《Terminia : Cults and Courtesans》10. Noble Friends
So the gods did ascend
Returned to their thrones.
Our sins broke their hearts,
and their broken hearts took them away.
-The Book of the Abandonment 1;5-8
“You do know she’s climbing out of her window as we speak?” Vallerian asked. He thought it was obvious, but well, no accounting for the intelligence of a Khazimi priest sworn to the patron Goddess of the Sherya.
“What!?” Gardinal shouted, bursting from his chair. It seemed it wasn’t that obvious. Gardinal strode across the room with a haste unbefitting his short legs. Vallerian just grinned wider. The small man began beating against the door. “Your Radiance! What are you doing in there?!” The door was locked of course.
As the large man beat against the door, demanding for the girl to open it up, Vallerian rose from his chair with a stretch and sauntered out of the room. He shuffled past the banging Gardinal, and padded down the stairs, admiring some of the exquisite tapestries on the wall. The quality of some of the art was befitting a Fereni great hall. He would need to find out more of this Brother Gardinal’s background. Something told him that a simple priest shouldn't be able to afford such masterpieces.
Pushing open the large wooden front door, Vallerian turned to the side of the house that would carry Celeste’s window and waited. A few passersby seemed to notice the small girl, her hair hanging past her feet, climbing down knotted bed sheets. That or the passersby had been drawn by the sounds of Gardinal’s large banging fist against a wooden door, echoing out the window and into the streets. Vallerian just waved them on, explaining that there was just some minor disagreement and that everything was truly fine. Some of the more curious folk tried to pry, but Vallerian briskly sent them on their way.
With a thud and small yelp, Celeste's tiny frame eventually dropped from her makeshift rope, falling to the ground on unsteady feet. Vallerian reached out to help steady the small girl.
“Oh, thank you Lord Vallerian.” She said unthinkingly, turning away from him. She spun back to look at him with wide eyes. “L… Lord Vallerian?” Celeste was rather adorable, reminding him a bit of his baby sister, who was only a few years younger than she, though they looked the same age.
“Come on, back inside.” He told her, waving her back towards the door. “If you get much farther I’m afraid your guard in there will have a heart attack.” She bowed her head, silver and gold eyes making a study of the cobblestone.
“I could heal that…” she muttered.
“I’m sure you could.” She had certainly healed more impressive things than a bad heart.
He marched her back into the house, right up the stairs, and past the angry Gardinal, still focused on the closed door.
“Dammit you lazy nobleman, help me out here!” Gardinal growled, not noticing that Celeste had retaken her seat in the sitting room.
“Brother Gardinal, if you would just come join us in the sitting room, I’m sure we could settle this little quarrel.” Vallerian pulled on the short man's massive shoulder, spinning him to see the golden haired girl through the door.
“Oh.” Gardinal deflated. Vallerian crooked his head, motioning for the large priest to join her in the room. He did so with barely even a grumble. It seemed they were making progress. With a loud sigh Vallerian followed the man, plopping back down into the sofa he had claimed as his own.
“So,” Vallerian began with a flourish. “Back to the conversation at handbefore ad, I wish to assist you in guarding Her Radiance.”
“I told you already, absolutely not.” Gardinal grumbled. Vallerian sighed deeper.
“Must I remind you so soon Brother Gardinal, she almost escaped under your watch. I brought her back.” Vallerian stared the man down, it seemed to shut him up. This was a fortunate turn of events, he could shape this to his advantage. “I understand that you wish to go track down this cult, I wish to know the Prophetess better.” He stopped for a moment before adding “And to spend time with my sister of course.” Vallerian shot Celeste a grin that made her blush. “I propose that I look after Her Radiance, while you go and sort this umm... valiant crusade of yours.”
“And why should I trust you boy?” Gardinal eyed him suspiciously.
“Because twice now, I have saved her. Each where you have failed.” Vallerian smirked at him. “And I’d rather not have to prove myself a third time. Risky for her that.”
“And we may go out into the streets together, right Lord Vallerian?” Celeste cut in.
“No.” Both Vallerian and Gardinal said in unison without even looking at her. Celeste pouted, crossed her arms, and pretended not to look at the pair. She was a lot like his baby sister indeed.
“Do we have a deal, Brother Gardinal?” Vallerian held out his hand for the priest, stretching across the fine rug between them. The Khazimi man eyed it warily at first, unsure. But with a deep sigh he shook it.
“Yes, you have a deal. The sooner I can put an end to this cult business, the sooner she can be safe back at the temple.” Gardinal rose, moving over to the blonde child. Despite being the same height, he dwarfed her with musculature. “Your Radiance, I will not be gone long. Wait here and I will return with some Arrahunya honeyed almonds.” She seemed to perk up at that. The girl had a sweet tooth? Interesting.
“Be safe, Brother Gardinal. I would not have a single soul injured in service to me.” She cupped the man’s face with her hand, and Vallerian swore he saw a gentle glow of light. The girl heals with such ease, it was remarkable. The Khazimi man straightened, his already large muscles seeming to flex beneath his thin linen tunic. Vallerian could have sworn even the mans beard grew shinier.
“Not the king himself could stop me, Your Radiance.” He bowed to her and left the room, presumably to change. Interesting choice of words. For if Vallerian’s goals came to fruition that might be exactly who did try to stop him. At some point at least.
Only a few moments later Vallerian and Celeste stood at the door, waving Gardinal off as he marched away into the mid day masses. As soon as he was gone, the two turned to one another.
“So, Lord Vallerian, shall I brew us some tea?” She had an honest curiosity on her face, even if she did sound like one of Valleresa’s odd romance books.
“You know how to brew a pot of tea?” He asked playfully.
“I could learn!” she rebutted, and he laughed at the seriousness in her voice.
“No, I was thinking it would be more fun to go shopping at the Southshore market.” He shared a mischievous grin with her, and her face lit up. Earning her favour would prove easy enough indeed.
In a bid for anonymity, they had decked the tiny Celeste out in one of Valleresa's handmaiden's habits. It was a tad bit large on her but the hooded cowl covered most of her face, and more importantly, left her eyes in shadows. Temple sisters were not an uncommon sight among Southshore, so he couldn’t imagine her drawing too much attention in the market.
They started their day with a bite to eat. Vallerian was starved from the walk to Southshore, and Celeste had been stuck eating whatever soldier’s food that Khazimi could cook up. What a frightening idea. It took longer than he would have thought to find her something worth any money. Most things that weren’t rotten tended to have small chunks of meat in them. Something the girl refused to eat.
“You know even animals eat meat right?” Vallerian teased her. They leaned against one of the tall buildings marking out the market square now, eating their food.
“Do I look much like any animals you know?” She responded, biting into a Khazimi mushroom wrap he had found her. What was it with street kids and those wraps?
“Why yes actually, I do happen to know of one such beast.” Vallerian chuckled at the questioning look on her face before he whistled. Charlotte came flapping down, and the little traitor alighted upon Celeste’s golden hair-draped shoulder instead of his own. The girl stared at her in wonder.
“What a stunning falcon my Lord! What is her name? What type is she? Is this your pet?” She asked in rapid succession, not taking her eyes off the bird.
“I wouldn’t exactly call Charlotte a pet, but we’re friends yes.” He smiled watching them interact. Celeste tore off a chunk of the thick Khazimi bread that made the wrap and fed it to Charlotte. “She likes you, that’s rare.”
Celeste stroked Charlotte's head, and the damned bird preened. “Of course she does, we have the same eyes.” Celeste commented. So she was aware of it. He hadn’t doubted she knew her own eye colour, but with Celeste the implications meant something else entirely.
“What is she doing?” Celeste asked, drawing Vallerian's attention back to them. Charlotte had locked eyes with the girl, and spread her wings out wide. Dammit Charlotte, if you attack this girl I really will put you down this time.
Before Vallerian could respond, Charlotte seemed to bow her head in reverence to the girl. Celeste giggled. “Why thank you, my loyal subject.” She jested, but Vallerian almost coughed up his own wrap. A chunk goat meat nearly lodging in his throat. Charlotte raised her head and squawked, rubbing up against Celeste's cheek. The two seemed to be having a moment.
Vallerian felt a small pulling on his sleeve. Looking down he saw the grubby-faced blonde girl from a week earlier.
“What are you doing here?” he asked the kid. She looked around conspiratorially before responding.
“Last week scared the pants off me. So I saw you today and I asked around and I think you’re safe today.” She didn't seem to notice Celeste, thankfully. “I'm happy you aint dead though.” Vallerian grinned, he wasn't used to hearing that kind of thing. The child stared hungrily at his wrap, only half eaten. He handed it to the grubby girl. He could always buy another one. The girl smiled as she began munching down on it, slowly moving away.
“Not so fast kid.” He grabbed her shoulder and knelt down to her height. “I got another job for you.” He slipped another gold lyra from his pocket and held it in front of her eyes. “One now, one when your done.”
“Ya gert ernything smeller.” she spat out chunks of wrap as she spoke. Vallerian raised an eyebrow to her and she swallowed. “Sorry.” He motioned for her to continue. “The big kids take anything more than a copper they do. So maybe some copper? Like a whole bunch?”
Vallerian wasn't sure he had any copper coins on him. Searching around in his pocket he was able to produce a half dozen.
“Here, you'll get more when you're done.” He watched in shock as she shoved the last of the wrap in her mouth all at once, looking like quite the chipmunk. She grabbed the coins from Vallerian. “Go ask around what people know about this Cult of X, and what people are saying about the Prophetess. Okay?” She nodded and ran off. Disappearing into the market throng once more.
Rising, Vallerian stretched. He was growing to like that kid.
“You remind me of an old friend of mine, My Lord.” Celeste spoke, and he spun to look at her. She was still playing with Charlotte, but apparently had been watching him.
“You can just call me Vallerian you know. Titles around here tend to be more burden than benefit.” Vallerian explained.
“Right, Vallerian.” She smiled at that. “You remind me of an old friend. You two share a kindness. A generosity not seen enough in this world.”
At the Vallerian noticed something, a sadness to her eyes.
“This generous friend of yours, where is she? Back at the temple?” he asked. Maybe she was a priestess?
“I don’t know.” She said, no small amount of pain in her voice. “But I know their alive. They must be.” She looked up at the sun as she said it, as though she was beseeching Seratos himself for something.
Not from the temple then. Perhaps from before? A another street urchin? He’d have to look into that. Reuniting old friends could certainly leave an impression. He slipped the ace into the back pocket of his mind.
“So, what would you like to do first?” he asked, trying to move the topic to something lighter. She beamed once more.
“There's so much to do! I haven't been out like this since I was a child!” She seemed positively giddy. Vallerian rolled his eyes, she was a child still. He remembered being her age, having that energy. Now he was just a bitter, aged, twenty six year old. “I want to talk to people, ease their burdens, and tend to their woes.” There was a twinkle in her eye. Her first free day in at least a decade, and this what she wanted to do with it?
“Well, I think we should get you some new clothes first.” He stopped himself from calling her Your Radiance. “Celeste.” That was her name after all. And not an uncommon one either.
“What is wrong with your sister's?” she asked, twirling in front of him and almost bumping into a gnarled old Jöln a head shorter than she. The man cursed at her and she apologized profusely. Vallerian grabbed her by the arm and dragged her off before she could make any more trouble.
“You're tripping over it with every step.” He hissed. This girl was a disaster in motion, he could see why the Bishop always kept her atop a palanquin. She giggled as they moved away.
“I don’t think I’ve walked this much in years!” She laughed. “How wonderful!” Charlotte appeared to be clinging on desperately.
Vallerian raised an eyebrow. All the well bred ladies he knew complained endlessly anytime they had to walk more than the distance from their bed to their chair.
“Well how about that over there?” he pointed to a small stand not far off, with a bored looking Khazimi man very nearly dozing off. A few plain woollen gowns hung from the wooden structure. Celeste’s eyes seemed to widen.
“I get to choose one?” She seemed ecstatic, if unsure. What in the Chaos had this girl’s life looked like before this? He nodded and Celeste tore off towards the stand, Charlotte taking off from her shoulder. Vallerian struggled to catch up. For someone so clumsy, she managed well to duck through the crowds.
When Vallerian caught up to her at the stand, she seemed torn between two faded wool dresses. One a pale red with Khazimi script embroidered into it, and the other a faded green with the some abstract embroidery he didn’t understand.
“Aye, always a’my pleasure to have a sister of the temple here.” The stand owner spoke in a surprisingly high voice. A woman? Vallerian had never met a Khazimi woman before. He supposed this one’s hair was oddly long for one of their folk. Still the bulbous nose and heavy-set brow was enough to confuse him of her gender. “I think that red one a’might look quite a sight on ya.” The woman’s accent was thick and muddy. The slight droop to the left side of her face not helping any.
“What all do you have that would fit her?” Vallerian asked, as Celeste wide-eyed ran her fingers along the fabrics. The woman moved her eyes from Celeste to Vallerian and her eyes widened.
“A’m’lord I a’might have a few things back here.” She ducked under her stand, the sounds of cloth and wood being pushed aside barely heard over the thrum of the crowd. Vallerian just looked down at his own clothes. Drat, he thought he'd managed to dress like a commoner today. His velvet doublet had been worn nearly threadbare.
“Vallerian.” Celeste whispered a bit sheepishly. “I don’t have any coin to pay for this.” She seemed nervous. Vallerian looked back with amusement.
“Of course, you don’t.” He ruffled her hood. “That’s what I’m here for.” Vallerian joked, and she beamed.
“Ah! Here we are!” The stall owner pulled a handful of gowns down onto the stall’s edge with only her right hand. Some fine lace things, the others clean woollen. Not a bit of silk, which Vallerian found a bit odd. Celeste’s eyes grew wide as she began picking through them.
“How much?” Vallerian asked. The woman seemed shocked.
“Ah… er… say three gold lyra?” She seemed unsure about the amount. Vallerian chuckled.
“No I meant for all of it.” He responded.
“A… aye a’my lord. That is for all of it.”
“Oh.” Vallerian exclaimed. “Well then, pack it all up.” Vallerian grinned as Celeste very nearly made a sound like a squeal. She moved over to him and… hugged him? Her small arms wrapped around his waist, and she held him tight.
“Thank you so much Lord Vallerian.” She whispered to him. “You are such a kind man.” Vallerian squirmed out of the embrace and patted her on the head again.
“Think nothing of it, really.” Humility? Vallerian was being humble? This girl was strange, and her effect on other people even stranger.
Vallerian watched Celeste and the shop keep chat as the older Khazimi struggled to wrap up the clothing in a large hemp sack with one hand. Her name was Gerada, apparently. She explained that everything in the shop had been made by her daughter. Though once upon a time she used to sew them all herself. A master tailor from the way she made herself out, serving the Old King of Kar’dirgav before the rebellion. After the stroke, she lost all control of the left side of her body. That was the end of tailoring for her.
“Anyway.” The old lady said with a flourish, finally tying the sack closed. “That will do for you. I never did catch your a'name girl.” She smiled at Celeste, a much brighter look than when they had first arrived. Vallerian figured that was from the four gold lyra he had given her more than anything else.
“My name is Celeste, and it has been a true blessing to meet you Mistress Gerada. I will cherish your daughter's work as long as I live.” As Celeste grabbed the bag from the Khazimi woman, Vallerian noticed their hands touch for a brief moment. It was hard to see in the day's light, but there was a slight glow. “Thank you so very much Mistress Gerada.” Celeste bowed, and nearly fell over at that moment. Vallerian stepped over and caught her quickly, supporting her under one arm.
“We must be going.” Vallerian quickly filled in, taking the bag in one arm and pulling Celeste with the other. “What were you thinking?” he whispered as they walked off. Celeste smiled.
“Look.” Celeste said. She tried to raise a shaking hand to point back at the cart, but seemed too weak even for that. She wore a grin as big as he'd ever seen.
Vallerian looked back at the stall keep, already a few paces away with plenty of common folk between them. The old Khazimi woman reached up with her left hand and felt at her jaw. Moving it, she seemed to have perfect motion. Then, in shock, the woman looked down at her left hand, flexing the fingers. She began to weep, and Vallerian could hear her calling for someone.
“Dammit Celeste, you made a commotion.” He tried to pull her along, but her legs moved so sluggishly. Looking at her, he could see her eyelids drooping. “And now you’re too tired to do anything. Were you even thinking?” Foolish girl, he wasn't sure if he'd get to do this again with her anytime soon. He was at least hoping to buy her some shoes. Now she was too tired to even walk. Vallerian reached down and swooped her up into his arms. She grinned at him, cuddling up to his chest.
“I helped.” Then she fell asleep.
Vallerian stared down at the girl in his arms. She would sacrifice everything she had asked for, her one chance at exploring and running around after a lifetime sequestered in the temple. All so that one woman could sew again? Vallerian was stunned. This girl was certainly different. Shaking his head, he began to carry her back to Gardinal's home.
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