《Seducing the Ladies Around Me》Chapter 12 - The thing called Love


Chapter 12 - The thing called Love


As Benica told Jia Chin about her inner thoughts, Jia Chin resolved himself and softly spoke in Benica's ears,

"You are not alone anymore, Miss Benica. I will be alongside you to help you along. You don't have to take all the burden by yourself."

Benica's body shook slightly as she turned to stare into Jia Chin's eyes with her moist eyes as she breathed rapidly.

"W-Will you really do it for me? But, why me.." Benica spoke as she looked away being very troubled with the feelings of inferiority and worthlessness.

The marriages among nobles were often very cruel. The ladies of the family were often told to be subservient to the heads of the family, and later their husband.

They were just tools for politics and diplomacy, to be thrown aside when not needed anymore. Things like love and understanding between a married couple were just a thing of fantasies for the women of the nobility.

Benica's own mother was never loved or cared for when her husband was still alive. As the frail and young Benica saw all of this while growing up, she couldn't help but hope for something unattainable.

For a Prince to be out there. Someone who would accept even someone as worthless and burdensome as her. It was just a fantasy at most, since her younger sister Nana was appointed as the future successor to his mother, while Benica was predicted to die very soon and quickly found herself abandoned by those around her.

It had been three months since her mother came to see her. Even the servants of the estate avoided her room and mistreated her, fearing to catch the terrible sickness. Only Nana would come to meet her during the night when she would be free from the rigorous training to be the next heir.


Benica was just waiting patiently for her little life to die out. She would often cry herself to sleep as she found no worth in living and fighting the illness any longer.

And now... someone was willing to be hers. Someone was being this kind to her. Someone was willing to sacrifice his future for her sake. Benica couldn't help but turn very emotional.

She was a gentle girl at heart and knew that finding someone like Jia Chin is just too big to be a coincidence. She felt like her own destiny was playing out by itself and blessing her with luck at last.

Benica didn't want a barbaric marriage life like the other nobles. She didn't want a relationship so lonely.

As Jia Chin looked at Benica lost in her own thoughts, he lost his patience and started to rub her bre*sts even more while letting his saliva out all over her soft bre*sts.

Benica came out of her thoughts as she stared at Jia Chin coming closer to her.

As Jia Chin observed her again, her flushed red face, dripping with sweat. Her disheveled hair and her wet eyes, Jia Chin was bombarded with such a fierce s*xual sed*ction.

"It's because.. Miss Benica is special." Jia Chin spoke to Benica while looking straight into her eyes.

"Special? Me?" Benica spoke in disbelief as her eyes opened up widely. There was a clear look of unease in those lonely eyes.

Jia Chin couldn't bear to see such a sight and gently caressed Benica's cheek.

"Yes. You are very special, Miss Benica. Meeting you like this is my greatest fortune."

"But... you would no longer have your skills anymore.. y-you would become a common person..."

"Not true at all. I have become extraordinary just by finding you, Miss Benica. I might have collected a lot of fame and wealth with those skills, but a lonely life with all of that means absolutely nothing. You are an extremely great lady, Miss Benica. You are so great that I think I don't even deserve to be around you..."


"T-That's..." Benica shook her head in disapproval as she denied my statement.

"That's not true at all! Mr. Leon is a wonderful person! Even Nana thinks very highly of you. Also.. I.." Benica became too emotional as she sobbed lightly.

Jia Chin caressed the side of her face as he gently asked her,

"Then.. would Miss Benica become my wife?"

"I.." Benica's face revealed obvious surprise as she never thought she would ever live to hear this sentence.

Tears started to fall out of her eyes rapidly as Benica embraced Jia Chin's back strongly.

Jia Chin was very nervous about this, since it was the first time he ever felt like this. It was an instant attraction for him. Although it hadn't been long since he met her, yet she already felt inseparable to him.

A new feeling called love was blossoming within him that Jia Chin hd quickly realized. What came next was the fear of being rejected. But, Jia Chin wasn't one to wait for chances and let out his true desire in front of Benica.

As Jia Chin felt Benica embrace his back, he couldn't help but get a feeling of security as it was his first time being embraced so lovingly. Though, the two soft things sticking close to his chest aroused him a lot too.

"I would be very happy to be Mr. Leon's wife.." Benica tried to speak through her tears as the words of acceptance rang out in Jia Chin's ears.

"R-Really? Are you sure?" Jia Chin had a hard time believing his ears as he asked her again to be sure.

"Yes. I have a feeling somehow that... becoming Mr. Leon's wife is what I was born to be. It's my first time meeting Mr. Leon, but... I feel very nice. I would never regret my choice and would never betray you. Please, love me too.." Benica spoke with a very charming and happy smile as she strongly embraced Jia Chin.

"I-I'm very glad.." Jia Chin spoke emotionally as he finally kissed Benica's sweet lips lightly.

And then there was the second.. and the third..

Jia Chin kept kissing Benica as he felt Benica's arms losing strength and falling back down.

As he looked into Benica's eyes once again, Jia Chin saw shyness, mixed along with l*st and passion. Benica had finally started to desire Jia Chin too.

Jia Chin overlapped his lips with hers as he kissed her full of excitement. After being sent away by the City Governor's wife, Jia Chin had felt very hurt.

He had tried his best to assure her that he would treat her very nicely, but he was turned down as his worth paled in comparison to the wealth and luxury of the City Governor. Jia Chin didn't even know what became of his unborn child in the previous world.

That event had almost extinguished his belief in the things called love and feelings. He had resolved himself to die alone and to never entangle himself with women ever again.

Now he realized how stupid he was. He had just chosen the wrong woman to invest his feelings into. Benica though, was everything he ever wanted. Not just because she would become an important ally to him in the future and would help him in becoming stronger, but because she would help him become a much more complete being, rather than just being an empty shell.


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