《Wrong Side of The Severance》8: First Camp Under Foreign Stars


The herbs had indeed been where Emilie had suggested, and gathering them was a simple errand. If the strixanths were out there, the sight of Livia holding Veridis had made them think twice. The two of them returned with the herbs just as Krey had finished preparing the meat. Just before crawling into his tent, Krey planted his hand on that chest that hadn’t yet manifested… except it did, rippling into existence from the point his hand had touched it. Emilie had barely started cooking supper when he reemerged without his armour, still pulling utensils and other metalware from the chest.

Livia’s eyebrows rose. “That was quick.”

“I’ve gotten in and out of that gear quite a few times,” Krey riposted. “You learn to make it as efficient a process as possible, for it is not a dignified one.” Below his armour, the girls could now see that he was wearing a yellow tunic and off-white trousers. He’d taken off his boots as well (black leather boots with dull steel fittings), but without a change of footwear, his hole-riddled grey socks were also revealed.

“Not gonna lie, Krey,” Livia hawed, “those colours don’t suit you.”

“Don’t tell me; you’re a fashion expert where you come from as well as an adventurer?”

“She merely has better taste,” Emilie said with a straight face. “I must confess, I don’t find your attire… pleasant to look upon.”

“Well, I’m sorry, milady,” Krey bantered, “but these are traditional Pivuseon colours, and I ain’t changing ‘em.”

Dinner didn’t take long, and was divided equally into three metal pots, each with a simple but effective piece of cutlery to eat with. Emilie spoke up as the other two took their first bites. “I hope it is satisfactory.”


Krey chuckled, first glancing at Livia, then looking at Emilie. “It’s just fine, milady— more than satisfactory.”

“So…” Livia prompted after a minute or so of silent consumption. “Why don’t you two tell me the story behind the arietes? Why they’re so sacred and all that.”

Emilie bowed her head and motioned with a hand towards Krey. “I’m sure our sir knight is a better storyteller than I.”

“Nonsense, milady,” Krey deflected humorously. “You’ve been more than happy to recite excerpts of Berodyl’s history ever since we left the edge. Why don’t you start us off?”

Emilie shifted in place for a moment. “Very well… I shall begin.

“It was nearly three thousand years ago, toward the end of the first millennium. The civilised races were still settling the world, still exploring the immense potential of Berodyl’s magic. However… with magic so thick and wild, so primordial, even the gods who created our world couldn’t prepare us for everything. We… awoke something. Something evil… something powerful.”

Krey took over. “The hirquus. They were like the arietes, but instead of being cervine, they were caprine. They wielded powerful magic for destructive purposes, and seemed angered by the civilised races’ use of magic; they tried to wipe us out. The arietes rose to our defence - another unpredicted event - and waged war against the hirquus on our behalf. They saved all of Berodyl.”

“And so,” Livia chimed, “the logical choice for the Knights Berodyl’s crest presents itself.”

“Actually,” Krey said, “our order wouldn’t be founded for about another hundred years… but yes, the choice for our crest was obvious, I’m sure.”

“It’s all so… different,” Livia mulled. “Studying history in Aubade was a sleepy affair; not a lot happened in the grand scheme of things— not like here.”


“But when something did happen,” Krey interjected, “it was usually very exciting.”

“What makes you say that?” Livia cocked a brow.

“You didn’t learn to fight and survive by living an unremarkable life. And…” he grinned, “I’m still curious to meet one of these myrewyrms of yours. Every time I say it, the image of the creature in my mind grows more formidable.”

Livia smiled back, shaking her head.

“Berodyl certainly has its fair share of excitement,” Emilie said. “Even those such as I, who have never held a weapon in their lives, are compelled to at least master some form of protective magic and learn certain disciplines pertaining to self-preservation; these lands are not as tame as those in power would like us to believe.”

“It’s definitely been… exciting.” Livia’s smile turned downward into something less cheerful. “I… I miss home, though. It’s strange, I… I never thought I’d have trouble leaving home… but…”

“The petrification,” Krey droned. “The idea of never being able to go back.”

Livia pointed at him with an affirmative finger. “That’s exactly it.” Her hand opened, and dropped onto her knee with a mild slap.

“Stranded in a foreign world, camping beneath strange stars…” Emilie finally finished the last bite of her meal, and as if conscious of this fact, her metal food pot puffed into a cloud of purple smoke; she didn’t react. “Despite their silence, the gods are still out there, Livia; I’m sure, with their aid, we will find a way to fix whatever is wrong.”

Livia did her best to smile. “I hope so.”

Before long, the fire started to dim, and the three of them decided it was time to turn in for the night. They crawled into their tents, lay down their heads, and dreamt of what might be ahead.

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