《Terminia : Cults and Courtesans》17. Friends in Need
Those that wandered, met with harsh eyes
And a world that resented them.
The other god-borne did scorn them so.
And so those Sherya were alone.
-The Book of the Abandonment 1;33-38
In the haze of in-between, that place not quite here nor elsewhere, Celeste heard a voice like the spring wind. The voice was like a harp played by the most skilled master, or a bubbling stream teeming with fish and plants. It was the sound of life itself, and it called for her.
“Celeste…” it reached out, pressing against something. She had never heard this voice before, but somehow Celeste knew it like a babe knows their mother. It was out there, somewhere. If only she could…
She felt something else. Something she had never felt in this place. Through mist and water, she floated. She tried to focus but in this hazy place it proved a fruitless endeavour. Instead, she felt. Small strings wound around her heart. She felt four tied there. Two of them vibrated in violent waves. She followed those two, somehow pulling upon them.
She travelled forever, and for only a moment. This place was without time, or space. It simply was. The eternal in between. When she arrived, or before she arrived, or perhaps millions of years after, she saw it. A shadow and a shield, both beset by those wishing them harm. She saw black flames and the violent shapes that danced among them. Daemons, that terrible antithesis of life. And at the center of it all was a man, he was a Korek, with a pale face and black eyes. Looming over that man, she saw a terrifying shadow consuming his soul. A deep despair swept over her at the sight of that man. She knew that shadow, knew that shield. She could help them, something whispered to her that she could still do something. Somehow, someway, Celeste knew that she was the only one who could.
“Celeste…” the voice called out to her, echoing through this foggy land once more. But she had to ignore it. She had someplace to be, and it wasn’t here.
Celeste awoke with a jerk to the sound of a squawking bird and beating wings. She no longer lay in fog and water, but in the plush and silk bed within Brother Gardinal’s home. Looking around she saw Valleresa and Arabella both trying to quiet Charlotte; unsuccessfully. They looked quite comical fussing around the small perch they had erected for the bird. Celeste met the gold plumed falcon’s eyes, and she saw the intelligence there. Intelligence and fear. So, Charlotte had seen it as well. The bird pushed its head towards the window desperately, being held back by the two handmaidens.
“Your Radiance!” Arabella gasped, noticing Celeste had awoken. “The bird, it just started flapping and squawking right when you started fussing about, it did!” She seemed near panicked.
“Sisters, we must depart immediately.” Celeste called out to them. Valleresa turned to look at her, momentarily ceasing her attempts to silence the bird.
“Radiance,” Valleresa said. “I apologize for waking you. Once we get my brother’s damn pet to quiet, we’ll…”
“She’s not a pet, Valleresa.” Celeste said to her friend. “And we need to leave now.” Celeste began to rise from the bed, and with a groan Valleresa strode over to attend her.
“Y… Your Radiance.” Arabella stammered, giving a low bow. “I… I don’t mean to be impertinent. But Master Belnur and Lord Vallerian told us to keep you here.”
Celeste looked at the girl, she was a sweet soul, her face wrinkling with concern.
“My dear Arabella, it is to save those two that we must go.” Celeste said. “will you help me dress sisters?” The two sprang to assist her, and Charlotte seemed to calm as well now, staring at Celeste with those mismatched eyes they shared.
“Just one second…” Valleresa muttered as she began pulling out a white gossamer gown for Celeste, one of the ones brought from the temple.
“No.” Celeste said. “The red one, it was made by a friend of mine.” Celeste pointed to the dress she wanted, the one sewn by Gerada’s daughter, that sweet tailor from the market. Valleresa eyed the rough woolen dress but did as she was bade. Celeste adored all the dresses Lord Vallerian had bought her that day of course. But this was the one she had chosen, the only piece of clothing she every truly felt was hers. The knowledge of the love that went into it gave her strength.
They were taking too long, she thought. Celeste reached around to try and assist her handmaidens, but Valleresa swatted her hand away.
“You’ll only get in the way Radiance.” She muttered. Arabella gaped at her. “Oh don’t you go acting precious on me.”
Celeste smiled. With Valleresa by her side they could help Gardinal and Vallerian, she knew it. Now to find them. “Charlotte?” Celeste asked. The bird, still looking at her, crooked its neck as a response. “I will be counting on you to guide our way.”
Charlotte cawed a confirmation. Good, there was still time. Somehow Celeste knew that anything the Mother would see fit to warn her of could still be seen to. She could clense that black fire that threatened to consume her friends, she had too. They departed into the night.
Only moments later, Celeste found herself stumbling through the dark streets of Southshore with Valleresa and Arabella at her side. She felt safe next to these two. The shadowed alleys and long winding paths were dimly illuminated by the Mother high above, casting long shadows across every corner. The towering testaments to Southshore ingenuity passed them by one by one, those incredible structures like small palaces to each noble soul that resided here.
The people here were kind, steadfast folk, just trying to make it to the next day. In the carpenter still out mending a broken roof she saw Oonya’s perseverance. In the exhausted meat-merchant, packing up his wares for the night and giving old, cooked pieces to children, she saw Cent’s generosity. These people inspired her, and to have lived among them had always been Celeste’s greatest honour. With those souls around, doing everything they could, Celeste knew she could make a difference. Even if the difference was making sure her two friends didn’t die tonight. First Mother, she prayed, please protect those two until I get there.
They dashed over rough cobblestone and gravel. Charlotte would occasionally fly up above the tall, stacked homes to look around. Then she would swoop back down to guide them along their way. Charlotte showed an intelligence Celeste had never seen in an animal before.
“How are we sure she’s not taking us to the most rat-infested warehouse in Southshore?” Valleresa asked, striding beside Celeste. Valleresa wasn’t even flushed from their running, a much better sight than Celeste was sure she looked at this moment.
“She’s taking us to your brother, and he needs us. You will see.” Celeste assured. Valleresa snorted. Valleresa seemed to have an idea that her brother was invincible and needed no saving.
“Lady Prophetess.” Arabella spoke up. “I know this area. I don’t think this is a right proper place for you. Your Radiance.”
Celeste looked down at her, she seemed to be keeping up well with her small legs, despite Celeste’s quick pace.
“If this is where our help is needed, then it is the right place. I find the most help tends to be needed where the True Father’s light cannot shine through. That is why the First Mother rises in the dark, and so to shall we.” Celeste patted her new friend’s shoulder. Arabella nodded her agreement. Good.
Charlotte’s caw told Celeste that they were nearly there. There was something about the bird, the subtle shift of its head, or the rustle of its feathers. But Celeste felt she understood its intentions with every call.
“We’re almost there.” Celeste said.
“We’re almost at the Mudport.” Arabella choked out.
“The Mudport?!” Valleresa exclaimed, shaking her head. “Oh no. No, no, no. We are not chasing my idiot brother to the Mudport, Radiance.”
“We are and we will.” Celeste responded. “Your brother needs us, as well as Brother Gardinal.”
“Exactly! A soldier and an expert swordsman, we’ll probably be more trouble than help!” Valleresa pleaded, stopping and trying to pull Celeste away. “Come on, we’ve both seen them fight. I know they’ll be fine.”
Celeste shook her head, Valleresa didn’t understand. The harm sin can do to one’s own soul could be far worse than any bodily wound.
A burst of light filled the sky. Not far, but the red light preceded the sound of an explosion. Valleresa looked to Celeste with wide eyes.
“Don’t you dare tell me you told me so.” She snapped. Celeste would have grinned if not for the pit in her stomach. That light left a visceral imprint in her. One from her earlier dream. This was bad. Without a word they all picked up their skirts and began to run.
They dashed past large crumbling warehouses. The rich tapestry of craft that filled this place left Celeste in awe, but she had no time to waste admiring it all and seeing to its woes. She had to get to her friends. Charlotte flapped alongside Celeste, so she turned to the bird.
“Go on ahead, help them how you can.” She whispered and the falcon flew off. First Mother bless that bird’s wings, she prayed, let her fly swift and true.
As they got closer, Celeste could hear shouting, could hear the crackling of fire. There was something awful ahead, and as she rounded the corner, she steeled herself for the chaos yet to come.
Celeste felt it before she saw it. An intense pressure against her, not physically but spiritually. Celeste had never felt anything like it before. But as she gazed at the destruction before her, she knew she could not turn back now.
Engulfed in wicked flames the docks jutted out into the Mudport. It smelled noxious, and having grown up on these streets, Celeste knew it wasn’t the port itself that nearly caused her to retch. Atop the burning dock, stood her blessed guardian, Gardinal. He fought three men at once as the hungry fires consumed the creaking boards around him. Another nine figures stood shadowed by the firelight at the base of the docks.
She recognized the robes the attackers wore. The same as the men at the Southshore market. It must be this cult everyone whispered in hushed tones about when they thought she wasn’t listening. Gardinal was struggling against those three. Celeste had to do something.
“HEY!” she shouted as loudly as she could. “I’M THE ONE YOU WANT!” She waved her hands high above her head, trying to get their attention.
“What are you doing?!” Valleresa hissed. The men turned.
“You two run, I’ll be fine.” Celeste responded. “Trust me.”
“Like chaos I will.” Valleresa returned, stepping in front Celeste and lowering her stance. Three of the men started walking towards her.
“Y… Your Radiance I.. I…” Arabella stammered, fear obvious on her face.
“It’s alright Arabella, you go hide. We’ll find you.” Celeste didn’t have to tell the Jöln twice. The young girl dashed off behind a shadowed crate nearby.
“Valleresa, my dear friend, please trust me. I can’t see you hurt again.” Celeste shuddered at the image of her friend, dying on her chamber floor. Not again. Celeste felt for the thrumming energy within her, the always present ocean of life that welled within her. She felt it and held on. The men approached.
The group was lead by two tall powerful Korek men, each with a dagger as long as Celeste’s forearm. The two men parted, revealing another behind them. The pale complexion and ruby eyes of a Theremya sized her up. He reeked of that same stench that pressed against her soul.
“It is her.” The Theremya man said. “Bring her, our great master has need of her.” The man then turned to move back to the docks.
“Yes, Master Summoner.” The taller of the two Korek said. “But the other one is mine.” He grinned menacingly at Valleresa.
“You will not touch her.” Celeste commanded, and then she focused. She felt the wave of life flow through her. Like the twisting roots of an ancient oak, it spread out in front of her. The glowing vibrating essence of the First Mother. She had seen a man storm into the temple mad once, her father had used this to hold him tight until he could be seen to. She knew she could do it.
The men didn’t wait for her to act. The one who had spoken slashed out with the dagger first, cutting air as Valleresa dodged the strike. She moved quickly and punched the man’s arm. He didn’t even grunt. The second man moved in and grabbed Valleresa by her collar, lifting her up with a thick hand. Valleresa flailed in that grasp desperately. It had no effect on the powerful man.
Celeste focused, she had to focus. She could help Valleresa and stop these men from hurting themselves. She opened herself more, let more of that power flow into those expanding roots. Slowly the tendrils began to envelope the first man. Reaching around him, grasping him with the Mother’s essence. If only I could calm him with it, she thought. She didn’t want to hurt the man, only show him the error of his ways. The man struggled against the thick veins of light, each pulling him tight and keeping him from moving. It was working. She looked to Valleresa, still hanging in the air, the man holding her up bringing his dagger up to her. Perhaps if she let a bit more flow…
With a roar, the man broke free. A backlash struck Celeste as she stumbled back. The snapping like a tight rope bursting under too heavy a load leaving her dazed.
“Radiance!” Valleresa called out, desperately from in the air. No. This was bad, this was so bad. She had made a mistake. The first Korek man turned on her.
“The Summoner only said we needed you alive, not that you had to be unharmed.” He sneered at her. “This will be fun.” He spun his dagger in his hand.
Celeste stepped back. Her foot caught on the hem of her gown and she fell, her bottom hitting the ground hard. Where had she failed? Valleresa needed her, these people needed her. What had gone wrong?
“Please.” She begged. “Please don’t do this to yourself.” She began to glow, letting the waves rise up in her once more. She could do this if she just tried again. The Korek backhanded her, and Celeste’s focus dissolved.
The man barked a cruel laugh. “Oh I’m not doing anything to me. It’s you I can’t wait to do things t…”
An arrow exploded through the man’s knee, dropping him in an instant. The man howled in pain and turned just in time for the sharp claws of a falcon to slash into his face. Charlotte? Celeste felt dizzy. The blood on the ground glistened against the distant firelight.
She heard Valleresa’s attacker grunt sharply, then he too fell to the ground. Looking up, she saw Valleresa kicking the man in the groin, several times, followed by her pummeling the man in the face. Valleresa was small, but she was still a Fereni. The War-Borne, crafted by the gods to battle.
“You… little… bitch…” The man with the shattered knee growled. Celeste looked to him once more. He had beaten off Charlotte and now crawled towards Celeste. Grabbing her leg, he pulled her beneath him. “I’m gunna kill you.” He growled, pressing his body atop hers and grasping her neck in his hand. Celeste struggled.
Maybe she could try again, try to do what her Father could. She could do it, she knew she could. If she just could focus. She began opening the gate one more time, letting the power flow forth from within her in thick ivy-like tendrils. The Korek slammed her head into the cobblestone. Her vision blurred alongside the tendrils of light. A sharp pain shot through her skull and her neck felt like it was being crushed.
She was dying. No, she couldn’t die like this. There was so much she could still do, so many people she needed to help. She looked past the man, looked up into the sky. There was a shadow there, blocking out the stars. It was getting larger. Celeste’s vision dimmed. What was that shadow? The world spun. Slowly, Celeste felt her heart beating. Slowly.
- In Serial49 Chapters
The Vitaean Chronicles - Volume I: The Sanguine Prince
NOTE: Chapters 02 - 19 are currently slated for review and rewrite following the Conclusion of Act I. Please bear this in mind! When tragedy strikes Arcturus Valoura, he is ripped from his carefree existence and thrown into a world of politics and peril, where today's friend is tomorrow's foe. Bereft of the knowledge and skills needed to survive in his new reality, he will need to find his place within a realm that mixes magic and science in impossible ways. He will need to learn the secrets of the mysterious System that allows him to guide his potential for growth even as he struggles to unlock the powers needed to keep himself alive. In the darkest, and most desolate places of an ancient land he will have to find the answers to forbidden questions, and terrible secrets long purged from the histories of mankind. And in so doing, shake the very foundations of reality itself. Release Schedule: Tuesdays (I may post on off-days if I get a lot done). Advanced Chapters available on Patreon starting May 4th 2021. Discord Community: https://discord.gg/3tHKHAx7Ye The Vitaean Chronicles are a debut LitRPG High Fantasy series written with the intent of filling a niche I've yet to see filled anywhere else. This is my first novel of this kind, so please be patient with me. Throughout this story, I will endeavour to create an evolving and expansive narrative anchored around believable characters, compelling plotlines, and a consistent and sensible magic system. The purpose of this work is to create what I believe to be a relatively unique piece of fiction, drawing inspiration from many great stories that have come before from the likes of Tolkien, Jordan, Hertbert, Goodkind, Pratchett, Martin, and several others. My goal is not to create a masterpiece, but simply to create a story that someone can read and re-read with the same joy, same frustration, and same investment each time. This story will contain violence, politics, Shakespearian drama, tongue-in-cheek references, adult content, and well-crafted relationships of both platonic and romantic natures. I will not promise you will like every choice I make. I can only guarantee that I will do my best to create a story I, and you, can be proud of. As I progress, I will have room to incorporate fan-made characters for those interested in making their mark within the tapestry of this tale (with the customary disclaimer that they do so while waiving any rights to future profit, lol). Thank you to Royal Road for giving me the platform to do that, and thank you dear readers past, present, and future for choosing to come on this journey with me. Finally, just to cover myself: This work is Copyrighted to the Author herein known as 'Hannibal Forge', and recreation, distribution, or re-release of any material herein in a commercial or public capacity absent permission from the Author can and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Law.
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ရှောင်းကျန့် "အားး.....ရိပေါ်....ငါသရဲကြောက်တတ်တယ်...ငါ့ကို ဖက်ထားပေး"ဝမ်ရိပေါ် "ကိုယ်ကလည်း သရဲဘဲလေ"ရှောင်းကျန့် "......"
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