《Seducing the Ladies Around Me》Chapter 15 - Yin Harvesting


Chapter 15 - Yin Harvesting


While Jia Chin was busy ejaculating deep inside, the 'Incubus Lord's Yin Harvesting Manual' was operating to it's full efficiency.

Not only was it helping to create and nurture Benica's cultivation dantian, but it was also greedily sucking the huge amount of Yin energy accumulated inside her quite rapidly.

The manual converted the Yin energy into pure Qi as it quickly collected within Jia Chin's dantian.

The burden from the Yin Overload started to subside as Benica's body started to revert back towards it's normal state. Relieved from her months of torment, Benica couldn't help but feel very light headed and relaxed. She was already very exhausted from the s*x and her eyes soon closed as she fell asleep.

Jia Chin also noted that the beauty under him was already sleeping and tried to pull his junior out.

That was when the System immediately prompted him.

"Wait! User, don't pull out yet. There is still a lot of Yin energy left to harvest from within her."

'Eh? B-But I have to go back home! Everyone will soon find out that I am not there!' Jia Chin's sight turned towards the window, as the night was still dark. He couldn't wait until sunrise to return, else there would be unknown consequences back at home.

"You Idiot, just make some poor excuse. The previous owner of the body used to sneak out at nights to drink, so no one would find anything suspicious." The System decided to read his memories and replied.

'Then... for how long am I supposed to be like this?' Jia Chin thought that his d*ck would turn flaccid soon, however the head of his p*nis was stuck closely with the womb's opening and was still erect.

"According to my estimate, around 9 hours or more." The System replied in it's usual emotionless voice.

'9-9 hours?! Hell no! This girl's parents would find me here instead in the morning! Are you really trying to get me killed or what?' Jia Chin's brows creased as he thought about this problem. He didn't want to be found n*ked in the Duke's daughter bed, with his d*ck buried deep inside her p*ssy. His head would fly off as soon as he gets found out.

"If that's the case then... at least for 1 hour today. Also You must continue to visit her for 10 days straight in order to truly harvest everything!" The System tried it's best to bargain with Jia Chin about the session duration. The purity and amount of Yin energy was too huge to pass off and the System wanted to get Jia Chin to the top as soon as possible.


'That's fine I think. But, what about after 10 days?' Jia Chin couldn't help but wonder about that. He had truly grown attached towards the lady and didn't want to leave her after using her. His inner guilt would kill him way before any enemy does.

"Her body would collect Yin energy automatically, so visit her every week. She would be ready for harvest then." The System sensed Jia Chin's unease and tried to relieve his worries. It didn't want to give up on such a fine way to collect pure Yin energy either.

'Wait.. if she attracts Yin energy in that much quantity.. what if I cultivated around her? Wouldn't the Yin energy divert itself towards me instead?' Jia Chin thought about this matter, as he couldn't help but applaud his own intelligence. After all, if he could cultivate with her nearby, then there would be no need to roam around the world to collect Yin energy at all.

"Don't look down on her physique! Cultivating around her would get you absolutely nothing in return!" The System shattered his fantasy of cheating the System. Benica's physique not only gathered the Yin energy from the netherworld, but also from around her.

On the contrary, the area around her would be quickly exhausted of it's Yin energy and the others around her would feel a sense of comfort and happiness.

Due to the unknown nature of her condition and the state of Yin Overload, people feared getting near her. Touching her was out of the question, as few examples were enough for others to isolate her like this.

'I see.. by the way, what are the levels of cultivation here? It certainly doesn't feels like how it used to be back then.' Since he was using a new cultivation method from a different plane of existence, Jia Chin was curious about the levels that he could breakthrough.

"Good Question. Finally interested, huh? Anyways.. there are seven Major realms.. not that there aren't any further, but we would be focusing on the seven realms instead." The System became excited as it relayed the basic information.

"There are nine stages to each realm, with every 3rd stage being a sub-realm. Breaking through a sub-realm would give you a major boost in strength and lifespan."


"The realms are the Mortal Realm, the Evil Minion Realm, the Evil Warrior Realm, the Evil General Realm, the Evil Lord Realm, the Evil Emperor Realm & the Evil Demi-God Realm."

"Equating with this world's standards, after breaking through the Mortal Realm, your strength would be equivalent to an C-rank adventurer. After the Evil Minion Realm, you can contest with a B-rank adventurer. Breaking through the Evil Warrior Realm will have you become equivalent to an A-rank adventurer. It's obvious, but the more you breakthrough, the more stronger you would end up becoming. Any questions?"

'Well... yeah. I did get everything but, what is my current cultivation status? I mean.. I cannot tell by the amount at all. I could only feel myself getting stronger.' The pure Qi in Jia Chin's dantian was the result of the Devil King's Cultivation Manual working at it's best. It was the result of Yin energy and so, couldn't be used or quantified in the same way that his previous cultivation world's Qi used to be.

"Hmm.. then how about this!"


"Your luck is marvelous, User. You have received the following enhancement!"

"Status Element - Let's User check his or someone else's Body Strength and Mana capacity. CAUTION: The element is incomplete and may not show all the data about other individuals."

"Now, try saying 'Status' in your mind while targeting yourself. You would be able to access your status window." The System ended it's charade of topics, as it's voice started to sound exhausted.

"Take care User. I will be sleeping for now."

'What? You even need to sleep? Are you some creature by chance?' Jia Chin became curious about the System's identity, since it was something that lived alongside him, he wondered if it was some evil spirit or some demon instead.

"..." There was no reply from the System, and it was unknown if the System didn't want to answer the query or it was asleep already.

'Alright. I really want to know my current strength. Umm... Status?' Jia Chin tried to follow the System's suggestion and called out the Status Function.

Immediately, a wall of characters appeared in his vision, as Jia Chin scanned all the information being displayed on it.



[Mode: Self Status]

[Name: Jia Chin]

[Race: Mortal Human]

[Body: Devil Cultivator (Devil King's Spiritual Roots)]

[Lifespan: 1*/70]

[Current Cultivation Stage: 2nd Stage Mortal Realm]

[Current World Rank Equivalent: F-rank]

[Cultivation Method: Devil King's Cultivation Manual (Supreme Grade), Incubus Lord's Yin Harvesting Manual (Supreme Grade)]

[Divine Power: Hell's Eternal Flame]

[Strength: Regular human]

[Agility: Regular human]

[Stamina: Regular human]

[Intelligence: Regular human]

[Endurance: Regular human]

[Luck: Abnormal]

[Magic: None]

[Overview: User has just begun growing. It is recommended not to become overconfident and to cultivate with diligence. User's body stats are equal to that of a regular human, so don't force yourself to do labor-intensive tasks. You would only end up injuring yourself that way. Luck of the User is truly abnormal, with yours truly by your side *wink*. It is recommended that User stays away from studying magic and to only cultivate like crazy. Mana isn't something that your body is capable of wielding. Overall, just sit tight and cultivate. Don't forget to Sign-In once in a while too.]


As Jia Chin scanned the visual screen in front of his eyes, he couldn't help but try touching it. It didn't work though, as he steadily digested all the information given to him.

'So.. this is that Status Element? My body strength is too weak right now. No choice then, I must cultivate as much as possible...' Jia Chin spoke in his mind as his will to get stronger fired up again.

An hour later.

"Dong! An hour has passed already. User can go for now, but it is recommended that User keeps visiting her!" The System prompted as it reminded Jia Chin about the Yin harvesting.

'Finally. I guess I would have to come back again later then." Jia Chin spoke as he pulled his waist back and his d*ck came out of from Benica's p*ssy.


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