Respec Ted. Please be aware: Prio's Notable Past is written as part of Royal Road's Writathon 2021, I recommend using the "Read Later" button and read it after the marathon, as I may be shuffling around and writing additions to all the chapters throughout the marathon.
8 115Ramblings of the Mad Woman - Book One
A true Thriller! It takes you deep enough into their lives to feel their spine tingling with fear, laugh with them, and even get your own wicked grin. Twin serial killers Kolo ‘vampire’ and Lola ‘ghost’ plan to capture Princess Sidonia ‘Oracle’; will her gift be enough to escape them and others who plot against her. Suspense filled plot twists. Oracles, Witches, Shapeshifters, Vampires, Strix, Ghosts, and Humans.
8 120Wave form
A normal boy obtains virtually unlimited power. Suddenly, he is wedged in between the human society with its greed, envy and power lust and the Gods wanting to prevent another rival from rising.
8 77Leksa kom Trikru and Klarke kom Skikru
Lexa has a heart that's still bright, when all this time she wished for it to be stone to hide weakness.
8 144