《Soul For Gaia》10. Morning Glory
Azel kicked Kain's butt to make him wake up because it was already morning, Kain who was half-conscious didn't seem to remember where she was.
"Ughh, this is the first time I have a problem waking up early. Why does my head feel so dizzy huh? "
"You drink too much for minors, you fool!"
After leaving the tent Azel and Kain helped the Lizardmen clean around the tent, if you look closely they were all fit enough for the crowd of people who were partying late into the night. Dorem was seen sitting near a campfire last night and the fire had become much smaller now, even so he was seen cooking something there and after a while waving at Sido.
"All right, let's eat breakfast first, you two come closer to my father"
Sido said that to then move to oversee the rows made by the other Lizardmen, as if they were queuing up for breakfast. There were two lines directed at the table where there were two other Lizardmen who distributed breakfast from a large pot, Azel felt a little uneasy because they both looked as if they were treated more special. But it looks like the other Lizarmen didn't care much about it, they seemed to be joking while talking to one another ignoring Azel and Kain's existence.
Azel threw away the bad feeling in his mind far away and started to walk, but just taking a few steps he realized that Kain had left him and sat with Dorem in front. He seemed to ask something and spoke with a serious expression, as Azel approached he instead stood up and started moving towards the queue line of the Lizardmen.
"Ok Zel-chan! I'm going over there! "
Azel paused to look at Kain, he spoke to Sido now and Sido seemed to laugh a little. Patting his back while laughing and bringing him to the fore front, smiling Kain walks confidently.
"Oui young man! Believe me you don't want to know and involve whatever they are doing, now come closer before the soup gets cold ”
Dorem greeted Azel suddenly by offering a bowl of soup to Azel, Azel turned to his side and sat next to him. Soup with chunks of potatoes, carrots, broccoli and corn, he also gets a piece of bread that is still warm.
"You guys open the kitchen here? ... Is this a base camp?"
"Well, this swamp doesn't give us much choice but to build a fortress, huh! I heard about your agreement with Sido last night, hmmm, but are you sure? Hunting there requires skilled combatants, if you are not one of them then it's the same if I send you to a certain death, I won't do it ”
"Hmm? Hey, I guess I need to hear the details? "
"There are several small lakes nearby which are connected by a canal that originates and ends at the big river Jansen, three, one in the southeast, one in the northwest and the last in the south downstream. The most likely one of course is the southeast, but that is the most vulnerable to being attacked by Mist monsters ”
"How can know that?"
"Our group is divided into four groups as soon as the hunt begins, one group stays here just in case and three others do the hunting. The group moving to the southeast is the one who definitely got this problem, I personally made sure on the last hunt. But take it easy! As you might have heard, there hasn't been a victim to death yet, just look at me ”
"Yes, I don't want to be like you, thank you. So, can you point out the place that is least attacked with the few problems that follow? If possible, there's no frog! "
"Are you sure? Let me just say again, hunting Koi is not that easy "
"Sido already mention it last night, I also not leave without preparation and plans. Well, from the very start, my plan was just to use God class luck of the blonde over there ”
Azel moved his thumb towards Kain who was sitting with the Lizardmen at the other group's place, he currently devoured the soup straight from his bowl and said 'Okawari' after the bowl was empty. The Lizardmen especially the Chef laughed at this, the blonde really blended in with them even though Azel was sure if he had only interacted with their race yesterday.
"You mean?"
Dorem looked at Azel now.
"He's a 'Holly Child'"
Hearing that Dorem's eyes widened and quickly turned to look at Kain once more, Now for the second time he said 'Okawari!' Again to the Chef who now poured the soup in a large bowl with a proud smile, Dorem looked Seriously at Azel afterwards.
"Are you sure!?"
"Yes, I myself was initially surprised. Meeting him in a corner of the middle of nowhere might be a coincidence, but it looks like the heavens really want me to deal with these people. This boy, Arban, Geb and that damn bitch, no, if those two are here it means that most likely four other too. Ckk ... I have to get out of this country immediately before the damn 'Dario' whines to ask for a duel, I hope I don't meet him while handing over this Koi ... Damn it, that bitch must have opened her mouth and told him to run here Akhhhh! "
Azel took a bite of the bread and chewed it in annoyance, after finishing the soup in his bowl in a few gulps. Dorem, as if transfixed by what Azel said, moved his hands as if to tell Azel to calm down.
"You've met Lord Arban apparently"
"And his two wives, they are at the initial vulnerable period of marriage huh?"
"Yes, they got married not long after the 'Grand Fall' was over, not many people know, but from the stories of people in the military that I heard from my second son, Ilajen is rumored to be a former rebel under the leadership of the 'Viridios' family who wants to return to power, capitalizing on the chaos during the 'Grand Fall' and intends to take over Elvia's throne ”
"Something like that happened in Elvia?
"It is not surprising that outsiders do not know because when the 'Grand Fall' occurs all access in and out is closed, this problem also does not want to be revealed by the Kingdom to guard the pride and has now become a public secret. Miranda also had her own problems, from what I heard she was a spy 'Beast God' sent to south. He is the Animus of the proud white tiger clan who even said that you would not be able to lie in front of her, it is strange if their country did not recognize her when she was caught by 'Rapoz'. Arban saves her during the 'Raporz' invasion which also utilizes 'Grand Fall'. And with the rebellion that happened at the same time. God, Elvia almost broke at that time. We ordinary people do not really know the details, but Arban got the title 'Spear of Jansen' and a position in 'Pillar Knight' afterwards and is also considered a hero because of his services. In short, Arban uses his position as 'Pillar Knight' to protect them both ”
"Wirklich ... just like in films, Arban is really the man huh? Oh yeah, he's a 'Holly child', he has no choice but to be dragged by destiny ... "
Azel was silent for a moment with his last word.
"Looks like I've been too far removed from what I want to talk about, for God's sake, but no... "Holly Child" has its own destiny, maybe I shouldn't interfere and let him polish his own destiny. We, who are lying here, have nothing else to pray for. For all your praise, we are deaf and blind. We might never know if you betrayed our Hope, to make the earth better for humanity. Ahh even though times has passed and era have changed, hopefully the destiny they carry can erased the world curse”
Dorem looked up at the sky, closed his eyes and with his finger stroked his chin slowly.
"Oi oi oi stop continuing to hope in destiny, he won't hear you if you don't do what you should. Sorry if I'll disappoint you a little, but I've met 10 ‘Holly Child’ in person until this moment. And more than half of them I can be sure to be unworthy, you see that stupid blonde who has trouble sitting because of overkill his breakfast? Do you want to put the hope of the world on their shoulders? "
Kain sat with his both hands on the ground and with his face looked up, he began to breathe out of his mouth to contain vomiting due to satiety. The other lizardmen who were sat around him laughed out loud, but Dorem paid no heed to that ”
"Ten!!!? That much!!!? Elvia has only two in the last three hundred years, and that like a miracle! Did you hear what I said about Lord Arban just now !? They are indeed the chosen people to bear the destiny of the world! ”
"You talk like an acute follower of the 'Gaia Church', don't you worship the Dragon God or maybe the Forest God?"
"I'm only talking about facts, son! But let's forget about that for a moment, you said you met ten people ‘Holly Child?’
"Yes, Arban and Kain are the last two people. I can say if Arban is ok after seeing the reaction of the people around him, he is as good as you say. But for the eight people in 'Ishtora', most of them are rotten. Three bitches and an idiot who is vulnerable to manipulation named ‘Endario’, ’Gabriel’ is quite ok but ‘Samid’ may be as dumb as the blonde here. A person from an alliance who better just die! And one last person that I trusted ... Wait, Gareth isn't ‘Holly Child’ even though he's a ‘Regalia’ user. So it's only 9 huh? Right? Gareth is not 'Holly Child' so he doesn't count. "
"Hoo has someone been chosen to use the 'Holy Regalia'? What's more he is not ‘Holly Child’ !? this is good news! That means there is still hope left for Elvia! "
"Well, there are still three no two empty slots, because one of the 'Regalia' is still missing since the last 'Grand Fall'. You said Elvia has two 'Holly Child' right? I support them! "
"Hmmm no, no. Lady Odesha has followed the selection for the pass two hundred years, but the results have been zero. Lord Arban even participated in the Chosen group in the previous 'Grand Fall', although the Chosen fall one by one but until the end he remains unelected. Well, indeed Arban did not take part in the final defense battle because of the problem in 'Elvia'. But the people closest to him know that if he has his own remorse for that, from what I have heard he is quite close to the prince Alexsei”
"Prince Iscandar who led the warriors of the Alliance and died because he protected Yaggdrasil desperately to bitter end?"
"Yes, Even for us it was really a... stifling news. I met him once, he went to Jansen on one business, perhaps trying to mediate to withstand the damn 'Raposz' invasion. He is a brilliant and well educated person, just a few minutes talking to him you will know if he is someone special. It's truly a pity he died young, I heard Iscandar was also very lost because he was the crown prince and was very loved by his people "
"Someone like that exists eh? Very unfortunate indeed ... wait? Lady Odesha is also a 'Holly Child'? means the number goes back to ten huh "
"Zel-Chan ~! We're going to postpone a little delay okay! I'm having trouble moving right now! "
Kain shouted complaining to Azel about his condition, Azel looked at him with an annoyed face.
"What is he eating to be a clown like that?"
"Well we still have a lot of meat that hasn't been eaten from last night and ... maybe it could be the main food during this hunt"
Azel glanced at Dorem with a pale look, his imagination suddenly chasing after him.
"You do not..."
"Take it easy, that's why you're here"
"Huff ..."
Azel sighed to give thanks, he did not find meat in his soup.
"You really privileged us, I'm a little embarrassed to thank you"
"Wahahaha young man, if you are already in the phase of life as a parent. You will understand if it is your duty to teach the things that should be and be an example to the younger ones ”
"Hmmm I will remember your words, but I come from a world that I can say has deep darkness. Kindness is something that might be useless if it is not done in the form of repayment, to be honest, I only saved your granddaughter just to use the privileges of her Lizardmen senses. If not..."
"But you saved her"
Dorem interrupted Azel's words in a deep and calm voice, he also looked at Azel with a slightly warmer look.
"Regardless of your intentions, you really saved her, we don't have many colleagues in this land. Listen young man, yesterday when we first met I had already decided to arrest you when I saw you. There's darkness there, it's the eyes of people who will do anything for their purpose. Ambition? Malice? Grudge? Whatever it is I already understand it is very dangerous with just one look ”
"Then why? ..."
"Kain there is quite different, a really contradiction from you. He has the eyes of someone who could be trusted, white like a new canvas that I rarely encountered so makes me decided to think twice. And ... how do you say yes, I’am... rather, we rarely get fair treatment from ordinary people outside our race. Even for Elvia, we are still seen as strangers by many people here. Even though I'm used to it, but sometimes when I walk in the city, their eyes seem to piercing even though it's done by mere child. You two aren't like that, you talk to us and act normal. Cain is even more interested in talking more things, furthermore even"
"He's just a country brat, sorry for your story"
"Haha ... young man, have you seen the black side of the world? I can say you look at people from only two things, enemy or not. So bad is the darkness you mentioned earlier? So that young lad like you ..."
"The most rotten part"
Now Azel who interrupts Dorem with a bitter expression, his eyes look sharp yet it was pitch black without light.
"That is a place where animals are treated better than people, and lives are no more than a piece of named paper. A world regardless of race, nationality, age, gender or whatever you are. There are only enemies and ally, who can be trusted or not. Many wise people say that the world is gray, but for us 'Chaos Child' there are only them and us. Be it black, white or gray can all be enemies now or later "
Azel then looked at Dorem with a flat gaze, but his pupilless eyes were truly like a bottomless darkness.
"I see, 'Chaos child' eh? No wonder the eyes are so gloomy, ahhh it seems I understand. Of course of course! Even though I already feel like winning in bad luck Wahahahaha! ”
Dorem seemed to understand it all and laugh in satisfaction, whether it was for himself or Azel or to break the ice around em. Azel only moved one eyebrow for that, he also thought not to continue this heavy conversation in the morning.
"Alright, looks like it's about time we part here"
Azel took out a small box from his 'CR', it was a digital waker watch and the number 8.23 was seen there. Dorem who saw the object and looked at him curiously, Azel was not aware of it and he put it in again after confirming the time.
"I hope you don't mind if we head to the south? I mean if we take the one in the northwest we might get lost ”
"Ahh!? Yes, from here on I have made totem-shaped markers along the road so you won't get lost if you follow it. The distance between one totem and another is quite far, but if you use a compass and move in a straight line from here I guarantee you will definitely see it because I made it high enough to be seen from a distance ”
"Hmmm, I will use Blonde as a foothold then. The weeds are quite high, "
"Well uhh, I guess you just have to jump. Stepping on ‘Holly Child’ might make you unlucky, and that’s also a bad thing. ’
"The teachings of the Gaia Church really have brainwashed many people of the southern continent huh? Do you know that your last advice is much better than the first? Sorry if I don't want to take the possibility to deal with toad again by releasing my aura, Brrrrr just thinking about it disgusts me ughhhh ”
"You know, being wise is better than brave. But this is not like what I hear about common things for a 'Chaos Child', you look quite cheerful and have a good sense of humor despite having the eyes of a dead fish. But you have a point, Jura might be an exception. Because usually frogs here not lives alone, what else is a female "
"Oi oi oi, stopped trying to scare me. Aghhhhhh, I asked you which one didn't have a frog. So?"
"Wow, unfortunately I can't be certain of that, crocodiles and snakes have clear nests and territories. But for frogs, they are scattered all over on this swamp. "
Dorem spoke with raised and stroking his chin with his nails once more, he seemed to enjoy their conversation. As for Azel, his face became sweaty and paler every second imagining the dozens of frogs he might encounter.
"BWAHAHAHAHA, are you sure if you are a 'Chaos Child'? I heard you guys are troubled individuals whose work only brings disaster. But if you see your condition now, you are nothing more than a spooky-eyed boy, maybe this is what Mifa meant by Lord Ka'ajmir whose face looks like a cold murderer but actually whiny! HAHAHAHAHA !!! "
Once again Dorem laughed freely until there were tears, he seemed satisfied with the reaction shown by Azel. The other Lizarmen turned around to hear his laughter, Kain who was lying on his back even raised his head to look at them. Azel can only crack his teeth as his face gets red with embarrassment, unexpectedly his phobia will really make him in this condition.
"Take it easy, I have a solution for your problem, just a moment"
Dorem finally stood up and headed for one of the tents which also seemed to be the tent where the bait was stored that Azel saw last night. Azel, whose face was still flushed, stepped weakly toward Kain without opening his eyes, only after getting close enough did he look at Kain who was burping and seemed to want to sleep again.
"Alright Blonde, get ready because we're leaving in five minutes!"
"Ehhh! Isn't that too fast ... I think I want to poop, but it's still just a signal, though ”
"You can throw it away where we're going fishing, I hear it's a big stream of water!"
"I don't recommend it"
Sido, who was not far from Kain interrupted while checking his hunting gear, he gripped his spear and made sure to keep it straight when talking to them.
"Some of the animals in this swamp, especially catfish, might get hooked and bite your butt. But that might be good, if the timing is right you can spear and finish him in one strike. Well it depends on your cooperation! "
"Are you suggesting that I hold the spear while watching the white butt of this blonde let out his Shit? Hell no!"
"I'm also not very comfortable if my butt is stared at by someone else while taking dump, thank you!"
"I'm just giving advice, who knows the Koi you are looking for will be coming hahahaha"
"You're really your father's son huh?"
"Can you show me where the toilet is?"
"See the earth wall that surrounds this place? The entire area after twenty meters from the wall is a natural toilet! Please ease yourself"
"... ... ..."
Silent for a moment, Kain then stood up and began to step away then jumped over the wall and quickly disappeared behind the reeds. Not long after Dorem came out of the tent and came to Azel after giving orders to the Lizardmen near them to leave the three of them alone, then he handed a small talisman that smelled familiar to Azel.
"This we got from my son in the military, made from 'Artemis Hamlet' flower extracts. Strange indeed, but the scent of the flower was truly disliked by monsters. We proved it ourselves, we were never attacked by monsters during the return journey. "
"Hey Father!!!"
"I know! Promise me if you never say this to anyone in the city, no to anyone if you can. Right now we only use this method, I mean this is indeed a military secret item and we could get into trouble if it gets caught. Especially if it falls into the hands of the enemy of the Kingdom, wah it can be a big disaster. Indeed technology can develop rapidly in human hands and it is inevitable, sooner or later they will also use this too. And this natural fort called Magnild Marsh will be meaningless. Well, I hope it won't happen anytime soon "
"Strange, this is my first time hearing about this. As far as I know, only the flower 'Artemis Hamlet' planted on the ground had the effect of driving away monsters, and even then it was done carefully and in a very special way. If you plant it carelessly the effect will decrease, disappear even. Only dumb one dos that, likes of Goblin "
Azel was a little unsure of what he had just heard. If the thing Dorem said was the truth, he should have known it too. Ishtora as the country where this 'Artemis Hamlet' flower was discovered and developed never released any information about it. If that's true, then the black world should be the first to know and use it, because this thing could be treat as a weapon. Demon may be born and live in a dungeon, but monsters live in all corners of this world and some turn be a serious problem in various countries.
Of course 'Artemis Hamlet' is an amazing innovation, and people aren't stupid not to try to make a natural perfume from it to get the same results. But unfortunately, until now no news has been heard if someone managed to produce perfumes or fragrances that have the same effect. So...
"As my father said, this was a military secret, the Elvia alchemists managed to improvise it. The Elves in this Kingdom were very enthusiastic about everything related to nature and natural thing from what I heard. This object is very useful and very dangerous if misused. Azel, once again I tell you not to let others know. My father is... "
"You know, with all the words of intention to enter the military, rumors, important information and things you just gave me. for your good, I must say if you look like spies or maybe illegal arms dealers”
"What did I say Father!?"
"Hey hey hey don't talk to your father as if I made a big mistake, I didn't do anything without thinking about the consequences! And I'm sure if my judgment on people isn't just wrong, right Azel?”
Dorem looked at Azel with one eye that signaled that he was hoping for something, but Azel felt something else instead.
"Wait, are you guys really a spy?"
"Of course not !!!" 2x
Dorem and Sido answered it almost simultaneously, they seemed to be getting nervous about what had just happened. Dorem explained that his son in charge of the military requested permission for this object to be used by them as a practical field trial, especially since it is true that the work in the swamp is indeed full of high-risk encounters with monsters. With various considerations the request was finally granted by the Kingdom, and because of their cooperation and contribution in the trial, the kingdom allowed and gave them the finished goods. Of course they were given some limits, even Dorem said that apart from him and Sido none of their group members knew about this thing.
"Alright, I'll believe it a little. After all, there is no point for you to be a spy, if that will only tarnish the name Ra’livi. Right? "
"That is true! Our blood is not cowardly blood! Ra'Livi is a patriot! "
"Father, he once again just wants to use your fanatical attitude to the ancestors, you know! Well if the blood flowing in my veins can be a guarantee of our good name, I'm also a little flattered ... but you should say to believe completely ”
"Huh, I promise you not to spill this for now because there really is no benefit to me. And it's better if you don't say anything to that blonde, he could have accidentally said it to someone else.
Azel saw Kain had just jumped into the camp, it seemed he had finished defecate and walked casually toward them while stroking his buttocks. Azel immediately put the talisman into his pants pocket at the back.
"Wow, my poo looks big and healthy!"
"... ..."
"??? Why are you guys so silent? "
"Where there are people who boast of their filth in the morning!?"
"Buhahaha you right!"
"Ughh fine then, Dorem, Sido. If that's the case, please excuse us, hopefully we can meet again on another occasion "
"Are you sure? You can come back here and spend the night after your hunt is over. The effect of the object is not so long, maybe only 6 hours after being activated. Have you activated it, Father? "
"From the earlier, of course. The thing that has been used will not leave any residue to be traced and copied its material, it is also one of preventing leakage of information created by Elvia great alchemist. You heard that stupid kid, your father didn't act recklessly. Even though he opens his mouth, without proof this will only become a rumor ”
"You and your grand plans Father, you said all that in front of Kain, you know?"
"Hoo, Kain. Do you know anything about this? "
Kain was silent with suspicious eyes, looking at them one by one before speaking later.
"What are you talking about? Zel-chan? "
"Hmmm so, they really have technology that can't be underestimated yes? Once again we are racing against time huh? What if we use Mana? are we still safe? At first I thought of running as hard as I could ”
"Hey, what are you guys talking about?"
"We don't know, you see with this much equipment we carry we don't have much choice. But maybe you can try it, I have never heard of a monster coming closer to the Safe Zone ”
"Well, well then, it seems like you have to say goodbye to your toad meat Kain. We will immediately run to Adali once our hunt is over! "
"Hey, are you sure, Zel-chan? Just one more night! They say because it's in a hurry that they aren't perfect to make seasonings. But the chef said he will release the secret recipe tonight! ”
"I don't want to stay longer in this damn place! ... I'm sorry you two"
"Well, no problem, because you do have a problem"
Dorem and Sido chuckled at Azel's pain expression.
"Be... besides, you can eat meat as soon as you get to town."
"But, but..."
"Wahahaha, don't worry, Kain, you can visit our village and we will welcome you with a special meal from our clan. The city people know the place and all you have to do is ask them where Slytherin is, we are very famous! "
"Is it true!?"
"Well, it depends on the results of our hunt. Soonest possible 3 days away ... make it 5 days if 'Mist Monster' interference happen"
"Sorry, it looks like it won't happen anytime soon. I have a need and want to hurry to Adilheida as soon as possible to go home. And you're Blondie, don't you have some business too? "
"Uhhh you're right Zel-chan, I'm sorry, Dorem-san"
"Wahahaha next time, no problem, you're still young!"
Then they shook hands with one another and smiled, after that Azel and Kain began to leave while waving. While walking, Azel opened the conversation ...
"Listen, Kain, we're starting to run using Mana from here. There are a number of safe zones with Artemis Hamlet flower there, so we will use that to avoid being attacked by monsters”
"Ohh so that's what you guys are talking about? No wonder I smell the aroma "
"The safe zone is inhabited by other groups, so the Dorem group does not want to look for problems by rubbing against racial differences or trivial issues"
"Ehh? Something like that happen? Even though they are good people "
"Everyone has their own problems, but that's not our problem here. ‘Artemis Hamlet ’has an effective radius range in use, just hoping that the radius is wide enough to be a safe path that we can pass. And fortunately, according to Mr. Dorem. The place we are going to is in the south and we just run straight from here, there will be a totem-shaped marker all the way so we won't get lost ”
"Ho hoo they are really good people, we are really lucky to meet them"
"... You're right, are you ready?"
"Okay Zel-chan!"
And soon in one move the two of them just disappeared, Dorem and Sido who saw their back disappearing now sighed.
"A strange combination, ‘The reality is stranger than fiction’ they say hahahaha"
"Azel seems to be a smooth liar that he can be as detailed with just a little information, no. Is it possible cause Cain is too innocent? If there really is a safe zone in this swamp, why doesn't he realize that there aren't any flowers he encounters here? Indeed, the lie is very reasonable if there is a smell of flowers, hahahaha ”
"He's a 'Chaos Children', naturally with his hard life making him so"
"What Father!? Are you sure!?"
"He said that earlier, you must have noticed something out of the ordinary in his eyes when we first met him"
"I know, but? Are you sure? 'Chaos Children' ... Those who are cursed by Asur, the herald of darkness"
"You shouldn't just believe people's words, this is also your first time meeting one of them right? He’s Not that bad, it's good enough in my opinion ”
"Hmmm, that's right. I don't know why I feel like he is a normal person who just got bad luck”
Having just finished his sentence, suddenly an explosion sound could be heard in the southern horizon along with smoke and ash which soared into the sky could be seen there. Seeing that, Dorem again raised and stroked his chin.
"It seems that the talisman is ineffective when you used it while running with high speed hmmm, the scent was blown back and the monsters in front will not smell em. We’ve gota good data without having to test first hahahahaha! "
"Hey Father! Don't we need to help them !? "
"No, you have seen that they are strong right? After all, Kain was a 'Holly Child'. His destiny will not allow him to die here "
"HAH!!! Then we have more stronger reason to save them now! "
"If they die, they dies. I belive they have their own destiny to walk on, let's get ready to hunt! ”
"Ukgggg ..."
Sido could only watch Dorem stepping back to leave him, he clenched his fist strongly and turned towards the explosion in the south. He could only offer a prayer for their safety and then turned to follow his Father preparing to begin their hunt.
- In Serial53 Chapters
Anyhorr. The game is based on the horrors and nightmares of thousands of players. Players enter the game suddenly, not of their own free will. They can't leave the game. They have no choice. Play or die. Who will be the winner of this game? What's the price of winning? To defeat a monster, you must become a monster. Dear Readers. English is not my native language. I live in Siberia. This is a novel I am writing for practice. I know it will probably be a bit rough, but I thank you in advance for giving it a chance.
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"Your mind is dark, your eyes are dull, your life is bleaker than feces, and your heart is covered in ash." She removed one hand to keep her veils on her head as the topmost shawl slipped down her neck. She continued to speak, "Your blood is cold. If you remain this way, you will die before you can find your love." The Krasean lowered his veil, revealing his face to us. He tipped his head upward so I can see his honey coloured eyes that were duller than his peoples'. Black eyeliner outlined the rim of his eyes, drawing attention to his enchanting eyes. "Whoever your lover is, they are your other half. You will endure hardships and pain because of them. You will also make them feel the same." She looked conflicted like she did not know whether to tell me this was good or bad. "In their eyes, you are the evilest and the godliest. How contradicting this is!" "Did you slap me?" I held the helmet between the pit of my elbow and my waist. One hand slowly reached up to rub my numb cheek. It has been forever since someone last slapped me. Now, no one who knew my identity would dare to hit me directly. "The blood coursing through your veins, it's hot and dangerous. You cannot be tamed easily and this may be the cause of your downfall." A strange grimace graced her wrinkled face. I swear to the gods she is ageing each second! "I see your fall. Someone with too much power automatically becomes a threat. You're no longer seen as an ally, but a monster."
8 182 - In Serial8 Chapters
A vampires who rules in the night. Ankoku has a blood of a powerful being and that being is a progenitor of a vampire.
8 92 - In Serial29 Chapters
Ashtray/Javon/Stanley imagines
includes:ashtray (euphoria)javon (the actor)stanley (the umbrella academy)he is a minor so no sexualising him or his characters please, thank you!!
8 94